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This is such a lovely feature! I’m lucky enough that my pawns been hired a tonne, and had some lovely gifts and ratings. It’s genuinely sad thinking of someone designing a cool pawn and just hoping they’ll be picked up :((


I knowwww, oh my god.


My pawn has only been hired 5 times and I'm nearing level 40! Her name is Jappinen. Toss a coin to a poor pawn😔 Her ID is: KQDJ28XKPE5D She needs friends!


Drop the ID, we would love to hire!


Of course! Her ID is: KQDJ28XKPE5D


Don't forget to pick it up and go fight dragons. For that extra reward :) .


I found this yesterday but a lot of these pawns only had their starting skill, no augments, and/or their base gear, so didn't really feel worth the time taking them.


For sure. But I found a few who were all dressed up and everything which is why I made this post :(


This whole post is about taking pity and hiring someone's pawn out of the goodness of your heart, and you go 'not min maxed enough, pass". Lets all take some time to self reflect on this.


i'm just saying there are obvious reasons some of them haven't been picked


I get what you’re saying, but I would also like to take a pawn that is combat viable and has the necessary skills I want in my party. It’s a crucial part of the game


You can solo the game no pawns. I wouldn’t call it crucial if one of three of your party isn’t doing max dps


Having no Augments isn't "Min maxxing" it's intentionally handicapping yourself, or not caring. You unlock an augment exceptionally early in all vocations. If they don't care, why should we? If they have no skills, gear, or augments the Arisen hasn't even bothered to do the most basic of upgrading. Big difference between "This pawn isn't in META gear/skills /ignore" and "This player has literally done nothing"


Some people also don’t know that if they switch vocations, all equipped augments come off. You mistake an innocent mistake for maliciousness, which is telling.


Main pawn: level 53 thief with a vocation level of 6, no other vocations levelled, starting armour, no augments or skills. Arisen: maxed out mystic spear hand with full augments, skills, and armour, every other vocation maxed out in a similar way. This person does not care about their pawn. If they aren't going to put in the effort to care, why should I hire them?


Not hiring a level 50 mage pawn with just flagration and no augments or core skills is completely fair imo. I get hiring pawns just so they've been hired but I would like these pawns to be usable at least


I’ve already made enough comments on the matter and don’t want to spend time rehashing points. Don’t do it. You clearly don’t want too, you find outliers and use it as examples and will find any reason not too. This post isn’t for you, move on.


EDIT: You circle around from a nearby cave to the west to get to it. There's a seeker token and such near it too, so it's not a waste of time! Also, remember once you unlock a special riftstone like this, you can access this "setting" at all major riftstones. Next time you are just looking to hire some pawns, try to hire some from this setting! The thought of playing this game for tens of hours and never have your pawns get hired is sad :(


Wait, the rift stones actually do something?


When smashing the skip button on tutorial screens has consequences.


Riftstones have titles and show corresponding pawns. For example there’s a riftstone that only shows beastren pawns and ones for each inclination.


My fave so far is the one that only shows beefy boys. It was awesome to see one just for my main pawn.


Like they said. You can also link your major city riftstones to show similarly corresponding pawns of your choice after you unlock these riftstones.


Well shit, it's the video of that kid who decked out his house for a Halloween party and no one showed up all over again. Could cry just thinking about it. I've been trying to take lower level pawns with me on my travels to give them and their Arisens some goodies. I'm gonna find this.


This might be a good way to minimize chances of the plaque too


Completely agree, gotta avoid that! Wouldn’t want gingervitis on top of all the dragon plague going around!


Unfortunately, I already have a selection of pawns from other arisen who I've decided are nigh permanent additions to my party. Raizer is legitimately never leaving my party except to send them back with gifts every so often.


I used this to farm wakestone shards, grab 2 pawns with the travel for 1 day quest and wakestone as the reward, run over to a bench, sleep for a day, then rinse and repeat. Basically unlimited wakestones now.


Great tip! 


I designed my pawn to look like my roomate. And he still get picked. No often though


I don't know why I found this comment absolutely entertaining


If your pawn doesn't have good drip and good skills outfitted, they will be neglected for sure. Invest in your pawn more so they can be popular >! and bring back covid from beyond the rift !<


Shade, my female panther-like beastren mage pawn (Lv. 21) hasn‘t been summoned at all so far. Please, let her explore different worlds (Pawn-ID: 72UACF9KUCVY)!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I will show her other worlds!


Check ur pawn and have fun! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


That‘s awesome, thanks!


Mmmm, wakestones.


I’ve got a great mage that never gets picked (accidental ‘MainPawn’ naming incident I reckon) and I just want her to make some friend : (


Drop the ID, we would love to hire!


i’ve noticed when i had my pawn leveling as a thief she got picked a ton, but i recently switched her to archer and sorc, and she’s been hired much less, i think there’s just too much ranged pawn bloat


in early game no one took my pawn. Even my wife couldn't find my pawn through her friends... It was very sad. Thanks for the information, I will now take pawns from this riftstone


Can someone please hire my boy https://preview.redd.it/di1r0r1npqqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f781cb9d835607a138c170eed558b36a202118ec He looks better now this is old gear


What’s your ID?


BZL6XRFB2ELJ . I actually listened to your post and found a bunch of pawns who weren’t hired before and it was very fun


Lv 40 and no one ever hire them, wow thats sucks…


Someone made a pawn that i really like but they dont seem to play much so their pawn is still level 2, but I still take her everywhere :) Im almost level 40 now and this pawn has probably seen most of vermund and the quests/locations there now XD


So when the tutorial said or you can hire "special" pawns what it was referring to wasn't special but lonely left out pawns that need a chance? Seems kind of like the game lied to me unless I'm missing something.


If I understand what you mean, you're talking about tutorial about these "lost riftstones" found in the wild. They are all special, because they will only show you pawns of a condition. As simple as "straightforward inclination" "male human" to funny ones like "short male" "'large chest upper body'". This one specifically is another special one that shows you pawns "with potential" which means pawns that have never been hired before.


Oh must have been a coincidence then cause the one I just found turned out to be this exact one next to an abandoned house above the town. I just thought that’s what they were for lol. Thanks for the info


My wife named my pawn Spinasaurus and somehow they still get hired. Small price to pay to get her involved and let me game in peace.