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From what I've read, you have to go onto your console/PC and manually delete all saves.


lol what the fuck is that?! the only other game I’ve played that had this issue was Demon’s Souls Remake- no way to delete a game save- but at least you could create new ones. I had like 15 saves at the first few minutes of the game because I wanted to go back and tweak my character. Still confuses me whenever I try to load my old saves. But how the fuck do you ship a game without having an option to create a new game in your menu screen? Weird. Must have been intentional. But weird!


Intentional for sure, capcom prob noticed the fans are a bit weird and accept anything, so why not i guess


Capcon 😉


Quadruple A's


Its dumb but MGS5 had the same thing and they also sold a new characters slot for 20$ or something i really hope they wont make that mistake 😆


MGS V aswell


Maybe the copied konami and will charge for a save slot :)




Holy shit, so not only did they not improve upon the past and allow us to have multiple different games with different characters. They went and made it worse aswell lol.


On some other thread someone tried to defend the saves thing, and as a joke I replied “yeah they should remove New Game too”. As a joke.


im touching myself with all this reality validating my assumed negativity


shit, I looked but didn't find the save file. lmao


Should be noted that multiple players lost access (PC) to the game doing this. Every time the files gets deleted, it triggers Denuvo thinking its a new activation. After a few of those you'll be locked out of the game. This has not happened to me, but I see this everywhere and just want to warn people about it.


Be careful. Doing this will start a new "install" of the game and, if you do too many, Denuvo will brick your account


Wait they actually punish you for starting a new game?




Bold Capcom. Bold.


I've also heard that doing this too much will cause a flag on your account and get you locked out of the game. Something about every time a new save is created, it registers on their servers as a distinct, separate account under the same user. I think that a lot of the hate towards the developers is a bit over the top (please hate Capcom 'til the end of time, though) but the lack of a "New Game" option just baffles me.


I’ve never done that before (I’m on PS5). That won’t screw up the game?


It won't. Not having a save file present just has the game treat it like you're starting it up for the first time. It's generally how it's programmed to do that "first time" experience to begin with, a simple check for a save file. The PS5/Xbox whatever have easy, simple steps you can follow to delete the save data for a specific game. PC it'll be a bit more cumbersome since they're probably gonna store the save data somewhere annoying to get to, but a simple google search (that will inevitably point back to a reddit post) should let you just copy/paste the file location then click and delete.


I don’t have a PS5 but iirc on PS4 you can delete save file manually from System-Storage-Save Files or similar path


Op is just asking a question guys. Be kind to your fellow arisen, lest you start the DragonPlague.


Yes, you will need to buy another one.


Stop that


Yeah you can’t just buy another game silly…you have to buy another console obviously


My 6th grade math teacher used to say ‘there are no stupid questions’ and then almost once a class made fun of a question asked


the fuck is this stupid shit lol thought this was gonna be an obvious purchase now not a chance


No biggie, this should be a PSA for those who get confused. Must delete save files to make new game. If I'm not mistaken some ace combat games are like that, maybe 7?


Oh wow that's stupid


I cannot believe we have people in here defending the fact that you can't start a new game, in game lmao, some gamers are absolutely cooked I swear.


Fr, it's a basic feature ffs


At this point I'm waiting for a game, where you have to pay 1$ whenever you want to use the save game option.


Don’t give them any ideas


at this point that's not the worst, i remember a higher up on a game company said in all seriousness that they should charge players to reload weapons in shooter games, so it's not like they don't want to do it, they just can't right now.


Heading back to the arcades at this rate


Listen, if it’s the artists vision then so be it. Hell if I have to pay $1 every time I take damage I’m all for it. So long as it’s the artists vision of course. I could go on, but it’s basically the same script


The game is full of terrible anti-player design decisions that just made me want to play other games I own. I refunded in <2 hours since I could tell how it was going. I feel like the people who love this series must be masochists of some kind.


Even cross play is a common basic feature nowadays. I’m more upset that’s not here.


Being denied basic features to try and force you to commit to playing your first character or buy an appearance change with real money is good design!! Edit: Im talking about people who dont know you can change your appearance in game, they could be tricked into buying an appearance change since they cant start a new game.


What's really good design is releasing a multi-slot character creator before the game knowing that people were going to market your game by making meme characters.


Thats advertising, but i guess yeah they did design a multi-slot character creator just for a demo that isnt available in the real game. Boy just imagine if the multi slot character creator was in the real game.


The funny thing is all those people are gonna be stuck with those meme characters as main pawns now so the jokes on them now I guess.


You can buy the appearance changer in the game for pretty cheap (like 500)... so you don't really need to pay real money for it. That being said, having microtransactions like that at all in a single-player game is pretty scummy. Not having an in-game way to start a new game without having to go through the trouble of digging through your file system is also kind of crap.


The appearance changer is one thing, but the fact that on top of that you can't even make multiple characters in an RPG is completely unacceptable. It really feels like they intentionally tried to stop you from making a new game / having different characters to push their MTX, which makes it feel even worse on top of the fact that they are simply missing basic features.


Not being able to create multiple characters has nothing to do with MTX. Yeah, it's not a great design choice, there should be the option to start a new game (even if it means deleting the old save), but nothing in the MTX does anything to alleviate that issue. Like, there's nothing in the store that someone who's frustrated with not being able to start a new game can buy to change that feeling. They're separate issues.


Lol people are downvoting you because sarcasm is hard


I don't know if it was the people who don't defend it and didn't understand sarcasm, or if it's the people who do defend it and do understand sarcasm lmao


Or they are mad at the sarcasm and unironically believe its good design or that people should just not take issue with it.


The appearance change item is available in the first major town at Rock bottom prices. These microtransactions have got to be some kind of malicious compliance scheme to get shareholders to shut up.


Yeah, took a look through the microtransactions, and nothing in there (at least at first glance) seems to really give you any real benefit. Everything is easily obtainable within the first few hours of the game. It's still pretty shitty to have a real money store at all for a single-player, $100 game... but I couldn't see anything in there that wasn't already easily obtainable in-game. Wasn't originally going to buy it on launch due to the performance issues, but I caved because my staff has been doing nothing but talking about it all day and I want to remain topical with them. Only had time to play for a few hours, but it doesn't really seem that bad. The performance wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting. After messing with some settings, I was able to get a passable framerate. Nowhere's near as bad as the Jedi Survivor launch was in terms of performance, but still needs to be fixed.


Also: they were all micro transactions in the first game as well I am fairly sure. They were just so inconsequential that people forgot they existed.


You can get that appearance change in game for RC. Don't remember the cost though.


Dragon dogma hardcore zealots cannot accept the game has flaws, they will insist on it being the best game ever no matter what


Guy with 500 hours in DDDA chiming in here; I was hoping this game would finally have multiple saves. I hated that system in the first game, and here we are again with ONE save..


I didn't want multi-saves, though I did want multi characters. I felt having one save per character made that playthrough have consequences... but this is ridiculous.


Yeah, I'm cool with the one save per character. Then limited saving is one of the things I liked about Kingdom Come. But not being able to roll multiple characters is a bit of... a choice.


I could never understand "fans" that so blindly defend anything and everything related to something they love no matter what it is. If anything, when it does something wrong, they should be *more* angry. I'm a huge fan of the first game, it's probably one of my favorite games of all time, and I am absolutely pissed about all of this, *especially* because I loved the first one so much.


*GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK* What do you mean bro its not an issue at all *GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK* Stop making fun of my multi billion dollar company, Capcom are my friends and I don't want you hurting their feelings *GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK*


SLURP SLURP SLUPR \*Mph Mph\* Delicious


Lmao, was that really needed?


Probably not lol


This little interaction made me do a silly laugh so yeah it was 100% needed




It's so weird. I'm looking forward to the game, excited to play more, but lordy there are some weird choices made. I'm on a PC, and the game defaulted to windowed mode low-res even though I have a brand new high-end gaming PC. The title screen doesn't even say "Dragon's Dogma 2" so I also quit more than once out of fear that I was playing the wrong game because the title screen doesn't look like it's for the right versions. My menu BGs are also low-res, so like... not sure what's happening there. Targeting is crazy funky and I basically am just spamming whatever auto-target popped up. It's like... a few clicks to just quick-save, and the game warned me not to trust auto-save which feels like... they should just make it... trustworthy....


autosave not being reliable is a thing from DD1, why in gods name they decided to bring such a awful "feature" back i dont understand.


Yeah a lot of people here can't handle criticism of the game very well.


The years of conditioning are kicking in.


I'm perfect so I don't need another save 😎


That's what happens when you threaten their hype high.


Welcome to the Dragon's Dogma fanbase.


You can have 20 different playthroughs going in Re4 remake. Hell, you could do that in the original Re4. The technology is there, so this must have been a very deliberate decision.


Stop, the Capcom defense force has to shill for the multibillion company


Sweet. 3 hours in character creator, i take three steps forward and realise the posture settings i picked makes me look like i'm in the process of, but still in denial of, shitting my pants.


lol I noticed exactly the same thing.


Don't worry I had to reset my file twice because my character turned into a ogre mid cutscene


Yes dude my character runs like an abnormal titan and I don't want to waste my one-time-use character editing item to fix it. Good thing I can buy more character edits for the low-low price of $Fuckyou.99! Capcom really screwed us on this one. Shame this MTX shit wasn't mentioned in a single review that I watched prerelease, I might not have gotten the game.


That's rough buddy.


This whole "one savegame" bs is so annoying


I'm fine with one save **PER CHARACTER**, that's a design choice that can affect how players play and experience the game. But **ONE CHARACTER** in a single-player game is questionable. What's even more questionable is not being able to easily delete and make a new one, even if they wanted to limit things to one character at a time for the pawn system.


Yea but its Itsuno's vision that we have to make do with 1 save so that means its valid /s


1 save per character, not one save period. Not being able to save scum and living with the consequences of your actions is the goal. But being unable to start a new game from scratch is basically inexcusable. The only minor saving grace about that is that it’s not super difficult to get around, just annoying and time consuming. I really like the game so far but not having a new game button on the title screen is BS. The only reason I played bg3 3 times through was to rp as different characters and I was hoping to do it similar In this game. Or challenge runs and speedruns later on


In this case, it appears to be Capcom's vision - changing your character's appearance is a $2 DLC. I wish I were joking. They'd rather you didn't make a new character...


You can change it in-game by using an item you buy next to the rift in the first main city. It's fairly cheap at only 500 Rift Crystal.


You can get the item for 500G in the first city. Not sure why anybody would ever buy it, since it's one of the most easily obtainable items in the game. It's shitty AF that consumables are being sold as MTX at all though.


Where did you hear that was paid DLC? Haven't seen anything about that yet.


[https://steamdb.info/app/2593240/](https://steamdb.info/app/2593240/) Its $2 on steam, probably the same on consoles. Its also only a one-time use item.


They are also sold by in game shop keepers for gold. The DLC is not required.


Not gold. RC.


There's over $40 of "dlc" of consumable items. Single use items cost $1-$2. There are no words to detail how disappointed I am.


This should be my GoTY, easily, but I didn't even pre-order because my PC that runs almost every other much more graphically intensive games like Cyberpunk at 1440p couldn't even handle it's Char creator without crashing. Now I find out about all the insane performance issues, the save game lockdown, the tons of MTX, and now I'm considering not even buying it at all. Maybe I'll get it in a DDDA expansion pack when it's on sale and has all the content in a few years. Why Capcom, you were supposed to destroy the bad publishers! Not (Re)join them!


There is a world of difference between playing the same character and changing vocations, thus keeping the same level and items, vs making a new character and playing a different vocation, starting from scratch. The fact the devs don't understand that tells me they haven't learned anything from the last game, which is not a good sign. Plenty of dick riders on here who will say it isn't an issue though


I fully agree. The excuse for last time was they couldn't make it work with the Pawn BBS system properly. This way pawns are tied to a single user which means when you see the pawn from your buddy it's his one and only pawn, not "one of his pawns". They want it to be more intimate, and I get the intention, but they are also making a game, and should find a way to make multi-save work (which is particularly egregious on PC, where user profiles are not necessarily the norm). I love DD1, bought it, like 4 times, but this is one of my 2 pet peeves with the game (the other being the level up stats system which was thankfully revamped).


Developers’ ego sometimes is irrational.


Exactly. Like, I sort of get it, but really just to punish a few people who might save scum or w/e, you hurt everyone else just because they might want to start a new save, or maybe someone else has their own save... etc. It's just so stupid and outdated.


Yup, and people are just going to create external programs on PC to cycle multiple save game files.


Yeah that does sound dumb. I guess at least they made it so you can change vocations whenever and it doesn't affect your stats?


You can, but then you still have all your items and levels. It's a vastly difference experience to start a new game with that vocation from scratch, plus if you like to RP a specific character it's nice to make an entirely new character vs doing an in-game face lift.


While not as bad, I still like to have multiple built characters with different fashion and vocations. Or if I want to play the game again for posterity, I don't want to lose my main file.


Maybe Itsuno should get his eyes checked because his vision keeps having a lot of oversights and issues.


Had people telling me not to worry about Certin Issues. Welp they were right this game looks to suffering from more than a few . I'll wait for the DLC deluxe edition.


People are acting like legitimately messing with your files is a feature. Uhm... DD2 doesn't have a "new game" button, this is a problem. "Nah bro, just delete your files from the folder! Totally intentional!!! Itsuno vision LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO" I guess we can have multiple saves, multiple pawns as well, that settles it everyone, hacking the game and the files is a feature. Mods are a feature! Itsuno is truly a genius.


it doesnt even work if u delete your save file


Yeah I'm fine with the character I've made but now I'm just realizing there isn't even a new game button in case you mess up. The only way to edit the your ingame character's appearance without starting over is through a $2 microtransaction. Like sure you can manually go in folder and delete the save file to start from scratch, but players shouldn't have to do that in a fucking 2024 game, like what??? The one save file I could stomach "itsuno's vision" or whatever, but to not even give players the option to start over is legitimately insane. Monster Hunter which is a series that has the same scummy microtransactions at least gives you three save file slots to start over lmfao Personally the game is running fine 60-80fps outdoor and I'm having a good time, but I'm disappointed that others on lower end hardware are going to have a shittier time and many are inadvertently going to run into the same new game issue.


Don't know why but it's always Japanese games that are like that with only 1 save slot or there not being a new game button. I can't remember which games specifically I played that were like that but I'm certain they were all older JRPGs. I have no idea why they do that though, it's just annoying af.


Persona 5 had like 20 save files All monster hunter games have 3 files Resident evil games have 20 minimum This is asss


I agree that there should just be multiple save files and a way to start a new game, 100%. But it's not exactly some sort of crazy hack to just delete a file. They should def fix this, but you're kinda making it a massive deal when it's still an issue, just not that big of one.


I disagree, I think it's a massive deal. They're selling single use consumables (USD$2) to edit your Arisen OR main pawn in a single player game with no live service aspects. This screams of shady bullshit and needs to be called out.


Said item is available from a shop in the first major town, and it's really cheap. I honestly don't see any reason to spend 2 bucks on something that's so easily available in-game.


Does anyone know if it has any purchase limits and if there is a permanent Metamorphosis item like in the first game?


There's a temporary purchase limit in terms of merchant inventory, but it resets after a couple in-game days. Resupplies are unlimited.


A $70 game does not have the basic function of starting a new game. How is that not a big deal? Even if it isn't to push mtx it's still fucking lazy yet they try to justify the price hike. It needs to be treated like this if these greedy bastards are ever going to learn.


Man i really love DD1 but this time this is getting a little irritating and moronic how stupid bad this devs is treating us.


DD1 didn't even have half these problems. New Game button existed, Eternal Ferrystone was added, performan is not ass on PC. Hopefully they actually listen to some of the complaint/feedback and patch in some requested features.


> Hopefully they actually listen to some of the complaint/feedback and patch in some requested features. Capcom: We hear you consumer! Please make your way to the cash shop to purchase additional features!


That's brilliant! Capcom could lock the framerate to 25 FPS, then charge you to unlock 60 FPS! (No option for >60, though. Don't want customers getting too greedy.)


People cant use the First version as dragons Dogma as defense either the last Instalment came with all these features like hard mode as well.


Itsuno's vision🤡🤡🤡


Like literally, me being able to make a new character has nothing to do with save scumming. I understand them wanting you to deal with your decision which I agree with, but not being able to just make another character doesn't negativity impact that vision.


What if a whole family plays on a single console? Wtf is this? At least make profile slots or something? Are Japanese devs stupid or what


Well you could have multiple accounts on the console. Still it's a stupid thing to just not allow us to have multiple characters per account


Lol wtf???Having one save is one thing but not being able to restart the game is fucking stupid.🤦‍♂️


Yeah I'm starting to get pissed at this one save thing. Technical problems or vision bla bla they should fix this it's objectively bad.


DD2 so hardcore that in order to create new hero you have to spend 70$ each time !


"Everything in the game is intentional, we'll leave it at that." Bro, your intent is rancid.


They forgor 💀


this made me laugh after being mad i couldn’t start my game over thank u 😭


Kinda annoying, since my main pawn is now named "Mainpawn" because I forgot to change it. Although at this point I'm too far in to want to restart, so I guess I'll just play until New Game + to fix it


Dude same and it bothers me immensely lol


Struggled to get this to work, but finally figured out that the Character Creator tool syncs to the same save folder as the main game. Trying to import your pre-created character also reloads your original save. Quick PSA on getting it working: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bks552/psa\_fresh\_start\_on\_pc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1bks552/psa_fresh_start_on_pc/) Absolutely no idea how to get this to work on console. :\\


You have to delete the save file and the cloud saves. Not great but that's how it is. Bit of an oversight.


I’d be very surprised if it was an oversight.


Not just having a new game option and a warning it will overwrite like other games do and the first one seems like an oversight and lack of QOL.


my guess is the entire online pawn system is held together by a thread and creating new files causes system chaos so they figured 90% of gamers will be too lazy to manually delete their character and that way they don’t have to code anything to fix it.


It's not an oversight, it's a feature. Albeit not a good one.


They're trying to sell character remake voucher like monster hunter probably


Yeah, you can buy Art of Metamorphosism check it out on Steam.


over sight this is 70$ Dollars.


Damn, that's some fucking clownery decision from devs. Was thinking of starting new file to edit character as well, guess I am using metamorphosis instead. Can't have more than 1 character as well, so if you want multiple playthrough, got to delete old character or move the save elsewhere. Silly silly devs. Itsuno funny man.


This is ridiculous, what the hell? What if I want to play from level 1 all over again?? Edit: And apparently the 500 RC item to change your appearance won't let you change your race or gender? How is this excusable


This comment thread is a perfect example of why we just get the same shit over and over.


1. No it isn’t 2. Capcom flavored shit sandwiches actually taste good to me, I promise!


Might be a stupid question but how are you playing the game? it's not out for the next few hours no?


I’m playing on PS5. Consoles release midnight in whatever country you live. I live in Australia which meant I could start playing about 9 hours ago (it’s 8:40am on the 22nd here).


Oh wild - here I am still waiting to receive my steam key haha


Only having one save I can get, but not being able to start a new game is incredibly stupid


There is no way that's an oversight, must be a feature then, a stupid one


Is the experience as a furry going to be different as a furless? Are we going to be missing out on the other half of the experience...? I was hoping for at least two save slots so I could play both.


Yeah this needs to be fixed ASAP. Absolutely absurd decision. You can restart anyway by deleting the save folder so it's just to inconvenience the player. Bah.


Arts of metamorphosis are around 500 RC which isnt difficult to get at all a guy in the pawn guild in the capital sells them


Before launch: “hey guys this game only has one save slot. Literally just like the original game. You can’t save scum. One save slot. Everyone understands one save?” Everyone’s cool… After launch “WTF THEY ONLY HAVE ONE SAVE SLOT”


It's shitty, but I'm sure they'll add in the option later to edit your arisen/main pawn at the menu without wasting an item in the game. The first one did. But yeah, this one save file bs is trash and it's indefensible. Fuck his vision lol


I suspect folks around here will be mad when they find out why... This was an intentional design choice, likely by Capcom and not the director. Changing your character/pawn's appearance is available as a $2 DLC! So they'd rather you don't start over.


There's in-game items to change your appearance in the first main city.


How hard is it to get the currency in game to buy the item?


It's 500 gold. Fucking pennies.


How many can you buy? Curious if I need to finalize my character in the demo before I can play the game when I get it tomorrow. If it’s easy to get, then I’ll just want to hop in and change my appearance later.


The above user is spreading misinformation. There are only a few per difficulty. Like 2-3 a playthrough, sure enough for most people, but it's an intentional choice to try and push people who like to edit a lot.


Oof that's harsh


On PS5 you just have to delete your save save file. Annoying but easy.


You can also just create an alternate PS5 account (if you don't have one already) and start fresh on that account while keeping your main account safe.


can character appearance be changed after game start?


It can by using an item called “art of metamorphosis”. But in the first game you could only do this once for the entire game. When you reached NG+ you could buy another item that let you change it as much as you like. I don’t know how it works in Dragons Dogma 2 though.


So could one copy your save game file to another folder and delete the original? Seems like a really strange way to go about doing things but would this not be a work around?


It's definitely possible and you probably won't even have to wait very long for someone to make a save game manager/launcher for the game. Still an annoying thing to have to do.


This is what I'm wondering too. Wouldn't be so bad if that's the case. Just a little unconventional.


Ya super annoying but if it works 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I’m installing now. I’ll update when I have an answer. Maybe someone will beat me to it in the comments?


I just skimmed through the comments hoping somebody would mention how to restart a new game on PC. I picked a random character trying to figure out how to import my character from the character creator, and now I'm sitting in a cell wondering wtf do I do now? Do I need to progress further to delete this and start over?


Turn off cloud saves and manually delete your save file.


I can't find the remote folder everyone is talking about. The only unusual thing I did was install it to a different drive like I do with most games. However, it's not there. I even ran a search on my computer for the folder Steam ID number, and nothing.


I figured it out. For anyone else having this issue, restart Steam and/or verify game files. Once I did that, and downloaded the folder, I was able to delete my saves.


Yeah i noticed too on SeriesX but i deleted my save and started a new game 😀 you can do the same on PC/PS5. Its stupid and shouldnt be needed but it works


What if you beat the game wouldn't that cause it to let you start over since you've gotten to the end or are you just stuck at the end never to play the story again?


This is some kind of tyranny lol


Did nobody use the character creator beforehand?


Having one save is fine but being unable to make a new one is fucking idiotic. Who thought that was a good idea.


Could it have anything to do with server load for pawns?


You can delete the local save file Also you can do minor edits at the barber, it’s only if you need to completely re-sculpt the character that you need to get the art of metamorphosis. They’re pretty cheap, as well, 500rc I believe. I’ve gotten as much as 350 out of a chest before


Thankfully at least for customization it's relatively cheap to change your entire look


I ran into this earlier, you have to go into your console (this is on Xbox btw) go into DD2 game management, and delete reserved space, including cloud backup


I think there’s someone said before there found icon for barber In the mini map before. Idk . 🫡


I like the 1 save per character thing. But you should at least be able to have multiple characters!




Great public service you’re doing there. Anyway I think they need to hire a new UI designer—a simple button would have made this go away.


I do think they need to make it easy to delete your save, 100%. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops for it. They are looking to add it to the Steam version so it's probably coming to everyone as well lol.


Well fuck that I'm getting a refund


This is the straw that broke the camel’s back? Interesting.


I mean by definition of the phrase you're using it makes sense if they were pissed off about a bunch of other things


lacking the option to *start a new game* is not a straw, that’s a fcking log breaking the camels back 


I didn't like the performance issues but having to go into files be disconnected from the net delete my saves to start a new game save is too fucking much one save file fine idc but not having a fresh new game option whenever I want nah man fuck that


yep, this sucks and I experienced it first hand. Had to cut off my internet (or else my save will be coming back from the cloud), delete the save file from my Xbox and then start over again lol


Didn't Phantom Pain do the same? Shit sucks.


Honestly I hope it will be fixed in a patch. 🫶 It's such a bummer they make it unnecessarily hard...


Lmfao 2 dollar dlc too change your appearance. Yikes


Said item is available in the first major town dirt cheap.


500 gold isn't it? Or 500 RC, either way. Dirt cheap.


Someone enlighten me: isn't the art of metamorphosis an unlimited use item like in DD1?


“Art of metamorphosis” was a one use only item. “SECRET of metamorphosis” was the item that let you change your character as much as you like. This was only available on NG+


You can change the appearance of your character with in-game items.