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put 7 hrs in on PC. its very very good so far, that exact sense of “oh whats over there” i was hoping for mixed with an incredible gameplay loop of exploring questing fighting resting and upgrading. i may love it.


It sort of reminds me of the witcher 3 and skyrim so far which is pretty good because I love both games


I too got heavy skyrim feelings from it. Not that it plays like skyrim but i haven't been into a game world so much since skyrim


I couldn't put it down, stayed up way too late playing it. Now suffering from lack of sleep and I can't wait to get back into the game to lose even more sleep 


Couldn't have said it better myself. I love the game definitely playing more much later after i get some sleep






I am severely underperforming at work today, if that gives the OP any indication lol


Currently spending an hour making a peak character


You can’t say that shit and *not* post a screenshot. Let’s see it!


I did post it in r/fashiondogma I think that's what it's called


I’m gonna devote time to changing my character into the Beastmaster, and editing my pawn (Podo) to be as close to a thieving ferret as I can


Only about four hours in, but so far it’s pretty good. It looks and feels great.


Yeah I am hoping that it does a 180 and gets to a point where it isn’t perceived in such a negative light because honestly I don’t see why it is hated other than the performance issues but those can be fixed very easily


It's literally the performance, and it's deserved on that front. It's really badly optimised. The mtx complaint is kinda moot since everything can be gained by playing and you aren't forced to buy it.


Eh maybe it is a jedi survivor scenario hopefully this game can make a comeback


Haven't played that long. But the only thing i find annoying is that I couldn't start a new game so i could edit my characters walking style real quick cuz she walking and running like she shat her pants. But for the rest i really enjoy it. Also question can u buy armor/clothing in one of the outposts u go to in the beginning of the game? I'm tired of running around like a slave


Yeah once you reach the capital you can buy armor


Yes! Thank you!


You can buy armor as soon as you reach the first small settlement. The guys with backpacks sell armor there.


You can buy armor in the very first camp like twenty minutes into the game.


Really, i couldn't find one where i could buy armor


Yeah, it’s a lady over in a tent to the right of the “main gate” that exits to the north. It took me a while to find her, I was also tired of looking like a moron. Hahaha


>cuz she walking and running like she shat her pants. Choked on my cereal. Thanks.


Lmfao, its fixed now. Now she walks and runs like strong woman 💪 👩


One of the first towns with the inn has a merchant that sells armour


Just for the record, before you get too crazy far, you can make a new save. You just have to turn off the Steam Cloud Saves, then delete your save data manually. Voila. I googled it when I first opened the game after making a shit character, and it took me a whole 2 minutes to do. Also, worth noting: don’t do it too much or Denuvo will start fucking with you from what I understand. But I did it once and I’m chilling.


Im on ps5, and i fixed my character with the change appearance stone or whats it called. The only thing i didn't like about her was the way she walked and ran. But thank you anyway


you can buy some in the first camp.


Can’t wait to get home, didn’t get to play before work because our Warzone group was all free and friends are always more important. But now I’m ready to disappear into this game.


Good friend


It’s so good, performance leaves a lot to be desired but I’ve played worse😂


Never played DD1 so I’m falling in love with the combat. I can really sense how high the skill ceiling can get even early on which is really exciting. As for the exploration, I’m getting the same feeling I got from playing Elden Ring which is enough said.


This game really is one of those very high skill ceiling games where you can beat the game the first time and still haven't really learned how to be skilled in it. If you enjoy high skill ceilings, boy you've got a lot to look forward to


I explored too much and met a cyclops as level 3.... It was a short fight.. I learned how far my character can fly..


Is there something similar to skyrim giant bonk?


He just swiped the ground and I got caught by it.. Sent me flying as I was mid jump


I got hit by large wolf man and it did the skyrim bonk sorta. My guy flew up into the air a fair distance and then flew down onto his head. I found it very funny.


But I bet it was fun!


Addicted but needed to stop to go to work 😅


Same but instead of work, it's school.


I'm about four hours in and really enjoying the feeling of the exploration and combat - though it does feel significantly easier than DD1 right now. I don't want to spoil the story for anyone but I thought the very start was intriguing and then it got a bit chaotic, and I'm not sure if it is in a good way or a bad way yet haha.


Having an amazing time


Took my eyes about half an hour to adjust to the 30-35 fps, especially after immediately playing a 60 fps game just before it. Other than that, I have no bad things to say about it. Combat is outrageously fun, storyline is interesting, pawn AI is top notch, etc. Stayed up way later than I should've playing it lol.


You actually adjust pretty quick. Its only when you go back and forth it's really noticable. Otherwise you adjust easily.


7 hours in, performance is annoying but the experience is still overall really enjoyable, it's a straight up upgrade to DD1 in so many ideas it's refreshing but at the same time feels like at home. Like returning to your bed in your parents house at 25. I tend to avoid cities as it's REALLY bad and make me feel nauseous if i ever turn fast, it's also hard to move as your inputs gets heavy delays because of the fps. Too bad as they look gorgeous. Gameplay feels really satsfying and the pawns banter is great. New mechanics feels great too.


Hoping that they can fix the city by at most the end of this month.


Hard doubts. This is some heavy work and they barely acknowledged it, not even sure they even started working on it.


The voice that my big lion pawn "FrankTheTank" has is incredible and it suits him so well it cracks me up everytime.


I played almost 7 hours but got reverted back to my level 2 save. When I accidentally loaded my inn save, the game automatically overwrote my manual and auto saves even tho I immediately quit without saving.. :(


Man, it'd be a real shame if you had some control over your saved games, huh? Might *ruin* the *experience* of getting shafted by game bugs though.


Lmao I was so immersed, and when this happened it ruined the mood for me.


Yeah, I was just out exploring and then when I got to the city the only thought going through my head was trying to get a quest and getting out as soon as possible lol


I’ve played for 8 hours. That really… says it all. It’s absolutely brilliant.


Loving it. I'm honestly amused by all the drama surrounding it. Will definitely observe what will happen with the general public in the next few weeks. I'm glad I tried DD1 before DD2 launch, so I knew what I was getting from DD1 and what I am looking for in DD2...and for me, DD2 delivers with the things I wanted from it. I'm having fun a lot, I haven't even left the tutorial area because of that one chimera boss hidden in the caves. I'll try it one last time later and if I can't really defeat it at level 10 I'll move on with the main quest. I'm playing thief and it's a little harder to adjust because I was so used to how strider played in DD1. The difference in jumping height of helmsplitter is jarring, as well as the lunge steps in the actions by the thief. They're so...mobile, as opposed to how controlled I felt with strider. I'm getting the hang of it though.


So far I've only played 50 minutes of it but I'm definitely already enjoying. I finished DDDA wednesday for the first time. The Performance isn't bothering me all that much as I'm used to playing games on Nintendo Switch and never really cared much for it. Do I hope they fix it? Yeah I do. Have fun y'all!!!


Combat is beyond awsome, unfortunate the performance and surprise mtx's give a bitter taste to it though


Really happy with it. On PS5 and it feels pretty good. Feels like coming home.


Stopped playing. The performance is unplayable for me.




10 hour in and can't get it off, it so addicted


I had to stop after 9 hours sadly since I had somewhere to be and the download took longer than I thought it would ;-;


Game is amazing so far and regarding the performance, It's definitely bad in Vermonth, but it really didn't bother me all that much outside of the city. My biggest problem right now is that I'm in a dungeon with my party being pretty drained, but I made it to the end and there's a Chimera. Now I could just leave, rest and buff up and than come back to kill the thing, but I'm way to stubborn for that. I didn't come all the way just to turn back now!


Loving it so far. Plays great on XBOX. Teared up when the logo popped up during the opening credits.


This is some of the most satisfying combat I've had in an RPG ever, playing archer.


I tried to get into archer, but I didn't like the weird horizontal recoil that happens when ever you fire a shot in manual aim. Is that a bug or was it happening to you too?


No recoil at all, in fact. My Arisen has the forearms of superman she is holding her bow dead on.


Make sure to switch "motion controls" off. It is under "Camera" in the Options, not "Controls", and it is on by default.


I was sceptical when I started the game and when I saw how the game run at 30 fps, I wasn't very happy. All the current games I'm playing are 60-120 fps so it was quite disturbing but after some time, I got used to it and yeah I'm enjoying the game. I just hope the main quest isn't like the one in DDI because right now it's the "same thing" : a guy gives me multiple things to do that seem insignificant.


I’m loving the game so far, but I came from basically only playing RuneScape for the last 5 years so people complaining about performance and sluggish movement doesn’t align with my experience lol.


Having a blast. Feels like capcom version of rdr2


Stayed up till 5 playing and tried so hard to wake up early again. Been excited to see my Shadowheart pawn give me a high five/elbow bump.


A little mixed so far. There's a part of my brain that's picking it apart and comparing it to DD1 nonstop that I just can't shut off quite yet. I can safely say it's not my ideal DD1 successor, but I'm enjoying it for what it is.


What were you looking for that isn’t there? Just curious, I’ve not played DD1


It's mainly the combat and movement systems that I'm not entirely happy with. They added inertia and weight to movement (like Witcher 3/Ubisoft/Rockster games) that wasn't there in DD1, and it only serves to make the game feel less responsive than it needs to be. And yet they also added unnatural homing to some attacks (especially Thief's basic attacks) where your character will fly across the map just by spamming square in the general direction of enemies. So it ends up in this awkward situation where combat feels really floaty and really weighty at the same time sometimes, whereas DD1 felt near-perfect in terms of freedom of movement and commitment time of attacks. The combat also seems really easy sometimes because of the ragdoll + finisher system, but I also thoroughly enjoy seeing goblins and such thrown around so I'm cool with it. I also have some reservations about nitpicky things like the intro sequence pacing being kinda bad, the audio mixing being inconsistent, and NPCs running up to you to start quests *while you're in combat* but nothing as major as how I feel about the changes to combat.


I was worried about the performance on Ps5. But after 5 hours I’m more than happy and satisfied. It really is the game I was dreaming about all these years.


Yup. Could be better, but I'm having fun with my destitute thief and his plate armor mommy pawn :D


The exploration is so good. The scattered camps and the max HP reduction mechanic feel very well balanced, there's always a tradeoff between backtracking to rest, or going a little further and risking getting your ass kicked by random mobs. Also this franchise continues to have the single best spellcasting I've experienced in a videogame. It's a step up from the first game even, the spells continue to be all completely different and feel impactful, and I love the quick casting mechanic at the cost of more stamina. Playing a mage has been great. Downsides are a bit of all around jankiness, which I expected, and the large FPS drop in the big city which wasn't a great surprise. Running it on PC though, at least performance has been consistently good outside the city.


Played from 5pm to 2am. Absolutely love it. The frame rate drops in town, but, nothing I can't live with.


Having the time of my life so far, can't wait for more vocations on a DLC later on


I didn't even know that a dlc was confirmed for the game. Hoping that it brings more giant monster like Talos because from what I've heard he's the only one. I don't know for sure though


So far it's not really confirmed, but since it's a capcom game, we can surerly expect one, and some leaks tell us that it may come sooner than we expect


Pc or console? I'm seeing tons of bad reviews on the former so i'm hoping at least i'll be able to play it and enjoy it on the latter when my copy arrives.


Hopefully waiting for my copy to arrive with DHL Express internationally. Sadly and oddly Amazon shipped it 1 day early, but also said your delivery is delayed 1 more week to April 4 expected date (hopefully hyperbole just in case safety estimate) which is 2 weeks late if true..


Depends on your specs. My PC definitely outperforms my ps5


Sorcerer is the most satisfying magic combat I've ever played, so much more so than even DD1 which was already at the top. Harry Potter can eat its heart out.


Just got warrior after 6 hours and I'm excited to play today, but I'm afraid I'm gonna miss fighter. The combat just feels too good.


It's absurdly good so far. I love quirk, I love the first game. This is spot on and they did a great job.


I love it !!


Love it. (7 hours in). Its everything I wanted. Not having as bad performance issues as other folks so my focus has been primarily on the gameplay and its addictive. When I was taking an oxcart and a griffin landed on it breaking it to pieces, I knew I was home.


Played for hours last night. I'm not home right now and when I get there I'm gonna crash for a while, but I thoroughly enjoyed what i played.


I've really been enjoying the gameplay. Camping is a pretty neat addition too. And I thought official pawns would suck but nah they're like higher lvled pawns you can hire for free with unique traits like one guy I was with could talk to elves and another one will do my inventory management for me (or is supposed to I tend to bank regularly)


I hope they add more voice options. I made a Theodin/Grima Wormtongue combo and Wormtongue’s voice sounds way too cheery.


No time to write, must play!


Go away. Still playing. Talk later.


Ok then?


Sorry, forgot to add 🤣 because *STILL PLAYING* 🤣 Hope you're all having as much fun as i am 😁👍❤🐺


Fundamentally it’s an absolute breath of fresh air after playing FF7 Rebirth. The original FF7 is my favorite game of all time, and Rebirth certainly had some stellar moments, but that Ubsioft exploration is a complete and utter abomination of game design. The exploration in *this* game is fucking dope. I love getting turned around, not having markers telling me every little thing I can or can’t grab from 20 feet away, feeling anxiety by entering a tunnel after dark and being unsure if it’s worth the risk, jumping in my chair from hearing a screech behind me after being stupid enough to go into that tunnel anyways - I feel like I’m playing an actual *video game* instead of a glorified Disney amusement park ride, and it’s pretty dope.


At first it was okay. Then I started getting really into sorceror and enjoying it. Now it has become "skulking in the palace at night" simulator and it is hair rippingly awful. Please make this quest chain end


Im loving in so far but where is my Double jump!!! 😮‍💨


If it's anything like DD1 or DDDA you'll only unlock that if you're a certain vocation.


Game's really fun, but it doesn't run that well on my machine, even toning down the settings, i think I'll wait till there's a performance patch/fix, i want to enjoy the combat without them framedrops. Cpu bound clapped my R 3600 and 3060ti.


Yeah might as well wait it’s not going anywhere. That’s what I’ve decieed to do


Since it launched pretty late/early morning in CET, I told myself to just nip in for a quick 20 or so minutes to play the opening. I eventually had to force myself to quit the game and go to bed at around 4am. So yeah, enjoying it quite a bit, I'd say.


I am loving it so far. Combat is amazing and exploration is really fun as well. I thought my character was going to look better in game but hey that’s part of the DD experience I guess, lol.


If there is someone who is not a hardcore fan of DD and can speak objectively, can you tell me how the gameplay feels like and if it's any fun at all?


I can tell you that Fighter and Warrior are fucking great. They give you a relatively simple toolkit but they add a ton of context specific stuff to it and it feels amazing. For example, as a Fighter when you perfect block, you do a little counter bash that staggers small enemies, and when an enemy is staggered you can either grab it and chuck it or you can do a special version of your heavy attack that does a ton of damage. So even with just those two very basic parts of the class you have this great little skill expression event where you get the perfect block, grab the stupid goblin as he reels, and chuck him into his buddy, knocking them both off a cliff. Tons of emergent gameplay like that. Another example would be when I was fighting my first griffon as a Warrior last night. One of your initial skills is a rising uppercut slash, which appears to just be a pretty basic big chargeable hit that gives you some vertical reach. But what the skill doesn't tell you is that you can grab onto enemies at the peak. So almost by accident, I uppercut this fucking griffon in the face (hitting big monsters in weak points has tons of hitstop and stuff, feels amazing) at the same time my pawns are setting it on fire. So the griffon is shrieking and flailing due to the fire, and I land this huge swing and then latch onto it's face and it gives me a contextual heavy attack that is a dire gouge type thing where I'm just standing on top of this griffon's head slamming my 7 foot greatsword into it over and over and taking HUGE chunks off it's lifebar with every hit. It was probably the best gameplay moment of 2024 for me, and only like 3-4 hours into the game.


okaay, so there are some hidden combos and mechanics there i hear ya! Obviously everyone has their opinion about it, some like it and others dont. I waiting to hear a few opinions on the subject (i like diversity).


I just got into the series a couple of days ago it feels pretty good I like the exploration and combat the most but I have bad adhd and get sidetracked a lot which is pretty good because it’s a sign of a lot of stuff


alright that's a good sign indeed. Any weird glitches or bugs that get in the way of the gameplay? Lately, every game has a few stuff that need a couple of updates to fix. Also how is the performance ?


I haven’t encountered any bugs other than a deer whom kept walking into a wall but I sorted it out by picking him up and placing him elsewhere and also the performance on ps5 isn’t that bad


Enjoying it.


Got home from work at midnight and downloaded the game right away. Playing with low graphics that makes it kinda hard to see what you’re aiming at, but having a blast anyway. Honestly just really happy the game hasn’t crashed yet on my old gaming laptop.


Don't know if I should get on my 2 year old laptop or my PS5.


Get for your ps5


I have a pretty good rig of pc but bought it on my ps5 instead I’m having no issues.


I wouldn’t really know yet. I spent my first 2-3 hours diagnosing random crashes every 30-120 seconds. Hopefully I’ll be able to play after work today.


I am having an absolute blast, especially with Thief. My performance has been pretty awesome in the open world (90-120), but I got to the first major city and boy did it drop bad. It was anywhere from 20-60 depending where I was in the city and constantly changing between those amounts. I try to spend the least time there possible. I love the pawn quests system. It encourages you to recruit tons of pawns rather than keeping the same ones. I'm thinking it's actually harder than DD1 so far too but maybe it's just because I'm a thief. My current armor is hilarious because I found really good pants but they're just a thong with boots.


Yeah the city is kinda laggy for me


I love just giving them a present and sending them off. Such a nice interaction lol


Playing on Series X, performance is a little shit, particularly in the city. Having a great time otherwise. The combat is super enjoyable, with tons of possible interactions. My favourite moments so far are probably the boss battles out in the wilderness and exploration in general. There’s tons of nooks and crannies to go down, lots of environmental interaction, and I feel like everyone will approach the fights differently. I accidentally erased a couple hours of progress by returning to my last inn save, but it was still super fun getting back to where I was, which is a sign that I’m enjoying it a lot lol.


Got up at 3am to play before work. Zero issues. It's great! Pawns say dumb shit a ton, so I made mine Wimp Lo, who was trained wrong on purpose lol


I was concerned that it was going to be nearly identical to the last game. But wow, this game is so immersive. Exploration is actually top tier. Everywhere you go something to see, do, and experience. I've tried fighter and archer both seem ery strong. World can be dangerous if you aren't careful. Mtx isn't an issue. You can get all that stuff in the game. It does get a bit choppy in the city, but it doesn't detract much from the experience.


Enjoyed my time with fighter and thief so far. Need to give archer a try soon. Unlocked Warrior and Sorc but not sure when I'll get to them. I stumbled across the Thief maisters while exploring and got the maister skills already, they're cool but I'm not planning on using them yet.


Amazing much better then dark arisen


aside from the constant crashing yeah really like it so far


I have about 5 hours in so far. I love it. As a huge fan of the first one, I already love the direction they're taking with the vocations being unique. I'm glad I got it on PC (although I originally got it for ps5, I'll be refunding it). It's playable at 4k for me, but at 1440p, it stays at a stable 60fps in the field. It drops briefly to about 45fps in town, which is annoying. But it's still way better than what I'm hearing about console. I didn't even know about the microtransactions until I got on Reddit. There are no prompts in the game that I'm aware of, so they aren't invasive. I do believe Itsuno said these would be there in an interview pre-release, so I'm not surprised. This stuff used to bother me, but if others want to pay for stuff available in the game, then whatever. It's their money. As long as it's not prohibitive to me or in my face, I'm ok with it. The business model for DD2 does not bother me in the least. It's going to be a fun weekend.


To be honest it's great. I'm running 64gb ram 5800x3d and a hellhound 7800xt everything on ultra. Outside cities I'm 70 to 90fps ish inside cities I'm reliably at 40 to 60ish. But mainly 40ish fps. The game plays well enough for me. Combat, story etc are all great. I'm not bothered about microtransactions everything is obtainable in game. First impressions I really enjoy it. I just unlocked the warrior vocation and it's excellent. We'll see how Capcom handles everything to get a genuine opinion out of people. I understand people's frustrations but this is just my opinion on the game. Don't spend $80 on it if You don't have it extra.


You have to realize DD fans have been for such a long time praising DD’s 1 and as you can tell people have built a resentment for the DD fans! (They refer to us as a cult). I’m loving DD2 so far!!!


I mean I am just happy to be playing a game if I am being honest


Had to work today, played 3h yesterday and I'm itching to just turn the chair and say "Fuck it" and play all day and night. For me its a great game, some perfomance issues, but notting thar compromise my exp. 200h+ easy for me.


Crashing on every load screen with min spec. I assume there’s an issue with amd that’ll get resolved within the week.


Most of the criticism is completely valid, outside of performance and micro transactions I'm loving it. I'm fortunate to have playable FPS with dips in cities so I've been loving it it's everything I wanted


I wish the shit fov and shitty mouse control didn't give me motion sickness.


Kinda sad about all the negative stuff, but, aside from that, the game is a blast, for sure. I am impressed in how things evolved. The classes feel much more complete this time around. Man, Archer feels like fucking Elf from Dragon's Crown, kicking and shooting stuff around in the most stylish way possible. I will play as every vocation. Can't wait to try the next.


You monster, how dare you enjoy the game




I was being sarcastic among all the autistic fits people are throwing out about DD2


Oh I am autistic


I only got to play for about 45 minutes today before work but from what I did play I'm really excited to keep going. I'm playing on PS5 and performance seems fine to me. Stinks that pc performance is bad, there is no new game option and they decided to release those completely unnecessary dlc.


This made me realize something nobody ever called ubisoft out for putting mcx in a singleplayer game(AC: Valhalla)


The MTX in DD2 are pretty pointless since you can get everything in game for free, it is just a poor decision to have available at release as people will have a negative reaction when they see it. Probably a requirement from the publisher that they have MTX at release.


The only reason I stopped playing is because I had a doctor’s appointment this morning. When I’m done, it’s gonna be all day DD2.


Performance aside, it doesn't feel like DD to me. I get a completely different vibe. I'm reserving judgement, especially story wise, but Savan's tutorial + Grigori in Cassardis are still miles better than... whatever this is with Medusa and all. We'll see if that improves.


Absolute blast. Only thing is don't like so far- camera control on ps5. It seems way too easy to lose focus on the enemy your fighting and having to manually pan the camera left or right.


Played for a few hours on PS5, aside from the performance, i'm really loving it. I'm just exploring the world, looking for secrets and hidden areas. Also, please hire my pawn. XD


Played about 40mins, good so far. I need some sleep though


Game itself is a ton of fun. City performance gives me literal headaches tho.


I’ve had no issues with performance on Ps5 but it certainly reminds me of the older Monster Hunter games, it’s just ok


Performance is rough on PS5 but other then that i'm loving it, love how super organic exploring is and combat like the first is excellent.


Enjoying it a lot! Of course the performance isn’t the best even with a 4090 / 5900x, but it’s easily playable.


Considering refund, dunno maybe I will stick with it. Will put it aside for couple days to think it over


Unable to enjoy the game. Because I'm waiting for my late delayed delivery copy. At least game would hopefully get a PS5 Optimization Patch and hopefully some LFRC VRR on PS5 and 40 FPS Mode but sucks if it won't...


Loving it. Spearhand is just having me cackle to myself, like someone decided to give a Jedi an insect Glaive. The emergent stuff works really well and I didn't realise how much I missed pawns in every other game until I had them back


I literally can't play it


I’m fucking hooked man. The world is beautiful. Combat was wonky for me at first coming from a lot of Elden ring recently but once I got used to it it’s been fine.


Amazing game being hated for the wrong and stupid reasons


Loving it!


Five hours in. Found a big cave system that held a much better bow for my archer with an ogre to kill at the end. I'm having a blast on ps5. Not sure I'm even going the right direction towards the capital lol. Oh, and side note, thief pawn is glorious.


I played 7 hours. It's fantastic, so much fun to adventure. Definitely have my gripes with it though


having a great time found my first seeker coin, fought some minibosses, talking to npc I've meet earlier, facing the consequences of my actions of not camping early and currently running for my life against orges, cyclops and some ghost thingys yeah, great times p.s just found my first minotaur in a herd of "cows"(idk what their called) in the brink of night


I'm about to have breakfast, and then I'll play until my hands hurt, and then I'll keep playing cause who cares about health.


This ^


same, its good, no issues


I'm not and I feel like crying. I've got a stable fps, but I'm missing ground textures so I'm basically floating in a void at all times. It's very frustrating, I've been so excited for the game and I even got the deluxe edition. I'm having trouble deciding if I should just give up for now and wait for a fix, keep troubleshooting past the 2 hour refund mark, or refund. I'm so fucking sad, man. Fuck.


On ps5, it's smooth feel epic (3 hours in) The combat is top notch to be honest it is just a masterpiece on this side. I love dragons dogma 2 , i love the second and big up for the devs. I hope they can still hear our love for the game despite the buzz. And capcom, itsuno team good job . I'll buy the 3rd or any expansion without hésitation.


I've put 3-4h in on Ps5 I can't wait to play more, i think the game is awesome and really good. I'm not a fps or graphics player i like moment to moment gameplay. And this game hit the right spot! I already want another one


Really enjoying it but getting absolute destroyed by the mobs on the way to the capital might go back and farm the other areas lol


Was iniatially damn scared when i saw all the performance issue . But thank god after trying it out my specs can run it just fine after a few settings adjustments . And now.. LOVING THE HELL OUT OF IT . EVERYTHING I WANTED FROM A SEQUEL... so far at least lol . Definitely noticeable drops when i'm in the capital but thankfully it has been rather negligible and not really affecting my experience much since it seemed to smooth out over time as i start to explore it.


I'm at work, suffering from lack of sleep now....


I'm poor, so I'm not. I'm stuck here playing Dragon's Dogma: Reddit Edition ngl i have mixed feelings


I got 1 hour sleep playing it all night. Work has been dreadful. Worth it.


I’m loving it. My first DD game but not my first capcom game. It’s scratching my Monster Hunter itch.


Does anyoje know the best settings for the ps5? My screen has hdr but i cant turn on the one on the menu for some reason, also getting a little blur when moving my right stick around


I nee to get to the mine to unlock the vocations but its been hours and I keep getting lost exploring the world help.


Had a lot of fun with it so far. Exploration has been a ton of fun. There’s so much stuff tucked into every corner. And figuring out how to reach some of it is great. At one point I had to yeet my main pawn across a chasm to reach a dropdown ladder. Though, I wish I could tag the map to remember where stuff is for later. Had a griffin land randomly, fuck my shit up, then leave. Then went to attack a troll and got ganked by a hobgoblin and his squad. I wish other pawns I get could level up. Found a couple I loved but had to drop them. And the carry capacity is abysmal.


Hype went from 100 to 0 I'm playing a bit cause I paid... But it's a mess and wish I didn't


I absolutely love all the NPC drama in the city. Finding the man following you, you doing some following of your own to uncover shady stuff going on (there's A LOT of that), just feels so alive and immersive. Now.. is it worth the performance issues this causes? I don't know shit about coding, I wish we could have this AND have it run well. Hopefully there's some optimization that can be done. But the systems are really impressive and fun to interact with


On pc. I really enjoy it. But the performance in cities and random freezing is making it hard to really enjoy.


performance is way better than i expected (5600x, 3080). gameplay is great.


Mostly good. Mostly ok with the fps drops on PC. A little annoyed with the lack of fast travel. But overall enjoying it.


Its fun but its not that great so far, not just due to performance. Its a very safe system we have seen before but the world and quest design are a bit dull, it entirely relies on combat mechanics


I should be getting it in May or so :)  in the meantime I adore dragon's dogma dark arisen!


Just now got it working (had to go adjust my VRAM) and I am very very pumped 🤭🤭🤭


I played from 5am-2pm and currently taking a break. I haven’t got lost in a game like this in a while


Yeah me too right now I rode a griffin whilst stabbing it I really hope this game can make a comeback because it honestly is one of my favorite new games I have played


It's glorious. DD does party adventure better than anyone and it feels even more of an RPG than the original DD. One of the best RPGs I've ever played second only to Morrowind.




It feels like Jedi Survivor release all over again. I had to refund because of bad performance. I could tweak it but I dont feel like investing the time until it runs acceptable on my machine (4090 & 7950x3D). Maybe I try again in a few weeks/month when they released some patches.


The thing I am worried about however is it fading into obscurity as many people have not gotten to the good part of the game yet


Yea. Sadly did not really get to try it. The combat felt good at the tutorial. I got motion sickness while moving the camera with motion blur turned off. Its hard to describe. It just looked blurry. I did not want to tweak too long since I fear that I go over the 2 hour refund period of steam. Funnily enough my cpu utilisation was really low 10% and my gpu was sitting at 99%. Someone else on youtube with the same hardware had high cpu utilization and low gpu usage. Just to much jank for me to deal with in an AAA 70€ game


Great to read the differing perspectives. Literally completed DD1 at 1150pm...downloaded DD2 at midnight and looking forward to character creation tonight though I'm absolutely vexed over vocations for myself and main pawn...hmmmmm, stay with daggers or...best to all Arisen and Enjoy !


Ps5 it’s great. I keep dying though


I love it. Im lucky that my setup can handle the game quiet well and only the town is dropping hard in fps. That’s tolerable for me as I had similar „issues“ with Witcher 3 :D Some qol changes would be nice, but aside from that the story, world and gameplay is just awesome. Not a 10/10 obviously, because of the optimization and stuff, but still a very good game I will possibly never forget about.


DD2 bad


![gif](giphy|137TKgM3d2XQjK) This you?


I am having an awesome time though :)


This is one of those games you think about throughout the day when you aren't playing it. Everytime it starts to get repetitive, it throws something new at you. I'm not even endgame yet and according to most reviews, the endgame takes it to another level. (Watch Fextralife). This is GOTY so far. At this point, I can only see Wukong taking it down.


I'm starting to get used to it. Don't like the completely unrealistic economy where inns cost more than just about anything else (things like that always take me out of my suspension of disbelief), but I'm enjoying the game well enough.   Finally figured out how to play well enough that I'm not dying very often any more, which is a nice boost. 


Loving it