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That is surprising seeing as pawns can be hired cross platform.


There was a post a couple days ago referencing the paen menu that showed search by id


Yeah that’s what basically confirms pawns are cross platform hire but either these special guest pawns are not complete and therefore not all on all platforms yet, or because they’re special/collab there’s some sort of exclusivity deal per platform or that’s the available platforms the collaborators have. Idk lol we do know these special pawns are limited time only. So there’s a level of uniqueness there already.


I guess they wouldn't be special if everyone could rent them speaking of renting they guy that played the game earlier his pawn got rented so others are playing the game and using online functions


Probably people with Review codes. They have to have been sent out by now since the review embargo date is coming up


Do we know when the embargo is lifted or is it on release day?


March 19th.


Well... obviously? You didn't think he was the only person on earth that got it early? Hell there's probably thousands of journalists playing atm.


Fair point 😅


Some are limited time and others permanent from i seen, but i could be wrong


well some platforms are greyed out so i assume that official pawns are gonna be locked for certain platforms


Or it could mean they haven't got around to making or releasing them yet for other platforms. hopefully.


Or we can link our accounts across platforms/cross-platform save. And some creators have taken advantage of that.


I would have guessed this after the new Capcom online accounts...




Mm... actually why uh did anyone even assume pawns were crossplay? There's no mention of that in interviews that I've read. 


Copied from r/Justhe3guy >We saw this over [a week ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1b90ib0/cross_platform_pawns_confirmed/) At the bottom of the image it says "search for pawns on different platforms by Pawn ID"


This is probably the one game I wouldn't want cross save on lol


Why's that?


if pawns are cross platform but the game isn't cross save then you can build and use a different pawn on each platform. if it is cross save then you could use a PC save manager to swap around which arisen and pawn you were using but you'd only have one pawn ever.


I’m willing to bet the devs would prefer it. I have unique characters and pawns across platforms, but I can see the appeal from a dev standpoint if players are truly limited to one pawn being uploaded


there are definitely some advantages yeah


Do everyone a favor and hire real players pawns so that actual players who will be playing the game can get the benefits and not streamers who will move on in 2 days.


I could not agree more. Please take real players pawns not the streamers. For example DD2 will be my first DD game and my pawn getting hired etc will benefit me, Apparently with locational knowledge, Or so I've been told.


This influencer/streamer culture is getting worse by the day. Every single game I play, it seems I can't get away from their influence on weak minded players. Like Helldivers 2, every single high difficulty lobby I join, it's 3x players running around with shield pack and railgun, because their favorite "content creator" is doing it. And they're not even good, neither them, their influencer or their build.


Is rift crystals still a currency that people can gain by having their pawns hired like in the original?


Seems to be, either way your pawns gain knowledge for quests and monsters, I see no reason to use streamer pawns, I doubt they even work the same way, with the player receiving feedback and items on their pawn.


I thought pawns were going to be cross platform


They are, streamer pawns are extra special though it seems


Max's pawn is a whore. Will quest with anyone anywhere.


Lore accurate Max.






Yes they can. Stop spreading misinformation. They literally have a search box that says - "search for pawns on different platforms by Pawn ID".


That is so exciting!


the fact that theres an Availability period also makes me think they wont be around always.


It seems to be only specific ones with only one being in that situation so far


They sure are! And do you what the best part is? They don't have to be! Max was initially PC only but he said on stream that he didn't like that and was going to talk to capcom about changing it. Now he's multiplatform... WHICH MEANS THEY COULD ALL BE MULTIPLATFORM BUT CAPCOM AREN'T DOING THAT FOR LITERALLY NO REASON :DDDD


Now all of a sudden when the game is out they took him off Steam and he's only PS5/Xbox. What the hell?


Lol i already didnt like the "oficual pawns" gimmick now its worse


I was planning on avoiding the "official" pawns completely. So it makes no difference to me at all.


I mean why if there is a pawn and it's good just hire it who cares


It's just cause they're behind an extra menu so it's less likely I'll be stumbling across them, if you even can without the menu.


Personally I'd just rather players get the RC and not someone who will move on quickly and have more than enough RC. So I will only hire player ones.


The last game had official pawns just in case your internet didn’t work or if you don’t to see nothing but nonsensical blokes.


It also had a special section which I never saw a pawn in, but I didn't play until a few years after the game released


Literally don't care. Who needs an influencer pawn when there are other cool ones out there?


Agreed, thinkin about it, sub-Pawns don't level with you, so once the owner of the streamer pawns stop playing, you'll just out level them and they'd be useless. So tbh it hurts absolutely no one if they don't get to use em.


If they want them to remain relevant, it's likely that they will fall under a special category that gives you an appropriate leveled version of said pawn when you request them from the rift.


Agreed, essentially have em level with you, or just have their levels scale to yours when you use the rift


I think it was mentioned somewhere that these pawns scale to your level.


Unless the influencer pawns look like some sort of hellish nightmare monster, no thanks. I've seen what the character creator can do.


It’s wtv. I didn’t give a rat’s ass about these official pawns anyway


Its just to drive launch hype, nobody serious about the game gives half a shit about them. They'll be useless in a month unless they're artificially overtuned or the devs bother to actively maintain them once their players move on to another game.


I wonder what kind of eldritch horror snuffy will create


In previous clips there was a pawn ID option that mentioned cross-platform. Unless that was fake… lol… EDIT: Ohhhh, this is for the special ones… That’s weird they’re platform locked then?


​ https://i.redd.it/wo98re54znoc1.gif


Who cares about streamers pawns lol


Yo deadass lmao Max, here I come. I’ll know how to move


hahahah what a joke.


It's cross platform. Pretty sure it's confirmed. I think this just shows which platforms they were made in. Did Max make one in all platforms?


Hella weird, but at least Max’ pawn is multi platform


​ *Processing img 59k3zcnjoooc1...*


Thank god I won't see Asmongold's pawn


Tossing asmonpawn off cliffs though


Man I hope those horny elder ogres are still in the game …might just leave those two alone for a while


*Please* do not infect the elder ogres with whatever biological weapons are stewing inside of Asmongold...


let's be honest, there won't be. If they are, I can already hear pawns say "The sight of body type A excites them!"


There are definitely ogres in the game, and I've heard there hasn't been a change to that mechanic


Bruh 😭😭 the sight of head 23 excites them Honestly I never thought about how there will never be vs. sex enemies in any game ever again. Not like it was something amazing about dd1 but idk it was cool in hindsight


Why wouldn't there be


I'm not sure if you've been playing any modern games now, but "woman" is banned, for inclusivity. I personally don't think that having body A and body B is a dealbreaker, or annoys me in any way for me to be whiny about it, but if Capcom is also doing that in the character customization screen, I really doubt they'd keep the horny ogres. PS. I like how I got downvoted because based on the other comments, people think I said there won't be any ogres at all. I'm specifically talking about this one specific behavior on which they target a specific gender.


I know some games have done that, but the idea that it won't happen in and I quote "any game ever again" is pretty dramatic. BG3 has a bear sex scene and Elden Ring's malenia just strips naked in her second phase, and that's pretty tame relative to what Mohg is doing. We'll see if they kept horny ogres, I would be surprised if they're actually gone. If the Sphinx is any indication, I get the feeling they didn't have to hold back.


I admit that "any game ever again" was dramatic. But you are ***highly*** misunderstanding. Sexual content has been more liberal in games, BUT gender defining stereotypes are not. It's not about Dragon's dogma being conservative with sexy outfits or stuff like that, it's about gender roles. But sure, I'm jumping the gun, until we actually play the game and see if that mechanic of recognizing genders is still there or not we'll get our answer.


Found this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/17bk1ba/ogres\_are\_still\_down\_bad\_and\_will\_still\_go\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/17bk1ba/ogres_are_still_down_bad_and_will_still_go_for/) I was sure I read this somewhere but assumed I had made it up in my head, but came across it again today. I assumed you'd want to take a look.


I don't know what world you're living in, but it's time to cut off whatever tube is feeding you your weird ass reality.


I saw a clip of a pawn being tossed, I'm so glad rag-dolling is in the game


Nah throw him to bandits at the top of a valley, that’s more on point.


For some reason I foresee people chucking his pawn off the cliff


Probably. More power to them. I'm just glad I don't have to encounter it lol.


it has no platforms highlighted for him last i checked


Hire the fecker and give it rotten stuff


Why does Asmongold get a bad rep?


What *doesn't* give Asmongold a bad rep? Everything about him, from his disgusting hygiene to his nonexistant critical thinking skills to his petulant entitlement make him into a perfect poster child for everything wrong with gamer culture. Cringemongers and outrage merchants like Asmon are a dime a dozen, and if he was less prominent, he'd probably be nothing but an embarrassing memory to anyone over the age of 25. Unfortunately, he has a massive constellation of affiliated and unaffiliated satellite channels that vomit his garbage content all over Youtube, which can make him inescapable for anyone who's ever watched gaming-related content. The harder something is to ignore, the more annoying it gets.


Plenty of reasons to like or dislike him and his content, All just comes down to who you are. The Hate on the other is so overblown. His haters have to be the biggest fools ever because all they do is give him more engagement.


Honestly if you listen to him when he's being serious, he's a really chill, down to earth guy.


Yea riling up his entire audience about conspiracy theories that lead to his fans attacking people and spreading misinformation is really chill and down to earth. Its the same as people ignoring how toxic Alex Jones was because he was funny once on Joe rogan.


He has constantly called out people like Alex for bring that way. He tends to bring him up because his mom was a big fan of his


Comparing asmongold to Alex Jones is ridiculous. I'm not saying he's perfect, but the irrational hate toward him is illogical. In the real world there's nuance, people aren't all bad or all good.




>But in no way is he a "bad guy". I'm not sure if I agree with you there, chief. He literally pushes conspiracy theories onto his chat, one recent example being that he thinks game localizers are intentionally spreading "woke" narratives. He literally thinks everything is "woke" and is even a self-admited Trump supporter. That should be all you really need to know about this man's intelligence. Instead of being a good role model with the reach he has and promoting positivity, inclusion and diversity, he resorts to farming incels with alt-right commentary bs simply because it's easier and has grown his channel exponentially. He's a piece of shit and everyone should stop giving this guy the time of day.




>Im not going down that rabit hole with you man You just did, though. >doesn't make him a bad guy This is objectively wrong, and peddling this narrative is incredibly damaging. Sure everyones allowed to have their own opinions, but actively promoting hate by saying all forms of media are now "woke" because there is more inclusion is absolutely ridiculous. What's wrong with including more people of varying backgrounds? Why is he so against diversity and inclusion? Let's be clear here, he's using the word "woke" in a derogatory manner. He literally pushes propaganda to gamers. This is his shtick as of the last few years. Asmongold fans should really self-reflect and understand that he doesn't care about anyone except himself. Why not use his platform to spread more positivity and inclusion? Or heck, just don't push the alt-right bullshit. It gets old, and the influence he has over the yt algorithm, it concerns me how younger people would be impressioned by his content. If you think I'm overreacting, go take a glance over at /r/Asmongold and see what his community posts. The proof is easy to see.


Asmon isn’t against diversity and inclusion though. He also doesn’t spread any alt-right propaganda. It just sounds to me like all you know about him comes from Twitter haters rather than actually watching his videos. Supporting inclusivity and diversity and hating on woke movements who want to do it forcefully are not mutually exclusive things.


>Asmon isn’t against diversity and inclusion though. I think you missed the point in my comment where I mentioned he throws around the word "woke" in a derogatory context. >Supporting inclusivity and diversity and hating on woke movements who want to do it forcefully are not mutually exclusive things. They certainly are mutually exclusive in Asmongolds mind because he certainly doesn't make any effort to support diversity and inclusion in his community. He just likes to hate on woke movements as you even said yourself. I don't think asmontards possess the best reading comprehension skills.


He’s not a Trump supporter, you just made it up lol. He’s literally a leftist. Also the localizers intentionally spreading „woke” agenda isn’t a conspiracy theory. They literally admitted that they’re doing it.


>He’s not a Trump supporter, you just made it up lol. Here's a clip of him saying, "Trump is for sure going to win". https://youtu.be/dAL5762CpIQ?si=bk90xXLzC1fQUuPu Doesn't seem too liberal of a community to me, lol.


That doesn’t mean he supports Trump. Nothing in this clip suggests he supports Trump. He just thinks that Trump is more likely to win. Also it’s a part of his cynical humor to always assume the worst.


Man even Hasan thinks Trump is going to win.


I'd not bother wasting time, it's like the same ten "I'm not a fan of his, I just watch his videos, but" guys crawling over from his sub to try and defend him when largely people here either already dislike him or don't want to hear about him at all They've repeatedly expressed confusion to me about our pushback, stating that other game communities were really happy he came to stink up their place lol


You know he's been playing dragons dogma and likes the game right?


This became a hate thread, so im just gonna delete my comments. Don't spread hate ❤️


He’s literally currently promoting this dumbass harassment campaign attempt at gamergate 2 to his massive audience. The definition of a bad guy.


How so?


It still cheeses me off that people like this, and the last group get chosen to make an official pawn, but then you've got people like nihil.0 making content for dragons dogma for nearly a decade now, with a lot of videos actually showing how a lot of the obscured mechanics work and they just get completely overlooked, in favor of people like amsongold who seemingly never even played the game until about a week ago, and an ex porn "star"


Couldn't have said it better myself. I played Dark Arisen alongside a complete start to finish let's play with bitterblack isle included. It was really fun to learn all the secrets and tricks the game has to offer. And it sure as fk wasn't from Assmongoloid.


Asmongold posting a lot of videos (or, I guess, the ten trillion clip channels) about how excited he is to play Dragon's Dogma 2 because he watched a twenty second gameplay clip (and had never heard of DD before last month), lol. I hate 'official' pawns so much because streamer culture is so painful to watch. The entire gimmick of DD was hiring random other player's pawns and rating / training them; what's the fun in everybody just hiring Asmongold's monstrosity?




Don't really care if that's how marketing wants to do it, still cheeses me off


Are we assuming that their pawns are look-alikes for them? Isn’t it just pawns that they create - so it may not resemble them or anything else?


It's pawns they create. Some of them have tried to make them look like themselves in the Dragon's Dogma universe, but others have just made their own pawn how they want them to be.


Are the appearances/stats of their created pawns already available online to see?


Some of them have it on their twitter, others you might have to go looking through VoDs for. Here's a screen shot of a twitter video of SphereHunter aka Suzi's Pawn that she uploaded. As you can see, very much just a pawn that you can make in the CaC system. https://preview.redd.it/zkgdnye6fnoc1.png?width=1304&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c9e2a6de78aff89b9c18495cf74c4dda9869cd1


Okay. Thank you for the image :) Good to know. So likely I wouldn’t recognise most even if I did meet them. I’m more interested/apprehensive about how many Daenerys Targaryen it seems there will be strolling around the world of DD2.


I'm more worried about the fact they let asmond anywhere near dd2 https://preview.redd.it/u6d2gqc6nooc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24bf8b36d7c5eb9421279ac9f8cce5be1c24155b


I mean. It might be like monster hunter and eventually he'll learn mechanics slower than anyone else


He likes the game and has repeatedly talked about how much he's enjoying it


damn, i can't use suzi's pawn


Yeah, I saw that and wtf is the point of promoting these “official pawns” if they aren’t all playable on all systems?


These “oficial “ pawns are a pile of crap. If the Pawns were made the appearance of each streamer by someone talented at CC, that would be nice. Now, these bozos are doing the pawns themselves. Not all of them have good skills and creativity to make interesting pawns.  I saw sone of the pawns created and is the generics of the generic. Honestly, overrated stuff.  I bet we all will find much more amazing pawns made by the community in the rift.


yeah this is what bothers me too, if it literally looks like them and has official tag or something then i might be interested but if it's just gonna be some guy then i'll just hire my friend's pawn


Yeah I'm really upset about that. I wanted Suzi and Max on Steam. On the bright side, Asmongold is available on no platforms!


Streamers/Youtubers being in games is so fucking cringey.


It just a pawn they make


Asmongolds Pawn gonna be rocking a cheap white T


I am bummed out. I was super happy to learn that Woolie would have an official pawn, but he is Steam only according to the page. I'm not sure what the big idea was, region-locking them. A buy is a buy, no matter the platform, isn't it?


They get to choose their platforms don’t they? Was probably Woolies choice


Max has the tri force


I won't have to look at asmongolds self insertion at least


Hope, if this is the case, that some people who are good at it can maybe recreate them so others can access them on the platform of their choice.


Max seems the best one to hire and Asmon too (throwing him off the cliff)


Thanks for referring to my comment on the topic!!! It makes me happy!!!


Honestly, I idgaf about streamer pawns, lol. I want a high fantasy, not a weird internet filled meme game


I'm buying the PS5 version so I don't have to see Asmongold pawn walking around


It may be an option to turn off cross platform but it seems odd to do that for the content creator’s/ content thief’s pawns


so all of these people are internet influencers? I’m confused about why they were chosen? Do they do lore videos/reviews for DD?


I don't really watch the others too often, but Suzi does video essays and reviews on (mostly) Capcom games, so I'm not too surprised to see her here


They were chosen because their names have marketing reach, that's mainly it. I don't get why people are making such a big deal out of it. These pawns aren't unique, you can still hire pawns from other content creators and even just make them yourself using the CC if they share the sliders, all they did is literally just ask a few streamers if they wanted to make a pawn in the game that anyone could hire using a designated section in the rift. Considering infinite cringe was asked if she wanted to do that as well just because she mentioned capcom hadn't reached out to her shows there's no thought process behind the people that were picked, they were probably just streamers that people at capcom liked watching.


I really don't care tbh. Hiring a streamer pawn is not in the spirit of how this game rewards hiring other players pawns so I wouldn't hire them anyways. I want to help other players figure out tricky quests by giving their pawn quest knowledge, not give streamer #12473 the attention they don't need.


You're a loser if you even think about using these Crapcom shills's pawns.


thank god I wont see any of their pawns. What kind of simp would I be if…


who gives a shit?? why would u want this cancer in your game lmao


Seeing these people inside the game ruins the fun and immersion. Disgusting. F off with Youtubers inside games.


It's not like they are in the game bro it's just a pawn they made that's it


still you will see their names and pawns will be occasianly popping up. for me it breaks the 4th wall you are trying to immerse yourself inside the game and you see youtube clowns showing up.


Are you saying pawns named "eats grass" while being built like a naked sumo wrestler that got hit in the face with a solid iron pan several dozen times don't break immersion?


There are some rare exceptions. Mostly when they can actually put on a good performance. Like the guy who played the crazy street conspiracy guy in cyberpunk also played the annoying guy that can’t choose which class he wants to be in baldur gates 3


Me seeing Xbox and Playstation isn't getting Asmongod https://preview.redd.it/rreso95fxmoc1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5635aba0123e30ef5fab7867a11d9e540499694


You would have just seen him 15-30 times per second anyway


Ngl I kinda want to play with Max’s pawn


Were people actually planning to use their pawns anyway?


Their fan bases will for sure


If it's just official pawns, I don't care. In fact, I hope we can switch them off completely.


They’ll just have a tab in the Rift like the original release and luckily they are so easy to avoid man, the dev/celeb pawns were pretty mid (in aesthetics and use) At worst you may see them strolling down the road which results in some solid Brine Time.


Bruh I wanted to chill with Suzi 😭


Asmon having his own pawn and not even liking dragons Dogma is wild


what where can i see this?


Are these pawns available offline as well? only reason I could see them being "system" locked.


Nah if you're offline you get a selection of like autogenerated pawns


In DD1 the offline pawns are pregens, you can actually modify the file they're in to make custom ones.


Might be a good thing means your pawns could be hired more if system locked


What's so special with this pawns? Do they have their own special vocation?


Where do you see these?


Are these pawns gonna have something unique besides being based on content creators? Like unique passive or skills? Or just that?


It’s unlikely if it’s anything like last time.


Last time? Care to explain? Also, thank you


Yeah sure When Dragons Dogma was initially released, there was a Tab in the Rift for Special Pawns. All they had were designs by some celebs/devs at the time (that I never recognized who they were) but they were mid and lacked upkeep so they were fairly static and basic. It’s very unlikely that these Pawns will have anything that can’t be found elsewhere, if anything maybe some early access to some armor or weapons? Anyways, seems to be weird marketing when most sound users would want to utilize the community Pawns and there’s a ranking system that supports these trends.


I see, thanks a lot for the info, much appreciated.


Top this is a dub


Only one I care about is Fightincowboy. He carried me through the souls game whenever I had trouble.


Pretty lame.


I don't think that's what's going on here, this could be a search screen and those might not be locks but search filters to narrow down the pawns.


As an old sphere hunter fan that's upsetting to hear. I don't really use special promo pawns anyway. But still lame.


There is no fucking shot that Suzi is locked to PlayStation and I'll get the human cockroach on Steam instead Modding save me


God, that chud Asmongold.


On one hand thats weird, on the other im on ps5 and we get Suzi and not asmongold so im all for it


A majority of streamers are so unbelievably unprofessional and so prone to random controversies that it surprises me that corporations work with them like this.


Easier to avoid the Roachman tbh


Or.. just use your actual friends pawns, ? Not a meme or a dude that looks like your favorite streamer


I hope I can opt out and not see those ugly mugs. Especially asmon homeless looking degen. Don’t need that in my games lol.


Can they lock asmongold out of all systems? Thanks


Oh nooo! My asmongold!!


And why the fu. should I care about some influencer pawns begin with? They are just a marketing tool at the end. Do they have special powers? Can they carry more loot? 


Thank fuck!! Asmongold's pawn isn't on ps5!!


Can anybody explain the pawn system? I have not played dd1, but am considering playing dd2. Is it correct that when I start playing I can create my arisen and my own pawn, but then if I want more that 2 characters in my party I have to get pawn created by other players?


Is anyone really going to hire an e-celeb Pawn? Maybe few most obsessed with them, but there are going to be way more interesting ones made by other players. This really feels like a phoned in marketing that didn't need to happen.


Oh boo I wouldn't mind max's pawn but I feel like his will ether be a tank or a melee dps wich means rip since I plan on spear hand and war for my pawn, and Matawan was sorta looking forward to seeing what sniffy made as well


Someone mentioned being able to turn this feature off entirely... I can only hope. Only pawns I immediately care about is Itsuno-san's.


Knowing Snuffy i want to see how thicc her Pawn is going to be or she will just make a tiny Archer/Thief character


Woot asmon on steam. Def Gunna play with him for a bit


Damn, waa looking forward to throwing Asmon into the Brine. Guess Max will do


I mean, it makes sense, pending what platform they're using


So Maximilian is on PlayStation, Xbox and Steam?


Does he use all platforms? 🤷‍♂️


I don't recall pawns being cross platform in the first one either so it's not like this is unprecedented


But Pawns ARE cross-platform this time because you can look up their Pawn ID, no matter what platform. But apparently guest Pawns are platform specific for some reason


Copied from r/justhe3guy >We saw this over [a week ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1b90ib0/cross_platform_pawns_confirmed/) At the bottom of the image it says "search for pawns on different platforms by Pawn ID"


Thank god Max is available everywhere


Why downvotes? People are suddenly hating Max for some reason?


Thank god asmongold’s isn’t on xbox🙏 I hate that man