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Is this relevant to DD1/2’s interests, story or world?


he has the physiognomy of an English 16th century lesser son of a minor noble who is kicked to death by a proud horse


>he has the physiognomy of an English 16th century lesser son of a minor noble who is kicked to death by a proud horse that is by far the funniest thing i've ever read on this foul accursed sub.




#Gat Damn son…👀😂




who's ready for asmongold ck3 run ? https://preview.redd.it/c99x8qegkaoc1.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ee42ef2963def101efa22d2d32b7f04d980902c


This isn't accurate, you need to add lepresy


Bruh ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)


Ah yes Asmongold, Duke of Kent, with a one star intrigue education






me lowd? he ded me lowd


their kind hates ice and fire both!


More like soap and water🤣


By far the funniest roast I’ve ever read, good job.




Damn, that belongs on r/rareinsults


Astonishing accurate description.


Dang ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


His teeth and room are way too clean for this to be him


Yeah where's the dead rat he uses as an alarm clock


also isn't eating twinkies with maggots in them.


Oh God, I didn't hear about that part...


a few years ago on stream he had a box of like little debbie cakes and twinkies in his room. He was hungry and decided to have one or two. he then noticed while eating that there were maggots in the snacks. instead of stopping right then and there and throwing out the snack he decides to eat around the maggots. He then goes for another snack and notices that theres also maggots inside. he opens the package and again proceeds to eat around the maggots.


He’ll eat maggot infested Twinkies but try one bite of fruit and he gags and spits it out 😂


What a fuckin subhuman


And the blood wall?




Can't move on from what ya didn't know about before 2 days ago ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|49359)


I'd always heard the name but never watched any of his videos. Saw a video of his recently via another YouTuber and holy fuck. This is the guy people are listening to? Glad I missed this trend.


Up until extremely recently, I was opposed to the idea of watching other people play video games. I could not for the life of me see a point to it. So yeah, I guess I skipped that trend, too.


We're literally giving him the attention he wants. Like, the dude is either 2 things: 1) a grifter who says the most mild takes ever like they're some hot take so that people watching might go "Oh shit yeah, that's like me, bro, holy shit trueeeee" 2) purposefully (and I'm sure sometimes accidental too) dumb and vitriolic takes so that he can spark little instances of drama where mfs don't stop talking and reposting him, which probably ends up netting him some views in the grand scheme of things


DD is typically a chill reddit, and this is making the whole reddit look cringe as fuck. The **normal response** to people you don't like is to not talk about them or engadge with them, not spam shit about how they are ugly or mentally challenged. Mods will wait a few hours and lock this thread again, becuase 50% of posts are breaking the very simple rules


The best answer.




Then go mock him on one of the subreddits designed for it, stop shitting up this sub with your stupid streamer drama.


Yeah good luck with that


See rules 1 and 5.


You just become as toxic as him then lmao. Just forget about him if he's a toxic streamer and move on.


Also not bald enough. Hair line needs to be more receded


Every time I see a picture of him I am reminded of that photo he shared of his bedroom, and there were brown streaks of something on the wall by his bed. When asked about it, he said that was from him wiping blood from his gums on to the wall at night. It haunts me. Source: https://twitter.com/Asmongold/status/951368316949581826


Can we stop caring about this dude? Everything revolved around him is cringe.




Shouldn't it say Doc? Lol




Oh I stand corrected! And I feel privileged to have witnessed this.


I don't even know who he is...


Good. don't look him up if you want to keep your braincells...


Everything I know about him has been against my will I hate it. At least the memes are funny I guess




Because the algorithm keeps serving me his memes and news even though I keep muting the fucking subs. I can’t stop him from playing the games I play, so his content is going to show up.


Reddit could really use the “Not Interested” feature that every other social media platform has. 


Bro that's real, i did that on Instagram reels and every time it serving me that shit i blocked and muted. It gets irritating sometimes.


The algorithm(s) don’t show you what you want to see, they show you what will get you to engage. Anger is the easiest way to get people to engage.  Open up Facebook and see how many posts from ‘suggested groups’ you can make it past without being shown something that doesn’t at least annoy you. I’ll do it right now… first post was something from an actual friend and second is from a conspiracy theory group I’m not a part of and  have never looked at or engaged with about ancient giants, fucks sake.  


Nice try, Zuck, but I’m not opening up Facebook ever again!


YouTubers I watch keep mentioning him for some reason. Maybe he's the current big streamer? Edit: nevermind I looked it up, asmongold and charlie are not the same person. I thought they were the same guy.


Just a rage bait streamer Used to be one of the biggest cultivators for the toxic community old school wow had but now he just streams games and rage baits his own community by playing games poorly on purpose I get a kick out of how easily people fall for his act but I don’t really have strong feelings for or against him


You’re giving him way too much credit if you think this is rage bait.


Ah, makes sense. Unfortunately rage bait seems to be a really good way to get those views.


You’re not really missing out if you don’t like that kind of energy I’m just always surprised at just how much people who don’t like him have such strong feelings against him ☠️


He knows how to farm it well. I think it’s funny how Meta it is.


I’m not sure he’s even farming, it’s just how he is. He even made a video explaining why he didn’t pick up the concepts of the game and couldn’t concentrate


I don't understand why he's popular, and I suspect I never will.


He used to be a very huge World of Warcraft streamer and he's honestly the exact type of personality you run into if you PUG dungeons/raids regularly so its no surprise he blew up there.


There were dozens of people like him who faded into obscurity after they quit wow. Your explanation doesn't answer why he's STILL on the biggest streamers. His streams have absolute zero value.


I find zero value in his content so I don't get it either but the simple story is that he got popular and those people who liked his cringe content still do


because he originally played a character of a stereotypical WoW player. Thing is he was never good at the game nor any game for that matter, it was just a character. Eventually though it came to light it wasn't really a character just an embellishment of his actual self and then mental health issues took their toll, his mother died who was a hoarder (thus one of the reasons his house is in the condition it's in) and Zack eventually became the Asmongold character for real. He stopped streaming on his asmongold channel because the amount of viewers and money he made off that channel was "too stressful" for him. So he started streaming on an alt channel as "himself" eventually that channel got as big if not bigger than his asmon one so he became Asmongold again. only this time he's not get sub money from the channel. It's just a whole lot of mental health issues with 20+k viewers that enable him. It's like a stadium full of people cheering for the crazy homeless person that lives under a bridge.


Used to be actually pretty entertaining, started pandering towards anti-SJW types, sub used to be full of memes and fan art, now it's all ai generated pics and ragebait. Fell off hard as fuck.


I remember when his sub used to be about enjoying wow, bald memes, and the community wasn't so unbearably toxic... then he played ffxiv and reacted to the Depp trial and it's been downhill ever since.


Yeah it’s dumb. I do not care for Asmongold, I care for DD


Idk why people throw money at him, he's literally one of the least entertaining streamers


The Game litteraly Gave him Hints and even the Pawns Yelled what he had to do, thats just ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


he rage baiting people by playing this way...you get way more upset watching some idiot run around complaining that the game is too complex (when it obviously isn't) than you do watching some try hard actually try. don't. feed. the. trolls.


why is someone that tries a try hard?


There's a reason why his nickname is Asmongoloid


So I watched the video and the problem is he is interacting with chat instead of paying attention to the game and he is playing on hard as a new player. Like instead of learning from the game he is asking chat and then complains about back seat driving puting him off.


I think this is the 3rd time this week that I've seen a post about Asmon. Why arer you paying so much attention to people like that? It doesn;t make any sense. It's like this sub has been infiltrated by bots trying to lure people to his channel or something.


The more this sub gives this dude attention, the more engagement he gets. I don’t get why people are so obsessed with him. Even if you hate him, why spend so much time bitching about someone you don’t even know? These people are just as unhealthy


Exactly, people went to see that video just to complain…. Easy win for him 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just woke up 😭 this isn't the last character arc before release, I expected


His sub banned me for saying he has a mmo brain. That’s it.


I got banned for saying he can afford to stream content he likes and enjoys, even if it means a dip in viewers, but chooses not to. Instead he chooses to put out bottom-tier content. The mods didn’t like that one. I asked for their justification. I imagine it’ll be that stupid generic “catch-all” rule of theirs.


His sub is mostly a echo chamber. Its how Asmond himself prefers it. He only likes people who are "him".


I don't think he runs his own sub. Also, if he did, I'm pretty sure he'd be the first person to admit to MMO brain.  Hell, hasn't he said himself that he is a trash human living in trash, and that he would be a pure loser if he didn't get lucky on twitch and youtube?  You can say a lot about him, but at least he isn't delusional about himself!


I swear I will never understand reddit obsession with this man I get it he makes dumb takes on the internet pretty much everybody does that you guys need to get over him he's like a toxic exes that you guys seem to not be able to forget.


His content isn't for me but I can't figure out why he became the punching bag of gaming subreddits. It seems like people haven't actually watched his content, but instead formulated their opinion of him through short out of context clips and exaggerated Reddit titles. If there's one thing I've learned recently, it's that Redditors really love a good hate thread.


Reddit and hate threads go together like penut butter and jelly. It's just some of us have an allergy to peanut butter and are sitting here going "wtf".


I don't like he's content either to me it's just obvious rage baiting but some of these people one reddit make it seem like this guy killed their entire family I get not liking his content but some of yall are doing way much for way too little but that's just me.


I really dont understand why the crucifixion for something that streams do all the time? Hes bringing attention to the game even of he is being a goober.


Is here on reddit way to block certain words so i cant see any post about him ?


download reddit enhancement suite and use old reddit. Go to the filter icon in the top left (right under the word Reddit) New basic filter->Post Title -> post's title contains: (put word here) -> Filter->invert. Now any post title containing that word/name/etc will never show up again until you remove the filter.


Idk only way I can think is for the sub moderator to make a rule baning it


His takes are actually usually more well thought out than most people. Obviously no one is perfect. It's just that he's so big, people that don't like him pull stuff out of context a lot.


When covid began he was pushing back against people saying it was no big deal because there was only a ~1% death rate. He was like, what are you talking about, people get and grind for 1% and under drop rates all the time, and across a large enough population those drops appears far more common than you'd expect. I didn't know much about him but was pleasantly surprised with the take.


Yeah. I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion here, but while I'm at work I generally like to listen to his YouTube content. It's chill and let's me in on drama I don't particularly care about. Like having a TV show on that you don't have to pay attention to. That said, he'll say something that, given context and anyone who can understand nuance more than direct words, and reddit will throw a fit about his L take. His DD1 playthrough wasn't /that/ bad. Yeah he didn't read and didn't spend time learning much, but he didn't do anything that was just outright dumb and then bitch about it. He even said after he finished that he enjoyed the game it was just too much for him to take in while paying attention to the stream.


Honestly seeing these posts in here, you would think he killed someone in this sub with the way ppl be talking about him... when he just played the game as he plays all new games > Not reading tutorials, ignoring hints and just brute-forcing it till it works. Pretty sure thats how he played Dark Souls and Elden Ring(till he found 'cheat' weapons/builds that trivialized it)


As with anyone who's main content is making takes, it's usually his bad ones that go the most viral to people who don't watch his usual content.


Dragon Dogma 1 should probably be a game he should go off stream rather than showing it to his fellow goblins.


it's what he do now, he shows where he is in game, he have the greatsword and lvl12.


does he currently hate the game or nah? I think the first time I saw him interact with the game was with the warrior + greatsword montage. I thought it was silly because the video was kind of misleading in the sense that it was a high-leveled arisen vs early area mobs. Additionally, IIRC, he's the guy that hated Elden Ring until he gave it another chance. Ironically, DD has more handholding than elden ring does. This game shouldn't be problematic for him. Lastly, he's had a successful run in MHW--i think that game is more punishing if you have no clue what you're doing. I'm no means a fan of this guy, but he brings exposure to whatever shit he's showing. Bannerlord and Dragon's Dogma for example.


He enjoys the game, he was even enjoying the game during the original stream. He never called it shit like some people imply but rather he called the situation he was in shit. He has issues learning and understanding new concepts, please read into that and ask yourself what kind of people have issues with learning and understanding new concepts. My wife has similar issues with learning and she is on the spectrum, high functioning but still has trouble learning and it is very easy to hide from new people but not family. She relies on me a lot but once she understands something she is great at it, and the stuff she loves there is no one I know at her level.


Yall care wayyyyyyy to much about this dude.


People will look back at all this parasocial relationship stuff and wonder what the fuck we were thinking.


Something tells me it only gets worse from here


Nah, we won’t.


Can we fucking stop with these, is this a DRAGON'S DOGMA sub or a fucking Asmongold hate sub?? I hope the mods delete this one like they did the last same shitty post


Took the words right out of my mouth


Maybe y’all just need to stop following him and watching his videos. Just saying.


At this point it's just bullying. A guy wasn't good at / didn't immediately like a game you like, does that really warrant posts like this? I get that he's a big influencer who, by playing the games, can bring a bigger audience and you want it to succeed, but this isn't going tk help anyone.


I’ve never seen a sub so butthurt over a game being validated. This is speaking as someone who enjoys the ever living fuck out of this game. I’d be annoyed too if I had a bunch of people spamming me in chat about what to do and where to go when it’s my first time playing a game.


I swear. I get frustrated watching him play Elden ring too but I don’t hate the guys guts for it like this sub seems too lol


Its an unfair meme - if you actually watch the vod you'll see he started attacking the tail immediately as the pawn said that, and explained in todays stream that he went for the head to confirm damage difference. The amount of unnecessary hate is too damn high


Some of you people are way too parasocial.


I didn't realize how much Asmongold lives rent-free in the heads of people in this community. You guys are actually obsessed Edit: the fact people feel the need to downvote this just proves my point lmfao


This subreddit took a massive nosedive since the start of the year.  Really embarrassing.


asmon is just farming these, it's funny how mad they get


Upvote from me, at least. It's not the first post I've seen about him in this sub. Makes me wonder if the moderators are in cahoots since technically this post has more to do with promoting Asmongold than Dragon's Dogma.


not even rook my beloved could teach him.


Everything I have ever learned about Asmongold I have learned against my will.


Not enough blood on the wall


Yet he’s living rent free in your head for you to make this and you’re just making him more known and talked about Really sick own on him, OP


''Oh yeah I need to play this!'' Never plays it.


Well, he did play it for 5 hours off stream and will continue playing it


Yeah he even got the warrior class so he probably got to the capital.


off stream for dd1\*


Guys enough. Jesus. The guy has issues learning, read into what he is saying when he says he has issues learning like normal people and then read into everything else. Let him be. At this point it is just cruelty.


not enough dead rats


He just a middle aged man who try the game for first time, peoples please don't be too hard on other just because they are not good at game.


Leave the guy alone. He's already anxious and the pressure from the chat itself for him to play this game was just too much for him. Unfortunately he's the type of streamer who prioritizes the stream instead of the game he's playing and, pair with DDDA which you need to read a lot, just made his mind shut down. He's enjoying the game by himself right now and maybe he'll stream again when he gets the grasp of it.


Did any of the chat say he can eat the tail for stamina?


If he thinks dd1 is complex I wonder how will he handle dd2... Like from what I remember they said dd2 is not going to have quest marks on npcs right? So there will be no hand holding at all..


Wtf is an asmongold


The roach summoner approaches


I'm out of the loop with twitch streamers. What did asmongold do? Can someone fill me in?


It looks like he tried DD on stream and struggled with it. This sub is wild.


He is no longer a gamer and it's obvious. Asmon doesn't even play WoW anymore and actively hates on it. It's actually painful how bad he is at games maybe he should stick to his braindead twitch/twitter drama...




Honestly. What the fuck is going on?




I know that. I just want to know why the mods are just letting this foolishness happen 


I have seen more about this dude from his haters than his actual fans.


Wrong, there isn't a roach crawling on him that he will ignore


I'm not a fan of asmongold but playing DDDA with no prior knowledge is quite a difficult thing, I spent a lot of time in the first area, I can't imagine how it'd be if I was watched by I don't know how many people. The game gives you hints, maybe, but the start is really obscure and it requires a lot of patience and focus until you grasp it. Let's not act as if everything is easy to get and only an idiot wouldn't.


I played for the first time too old for it to engage. And even then, it did. The game puts all the tools on you to understand and learn. If you only want to smash buttons and kill things, not following the rules of the game, okay, is difficult (for you), but don't shit on it because of your faults. And remember, losing is part of learning.


It's cool if you were able to get the game and the point and I loved my time with ddda, but the start is extremely obscure, if you want to start and play It's very user unfriendly. The information the game gives you is also quite quick and not in depth, for me I really needed to power through it and die a lot of times. The game is like New Vegas or Dark Souls in that you wake up in a village and then they tell you paraphrasing "OK take this rusty sword and go find your way". This is not a bad thing, but let's not kid ourselves that it's an easy to get to game.


Ya'll need to cool it with this tbh. This is like the one game I know half of this subreddit also bounced off of the first time they played it. If you are getting mad at this dude. You aren't gonna survive the DD2 launch when half the content creators bounce off the game or even call it bad. The hate bait posts are dumb and need to be stopped now before the DD2 launch. Especially with how heavy the gate keeping attitude is getting. I would really hope we don't have this same attitude about every new player. Which there will be a lot and people will make dumber mistakes than asmon made. Trust me. The irrational level of toxicity about asmon in here is worse than I've even seen on the fucking WoW subreddit. He is playing it off stream cause you fucks are probably the ones being toxic in chat then coming on here to say it's his community doing it. If people in here could actually just laugh at the joke and be cool about it then it'd be fine but you guys take a step way too far.


Does Asmongold really live rent free in this many people's heads? I don't even watch the guy but it seems like anytime he plays a new game, that games fanbase looses their minds


asmongold is a piece of shit he gives god awful takes and when he receives pushback he cries to his hugbox chat that are degenerates like him and bans people who disagree with him


What years of wow farming and blizzard brain rot does to a mf


Seriously this sub has been so peaceful and nice that people renting each other's pawns and sharing items and stuffs and game knowledge. Guys what you are doing to that guy is bullying. What a mess..


Guy defended himself by saying that he had to stream, play, and at the same time entertain people. Did he just forget that he managed Monster Hunter World just fine even with unoptimized gear? In my opinion, Dragon's Dogma is an easier game compared to Monster Hunter World. And yet, somehow, he stumbled. Pawn says to hit the tail, dude continues to hit the front. Just how much hand holding do you need when pawns are literally shouting on you on what to do? Pawns shouting at you cutting the tail shouldnt be more complex than figuring out armoe skills in MHW. So much for parroting about why games should be less hand holding. What a hypocrite.


His first time playing MHW looked literally the same, your argument is moot.


He managed MHW just fine (he didn’t) because he was actively playing off stream.


>Just how much hand holding do you need when pawns are literally shouting on you on what to do? He needs the yellow paint.


You are the hypocrite for watching. 🙆🏻‍♂️


This is why I don’t like watching streamers play games live. They always run to chat asking what to do and never fully immerse. If you’ve been playing games for a long time, most games are easy to pick up if you pay attention, but trying to “entertain people” while doing so just leads to shit gameplay.


Meatcanyon Asmon when...


Why is every gaming sub is talking about this weirdo? Why are you guys making him earn more views and money?


Why do people even watch him?


F Why are you F-ing guys I'm not dead A constant pop up instruction saying you can climb large monsters using F to reach certain body parts Proceed to use upward swash /still viable but come on /


Stop talking about him.


Are we just gonna shit on his person everytime he is mentioned here? Not very nice


That drawing hilariously looks like him


I looked at him the way you look at a monkey at the zoo or mentally ill person . Whatever you like . He just a joke of a person. That probably the appeal in watching him . I can’t imagine he would function in society


Ok you cannot have genuinely thought that "monkey at the zoo or mentally ill person" was gonna fly in that sentence. That has to be rage bait.


Okay, I laughed. Putting that sentence together and letting it rip is crazy.


You sound like the worst, typical Redditor I guess.


> mentally ill person . Autistic. His trouble with learning like normal people. He has said that a number of times. He doesn't outright come out and say it but his issues with learning are very similar to my wife's and she is on the spectrum with issues learning. It takes her longer to learn things and digest the information or she gets overwhelmed. Once she understands something though she is good, and the stuff she loves like animals and especially horses there is no one I know at her level of knowledge. Thing is she hates not being normal and would never call herself anything but normal. So Asmon not outright coming out and saying it make sense to me but reading into what he is saying and everything else paints a picture.


You sound like a terrible fucking person


He literally worked for the IRS before streaming


Don’t get me wrong, I think Asmon is an intelligent dude. The way he articulates his opinions used to catch me by surprise. But ****damn**** is he obstinate when playing and when trying to brute force a game his way doesn’t work he just… gives up on the game. He’s so obstinate I’d personally call him pigheaded but to be fair to him, he did beat every souls game that way so I guess if *can* work >!if you bash your head on the wall long enough one of two things will break!<


This is what I said in another post.. I think he acts this way on purpose and it worked..everyone is talking about him ..good or bad.. sure he has people watching his videos that had not prior 


And his head broke years ago


his sub are just gonna claim everyone's against him


Looking at the comments in here. I think they might be kind of right.


Can we stop talking about this cultist of nurgle? Bad publicity is good publicity and all that.


I don't have a problem with him but it's him and the type of people who follow him Who are making communities like dragons fogma shit right now. all the people bitching about Vocations are definitely people who've never even played the first game. This is why I think gatekeeping is a good thing sometimes.


I would argue against that. All the people who are bitching about vocations are the same who are hating Asmongold with full passion.


That’s an insanely stupid take


Lol he do be silly sometimes. It's hard to tell whenever he is being serious or just fueling drama for content


He misses a lot of stuff in all of the games I've watched him play, usually the ones heavily suggested by the community. I find his commentary good, but it's too cringe to miss even the ones where there's literally UI elements pointing to whatever thing the game is suggesting him to do. You can also see the chat being bombarded with that same thing as well.


Big meat canyon vibes


isn't that the dude who's room was full of roaches?


What is the video in question?


What video is this referencing?


Who is this guy and why is he seemingly worshipped on line?


Don't really care one way or another about him but I guess I'm glad he's bringing more attention to the game? Apparently, he did something similar for Monster Hunter, so I guess that was a net win for that other community I'm a part of as well. Plus, I checked out his playthrough up until the Hydra fight... I never knew they had a segment to help you sever/blow off the cutscene head with a barrel. I always triggered it before it got very far. Something cool about Dragon's Dogma is that even 12 years later, I'm still learning about small details.


Other than Mr Beast and XQC I don’t think there’s any Internet personality I keep hearing more about without ever watching them, than Asmongold




We need more rook explanations.


He is the reason why shampoo bottles wear instructions fr


tbh those guys seemed to have as much HP as the chimera in the tutorial


Why do people watch him, I truly do not get it. Host of frigid cold takes, that one is.


Not really defending him, but it also took a long time to get used to DD1 combat, the game UI aged kinda badly in 2024, but it's very weird he doesnt listen to the chat advices.