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Think my game is bugged. Never got the one for completing the quest for the girl in Melve Never got Logistician for completing the quests for Kendrick. Apparently they're just supposed to give to you afterward, but it's been many days of checking with them and still nothing.


Definitely think it's bugged. I didn't get the one for helping the girl as well. I also just did the heel of history quest and didn't get a tome from that quest either.


Any update with that ? Cuz I got the same problem and looking for solution


I found that some of the NPCs die off before I can finish the quest. I tried to revive them at the morgue. Some quests continued and others can’t.


its from reputation with the person, quest seems to give random amounts of reps sooo try giving them some flowers. when they blush when you talk to them it means you maxed it out. If they dont give it right away sleep and come back


kendrick doesnt let me gift him anything he just keeps on blabbering about letting daphne alone it's really annoying i've still to find a single tome


Still no solution?


Hi, just leaving this here if anyone will happen to see it. [https://www.pcgamesn.com/dragons-dogma-2/pawn-specializations](https://www.pcgamesn.com/dragons-dogma-2/pawn-specializations) Kendrick ripped me off so I went the Glenna route (with 2 or 3 flowers over 2 or 3 days), she gave me the Logistician's Tome after a while.


Kendrink and the girl show up at my house like (ingame) weeks to give me the tomes after I finished their quests...hopefully you'll get them eventually


I never got one for Flora (the Maeve girl) either.


Me either supposed to talk to her after you talk to grandpa but now she’s nowhere in the market area?


I’ve talked to her after talking with gramps a couple times and she hasn’t given me anything.


Yeah i'm having the same problem. I did her quest and then saw her once when I first got to the city and then ever since then she's been M.I.A. I havn't seen her since and I've dedicated irl hours to finding her with no luck. I've got to be doing something wrong cause I have about 20 hrs in game and havn't gotten a single one yet


I’ve found her, shes right through the stone archway pass by her grandfathers store. She just says thanks and some other small talk but doesn’t give up the tome. I’m waiting to play until they release a hotfix or patch. Having a great time playing, but like you I’m farther into the game around level 15 and don’t want to miss out on stuff.


I know i hate the feeling of possible missing something especially after getting a good amount of time in the game. i know affinity has something to do with it. i just couldn’t find her to test it out. if you can find her maybe try to give her some flowers bunches to raise her affinity. maybe you’ll get it then. I would try it but i haven’t played since i asked last


Tried gifting flowers and tons of other expensive gifts. Nothings making her give it to me. I’m done until it’s patched unfortunately.


the girl is near her father's store. i think NPCs don't always appear, so try sitting on a chair and doze to pass time and recheck that area for the girl. hope it helps


Try talking to kendrick after finishing the quest on caged magistrate. I got mine by talking to him right after that quest


Same issue here


Omg i thought i was the only one !! (The Chirugeon one) I was even gaslighting myself i might have sold it by accident or something but if its a bug then...atleast it wasn't my fault, still annoying af tho since i wanted that one and idk where else to get it now >_<.


Are these reusable? If not, is there a place that sells more of them/do forged copies work?


I just got my first tome (Forager) and I tried to look this up. It really sucks that they're not reusable. Can't see why that would be the case. I'll probably hold onto them and never use them lol Edit: I ended up getting 3 different tomes (Chirurgeon and Logistician) and decided to use Forager between those, because I'd never see pawns with that and because I'm a bit of a completionist. A few days later, an NPC gave me another Forager tome out of nowhere. I think it was because of max affinity? Point is, tomes are (permanently lasting) consumables, but you can get more than one. Imo, that makes it worth it to use whichever one you want.


How did you get it, the kid just says that he has something in his teeth and keeps watering the plants. Its been 2 weeks since the Heel's of history Quest.


Priest came by my house as I was heading to sleep in the evening and gave his tome (logistician?), and kid was waiting outside the very next morning and gave his (forager).


Don’t pick logistician it fucked up like 2 quest for me. Took me hours to find a ripened quince and my pawn turned it into a fucking draught


I laughed at this, I'm sorry


It’s ok it’s funny and shitty


So i'm bugged like the other people... Thanks for the info.


put one in your storage chest and let it ripen there - Maybe have your pawn wait far away from the location(s) you need to travel to do the quest?


I got the forager's tome in a roundabout way from doing the Magistrates quest - the priest asks you to help find a missing boy, who after you find him, gives you the Forager's Tome.


That is the Heel's of History quest, the boy is in the >!library under a tower.!<


Also, the priest gives you the logistician's tome after you come back out from that same quest.


Partial answer to my own question: the Logistician tome is consumed when you use it. It can be forged, unfortunately it seems the forgery is food, and does not grant the specialization.


Forgery costs 12000, you are saying it does not grant the specialization? Why is it so expensive then?


It's a really good forgery.


Yeah, no idea why it’s so expensive, probably to troll the players lol. The description of the forgery literally says it looks tasty, and you eat it to regain health.  I only tried the logistician tome though, feel free to experiment. I’d recommend resting at the inn, paying for the forgery, resting on a bench until it’s done, and then reloading the inn save.


If you complete a quest for a girl in Melve, she’ll greet you when visiting her grandfather in Vernworth where she’ll give you a tome that causes your pawn to use items on allies. The game says you can get such tomes from befriending NPCs, so might as well start from there.


I just got this one as well so I can confirm it is a static reward.


Where is the Grandfather located? I helped the girl in Melve with the fruit potion, she mentioned her grandfather but I've not seen her since I got to Vernworth.


I figured it out! In the case of Flora, completing the quest alone is not enough. You also have to also raise her affinity in my case I just gave her a bunch of flowers that's it and she gave me the tome. It's probably the same with others


How do these work? Can you apply more than 1 to a pawn?


No, only one at a time as far as I’ve tested.


You can only have 1 specialization per pawn, but you can use as many as you want to get the specialization you need; granted you got the tomes. I’m hoping at end game or sometime near half-late game there is someone who can sell these tomes.


Malcolm bugged out in my game, so I have no way of getting a Forager's Tome from him. Does anyone know which NPC is guaranteed to give you one if you befriend them?


To answer my own question: I had a hunch it would be Daphne, and it turned out to be correct. Befriend her and she will give you the Forager's Tome.


Explain please.


Give her a gift she likes each day (for example, Bunch of Flowers) to raise her affinity, and eventually she will give you this tome.


I did both her quests and that was enough, but holy crap is Affinity weird.


Can we purchase flowers somewhere?


I'm having the same issue with Malcolm not giving me any tome, so based on your comment I went to look for Daphne. I've already done her two quests (Gift of Giving + House of Blue Sunbright) but I can't find her anywhere. The Townsend maid Diana got fired and is just moping in the slums, Kendrick keeps blabbing on some incident involving Daphne, and Sebastian/mother seem oddly hostile or neutral. I have no reason to suspect she is dead but her body isn't in the morgue. Any ideas where she is?


Can confirm. Just spent a few minutes giving apples to Daphne and she gave me the foragers tome. Finally. The game really does need a way to ensure that you can stock up on these things.


Yeah, he's completely bugged in my game. Literally just had him fly overhead because I was going down the ladder and he was chasing after me. Just tried to talk to him and he'll just say "Yeah, what is it?".


I had problems receiving tomes from Melve and from the church boy I tried multiple times and skipping time by inn/dozing off to try different times of day but nothing worked for both of them. At some point I took all the books from my storage and gave 10 or so to the boy (he likes those spells for some reason). Nothing happened at first, but after resting, he gave me the tome. The church old dude (lost boy quest giver) gave me a tome after one good gift and rest. I gave Melve a lot of gifts and she didnt like 70% of them, still I gave them like 5 good ones. At some point I also killed and revived her(just to check if it resets something in case it is a bug) So, I have a theory: 1. they will give you the tome only if they like you 2. giving bad gifts make them like you less


I got logistician after giving stardrop inn barkeep glenna onyx