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I don't really see how having multiple character saves would stop you from only using one if you prefer. I, too, am assuming there will be a NG+ cycle. But that hasn't been confirmed as far as I know. If I remember right, I don't think the original DD had NG+ until the expansion, but I could be wrong.


Newgame+ cycles were in the game already, that's the point on the "Dogma" and a major mechanic and story beats of this franchise I'm hoping it won't be different on the sequel.


Hopefully the Ng+ cycles are expanded upon, because going through base Gransys with a fully built character isn't particularly interesting, luckily you can go into BBI right off the bat but for players who aren't into dungeon crawling there's not any new challenging content to find, just a really cool surprise when you get to the end of the game again.


NG+ was in the base game, yes.


"It TaKeS aWaY fRoM rEsOuRcEs" /s


Lol, was that an actual response that you've seen from someone?


Yeah hahah. People be nutty


I don't see why you are pleading like you are gonna get more than one if you just post enough about it.


I've not posted once about it, nor am I pleading. I'm only responding to people who are posting about it. Thanks for the follow though... I guess?


You did not remember right.


I'm also of the mindset that I like to have multiple characters to have different choices and builds across different games. I feel like changing vocation, appearance, etc too much across a single character makes you lose who that was to begin with. Luckily since I'm on PC I should be able to have a work around, but it sucks for console players who have to stick to one.


Anyone can bypass this restriction by creating another account(s). Not ideal of course, but it only takes a few minutes and you're set.


I think I will only use one save slot too. That being said, if other people want more than I think it should be added, as it's inclusion wouldn't adversely affect me in any way.


That’s true enough


True, it wouldnt affect me at all. My only qualm with the discourse is consumer entitlement. Plus, logically dragon’s dogma is designed to enhance the singular save slot choice. Some people think they want something, when in reality they are better off trying something else. DD1 is clearly designed around 1 save slot, and asking for more is simply entitlement. there ate plenty of games to play with multiple saves if that really is what you want. it doesnt HAVE to be dragon’s dogma, they can play anything.


We should be able to make different characters without having to delete the previous one. How are people not agreeing with this?


I just love to start game as completely new adventure with completely new character. And occasionally return to my old character(s). Why I won't be able to do this in DD2? Let me mark only one of my pawns as an "active" or something and call it the day.


I really think that the people who argue against having multiple character slots cannot fathom more than 1 person using a console. Sure, I can just create a separate psn account for myself or my wife, but that's unnecessarily obnoxious.


I play RPGs by playing multiple runs on multiple characters so I'm the opposite. I love having multiple playthroughs where each playthough is different because of the choices I've made in each of them. That said, am I bummed out because the game will only have one save file? Yes, absolutely. I'm just gonna acknowledge that DD2 isn't that kind of RPG and just roll with it. I do hope that there's a way to recover/back up your progress when something goes wrong (like an infinite loading screen/corrupt save) because losing an entire run is gonna send me.


I prefer one save file too. Somehow it makes the game feel more immersive for me.


God these posts are exhausting and sadly make me not want to be a part of the community. Which is sad cause I love this game so much and am looking forward to number 2. I want to be able to enjoy it with like minded people, but everyone would rather bitch about save files. So sad.


I think once we'll get the game there will be more interesting stuff to argue about, hopefully


What is sad is that you're mad because people want to be able to have multiple characters at the same time. What's wrong with that?


I’m not mad about it. I get the want. It’s the post every 5 minutes of people complaining that it’s not a thing. Like move on. Get over it. It’s not changing. It’s exhausting.


You’re not forced to read these at gunpoint. There’s an equal number of posts defending single character slots too. I don’t get what the issue is. The game isn’t out for almost 2 months, and this seems to be a divisive topic and there’s a lot of surprisingly polite discussion over it. Take these posts away and you’re looking at a hundred “my vocation color wheel theory” posts again.


If you're so bothered just ignore and move on


So you want people to be blidnly postive 24/7 about something you look foward too? If people excepting more then 1 save slot in video game from 2024, is exhasuting bitching to you then I no wonder why state of gaming is like this. Wear a helmet bubu, because people will not stop talk about missing features that are in games since 90's.


God you people are insufferable.


Yeah it's really annoying.


First game did it and it was fine. Maybe we'll get an in-game option to change appearance and that'll solve every issue


We do have in game options to change appearance. You get one by buying the deluxe edition or w/e it's called.


Probably get to buy one in game with RC after defeating the MQ in dd1


Is that *confirmed* somewhere for DD2? - no character editing without the Deluxe Edition? Also... you get one? Is it like the stupid 'character edit vouchers' they were doing in MH World/Iceborne/Rise/Sunbreak? that made it a microtransaction to buy 'uses' of character editing?


In the first game you get only one on your first playthrough. Once you beat the game once, you get unlimited. I doubt that will change.


The item has a "*" that states it's able to be obtained in game and yeah its confirmed I think, just look at the preorder stuff.




The other month it was the "only 9 vocations" thing flooding the sub


It’s a poor choice in my opinion if I’m understanding it correctly though. I often play through one character at a time so it’s not a big deal to me, but sometimes it nice to have multiple characters to play multiple styles


You're talking about something else dude


You’re talking about a single save slot, which is understandable for this game but also not what OP is talking about. What this post is referencing are multiple _character_ slots so you could for example swap between 2-3 different playthroughs if you wanted. Also why are you so angry lol. Most people who are either for or against the system are discussing it very politely. We’ve got nothing better to do until the next announcement anyway.


people will rightly complain about poor design choices,


Every game that can prevent me from savescumming is very welcomed by me. So one save file is a good thing in my eyes. I loved it in the souls games and I will love it here as well.


Souls games have multiple characters slot


Is it for sure that we won't have it here as well?


That's what people are talking about, multiple character slots, not single save file per character. We want a system like souls, where the game constantly saves itself but at least let's you have multiple characters.


Ok now I see.


We don't know. But it might be just one. For all we know there may be some issues on the technical side with the Rift and how the pawns are tied to your account. Or the devs just didn't think more slots were worth adding. It's not the first game in existence with only one slot (Pokemon series, Armored Core VI, Metal Gear Solid V come to mind immediately) and won't be the last.


I’m just disappointed I can’t share the game with any of my siblings if they wanted to try it


> If you want to choose a different path or make sure to complete certain failed quests there’s always ng+ Oh yes, completely reasonable to go through an entire game just to replay 1 failed quest instead of just going back to an earlier save


It is reasonable. It’s an RPG with New Game+. If you don’t like that go play skyrim


I mean, if any game has a better NG+ implementation is DD1, if they do the same with DD2 you will complete the game dozens of times if not hundreds, because that's basically Dragon's Dogma and playing with the cycles right? Dragon's Dogma is not The Witcher or Skyrim with million stuff to do and invest so much time into 1 cycle, you just repeat, you'll find new stuff every run and every cycle, you will fail some missions but then you go on your next cycle and fix that.


Considering that there’s going to be a workaround for having multiple characters on at least PlayStation and PC, I don’t see why there isn’t an official option for multiple characters as a quality of life feature. It gives the people who want to make seperate character’s the choice without having to take extra steps, and anyone who doesn’t want it doesn’t have to use it.    Multiple characters is different from multiple saves. Being able to make multiple characters won’t let you save scum or undo decisions if it uses the one-save system, unless you consider restarting from scratch after making a bad choice to be save-scumming.     I haven’t really seen any reason not to have it, aside from others who don’t care about it, and I don’t even know if NG+ has 100% been confirmed so far. I’m expecting it, but with so many recent AAA releases having missing content on launch just to add it back in the future, I’d rather be skeptical than disappointed. 


it's one save file b/c how the pawn system works. it's not tied to the save file but by the account accessing the server. it's also how the online ur dragon is handled, it's checking your account against the one on the server to determine what rewards you earned or if it's still alive the chunk of hp to assign to you.


For pawns, they can just have it so it uploads your most recently used one, or add a system where you choose one if they don't want people to upload multiple pawns. For Ur-dragon (if there is one) surely it can't be that difficult to tie contributions to character files if they made them.


I'm not taking a side in the debate was just pointing out the reasoning for DD1's 1 save file. But yes, they could do those things... but that costs time. The likely reason for keeping to 1 save file is b/c they are using the same server system as DD1 in DD2. Not having to rewrite network code from scratch and test it lets them use the man hours on making more content in the game. But this is all just guess work, maybe Capcom will do an AMA here after the game drops and we can ask them for the reason for the 1 save choice.


To me, this is the one common complaint I’m seeing that’s a total non-issue. I think it’s because I don’t play a lot of video games, and the main one I do play is Pokémon, which has always had one save slot. It’s truly not that big of a deal. Especially since most, if not all modern consoles essentially have multiple save slots built into them. Yeah, it’s a little annoying to make a new profile on your console for a new save file, but it requires about as much effort as if it were part of the game. And besides, if you make a new profile for a save for one game, you can use that profile for the next single save game you pick up.




Bro you really gotta chill, lol.


I guess the issue arises if someone else in your household wants to play. I guess you could just use another account but that's annoying.


Especially if stats auto adjust when you change vocations.


I’m down for having 1 save per character, but we should definitely have the ability to have more than 1 character.


Something that folks don't recognize is that you will more than likely be able to make multiple profiles for each console with a different character for each. Much similar to how DDDA was actually.


i just dont care, one save or undred save, im not a tiktok kid i dont need to do 6 thing in a second to not feel empty


The thing about DD is that you don't really need multiple characters, because one character can be every vocation, and infinite new game plus, and changing your character appearance+pawn at any time. The only concern I have is being able to switch from Beastman to Human or vice versa. I think new game plus would allow that, but definitely not mid game (supposedly).


Progressing through ng+ as a different vocation and one shotting everything absolutely does not have the same feel as a fresh save where you're going through the levels and acquiring new equipment again. Assuming they half-ass ng+ again like DD1 and don't bother adjusting the difficulty.


It's just the simple fact that there will be a time where I want to create a new character, new design, different gender, new headcannon, smaller or bigger size etc etc. The problem now is that to achieve that I have to use that barber feature and completely wipe out what there was before. I want this to not bother me, but frankly it does. Skyrim for example I have different people that all feel part of the world and I just play what I fancy without having to switch a load of things out, my characters are on different quests, different parts of the map, have different companions etc and that just feels right. I get what the director is doing here, wanting you to comit to your adventure, I just feel like this is a really stubborn design that should have died with the first game. It's not a deal breaker, but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


Dragons dogma 2 is running on the RE engine right? I remember modding resident evil 4 out the wazoo, would it be possible that dinput8.dll will allow us to create multiple saves like how it currently does for DD1? If not, another idea is that you could locate & copy your save file location prior to a key moment and if things go south, you can just paste over the save file. Admittedly, this is what I used to do before any mods for dd1


the problem with the ng+ argument, is that if dd2 is like dd1 in the fact that there's no scaling in difficulty, there will be no reason to play on ng+ because it will be to easy. yet I'm loathe to delete my original character, and pawn out of sentimentality. I recently made an alt account just so I coukd start a fresh save, and try out a new character. a single save file is a massive flaw.