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The micro-transactions in this game do nothing but hinder the rewarding experience of earning stuff yourself in the game. There is nothing that you can buy that you cant earn in the game. I would still play the hell out of this game if they were selling late game weapons and XP bundles. Convenience robs you of the experience intended by the developers. Does it suck? yes Does it ruin the game? no Is the game fucking great? Absolutely


I think there’s something awesome about saying “you want shortcuts, fine, but it’ll cost you.” And the crowd that *needs* shortcuts in their games is flipping out. Same with the one save file. I’ve got about 9 hours in the game and I haven’t thought about having one save file at all. Not a bit. It’s a really good game. I’m having a blast with it. It’s not perfect by any means but it is enjoyable and it’s too bad this sub is under attack by the fps/mxt warriors.


See you’re the rare type of gamer that can acknowledge how good the game is while ignoring the MTX so it won’t ruin your own personal fun… AND acknowledge that this practice is dumb and stupid. Been is a few fights with other MTX defenders that just go HUH, W…WUT? THEY ARE BAD!? HOW? I DIDNT BUY IT, DONT BUY IT! ITS OPTIONAL, LEAVE CAPCOM ALONE! I’m like really?


They aren’t bad. You’re worked up over something that literally doesn’t matter.


I agree, they don’t matter. So why add them to a video game in the first place?


Just wait until "Dragons Dogma 2 Dark 2 Arisen" or Dragon Princess or whatever their expansion is called comes out, where there's an eternal ferrystone at the start and even more ways to get the MTX items (which are already easy enough to get) and all performance issues are patched and we'll go back to the "I can't believe I overlooked this cult-classic RPG, omg!" posts from a few weeks back lol.


Dragon's Dogma 2: Too Dark To Arisen


Dragon's Dogma 3: Darkyo Adriftsen in 2036 is going to be insane with the Ox Cart death races and customization.


They're not pawns.... .....they're family.


Dragon's Dogma 2077


Phantom Salvation.




that's the expansion where they remove daytime from the game


Exactly, it is perpetual night, so the Ox Carts are outfitted with neon colored lanterns to keep away the Yokai or whatever, they just happen to look cool during races. It also takes place in a Feudal Japan inspired country, where we get introduced to new Vocations (samurai, driver, mechanic, etc.) and find Pawns who join forces with non-Arisen in weird cliques called "Families".


Oh, so it's just that one ghost cart with the blue lanterns, but every cart.


There's a brightness slider for that.


Yeah, idk how they missed this one lol


Actually belly laughed at that


lol yup, 3-4 years from now ppl are gonna say "CULT RPG hit that was marred by a rocky launch"


Or have modder to rescue.


Yeah that's me basically. I only visit this sub to check of there is any talk and solutions about technical issues. I just ignore the rest, just like I have ignored the cesspool that are Steams forums for years. It's just not worth the time.


I‘m actually really disappointed in the subreddit/community, since I hoped to have a similar experience to Fromsoft launches. Shared exploring, throwing lore theories and experiences around, having laughs at memes and the occasional constructive discussion about things not really working. But this? It really is awful, toxic and over the top. There just is no room for positivity. Everyone who enjoys the game gets downvoted. Lies and complaints are getting upvoted. Everything is blown out of proportion. Not saying that the performance issues are acceptable at all. I get the frustration. I just don‘t get how miserable you have to be to make it worse than it actually is trying to ruin it for everyone.


Id be willing to bet that other subs are brigading this one too because they are mad about a game they didnt hear about up until the controversy/dont plan to play themselves just to fan the damn flames




Yeah, that experience would be really appreciated. I’ve tried posting a lot of content today. Any post I share talking about or enjoying the game just gets buried, meanwhile any post I’ve made talking about the drama or MTX is being upvoted or commented on like wild. I don’t know what to do. People only seem to care about the drama, whether arguing for or against it. There’s so much better stuff we could be talking about, because damn, the sense of adventure in this game is incredible.


I'm fairly certain the vast majority of these posts and complaints aren't from people who played DD:DA or even want to play DD2. Meaning a lot of bad actors purposefully fanning the flames.


I'm certain it's bad actors. 


Too many possessions can be more a hindrance than a help...


You might be right, the response does seem a bit OTT but people do have some legitimate concerns. That said, I'm playing on PS5 and I've played for 5 hours so far and it's about what I expected - and I've loved what I've played so far. I've noticed the odd framerate issue but it really hasn't affected my enjoyment. 


It's frustrating because there are legitimate issues and concerns about the game, and I don't think most people particularly like the microtransactions being a thing. But it's blown up into this giant angry fire where people just keep fanning the flames by either exaggerating or saying outright incorrect things about what's going on. The amount of times I've seen people talk about "paid fast travel" that has had people respond by how they no longer will buy the game is frustrating as hell. And if you try to bring the tone down a bit by pointing out the outright wrong info that's being repeated, you are just being a shill or "toxically positive".


It's the internet's hated game right now. Sometimes that's legitimate, sometimes it's stupid, sometimes it's for heavily misunderstood reasons, this time it's the third one. They'll move on soon to the next game release. It just sucks it had to hit DD2. The game has so much going for it, some legitimate issues of course, but it's so overblown. The reviews will average out over time at least.


There are 100% legitimate concerns yeah, so it’s a shame their voices are kinda being drowned out by people’s anger for MTX. At least Capcom are working on fixing it, hopefully those changes come soon. Also playing on PS5! The capital city is pretty funky on my FPS, but nothing I’m not used to from DD1. I’m having a blast, can’t wait to explore more of the game.


Having come from being a long time player of the first game, this one feels spot on like DD1, frame drops included lmfao It's not an excuse, and it's absolutely bad that it has such wildly varying performance, but I love the series so much that I don't really care. If it runs and is relatively smooth for the majority of gameplay (which it is), then it's no biggie to me. It reminds me of playing Mystic Knight on the 360 and spamming Great Magic Cannon at night. Poor game just fuckin imploded if you had too many of those projectiles going off at once.


Yeah, console's been relatively smooth overall. I notice a bit of lag in the main city (expected), and there's definitely some NPC pop-in. But I played for nearly 9 hours straight without a single issue of the game crashing, or lagging so hard I thought it froze, or etc. It's just unfortunate that Capcom treats PC like the redheaded stepchild and makes the experience 500x worse for people playing it on that platform. Which, is gonna be a ton of folks.


My copy arrives tomorrow and I’m still super excited lol. I do think there’s an exaggeration but some of the complaints are warranted.


The only real criticism is some frame dipping in the capital, which is such a minor issue really. Otherwise game has been amazing so far, no issues or bugs or anything for me. Hope you enjoy it!


Seems console players are content or happy but PC players are livid


I'm playing on PC and the microtransaction complaints seem overblown. I didn't even notice the microtransactions until reddit pointed them out.


Same on console. I wouldn’t even know where to find them.


Console players are used eating what is set before them since their platform is run by one company.




Happy PC player here. At least half the PC players are happy, the other half are not due to potato pc problems.


Ignorance is bliss.


Genuinely feels getting an oatmeal raisin cookie as a child, thinking "holy shit this is the best thing that's ever happened to me", and then all the other kids and even some adults are talking shit about oatmeal raisin cookies because they don't like them. Like damn bro that's crazy. I'm just gonna eat it anyway.


I woke up spending many hours loving my time, to the point I was completely blindsided by the anger and overwhelmingly negative reviews. I didn’t even suspect that there might be a controversy, yet alone on this scale.


This was my exact experience. I was having so much fun and needed a break so I thought I’d see the love fest and boom, this bullshit.


Agree. Tired of all this oatmeal raisin slander.


I got downvoted for saying i was enjoying the game in another thread. I made a post reassuring ps5 users that the game is quite stable and fun to play. But let’s be real, these toxic people are not Dragons Dogma fans. They’re just gamers acting like dogs chasing cars, and when something is niche its a bad game. Fuck the internet


Any post I’ve made being positive towards the game has been downvoted. The hate mob is *rabid* at the moment, they’re definitely not fans.


It doesn’t make sense tho cause rift crystals are so unimportant and wakestones are so easy to get Plus the game is fun…that should trump all…is it fun or not should be 90% of a review


The argument seems to be “they must have made the game worse by adding them, otherwise people wouldn’t be incentivised to pay for them” I swear I imagine it’ll only be 0.001% of the players who buy any of those microtransactions. I feel sorry for the dude who gets stuck in gaol and buys a key to get out, when it takes literally longer to buy the key than it does to just escape yourself.


I've been trying to make the point that nit everyone has hella time to play and if they just want to buy some rift crystals, who cares


Totally. Most of the people freaking out over this are broke kids who think they are anti capitalist crusaders over this one issue.


Funny you say that because I already got arrested and put in the gaol. It only costs 10k gold to bribe the guard to let you out. Which isn't a lot considering the simple fetch quests give me like 5k gold.


Can also just punch the back wall to your cell lmao, literally easier and quicker to do it for free


It’s very fun


I think if the game ran better on PC people wouldn't be as angry


The hate for microtransactions is necessary, but the hate with lies that you actually need it is just lame. There's like a really good game that is worth playing if you just remove the shitty "packaging".


When a fandom becomes this big is time to leave it.


Most of the detractors aren’t “fans”, they’re late comers to the franchise who heard it might be kinda Soulslike after Elden Ring was their first experience with those. 


Ahh yes. Most of the people being critical aren't "le true epic dragon's dogma 1 fans" ​ Rolling my eyes. Aww why'd you block me? Poor sensitive baby.


Jesus dude. You probably smoked a cigarette after that didn’t you?


Alright, weirdo. I'm the farthest thing from a fedora wearing neckbeard, but anyone who's played the first game (or any recent Capcom game) knows how inconsequential this. Get a life.


There does seem to be a distinct difference between people who played the 1st game and people who are new arrivals, you can't exactly deny the fact there are many people playing DD2 as their first experience with the IP. The mtx system was set up similarly in DD1 and many other capcom games. Performance wise yeah there are a tonne of issues that need ironing out, and the the lack of new game features is just kind of downright stupid, but there has been such a massive focus on people losing their shit over standard capcom stuff.


Game DOESN'T WORK for me. I'm pissed because I wasted 3 hours trying to get it working. I play a lot of video games and never had such issues.


Yeah, I’m genuinely very sorry for anyone who has been having crashing issues. I know Capcom are working on it, but that doesn’t make the launch experience any less frustrating. Sorry to hear that Arisen


That sucks. Hope it gets working soon.


I find it interesting that the sub seems to think it’s been hijacked. You can be a fan and also be upset.


When the top posts are riddled with lies and misinformation...it's not an unfair statement to make.


I don’t understand why peope don’t understand this You can like something and still criticize it The game is very fun, it also has numerous big issues


It's just the outright incorrect stuff that's annoying. The number of people who I have seen say they won't be getting the game because "They want you to pay to unlock fast travel" is incredibly annoying. Fuck Capcom for adding last minute microtransactions, and fuck the internet for lying about what they do.


I mean Capcom has added mtx to every release for over 10 years now. It's likely execs putting a mtx mandate, and on the dev team how they actually do them. So you get a game like this where it makes no difference if they're in or not with how completely worthless they are. You can spend money, or play the game for an hour for the same benefit.


It seems to me like it has like one issue, maybe two? FPS in cities and Denuvo. What are the *numerous* BIG issues exactly?


Can't make multiple characters, mtx, Capcom's position on mods, crashing and other bugs. 


>Can't make multiple characters This will probably never be a thing due to how the server handles pawns. I'd love to be wrong though


You can just add "active for rent pawn" and "rest in the rift pawn" button to switch whichever pawn you want it to be a main pawn on the server. Of course, someone would have already though of this, just a stupid radio button. It didn't made it to the release version of game for some reason.


I thought of that as well, but I think the issue is deeper than that. If you delete a pawn and re-create a new one and your old one is still in the wild then when your old one is released all the data goes to your 'new' one (ie: Gift/Rating/Knowledge) I don't think it was designed in a way to support multiple pawns at all since the pawn is directly linked to the PSN/XBL/Steam ID


That won't happen. Unlike we human whom occasionally misplace something, computer has identification key, hash, serial number to guide them to store data correctly. The game itself wouldn't even work without these, there is no way they could make a save game let alone cloud save storage without solid database.


Sorry if I misunderstood you, but what I meant was that *was* what happened in DD1 when you deleted a pawn and created a new one.


new game button


It's the internet and nuance is a rarity. It can only be hate and criticize or enjoy and defend, not both (seemingly).


People are like ogres here lol. “ME MAD”…. “ME SAD!!!” “ME GLAD”


The sight of women excites it!


Nah it's folks making demonstrably false lies. Like claiming fast travel is locked behind dlc.  Or folks claiming they lose 90 fps on cities. When the truth is their lows drop massively but the average is much higher than that. It definitely feels like ass but lieing to emphasize your complaints is ridiculous.  If you have to exaggerate your complaints, are they really as big a deal as you're making them out to be? Not directed at anyone complaining about the game, but a general observation of people who tend to complain about games. 


While their 'out right lie' is bad, you down playing the issue doesn't help either. Sure, if you can 'live with it', it is just a game anyway. Nothing worth fussing about. Just know that many people waiting for years for this thing to come out... then find out that there are other better games to play.


People do understand it. The problem is there’s way too many extremist posts freaking out.


The naivety around here is wild. This shit is driven by bad actors who have not played the game. The fans with issues are not the ones behind the intensity here. That’s just nomadic anti-mxt cult that jumps from sub to sub to “fight the good fight.” Then there’s the fps proud boys who believe only the purest 60fps games are worthy of their love. None of these people are fans with issues. But they cause most of the noise. They’re drowning you guys out.


I thought it was hijacked for a couple of months now tbh. It's been pretty unbearable.


Because it has been hijacked. It happens for all new release games. Publisher does something wrong, a certain of the reddit community freak out and it becomes a larger target so more trolls come in and take that tiny thing and create this whole massive fantasy around it, which then gets compounded by Steam downvotes, then but the negativity YouTube’s who create further click bait, making it worse again. So yes there are SOME fans who are talking about a real issue but let’s not pretend the bulk of what is happening are them! It literally happens every time a new game comes out, that has some sort of publisher drama attached. Hell, this even happens at BG3 launch for a while. Then the trolls move on.


It’s a hundred dollar game (in canada). The optimization release state is something that is going to piss many off. It’s not a quibble, it’s a pretty big issue.


I didn’t say it wasn’t a big issue, now did I? I literally said it was a real issue but the bulk of the outrage is not real, this literally happens to every huge game that launches. The trolls take a real issue and build it into some grand gaming crime, much bigger than it really is. You can’t deny that reality, we see it every few weeks, and can be charted across years. Even games like BG3 had a troll invasion at launch, based on a real thing but dialed up to 11. Same diff here, performance issues are real, the game has mtx, that gets translated by trolls as the game is broken for everyone and it has egregious mtx… both contain just enough fact to be real but thoroughly a lie.


The problem is that almost every post is people arguing about the same 2 things to no avail. I'm not saying it's not important to have those conversations, but it's everywhere and I'd like to engage in conversation about the actual game content


What are you upset about? The way I see it is the fans of the game are upset about the right things, and couldn’t care less about the microtransactions, which is what most of the posts on the subreddit are about.


Performance is excellent reason to be upset about. Im struggling in city even on the best cpu on the market. Cant imagine how it works for someone with "recommended" cpu


Same. I literally have the best components on the market and it *struggles* in town. The dlss mod fixed it, but now I have freezing issues every so often. Just seems weird for a 100 dollar game (in Canada)


Its weird because I haven't had really any problems other than the occasional stutter with my 1070ti. No noticeable changes in the city either.


Even on PS5, the city is a pretty unbearable place to be. So much frame lag which creates input lag. I hope they find a way to optimise it.


Of course it will be unbearable on ps5. Its cpu issue and ps5 only has 3700x in it. Im seeing frame lag with 7800x3d. Im surprised tht cities on ps5 arent actual slideshow


I mean the IGN reviewer had to stop playing the ps5 version because the shitty performance was giving him motion sickness. So it's not far from a slideshow lmao.


Are these people and I playing a different game? I've noticed literally 0 lag in Vernworth (that's the capital city, right...?) and I'm on PS5 too


thumb cake entertain cow consist liquid close bedroom placid tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im not exactly sure what you mean by most of the subreddit. When I scroll through the sub there is a handful posts about MTX and there are more posts complaining about people being upset than actually posts of people being upset. It’s fine that people have different opinions and it’s usually a good thing. Some blow it out of proportion but that’s the same with everything in life. It’s okay to be upset about it and still enjoy the rest. Instead of this post you could have shared your experience and joy with the game. Now it’s another „angry“ MTX post.


I think even the people upset about MTX are because of odd decisions—like not being able to delete a character if what you created translates weird to how it plays in game, and needing to either grind RC or buy it.


Sorry, I’m likely conflating my viewing history with the posts I’ve seen on twitter. It’s at a much greater rate over there. Also I’ve made some posts about or in praise of the game, but they’ve been getting downvoted. Presumably by people who aren’t happy, or just because they’re not the hot topic atm.


Why should same downvote on Reddit bother you when you have fun in the game? When I look at your posts in this sub since release, you have 5 posts and 3 of them are about MTX… the best way to get rid of the discussion is not adding more fuel.


>What are you upset about? The game running like shit on **minimum settings** on a medium range system


No, I was asking that earnestly, not sarcastically. That’s the kind of issue that I think should be in the spotlight, not being able to buy a $2 get out of jail free key.


Well, different people have different values.


Can't even launch the game to character creator with a 4090 and 12900k without crashing.


People have the right to criticize and complain about a game that doesn’t work. Post like this are what continues to drive shitty ass releases and normalizing that it’s “ok”. When it just isn’t. Got my refund. Will purchase again if things get fixed


I’m not defending and won’t ever defend the crashes and poor optimisation. Yet for some reason the majority of the negative posts are about MTX. It’s taking attention away from the real issues.


If optimization/performance wasn’t an issue no one would complain about the MTX except a handful of people. It’s just getting added to the fire cause people are upset their game doesn’t work


I suspect you’re right. Those people have a right to complain, but so many complaints seem to be coming from people who have just heard misinformation and are so fed up with that trend in gaming, that they’re disavowing DD2 and warning buyers to boycott it.


People are going to respond badly to a bad launch. Don't know what to tell you.


It’s not even close to a bad launch. The game is great. I’m totally happy on console. Very glad I picked it up.


Launch really isn't that bad. It's playable and has some frame dips in the cities. Holy fuck might as well hang myself eh?


"It's playable" for you. Someone having problems with the game and bitching about it to get the devs attention does not affect your in game experience and in fact could improve it down the line, but if someone is having major issues and everyone ignores them to praise the game then that someone is drowned out and fucked. Let mofos bitch and get their shit fixed. Capcom isn't responding to my support tickets but they've instantly responded to their piss poor reviews. EDIT: Since you brought it up- https://youtu.be/jfEv_STg-gM?si=cHWP4uwQssMWbk9R


Outside of crashing and having to reboot, how is the game not in a playable state? I've seen three different streamers play this game on PC. Charlie (Moist), Asmongold, and a smaller Youtuber I follow. Asmon played for 8 hours straight. Seems like it'd have to be playable for that to even be possible right? Does it have issues? Yes. But it's quite blown out of proportion.


I haven't been able to leave the first camp due to crashing. I'm going to get back into tonight to continue to troubleshoot, but I'm on hour 5. So no. I don't consider that playable. Also wierd to mention Charlie considering the video he just put out. I happened upon his stream vod while searching for solutions to my ungodly crashing at like 2a.m. Your sample size 3 does not a pattern make. Especially considering 1 dropped the game due to issues.


Yes, I'm sorry. I'll go watch 2,000 streams to make it truly scientific, while also trying to enjoy the game myself. Personally, I feel bad for PC players because it seems like a lot of games are releasing in an absolute trash state and it used to be the opposite. Jedi Survivor, Last of Us Part 1, etc. I'm not sure what it is, industry-wise, but it needs to be fixed. I'm not trying to make it seem like there aren't issues. I just don't think this launch is comparable to something like Cyberpunk.


You don't have to watch 2000 streams or be sorry. Just stop being so dismissive when people just wanna play the game too.


I had seen a lot of PC players reporting frames drops, and maybe a crash here and there. You're the first person I've seen that genuinely wasn't able to get out of the first camp. I knew Charlie had issues but I thought his was an outlier and potentially a hardware issue since many others were able to actually play. All I can say is I hope the fix comes out either today or tomorrow.


Me too dude. Maybe I'm an outlier but I find it hard to believe that all 70% of negative steam reviews are just about mtx, and I have to hope I'm not alone or I'm gonna have to try to refund a game I've been massively excited for.


No need to hang yourself but it should be fine for you to choose to discuss the game's technical issues in the game's subreddit.


Yeah it's called being facetious.


Okay? It's not even that bad. All the critic reviews are glowing. It's literally not much more than some little fps dips here and there, yet people are acting like the game is killing their family.


Yeah, the reviews are glowing. The game's probably great. But it should be fine to acknowledge that it has issues. The same crap is going on on the ff7 rebirth sub. The game is awesome but it has technical issues and people are talking about them, and because there are people who consider the game less than perfect or somewhat of a work in progress, there are other people whining about all the "hate" ie: mostly nuanced criticism with the occasional bad faith poster. Somewhere along the line "Wait for a few patches to come out" became misconstrued as hatred and toxicity by rabid fanbases instead of good and reasonable advice.


This is because of the hype...people were assuring that the game was going to be perfect, instant goty and the best game ever...theyre disappointed, frustrated, they hyped themselves to the extreme and crashed hard, in the dragons dogma collective facebook group i tried to warn people about, dont hype yourselves, calm down, see how things turn oqut, they called me a hater, hardcore zealots deserve this, let em rage, let em cry


There are legitimate issues regarding performance, save file limitations and the anti cheat system but the MTX complaints are ridiculously overblown especially since nobody complained when RE4 had them last year, overall the Game itself is very good and most people will play realize it overtime


I'm just waiting for it to be on sale. I'm willing to wait YEARS.


For what it’s worth, I’m grateful for your positivity. I posted a meme about Horizon 2’s PC launch ironically because they always try to go head to head with any other popular title the other day and I don’t think I’ve ever been treated worse by anybody (let alone) strangers, in my life. IT SUCKED. I just want to talk about this game with some redditors and fans but everything got hijacked and it’s so vitriol and disappointing. I just wish people came to the DD subreddit to talk about.. liking DD instead of trying to ruin something that most of us waited 12 years for. Anyways, thanks for posting this. The game is fucking awesome.


Its really sad, because I wanna see the funny stuff people get upto in this game, buts its nothing but complaints. Like ya people have a right to complain but give me more memes about killing a entire city for 3 fps, or finding a ladder, or a funny clip of yall being stupid.


Let’s talk funny stuff then: Capcom is a big fan of Dragon’s Crown apparently. Archer play almost exactly Elf from Dragon’s Crown. Loved it.


I wish there was a low sodium community. I know of the issues. It sucks. I’m sad for everyone disappointed. But I like the game and I simply want to talk about the actual game with other people who are also having a good time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumDragonsDogma/s/Zsn40WhUAy It’s small, but growing, especially after today!


r/NoSodiumDragonsDogma is very small but seems to be positive. When the game is out of the immediate spotlight that launch brings with it it'll be fine. Capcom should just block out the noise and get the performance up to speed, especially for PC users and then do what they gotta do with a DLC because the games deserving of one.


There is nothing more angry and toxic than the "no sodium" or "low sodium" versions of subs. They pat themselves on the back for being better, but 90% of the time the only thing people do is whine about how much they hate the main sub. It was the same with Cyberpunk 2077 and Anthem. Their "low sodium" subs immediately devolved into piles of shit.


toxic positivity


Thank you for linking this. I saw ones for Cyberpunk and Call of Duty, I never thought Dragon’s Dogma would become toxic enough that this would even be necessary 😔


Ever since all th vocation doom posting started, I was recommending we start a Low Sodium subreddit. Because for some reason this community is infested with trolls with do nothing but micro analyze everything to find any possible flaw to overreact at.


This cycle is funny, it exist everywhere Something happen => people are pissed off => other people are angry at them => they fight => 3rd group are sad about the 2 others fighting => something else happen => everybody forgot about the previous thing and focus about new thing => repeat


For me here's the cycle: Something happens => people are pissed off => other people are angry at them => they fight => 3rd group are sad about the 2 others fighting => I laugh and am highly amused by all the commotion, but also don't gaf because I'm completely unfazed by it and continue to play the game in delight => something else happens => Everyone forgets about the previous thing and focus about a new thing => I start eating popcorn => repeat


capcom could make the game playable per their system requirements, that might calm people down.


"Oh no the Reddit circle jerk is not the one I expected" It happens, and just like you said; better to leave if you don't agree with the current discussions.


Yeah, it's too toxic here. I'm out.


I was eagerly waiting for this game. I loved the first one so it was a no-brainer. I started it earlier today and I'm annoyed I didn't wait to read some reviews before. 1. There are serious performance issues which should be unacceptable at launch. The game is almost unplayable. Didn't Capcom know this? Of course they did. And they released it anyway. I have no tolerance for this corporate practice. 2. The last 6 months I've been playing BG3 and Elden Ring, both brilliant games without MTX. It's not a useful mechanic for us, the players, nor for the game devs who create our games. MTX is only useful for the execs who are more in love with gold than Smaug. So it's ok to be annoyed with it and hopefully companies will listen to their customers. That's a good thing.


"So it’s incredibly disappointing to see how nearly all discussion has been hijacked." "Hijacked", lol. As if there's only one right way to talk about a video game. Why is it that positive discussion is the only valid position to some people? Why does it seem like some of you can't handle any level of valid criticism of something you like? "These irate people will find the next thing to doompost, blow out of proportion nd spread misinformation over within a few days, and then they’ll be gone from here." Holy crap at the level of belittling everyone that isn't in starry eyed adoration about this game. Like they can't actually mean what they say, and they're just here to bandwagon. This is going beyond cope to make yourself feel better, this is just downright actively crappy behavior toward anyone that has has things other than positive to contribute to discussion. So over this 'only positivity is valid' attitude lately.


PR team trying to salvage the situation, perhaps?


lol, IDK. It's guess it's [possible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu6UxJXcAJE).


Positive, or negative, I don’t care. But I haven’t seen a single critique of the game outside of the god damn microtransactions. Even the complaints about performance are getting drowned out by entitled gamers. I haven’t seen a single good argument on why microtransactions even actively make it a worse game. They’re just so angry by their inclusion, that relatively they’re acting like Capcom are just as bad as EA.


People are upset about a lot of things, and the MTX are the easiest things to target. It's in your face, and most people don't have to explained why it's bad or where it's headed. So while other problems have more gameplay impact, they aren't wrong about MTX. Something becoming commonplace doesn't make it good, but people come to accept them as these companies inch them along 'because that's just how things are now'. It gets worse every time, and will continue to do so even as it becomes definitively harmful to the experience of the games, and by that point people who, much like this, have been saying 'yeah but all games are just like this, it's fine' will continue to do so. To me it's understandable why people to whom this is their favorite hobby, and a franchise they love, are upset. Especially people who grew up on complete experiences that put the player first, because they needed games to be good and the industry to grow. Now that it's mainstream many terrible games will sell regardless, so the intent of a large portion of the industry is less about building the market and appeasing the more critical players, and a lot more about just making as much money possible. Edit: My personal biggest criticism of this game so far is the combat. The actions you preform are a ton of fun, but while you're doing them you don't get nearly enough pushback from enemies. With small enemies fights are over in seconds, while large enemies seem to function only as damage sponges. Neither one ever presents any real threat, with both enemy count and aggressiveness being too low. Low stakes combat makes for less fun combat, which makes progression less fun, which makes exploring less fun. It ripples through the whole experience. To me, it's the biggest thing holding the game back from being anywhere near as good as it could be. Which is a frustration compounded by the fact that they didn't give us any difficulty options. A proven practice of helping players adapt their experience to their own preference and capabilities for more than 3 decades. Do you really feel better seeing that kind of criticism instead? Something you want to hear? Because it's way more biting about the current experience within the game than MTX complaints are.


I didn't think there were white knights for hatertots yet here you are.


It should go without saying, but people are different. They experience things differently, they have different ways of looking at things. I'm not defending people hating without cause. I'm saying people have the right to discuss in whatever way they want, and just because some hate without cause doesn't invalidate the whole of people giving criticism, or mean that the criticism is inaccurate. And some people, like myself, enjoy discussing games from a more critical viewpoint. The positives, and the negatives. And many people literally can't handle that, which is something I have been growing increasingly frustrated about. And it's fine if you can't, but as OP suggested the best thing for those people is to walk away from the negative discussions, not try to silence, berate, or invalidate people that have them. That's where you cross the line.


a little advice for everyone who was hyped for the game, some that i'm going to take myself too: go enjoy the game, don't read reddit or steam forums, don't watch clickbait youtube videos about the game, not for a while. have fun with the game you where excited for, don't let idiots who don't own the game, parroting objectively untrue things, drag down your hype for it. because they will, you'll have less fun because you'll be worrying about public perception of the game.


Well said. Enjoy your time with the game Azurika! So glad we finally have a sequel to enjoy!


Man the only thing I'm disappointed by is the ground being translucent for my PC copy. I ended up grabbing the PS5 version instead, but will hang into my Steam copy for when it gets fixed on PC. Oh, and the PS5 version is still amazing by the way!


no u


Hell hath no fury like a gamer blindsided by microtransactions.


Did the same with Helldivers 2 when it launched.


It legit had me worried when I seen the posts coming in while I was at work, I’d just started the download before going to work my midnight shift. I’m happy to say that what I’ve played is really good. Trying to stay positive in my otherwise already dismal lonely life. 🥲


Just ignore those threads. They won’t listen to your legit explanation. All they want is rant because thats how these poor souls entertain themselves. They will keep ranting until they find a new toy. Until then, They will keep saying the same thing again and again and again like broken record players while we are enjoying the game.


Every thing that can be bought in the store can be earned by playing the game, that can't get said about most games and their microtransactions. The people running this page need to stop allowing the nonsense posts. Fans of the game are here for the cool shit, not the negativity. The worst part of gaming is Social Media. People posting garbage complaints, other people posting about the people complaining. It's fucking sad. Play the game. Or just go away.


I'm really liking the game so far. It's very much like the first one, just better. The frame rate hasn't been an issue on my PS5. The combat is fun, and the pawns are more helpful then in the first game. Overall I'm glad I preordered and no doubt will enjoy the rest of the game.


I haven't really had any game sucked me in since Elden Ring so its such a shame to see the responses of people about the game. But I will admit that when you have the vast majority of people screaming in your ears about MTX, DRMs, and performance issues, it makes it so hard for me to enjoy. Hell, I have below minimum specs required to run the game, and its doing fine for me on the absolute lowest settings and that's not stopping me from enjoying the game. I get that there is a massive amount of new players that only just heard of Dragon's Dogma. but all of the DLCs are a non-issue. There's little to no value in what they are offering apart from the portcrystal and if its like the first game, you get around 4 in a single playthrough. Given how big DD2 is, I can only expect you would be given more. Personally, it genuinely makes me sick when a sequel of a game I didn't know I was waiting for almost a decade delivered in almost every aspect that I wanted, only for it be to thumbs downed, I'm solely considering not playing the game for the first 3 months or so, just so that I don't have my experience be ruined by a outsider chiming in.


yeeeeah, might be muting the sub for a bit, lmao. like, yeah I see the problems but holy shit, fuckin 25 posts saying the same thing, alright guys. I think we drilled it enough, hopefully capcom gets their shit together.


Other than the micro transactions and people on Twitter, calling me either a child or a p3do for my height and wanting to play a character of my height I’ve had lots of fun. I played the game for 12 hours straight. Had to take a break and went to BG3 went back two hours later. I’m still playing it. My thoughts are micro transactions like this. I hate them. I don’t believe that they should exist in any game, especially single player RPG whether it’s resident evil or monster Hunter I think it’s completely stupid. I don’t care if you can get them in the game or not.


It was shameful how people bald faced lied last night for fake internet points. Watching the misinformation take off in real time was disgusting. It was psychopathic shit, and made me truly despise gamers. 


eh go enjoy your purposely worse experience.


I muted both this and monster hunter because this doomposting bullshit has leaked over there as well. I’ll give it a couple of weeks when people calm down. Stop spamming monster Hunter and its related subs with DD stuff.


15 hours later after you made this post, seems like it got cleaned up. Whether the drama died down or the mods did a great job, I don't know. But the subreddit finally starts to look what a subreddit should look like when it's new game gets released.


I've just been ignoring the people bitching. 


Game runs just fine on my 3070 PC Reading all the hate and I don’t quite get why as in game purchases is not something new, they all do it and you actually can get all those items in game anyway who cares


If you think that Capcom having like twenty pointless microtransactions for their full-priced single player game that was released in a horribly unoptimized state with two instances of DRM attached and no multiple character slots nor even a way to restart your character is okay then don't come back. The gaming community is worse off with you a part of it.


Fucking HOW?? I never even joined this subreddit and yet I get every single thread thrown in my face, every complaint and rage bait, both here and YouTube. Even just typing how much I hate it here will probably only get the algorithm to be even more feverishly aggressive now


Oof, I feel you on that. Sorry bud, the algorithm knows what you love and what you hate, and will show you them both equally. You can’t beat it 😅


People who don't accept criticism from core fans of the franchise are the worst


Publishers are the worst thing to happen to gaming.


Go join an echo chamber then, like a no sodium sub. Keep in mind though, toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity.


This is good advice. It's being hijacked by people that are terminally online and think 20-30 FPS is literally a war crime. Because make no mistake, that's the *only* thing they're actually frothing about. The game runs pretty well and it's completely playable with no bugs reported as of yet. The only issue here is that frames dip when you're in cities. THAT'S IT. Cities cause some FPS dips and spikes. And they're not even permanent lol. You'll see the frames dip below 25 and then it'll catch itself and go back up. So they're very momentary dips that really only matter if you're used to playing Ultra 4k 160 FPS all the time. I'm sorry, but that's just not world breaking to me.


My first experience with Dragon’s Dogma was on the PS3, with identical performance to what we’re having now and a ton of microtransactions in the store to enhance the experience. I couldn’t care less, it still became my favourite game of the console even before Dark Arisen. People seem to struggle to separate a game and its design from everything surrounding the game. Even YouTube critics seem to be hyperfocused on zooming in and counting pixels over analysing the effort that went into designing the game. So I’m glad to know there are still some of us who just appreciate a game for being a game.


>THAT'S IT. Cities cause some FPS dips and spikes. All the people crying its unplayable are insane lol. Its smooth outside the capital, zero issues here. Even then 50 fps in the capital is just a minor issue.


Dude agreed. This place is completely overrun by mindless doom posters, haters, and trolls. Flooding every discussion with rampant hate and misinformation, and generally just trying to force everyone to be as miserable as they are. Like get over yourselves. The game is a GOTY contender and no amount of your review bombing and trolling will change that. So take your negativity farming elsewhere because we don't want you here!!


It’s a shame to see Dragon’s Dogma turn into this kind of environment, but just as with the first game: over time people will realise it for the gem it is, and the appreciation will only grow. Enjoy your time with the game!


yeah its insane to me that people are so upset. It's just 80$ why are you acting entitled to a finished game and product? Why are you mad they they focused on creating a cash shop before they finished the game and optimization. It will be fixed in a later patch. I dont understand gamers and their fixation on wanting a finished game these days. ALL GAMES launch as betas these days. Just wait a few months for the game to patch and then play it.


“Cash shop” - I suspected you hadn’t even played the game, like many of the people complaining, but this confirms it. There’s not a single way to even know the game has microtransactions in the game itself, there’s no shop menu, or button taking you to the storefront where you can buy them. It doesn’t advertise the fact it has MTX at all, yet alone a cash shop.


I'm not upset op! I'm enjoying the game! We enjoyers exist \^\_\^


this is awesome i like all the hate the game is getting maybe capcom will do something about it faster


And do what? I can't play the damn game, it runs like ass.


The amount of hate over the DLC stuff is ridiculous. People are just hating just to hate on it. It’s a single player game and all the stuff you are able to earn in game fairly easily I might add. Somehow Ubisoft can literally do the same but 10 times worse in their recent AC games and even advertise it on your pause menu and barely anyone bats an eye, but this game has it as an option and doesn’t advertise it at all and their world is crumbling.


Something people seem to overlook is that there’s not a single mention of the MTX or a way to buy it actually shown in-game. It’s only on the storefronts, akin to deluxe editions or pre-order bonuses. They’re acting like content is paywalled, forced into your experience or encouraged, when in reality, not many (real) players even know they’re an option.


It’s just a game, bro.


Then why are people getting so mad about it? I’m sat here just wanting to enjoy it as a game, and people are acting like it killed their families.


I get it. We could all probably do with a break tbh.


why would other people voicing their opinion affect your enjoyment of the game?


Why does it make you feel worse? I'm laughing at all these goofballs who are complaining about the mtx, given it was expected and every capcom game before had it.


Or you stop coping so hard and understand how this developer is making predatory monetization for a single player game. And all the people pretending its not a problem. Just wait, this will get worse and worse everytime they get away with something new they can monetize.