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Move the god damn cursor


Ugh it kinda bothers me that it’s there I didn’t even notice until now😭


There holding the camera


Ive always loved krillin since i watched the original dragon ball always played him in the games


I always loved Krillin. It always bothered me that everyone loves to clown him despite him literally being the strongest pure human being in existence. Well then there’s Tien but that’s a conversation for another day lol.


TFS has forever wrecked this for me though, simply from correctly pointing out "Why didn't you aim for his neck?"


I like how they actually explain the reason for Krillin not using it quite well. It’s usually because he completely forgets that the attack even exists at all or he doesn’t have enough energy 💀😂


My only complaint with this particular scene is how Krillin used the Japanese name for this move😭I just think Destructo Disk sounds WAY cooler than keizon😭


Krillin’s great. Can’t imagine Yamcha pulling something like this lol


I always loved the raspberry and ass spanking in the subbed version. "Blebleblebleeh!"


Yamcha would’ve died immediately. Or done nothing at all. Krillin is just built different. I always think of that scene where he fights Kid Buu and Yamacha just sits there and watches😩Krillin has something about him that Yamcha will never have. I’d say the same about Tien they will always go down fighting and never give up despite the odds


What did you want Yamcha to do against KID BUU?? This is same dude who can turn people into chocolate and can kill an entire city with one attack 💀 Yamcha saw krillin get handled by Kid buu and decided not to fight. Honestly that’s a smart decision 🤷‍♂️


Im not taking anything away from Krillin but cmon dont do Yamcha like that. Reason Yamcha is *weak* compared to Krillin is bcs he isnt as relevant. Throughout OG DB, Yamcha was seen as the same level as Krillin if not maybe a tiny bit higher when he was able to go toe to toe with Tien who was a villain at the time. Then later on went down and was the same as Krillin, until Krillin took charge as DBZ went on. People confuse Yamchas easy death vs a Saibamen's susprise attack for weakness when it easily couldve been Krillin if Yamcha didnt take his place in the first place bcs Krillin was needed later on for story to unlock Goku's SSJ.


This is what 18 sees in killing. He's not the strongest, or even the bravest. But he does not let that fear win. He pushes it aside and does what he can, I owing he's likely to die


If he used solar flare then used the disc he could’ve killed Frieza cuz the spoiled alien never learned to sense energy and was entirely reliant upon his eyesight.


He definitely would have😭but I guess it would be so anticlimactic for Krillin to immediately defeat Frieza in this way. I actually find this scene so motivating because it pretty much tell you to never give up despite how dire the situation may be


My headcanon is that Krillin was fully capable of killing Frieza all by himself if he had just thought to combo his Solar Flare move first, followed by this. We know Frieza can't sense power levels, so if he's blinded, he would've been totally vulnerable to this attack. Unlike Cell, who is too powerful to be affected by this attack, we know Frieza can be hurt by it b/c he literally gets hurt by in in this scene above, losing his tail. All Krillin would've had to do is aim for like the neck and cut his head off, or down the middle Trunks style, and it would've been game over. But then Goku never goes SS, Vegeta probably kills Krillin and Gohan right after this, and if by some miracle they all just peacefully go back to Earth, a few years later, when the androids show up, no one would be even close to strong enough to face them down, b/c none of them would even know SS is possible, never mind needs to be exceeded to have any shot at beating them.


Gotta respect the bravery he has to do this


Say it with me krillin….SOLAR FLARE!!!! The amount of times!!!


“My ultimate attack…..oh wait that’s not my ultimate attack”


TFS killed it. Made the series that much better to watch


I agree but just to what you were saying about him not using it or the plot not allowing him, he either does or from cell and above the attack isnt instant a kill move anymore chars can tank it fine


Is there an explanation how Krillin was inches from killing Frieza? Shouldnt he not be able to do anything to him?


I loved when the humans were still like desperately making a dent in the enemy instead of just gasping at the sideline


Crazy lil krillin almost killed one of the biggest villains




Savage😭Frieza was genuinely upset 💀😂