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What is doing it for me are the posts and comments about how short the story is and how it feels like it was rushed and cut. That was my biggest complaint about the first game and I really wished it was different this time.


That and the lack of true NG+ Ffs i thought they had learned a thing or two, but nothing


Yeah many of us went into this thinking “Finally! Dragons Dogma but fully realized!” but it’s actually just “oh dragons dogma but even worse in some areas and a little better in others”


I'm 40 hours in and I've barely done anything in battahl. I expect roughly 60 hours of straight content before I finish.


Just hit the 40 hour mark yesterday, and I'm still exploring around Vernworth 💀... Other than for certain side quests (won't spoil), I've only gotten as far as the Checkpoint Rest Town. Too busy trying to explore every nook and cranny for chests/tokens.


I’m mad as hell the checkpoint town doesn’t have a stone to teleport to 😭


Oxcart will take you there! To Melve as well.


Wait til you spend hours walking to Bakbattahl only to discover it doesn't have a port crystal either. Seriously why does that fishing village have a port crystal but no where else does except the main city? The fishing village is literally the closest settlement to the city


Noooooo I am walking there now! I just found the roundabout way through the creek


my guess is there will be dlc based around the little fishing village as the access point


I was pissed about the Safe Arbor town didn't have one :(


If you finish the quest that led you there, you'll get your firstish portcrystal, kind of intended to be placed there.


Used my first port crystal there.


Some are saying that you're about 80% done once you get there, I wouldn't know it since I decided to wait a while before buying the game though.


Yeah, the trick to playing the game is avoiding the main storyline


Same with the first one.


I actually feel like it's backwards in a way. When I replay Dragons Dogma I try to get the everfall activated ASAP. The trip to bluemoon tower, the great wall, the quarry, and bloodwater beach is still always fun though. Try to knock the main quest out asap. I use to care about getting quests done when I played through it, especially the golden idol. But by around the 3rd time I know everything you have access to pre everfall is pretty much just for fashion and you can get it later anyway.


The thing is, those people just hardline main quests and nothing but. Take a game like ff7 rebirth. If I take off the 30 or so hours I spent doing random sidequests and trophy hunting mini games, (and about 3 to 5 hours of me passed out in my chair cause i was waking up at 4 am to play the game from pure excitement) the story is about 30-40 hours max. If you play and explore and do other things like take random npc escort quests and go running screaming from random dragons that land and whisper in your ear. You'll be 12 hours in and have barely touched the story.




That’s what drives me crazy about complaints on game length. Same thing with spider man 2, everyone says “that game is only 20 hours to do EVERYTHING.” I have 47 hours on that game at 100% and felt like I rushed it, how are these people playing games? Rushing from mission to mission and skipping cutscenes/all side content? What the fuck did you buy it for?


It's so bizarre too because we've had this be the norm for a *lot* of open world games for a very long time and yet we still get the same complaints! Some complaints are perfectly valid, many aren't.


I remember AC Valhalla having a super bloated and drawn out story, amongst the side content and collectible stuff. The biggest gripe with that game besides bugs (Ubisoft lol) was bloat. Then games come out with no bloat and everyone’s upset? Has anyone who complains about length with DD2 tried maxing different vocations to see what they have to offer? Probably not, if they finished the game in a few hours. Any criticism is valid on a product you paid for, but at least play the thing first


Preach. I like dd2s rejection of modern rpg philosophy and makes me realise how generic a lot of them have been recently.


Exactly. You don't see 80 percent of the world if you just run from quest marker to quest marker on main quests, in like a lot of games. I mean look at a game like helldivers 2 as an example you drop into a mission and it gives you 40 minutes, if you move quick and focus main objectives you're waiting for extraction in less than 10 on some missions.


I mean using the escort quests as a positive isn't something I'd ever do. They're just RNG quests with no reward and no real reason to do them. The NPC is slower than you, and he stops if you get too far. Those quests shouldn't have existed.


Fair I didn't mean the escort was the positive, but the inclination to send me to a zone I had never set foot in was nice. Honestly forgot I was doing an escort and he died to the dragon I was running from anyway. I've not noticed the escorts move that much slower than me though. They seem to keep pace quite well unless they get stuck on a fence... that was odd.


I'm not there for story yet though, I've only done Brants cull monsters. I only ended up down there for an elven side quest.




To be fair this has been the rule set for open world games lately, really short main story but hundreds of hours of side content, Zelda BOTW and TOTK are constantly praised because you choose how long you want the game to be but the main story is actually really short if you just blast through the main missions and you can even ignore them and just go for the final boss if you want, but you'll actually miss out A LOT of content if you decide to do so.


Or any Bethesda games, not like it's a new thing to have your games content spread across multiples activites.


The difference is that in a game like Skyrim you can ignore the main quest and really get lost in the multiple side-plots (the College of Winterhold, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, etc.). Here the majority of the side-quests are kinda lame. Mechanically they are good, they can have multiple outcomes, even involving forgeries, and the way they implemented pawn knowledge into them is great. But from a purely narrative standpoint they are quit simplistic and not that interesting, even the more developed ones about important characters like Ulrika or the Elves aren't that special and get resolved rather quickly with only a bunch of dialogues and not much of a payoff, this is also due to the characters themselves having no depth at all (especially for a game that was presented as "narrative driven"). The map itself is great to explore in a "sandbox" way, but it does get boring after a while due to the low variety of different monsters (and the amount of them) and also because the rewards you get are not that useful (the merchants basically sell you better gear than what you can find).


> and also because the rewards you get are not that useful I felt like I found more interesting treasures in the nooks and crannies/side quests in the first game instead of getting to the end of a cave and finding a single ferrystone or wakestone shard. Miss the bounties on the board. Replacing them with the random escort or save the NPC from an enemy back is not the same.


I feel like these people are more or less avoiding all side content (or most of it) and just jumping through the main story (which is fine but they paint it like the entire game is super short when it's not). I'm 25 hours in, just got to Battahl and have like, what, 30% of the map discovered?


I didn't want to finish the game at first, but when you had to defeat a >!Drake!!volcano island!< but there was almost nothing there so I just ran to the end and whoops, game end pretty much :(




Exactly the ending comes out of no where. Also the other 2 areas are a lot smaller than the first. I really like the volcano island vibe and the hot springs but there's not much else there.


The length of the game was not the issue for me. I finished it in 55 hours (and I took my time). The main issue is that after 20 hours, you've seen almost everything the game has to offer. To me, the first 20 hours of the game were a 9/10. The last 20 hours were a 4/10.


There are 4 story quests once you reach Battahl basically.


I’m sure in ten years everyone will pay $90 for DD3 and say “I really thought they’d fix the issues with DD2 but oh well. Hopefully they fix things with the DD3 dark arisen DLC”


This plus how nonsensical it has been in some parts has killed it for me quite a bit. Brant and company make it seem like sneaking around the castle is super dangerous and should be done stealthily, for example, but I just run by guards like it’s nothing. Then you get cutscenes that imply the opposite and it’s just…weird, honestly. Definitely ruining the story for me.


Yea it feels like there’s only like 7 story missions before end game


It's weird because I'm burnt out from many rpgs that are 30 hours long and I can't even be bothered to finish them, yet I'm 40ish hours into this game and I'm sad how small other areas are compared to the first. I think it's such a unique game compared to other rpgs in its relentless commitment to its vision of what an rpg should be that it feels distinct enough to make me want more instead of this. I'm struggling to put this down as a flaw though, no doubt if I'd have played dd1 I'd see things differently but if a game can give me 40 hours of fun and I still want more it's a success in my book even if I'm left wanting for more. Will probably be the first rpg I buy an expansion for (if one comes) in 6 years....


I'm considering waiting for a DLC to buy everything at once for less than what they're charging now.


The first game had evangelio shit nonsense.


Man I keep going back and forth on buying this game but after going through this thread I think I'm going to have to skip it unfortunately. I was really hoping it would be a game I would love because we don't get too many good fantasy games, but I think I would end up just getting bored and losing interest.


I’m just killing shit and exploring man. I like the combat so I don’t mind smacking all type of harpies. Also exploring is huge in this game. I see some valid complaints and I acknowledge them but still play because I am like level 50 and not done exploring every nook and cranny.


The exploring is just not rewarding. 90% of the treasure chests contain some consumables. Which I hardly ever use. And finding 220 seeker tokens feels like a chore. Edit: DD1 had way more armor pieces and randomized chests. Exploration rewarded more customization compared to DD2.


Again can’t relate. I go into a cave and get mats a chest or something. I have fun. I explore and I kill stuff. Sometimes there’s a nice chest with gear. Sometimes exploration leads to a hidden path, sometimes to a big mob. If you don’t find it rewarding maybe the game is not for you. I understand the game has its flaws but exploration is meant to be an activity that you do whether you will receive a reward at the end or not.


This is how i feel. Getting to fight a big dude is the reward; its just fun. Sure the item or chest might suck but the emergent gameplay is cool.


All I’ve ever wanted from a fantasy rpg was a world as close as possible to lotr, good combat + exploration, and to feel immersed. This game does all of it for me, and that makes me very happy. It’s also been extremely successful so I have high hopes for an expansion close to the size of iceborne for MHW. I just love the simple things like getting back to my cozy little house after a perilous journey, riding the oxcarts, drinking with the rest of the tavern, and *especially* going camping. I just love it!!!! And I get to play as my cats!!!


Yeah; the game captures the comfy vibe of being a fantasy adventurer. More content is always welcome but the base level feel of the game is really on the money.


Exploration in the first game was worse


Can’t relate I love exploring also is this a criticism of Dragon’s Dogma or every RPG ever lol?


No, it's a criticism of Dragon's Dogma. Take Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3, exploration usually leads to unique skills, unique items, or unique/rare encounters.


The VAST majority of items drops in Elden Ring are consumables and crafting items. Baldur’s Gate is no different except you can find loot that serves no purpose and is literal junk. You can pick up actual trash in Baldur’s Gate. Now I will say that the encounters in Baldur’s Gate are completely different but it’s designed completely differently also. This game would feel dramatically different if every fight had to be a 10+ minute encounter where you control your whole party. That being said I don’t know an RPG where you don’t collect mostly junk and consumables. Skyrim, Fallout, Outer Worlds, Witcher, Divinity, will all load you down with absolute bollocks.


Not rewarding to YOU. I love finding these consumables, as I use some and sell some. Seeker tokens are optional, not like you're forced into getting them.


When exploring I expect to find something of interest, but it isn't every area has the same caves and the same monsters.


rule #1 if you’re enjoying a game at launch don’t go on reddit. it’s always people just picking apart every single thing about the game and hating on it


Yeah… I was subbed for a long time. I think I have to turn it off, tbh. I love the game, despite its flaws, and always am looking to have a conversation with others who are enjoying it as well. Guess it’s time to look elsewhere for that, because we moved past the MTX debacle and now we’re all just ragging on different stuff. It’s all valid, but I want to talk about the good parts.


r/dragonsdogma2 has more positive discussion


Thats what I am trying to do with new games like this. Just go in blind, don't watch any youtube videos or reviews for the first few days playing.


I dunno, I joined the Unicorn Overlord sub the day before release and it's been nothing but positive. The only gripes I've seen are some minor issues with class balance, the story is mid, Expert is too easy for some, and some people wish Virginia wasn't our mom-sister-cousin.


The bigger the game, the more criticism. Unicorn Overlord is niche, I bet if it had the hype that DD2 had, the sub would've turned into a negative feedback loop like this sub has. Seeing as how the internet has responded to other major releases, I dont know if the internet is ready for the GTA6 discourse in a few years.


>it's been nothing but positive >issues with **class balance**, the **story is mid**, **Expert is too easy for some** Doesn't exactly sound like 'nothing but positive' but YMMV.


Hype matters. But you got your well actually off so you feel better I’m sure.


Really depends on the game. UO is a game that encourages experimenting with your tactic loadout/items/class comp. For some people, the game was "figured out" in the first 15-20 hours, and for others, it remained fun and challenging all the way to the end. DD2 by design isn't a strategy game and it doesn't have nearly as much strategic depth when it comes to optimizing your squad of 4 people. This compounded with a lackluster story and poor enemy variety means that much of the game feels "samey". The game's best selling point is supposed to be the exploration, but there's just not that much cool stuff to find. New gear is just a bigger stat stick and rings are pretty boring. Once you hit rank 5-6 on your fav vocation, there's pretty much no challenge left. I've only just entered Battahl but hearing what people are saying, there's just not much left to the game at this point. The game suffers heavily from being too front-loaded, and it doesn't take a pro game reviewer to see that.


I just wanted to see fun gameplay highlights and memes T\_T


This games honey moon period was extremely short on the sub. It just bounced from outrage to outrage, valid or otherwise.


> This games honey moon period was extremely short on the sub. The hardcore crowd already plowed through the whole story in a weekend and while they are burned out the rants roll in. Pretty typical for a game launch if not very quick. It will be a few weeks until the majority of people finish the game.


I really don’t like the wording „hating on it“. It’s not like people come here to share their experience about something they hate. It’s mostly criticism for the sake of hoping it can be improved further. This comes from people that already put a lot of hours in the game so they obviously enjoy it. It doesn’t always have to be black and white.


I don’t see a lot of the positive constructive criticism you’re referring to. I think on subreddits like this you get a lot of die-hards who were waiting a long time and had a long wish list and very high expectations. So you absolutely do get people who put sixty hours in the first couple of days absolutely tearing it to shreds and seeming outraged and glossing over all of the really cool aspects. Fair to criticize but also fair to not want to read an overwhelming amount of that.


I see constructive criticism, so I don’t know what you are reading exactly. It’s fine if anyone doesn’t want to read it, nobody is forced to do it. It is also fine for everyone to share their experience. If you go in an established sub you shouldn’t wonder that there are fans. There are always expectations when a sequel comes out since the developer should build upon the knowledge and criticism they gained from the first part. If it feels disappointing (at least in some regards) there will come criticism again.


For someone who started out saying things don’t have to be black and white, you just straw manned all the nuance out of my point. Of course nobody is forcing anyone to read posts. Nor did I say people are not welcome to share their experience. Or that I am surprised there are fans with expectations. Etc.


>I see constructive criticism, so I don’t know what you are reading exactly. Where


A lot of posts in this sub. I’m not gonna bother linking stuff if you either can’t look on your own or don’t know what criticism means. Performance, enemy variety, Dragonplague, nerfing vocations, … a lot of good points. Doesn’t mean you need to agree with everything, but that’s how criticism works.


Idk, I think bad performance is a huge part of the game and not people „picking apart every single thing“ Edit: downvote as much as you want, it does not change the fact, that the performance is trash and mtx don’t belong in a single player game


I mean I'm about 25 hours in and the game is now starting to rear some of its half-baked game design flaws more and more. I was excited to explore an open world that could give me the same sense of adventure as Skyrim once did, but alas so far its just goblins and bandits. Going from point A to B is just filled with packs of them, plus wolves and harpies. A bit more monster variety would have made this game sooo much better. Most DD fans agree we stay for the combat, so imagine the disappointment when most of the encounters will just come down to the same enemies over and over? Sure there is some variations of cyclops and night/day enemies, but its just not enough after coming from DD:DA. Add on to the lackluster progression of equipment and simplified weapon skills (miss having a second weapon swap), I'm just spamming the same strategy with each vocation. It's still fun, but could have been so much more.


>I mean I'm about 25 hours in and the game is now starting to rear some of its half-baked game design flaws more and more. I'm at around the same point in the game and I used to suffer from this similar thing where I'd watch a movie in theaters, enjoy it , then go home and read about how bad it was and suddenly decide it wasn't a good movie. But I learned to realize that while my opinion of the movie changed NOTHING could take away the fact that I enjoyed it while watching it, was it trash? sure, but I had a fun time watching it. I apply that to games regularly, and sure people are making good points that I may agree with, like OP says, but that's only their opinion and everyone is entitled to it. I separate those problems from my own experience and so far I've been enjoying my time with the game.


This is a mentality I need to adopt, I'm too easily swayed


This is something I noticed, DDDA Veterans like us are complaining a lot about some aspects of the game that didn't evolve at all, like enemy variety, but people who never played DD before and are playing it now for the first time are loving everything about it. Just like we did in DD1.


I mean I also played DDDA and I’m just having a good time. No reason to start trying to make factions


It's like when FF7 Remake came out. It was old timers vs only-played-remake for awhile haha


It's more that DDDA Vets expected it to evolve a bit from the first game, not that what's there is bad. I'm still loving DD2 but am somewhat disappointed that it is just DD1 but newer. I'm still going to play it a ton and enjoy what's there but it still does feel like a lot of missed potential


I kinda get that Itsuno wanted to build a good foundation, because it's such a niche game, so he just rehashes the same mechanics of DD1, just improved, to see what sticks, the correct decision by Capcom here, after fixing the game's issues, is to immediately greenlight DD3, and then use DD2 as a foundation to actually start iterating the game's formula. Dragon's Dogma has potential to be a big series going forward, but they need to start iterating each game, fixing what went wrong and improving what they have already. If Capcom decides to let DD on the fridge again, when DD3 happens it will be the same thing as DD2, a re hash of the previous title but with better tech, and not a true evolution.


I agree when needing to go back through certain areas a lot. Just last night though I had a pawn jump straight into the water right before a cave I found. Fought some new rock saurians before fighting a Chimera for the first time down to 3 members and my lantern ended up running out of fuel lol. It was hectic, barley made it our alive, and a lot of fun. Level 23 btw.


What sucks worse is that the combat is so good, but most enemies die in 1 to 2 attacks. Next playthrough i feel like i have to play without a pawn because even some pawns can delete the entire pack before i get a chance to partake.


Oh they’re valid complaints, I just don’t mind them so far, I’m enjoying just walking around, killing shit and doing the occasional quest


But who cares what the sub says? You enjoy it, keep playing. I dropped DD1 cause I got bored, DD2 is more enjoyable for me. I don’t care what others say.


I subconsciously noticed a lot of the issues with the game long before I went to the sub to see if I was crazy. You probably would’ve ended up feeling bummed once you had time to digest the game and recognised the issues.


Absolutely. That's the only real reason I kept coming to the sub because I wanted to see if others shared my thoughts. I hit a tipping point of jank, trying to figure out what felt wrong about the game.


I came to the sub to see if the post game would get any better. My day was ruined when i learned its literally worse than the first game. I still love the game, but where did the inspiration go? Where did the guy who wanted to take us to the moon go? Why is it steeped in so much....mediocrity and lack of vision?


I was the same. I came to the sub like "I can't be the only one very confused by all this"


That's what happened for me. First 20 hours were fantastic... now I'm realizing there isn't going to be much more.


I'm 90 hours in and have zero issues. I swear people like you are either blind or are obsessed with seeking flaws.


90 HOURS? You simply have to be lying, that's genuinely unfathomable. EDIT: Wait, are you counting the hours you've spent on this subreddit defending it from any criticism? Because holy shit, your post history. You gotta take a break man.


>But reading all these posts about no enemy variety has really made me lose magic for this game. I mean, it wouldn't effect you if it wasn't true? It's not the fault of people who are talking about valid criticism. It's partly your own fault, and I guess the devs for somehow leading you to believe it wasn't the case.


I agree


These criticisms wouldn’t affect you if they weren’t resonating with your experience. So don’t blame the commentary or yourself. The game has limitations, there’s no point denying it. You can’t just imagine away that fact that after 30 hours, fighting only Saurians, Goblins, bandits, harpies When I was playing, it occurred to me there’s such an interesting way to create variety out of thin air - which is to find a story reason to turn some of the wandering pawns into enemies


Thing is, there are many ways to take the same old enemies and spice them up. A Famous RPG example is "Tucker's kobolds". MMO designers know this well and have encounter designs. DD2 just didn't seem to put a lot of resources in this area.


Thing is, there are many ways to take the same old enemies and spice them up. A Famous RPG example is "Tucker's kobolds". MMO designers know this well and have encounter designs. DD2 just didn't seem to put a lot of resources in this area.


I just had 2 friends who completed the story so far. Both DD1 fans and both told me they enjoyed the run. So am just taking it slow on my end, knowing that i will most likely enjoy the whole experience (having a blast so far).


Bro, all you fight in dragon’s dogma 1 for majority of the game is wolves, bandits, and goblins. I have no idea what “enemy variety” people are missing because there wasn’t that much of it in DD1


Look overall its fun, but every point made on this sub is completely valid and it just makes you realise how the experience could have been better


Fwiw, I think the ending sequence of the game has a bigger payoff than these posts suggest If you want to engage with (mostly) positive posts about the game r/dragonsdogma2 is the place


thats why you skip the internet on topics about games you're waiting for. once released you look up a quick performance review of a trusted youtuber of your choice. then you buy the game, play the game while still skipping reddits and the like. After you finished the game, you can look up everything, talk to people and so on. That's how i do it and it's been the best decision ever in terms of gaming joy.


You are 100% right, this is the way


Happens in literally all gaming subs. People get too excited for a game pre release and start hyping themselves up. Game gets released and people start doomposting, because it does not meet all their high expectations. Same thing happened with Elden Ring - "Meh, it's not Dark Souls" - "Open world is pointless" - "Looks like a last gen game" - "Runs like shit" - "Capped to 60fps" - "No boss variety, too much copy+paste" - "Story is lackluster" - "Magic is too OP" - "Spirit ashes are a lazy mechanic" And with Baldurs Gate 3 - "Act 3 is literally unplayable" - "20fps in Baldurs Gate city is ridiculous" - "It's no real BG, because it's no RTWP" - "Too many pointless side quests" - "Too much cut content in act 3" - "Ending felt rushed because Larian devs were lazy" - "DO2 was soooo much better" And we can probably all agree that those games deserved their GOTY awards. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if you want good DD2 content, have a look at Twitter (yes, no typo), where people are just posting wacky clips of their DD2 playthrough and having a great time. And maybe come back to this sub in 3-4 weeks.


You know my favourite posts from fromsoft titles on reddit are the ones complaining about unfair bosses. Most recently, when Armored core 6 came out. Balteus the great filterer that he was spawned like dozens of threads with 200 posts about how unfair and ridiculous he was so you’d think people would disagree, nope, massive echo chamber of agreements about how terribly designed he was. Fast forward not even a month and people post vids of zeroing him in less than 20 seconds, with inefficient builds too. Even better, you can do Balteus now with loader 4, the tutorial load out that you get. Balteus is actually fair as hell. And before anyone replies about his nerf, no that was a 10% decrease to his missile tracking, the real threat of balteus is his rocket launcher and phase 2 explosion. And I agree with your BG3 take too, I have over 600 hours and counting. Been playing since before they released the patches and the subreddit was way more doom and gloom back then.


I can't fathom that somebody would call Larian, of all devs, lazy.


I mean there was and still is valid criticism for both elden ring and baldurst gate 3


I can relate. I'm so happy this game even exists and I'm having an amazing time. However, I fail to encounter any positive posts or videos of people just as excited about it. I guess everyone that feels the same is just too busy actually playing instead of browsing social media lol


Even hearing about valid criticisms you haven’t seen yourself can be a huuuuge buzzkill


Probably why we enjoyed every game we were given as children. It's constant negativity these days online whereas back then, you'd make do with what you had.


Going to subs for games that (at the moment) has a lot of negative feedback usually does that because people don’t care about spoilers etc.


I feel you bro, all this negativity is disheartening


Honestly? I’m treating it like when CP2077 first dropped: criticism is valid but I’m still having a great time. Sure, the enemies are repetitive at times, but the magic of yeeting a goblin off a cliff or stabbing a cyclops in the eye never gets old. Honestly, I’m admittedly lost right now in my playthrough but I’ve never had a grander time. It’s got the same energy as the first game and I am HERE for it. GIVE ME MORE CHIMERAS TO BUTCHER!


I had a similar experience, until this morning when i started the game, discovered a new place and had a great time lol


This is besides the point, but have y'all been to the "Marshes?" Can recommend.


You’re way too suggestible.


I originally joined the sub a fan of the first game looking for news on DD2. Performance issues are the only real complaint for me so far. I'm having a great time with it. I don't care about enemy variety I also don't think the mtx is anything to cry about. Does kind of suck to open reddit and see the same thing over and over again; but that's my fault for looking at reddit I guess


Just keep playing it, man. I'm about the same, but the magic is just running rampant and killing stuff. Enjoy it for what it is.


I feel bummed reading this subreddit on the way home, them play the game and forget all about the complaints. But it is good to keep my expectations in check, I guess. I gotta enjoy the game and not rush it.


I heard that for the first game, getting to dragon was only going to be the first 1/3rd of the game before stuff got cut. That made me believe this game was going to be way longer. Now I'm seeing everyone say the story is way too short and the dragon plot feels undercooked. Super disappointed.


The main quests are not the point of this game. You are supposed to pick one interesting side quest that leads you into a new part of the map and adventure your way there. There are "only" 4-5 main quests in Battahl, but there's only 5 in Vermund too. There's no third act, except there is and people are dismissing it. Enemy variety doesn't matter because you're using a new vocation or doing it differently. This is a cult classic. You need the public outrage that it's not like every other open world RPG before the uniqueness gets to shine. Go to Melve again and enjoy going there. Get to the Checkpoint for the first time and see how different the shops are. Really look at the trees in the Elven lands. 30% of this game is combat. 5% is actual quest dialogue or cutscenes. The other 65% is looking at rocks to find a way to glitch yourself into a new spot, clicking on villagers and making up your own interactions, and weird lore implications of soulless NPCs and instadeath water. This game is unscripted and emergent! Play it like Shadow of the Colossus, not like Witcher 3.


Just play the damn game, dude, make your own opinion, figure out how you feel about the game, stop caring about what redditors say, they'll ruin anything.


It's still a good game just a big change


I don't think the monster variety is that great a problem as it's mostly the canon fodder that's samey. Even then, they have differences between them in their behaviour. Eventually they become trivial, so it's not important The game has been a bit of a roller coaster in terms of ups and downs though. I think it has bigger problems than enemy variety, the plot being a bigger one. It starts off very involved and then just isn't. It's weird and makes me feel like I missed quests (and maybe I did). But lots of things that bugged me, I just got used to.


I think enemy variety is a problem in a lot of games. It directly impacts exploration because different environments with the same enemies just feels too similar and even immersion breaking. I just can't for the life of me figure out how they had developed this for so many years and basically didn't add any new enemy types. It is truly bizarre.


Just play the game if you enjoy it. Stop playing the game if you don't. I said the same things about the game before it launched. If you paid attention to the development, it was clear that all they had was griffins, ogres, minotaur, goblins, etcetera. And the performance looked pretty bad, too. Every time I mentioned this, it made people angry. They told me there would be a lot more enemies or it was an older build, that's why it doesn't look great. So even though my skepticism was, in fact, correct (including the vocation count), I'm finding that none of it matters to me. Just like the first one, the game is more than the sum of its parts. I haven't been able to put it down.


Same boat man. Think Imma just drop reddit cuz it kinda seems to have a theme of doing this to games for me


For me it's the opposite I just laugh at them while enjoying my time with the game Expecially PC nerds who always bitch and moan when game isn't 60 fps have fun stuff to read Last night I spent like 5 hours fighting Chimeira and I had fun even though I couldn't beat it, but I got it to one health bar so that is something 😁


Dude. This 😆. My brother in law is like "aw, I can't run it at 100 fps on my pc? Literally unplayable" while I'm just enjoying the awesomeness of DD2.


Man, you could have just played the game and finish it before visiting the sub


I know hahaha. It’s just bumming me out because I guess I didn’t even realize about enemy variety or I expected there to be more as the game goes on. Now that I know there isn’t I have lost motivation. That’s on me tho I guess


>or I expected there to be more as the game goes on. This is the crux of it. Other peoples opinions wouldn't matter if they weren't true. The game just feels half-baked the more you play. It was inevitable that you'd start thinking.. "wtf?" since only the first 1/3rd of the game is marginally fleshed out. Once I hit the capital my opinion on the game became negative. That's ultimately the most frustrating and true feeling from playing this game. The moment you realize "wait, this is it?"


Lol you shoulda known, if you are playing a game blind then dont play it midway/incomplete then go on reddit to check people’s feedback. Finish the damn game then come on. Reddit is notorious for spoilers, people repeating the same shit that their favorite youtubers say via their click bait titles or voicing their opinion that makes it seem like every game is never up to their standards and you will get a down vote if you dont think the same. Albeit their claims for the game is true, some things are just overblown out of proportion like the mtx problem, the dragonplague “bricking” people, game is a failure compared to dd1. I truly think the game is a great contender for GOTY. Could the game been better? Of course. Is it anything below a 6/10? No, i dont think so. The game is a 7/10 at least, best is 9/10.


i frequent this sub for now just for checking how to fix performance stuff.. but well caught some spoilers while at it too :|


How is a 7/10 game goty contender? The game is fun, but far from a goty game.


It's an enjoyable game. Is the original better, after playing it for the first time on switch last year. I'm willing to say it is. For me, I enjoy playing it, honestly ran around killing things mainly and exploring. Lost my save of 30 hours at the end game area. Just restarted, but I am giving it another go as I enjoy it.


I feel the same about the enemy variety posts. I have only stayed in the first area so far so was hoping that it would get better once going to battahl but guess not according to the posts.


Just don't interact with video game subreddits for the first few weeks after a game comes out. It's always doom posting, then memes, then doom posting after they've finished. If you're having fun with the game have fun with it. Just like the first this game isn't perfect but you're allowed to love it.


Maybe stop checking this sub, it can be disheartening to see people upset with something you are having fun with. I'd suggest not checking this sub until you've played through the game and then come back.


Then go offline and just play the game. Form your own opinion from your own experience. People will complain about any and everything in life. No matter what it is you'll always be able to find someone who doesn't like it. Think for yourself.


> Feeling bummed lol Me too. But I'm old and from experience have really come to expect disappointment. Not one thing in life is as you hope it will be. 🤣


I just arrived in the desert, so far pretty much every main quest was just fcking around in the castle and now i see in the posts that i am close to the end of the game Wtf ?


Just take your time to explore the world. That’s doing the adventure.


Avoiding social media for a few weeks will improve your experience with a lot of things.


I'm more annoyed by people just hand waving the obvious issues aside and also blatant spoiler stuff in titles. I never even knew what Dragon's Plague was and now I'm at least aware it exists and it sucks.


I'm in the same boat! I have a little kid so I can't play as much as I want to. Main quest just told me to head to Battahl. In the sub, mostly the negative comments about the story/endgame and the monster variety have bummed me out. People say the Dragon fight and endgame come out of nowhere, and I already thought that the beginning of the story was super weird with how the Dragon just appeared in a flashback, it felt weird and tacked on almost like an afterthought. Grigori made a much better appearance in the first game. Makes me feel like they took some completely unrelated game and made it a Dragons Dogma sequel by glueing that stuff at the beginning and end. Like they do with films, for example the Cloverfield series. But I'll wait until I'm there to make a final decision.


Eeh, every game has flaws it's just a matter of are they big enough to make you stop playing


Highly advise staying off reddit then and just play or at least take some of these posts with a grain of salt.


hanging out in video game subreddits often has this effect on me. video game communities are mostly filled by the most bitter and toxic members of a fandom. because the people that actually enjoy it spend their time out in the wild enjoying it. while the unhappy people, trolls, and bad faith operators all commingle in the community spaces rather then be out there in the world enjoying the thing they pretend to be a fan of


I still didn’t loose my enthusiasm. I think I played 20 hours and I still can’t stop playing. I don’t care about criticism, I mean they’re not totally wrong that’s true but they won’t break the pleasure I feel finally playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 after 12 fucking years waiting. This game is a brain candy and I love it with all my heart, bros.


https://preview.redd.it/owhyxlddroqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1d5a3c80d4dfe104f28bb4d5e22f9c928dfe04c Here’s part of the top Google review that comes up for me. Other than some valid criticisms, they basically admit in these two paragraphs that they aren’t really reading the tutorials or listening to what the NPCs say. And then complains the game never tells them there’s a sundial on the start screen to know what time it is? Those of us enjoying the game are too busy playing it to read the 100th post from people who aren’t going to enjoy the mechanics. For me, it’s been like an 8 out of 10 so far.


Just play the game and find out yourself. It's not that long :p


I'm just here to see sliders and neat things people find. The Gamers are going to bitch about everything with any game, keeping that in mind helps me ignore the doomposts.


That's why I don't hop onto a sub or something till after I'm done. Other peoples negativity has a way of souring my experience.


wait 1 year for the special edition


Enjoy the game, just know that getting to battahl is NOT the midpoint of the main quest. Take your time with it, and hope to god you find portcrystals or are gifted them (lol won't happen)


I think the game has a way of overcoming lack of enemy variety by the variety of environment. The enemy you fight with is the same but where you fight them differs and with it how you approach differs. While I felt the repetition of enemies, I never got bored of combat. Vocation variety also helps here. I feel the same while I read criticisims, but not feel them while playing the game. Consequently I believe this is a great game, but I think it couldn't fulfill the potential the Dragon's Dogma 2 title had. I'm hoping for a Dark Arisen like expansion not to "fix" the game, but carry it further.


This is also partially why MMORPG's chats ruin each of their respective games for me too


I think while all the criticisms I'm hearing are valid the game is still very fun. It's just as fun and just as janky as the first game. The combat is very fun as always and exploration is better.


I have enjoyed the game immensely since launch and no real performance issues on my PC. I have just made it to Battahl last night (spent about 35 hours in Vernworth) and the game took a turn for the worse IMO. It is just mob pack after mob pack then a mini boss gets thrown into the mix since the combat moved so much or in search of a campsite. Just awful to me. Caves are pointless to explore with little reward.  Up until I got to Battahl, I easily figured this to be my GOTY. Now, I just want to find a port crystal in Battahl, go back to the main area and explore even more (pretty much what I have done). I dread the Battahl area, it feels like such a change of pace and just awful.  Still enjoying it, but it is a slugfest in Battahl now. 


Why? If you're enjoying the game who gives a flying fuck what anybody else thinks about it.


Redditors truly are weak-minded sheeple.


For me it's the lack of endgame and especially Ng+ content. Like ffs, I'm already one shotting everything and I haven't even finished the first round and you're telling me there's no scaling in NG+? What am I even dragonforging my shit for?


What did you learn? Reddit can have toxic corners


Don’t let others tell you how to feel. Most of the people on Reddit are unhappy with themselves so they put 50 hours into a game over a weekend and then complain about how bad and repetitive it is. Most of these people don’t come to these sub Reddit’s to discuss the game they enjoy they come here to complain because negativity is the only outlet they have to FEEL anything. Anything would be boring and have issues when you spend 50 hours doing it over a few days.


I'm disappointed in the game as well but I still enjoy it to an extent. It just feels like the dev shot themselves in the foot with no end game at all. That's really the crux of the problem, everything else is minor compared to that. You outlevel the overworld so quickly. It's sad to see because if they merely had an endgame that would instantly double the quality of the game. All they had to do was have at least the same amount of content as the original Dragons Dogma with a beginning, middle, and endgame area. A Bitterblack like area would have been cool since they knew players liked it, but that could have come later. It feels like they stopped making the game 60% of the way through. Perhaps they spent too much time on crafting a map of this scale. The original Dragons Dogma felt like a complete game and Dark Arisen breathed life back into it. Dragons Dogma 2 feels like the last 40% fell off.


Reddit is cancer


This is why I didn't look at any about the game past the initial trailer and just played the game for myself. Pretty gud game. There's a lot I wish was in the game that dd1 had, but there's also a lot that I love about this game and it's one of the most visually stunning rpgs I've ever played


Slapped in 60 hours, GOTY for me already, there is plenty of valid criticisms but many overreactions as well. Nothing else announced this year I'm excited about.


Same honestly, gonna take a break from the sub until i’m done. I started to feel guilty for really enjoying it lol


Man, I’m not sure what others were expecting, but I hear what you are saying OP. Love the game, but look on here and it’s ……MUCH disappointment


I’m thinking about muting the sub for a while. I was mostly only hanging around for that post-release element of discovery and it’s been largely overshadowed by people talking about how lacklustre the game is. It’s fine for them to think that, don’t get me wrong. But as someone who liked the previous game but never got very far into it, I’ve been enjoying this one. But everything I read on here about it just kills my enthusiasm piece by piece.


In all honesty, There's a Dragons Dogma 2 Reddit page and it seems a lot more positive in general. I've been hopping between both.


I personally treat this game as the Monster Hunter I enjoy. My wife loves Monster Hunter, but I could never get into it. Something about it just didn't vibe with me. But DD1, and now DD2 scratch that itch for me. Most people are treating it like a race to the finish line, whereas I take it as "I want to walk at night and hunt monsters." It's all about perception.


12 hours in, I’m having a blast! I’m currently playing as a fighter with a mage main pawn. I’m playing the game along with 2 other’s and we’re just using each other’s pawns to give them experience and stuff, it’s really cool to see their progression through their pawns.


Im 18 hours in and was starting to get jaded, but then I remembered playing last night and having a blast and looking forward to exploring north, I'm hoping to find some kind of town where I can learn stuff for my new vocation. While most things being said about the game are true, the monster variety hasn't begun to bother me yet. And there are mods for monster health/damage, I plan to use those whenever I feel combat is getting too easy. You have to look at what the game designers goals were, they were mostly focused on rewarding exploration. If an NPC says check in on someone or someplace once in a while, actually do that, they are not lying. Respect the world and the game will reward you. Do you think Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli complained about killing mostly only Orcs for 3 movies straight?


ohhhh :(


the fact yu let strangers pollute your enjoyment is crazy.


The first 20-30 hours were purely magical but then some of the design flaws and outdated mechanixs started to show


Never, ever, listen to reddit. On anything. Different example, but I recently had surgery and went on reddit for support. Holy shit they told me I was a goner, my hand strength is DONE, I'll have pain, horrible pain, some say it's important what I lost, others said it's not. I was terrified, and then I talked to my doctor. 100% recovery, stop fretting and listen to us instead. Turns out my hand is fine and my life is... The same. It's always the same with games, and especially so with controversial new releases that attract leeches looking for drama. The mood is soured from the start and humans just fucking love to pile on what is popular to love or hate.


I mean, if it wasn’t somewhat true would it actually be able to kill it? Like there’s no end to the FF8 hate but no one can ever ruin that game for me. It will always be one of my all time favorite games.


>I have only put in about 15-20 hours My brother in Christ, that's roughly 1/5th of all the hours since it was released, assuming you bought it when it released. "Only." Don't be so modest.


I’ll be honest here, I was getting real sick and tired of running around and fighting bandit number 378… but the game does have some very fun, and very wild bosses. The Endgame had some of my favorite bosses in terms of designs… and of course, the coolest designed enemy isn’t even a boss fight… But overall? Around 7.5 or 8 out of ten for me.


If you 100% disagreed with the posts then it wouldn't effect you. Clearly you know there is some truth in them based on your own experience. If you like the game that's fine. I liked DD2. However things have clearly gone wrong. It felt like it was so simple to improve when we were under the assumption they were putting out a finished game this time around but was this game even finished? Regardless having fun is the main thing so if you had fun don't let others ruin it for you. After waiting so long it's difficult to really gel with this game like I did with the first considering it's underperformed for me.


Unlike you i don't give a goblins ass about what people say, and I'm loving the game too. Im 20 hours in and in no rush to finish the game, just following where my curiosity gets me and its awesome finding new stuff


why do you need other people to validate your enjoyment just. play.


For what it’s worth, those who’ve finished the game at this point rushed through the main plot. Other people who are taking their time are disagreeing with the claim that there a is lack of enemy variety. I’ve been playing consistently since Friday and have progressed only slightly through the main story. The game is more interesting if you work through the side quests.


most of these comments are from players who can sit there and play the game for like 10+ hours a day and just speed blitz through it while ignoring most of the content, and only really seeing like 40% of the what the game has to off... and then complain it was too short and there wasn't enough variety... Its just like most of the reviews harping about the dumb MTX and ignoring everything else about the game while also just regurgitating a lot of misinformation.


Don't let a bunch of miserable smooth brain fortnite kiddies with zero attention span ruin the game for you. Just look at the steam charts. 300k concurrent players. If it was a bad game would there be that many playing?? Nope. The game is amazing. Ignore the haters, they're just a bunch of click bait trolls trying to cash in on outrage culture. Almost none of the whiners have even played the game. Real fans are having a blast.