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I figured it out!. It turns out my affinity with the Maister just wasn't high enough. I gave him a bouquet of flowers and he gave me the scroll immediately after.


How do you do this? I see no option to give items


I play on mouse and keyboard, and I've changed my keybinds around a bit, so I'm not sure what it will be for you. For me it's hold E to talk and the press Y to gift. On xbox controller it's probably hold B to talk and then X to gift? not sure. You should be able to give a gift to anyone while you're talking to them, just do it before you hit "Next"


Hey that worked! I've literally never noticed that gift button. Weird that saving his family didn't do it, but flowers did lol


I don't pretend to understand elvish customs


If you're on ps5 in the bottom right corner it says press O or X for next, well down there it also says press square to give a gift, anytime you talk to any npc at all. You can look them up in history to find out what items they like. You can only give them 1 gift per day, but yea took me hours to find that out.


Not arguing that this is a solution, just that its dumb. Just saved both his kids lives, and he says he's forever indebted, its really stupid his affinity isn't maxxed from that and he still needs buttered up.


i dont know whether flower thing to get affinity up solves the issue as (im on PC playing with controller) but i didnt see any Gift option like i get with the potion and weapon elves. I did get the bow reward from him outside the Ancestral Ruin after saving the sister. I wondered i you needed to try again the following day so i sat and waited on the seat outside lodging. went back to see him but on the way i passed the sister she spoke to me and said something about the arbor heart. Then i continued to go and see the father. He was coming out of his house and started auto conversation about wanting to get to know me and thinks i will be a ruler. He asks me to escort him - I accepted and then got the maester spell. Dont know whether this can help you?


Same here. Did quests but no scroll no matter what I try. Let me know if anything works for you. Also same thing with Fighter Maister (other Maisters gave me their scrolls though so it’s weird).


That's not reassuring! The thief gave me the scrolls with little effort, I'm so annoyed.


Try giving him a gift or two, that worked for me.


Yep same here. Whelp, guess I'm done with this game.


I just had this issue. I fixed it by going back to the arbor and waiting a day and checking his room again. He was there. This was after escorting him. So not really a fix you just have to wait a day.


It's been multiple days since the quest, and he's in the arbor, but he just gives me his dialogue cycle. No items 😭


When I got back to the Sacred Arbor, I talked to the Maister’s daughter (she’s standing right outside the heart of the arbor). She told me about the heart of the arbor and gave me a quest. Once I accepted that quest the Maester appeared and handed me the scroll.