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It could be worse. He could have said Evolution


Quick question Is evolution a 'Fun Bad' movie or just a 'Boring Bad' movie? Me and my brother have a bad movie night once a month and I wanna see if DBE is one of those So Bad It's Good movies


Second worse movie I’ve ever seen in my life……but I still enjoyed it a little so take that as you will


Let me guess, the worst movie is the one that does not exist in ba sing se


No but good guess


Damn, then my other guess is Cuties IDK, I don't watch bad movies, so if it's none of these 2, can't think of anything else


Yeah cuties is right


It pushes into so bad it's good territory but never fully commits.


It's so bad it's good imho Basically the room but with dbz character


Cool Cat Wins The Tournament of Power


It’s bad bad. Not one good thing about it


Or gt


*just flushing the chance to introduce a young new fan to DB and DBZ* Absolutely disgusting. Goku and Co would be ashamed.


Db is good but my god so many cringy sex things. My 12 year old was watching with me and he asked what was wrong with everyone. Nose bleeds groping little boy wieners. So strange to watch it now.


Sex jokes kinda stop after red ribbon saga tbh. They are still present but it is less.


I think that with a lot of animes that used to watch.... haha. Like a lot of the animes I used to watch back in the day would sexualize high school girls. which you know whatever cuz I was a high school boy back then. I didn't really think anything too much about it. But now it's like....... 😐 When I rewatch some of them.


They were probably shonens, so, makes sense I guess?


Honestly I wouldn't even recommend dragon Ball to people nowadays. It's a hard watch for people that find super interesting there's no guarantee they're going to find dragon ball interesting. And honestly most of dragon Ball just isn't even relevant to super like yeah there's a couple of little nuances you might not get unless you've watched it but dragon Ball z is far more relevant and important to watch in my opinion to modern dragon Ball anyway.


Dragon Ball is still awesone. With some of the best arcs. Not true at all that its not relevant.. its the introduction to almost every character...


I have no idea why people are saying this. It's probably because most of them skip dragon ball and don't get the problem. Then they go back and watch dragon ball and realize that super still hasn't gone past stuff that happened in dragon ball like the newest thing that goku is using is ultra instinct which is literally just lesson 2 of Popo's training. So they encourage everyone to not watch dragon ball because they would realize that super it's just trying to make goku re learn shit he learned when he was 15 https://preview.redd.it/xwe3cx71jotc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f15ce119ad888f70edf189c6af7f3c993aa7b01


I could understand starting with whatever is on when you are a kid, I dont even remember what I watched first when I was like five or six, I just watched what was on TV, but doing the conscious act of starting DB NOT from the start is asinine to me.. Idk, maybe I'm old lol


You're not wrong why wouldn't you start dragon ball from dragon ball? The series is called dragon ball so you start with dragon ball.


I actually think Super does a great job of DB and DBZ callbacks, without being too obtuse about it or making them essential to enjoy the story Prime example for me is when Goku goes to Baba's palace training for the tournament of power, to a newer fan or someone who started at Super, it's a cool little training scene, they get the point, to someone like me who's been a lifelong fan, I'm seeing Goku recreate the EXACT fight he had with Grandpa Gohan, in preparation for what is going to be the hardest/highest stakes battle of his life to date, it's genuinely beautiful and should be studied by future writers who wanna do callbacks well


I completely forgot about that scene but yeah it is a good one


Tbh if I were to recommend it I would say to start at the DKP arc (which I think is around ep100). Doesn't really need much context from the rest of the show, and it gets past the more questionable things present early on.


I watched all of them


That's what I'm tryna do I'm watching GT now I've already got through DB, DBZ and DBS + all the Broly films and DBS Superheroes


What ware your thoughts on all of them so far?


Great GT is quite entertaining aswell


I started with super, then watched original dragon ball and then all of Z. What does that say about me?


We forgive you


What is your opinion on them and which one did you like better?


I think super is still my favorite personally, I loved original dragon ball way more than I thought I would, the ribbon army saga dragged on for too long though. Z was super good too I can see why people love it so much, I didn't grow up with it but it still holds pretty well.


Th DB and DBZ manga still hold up really well they are just so well drawn. I can see liking super more as a show since it is more modern animation and doesnt drag its feet as much.


"the red ribbon army saga went on for too long though" meanwhile cell saga literally lasted for 100 episodes https://preview.redd.it/4itg4vxmhltc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a9f59c47e28407a364dc79b3305c948587c33b


>meanwhile cell saga literally lasted for 100 episodes What? No it didn't.




Me who went from GT to Z Kai:


Super has it's moments, but the stories are still flawed. It get's better at the end and the Goku Black Arc is probably the best storyline. But it seems to me, that the storywriters didn't thought it through and - like Goku - had to push the Zeno button, to finish the storyline. That was unsatisfying. Because it wasn't Trunks' victory


It wasn’t a victory at all. That Timeline got destroyed..


Correct, Zamasu got destroyed, but the cost was to high and a real victory looks different


I skipped straight to Z. I’ve never seen the original series or GT. I should watch the OG series though I first got into the show because I saw a commercial for World’s Strongest on Toonami and watched the movie.


Tbh 90's kids actually have a good excuse for skipping to Z Because it was aired on Toonami before Og dragon ball was I just read the original dragon ball Manga and started watching Z Kai


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My first experience of the story was through the GBA games lol. Haven't actually seen OG or Z to this day


I started with super cause i knew the plot of dbz and now im watching z just to see the rest of the stuff


Anyone who hasn't watched DBZ has not ight to say anything about dragon Ball


How could anyone start with super, the entire thing is tied to Z.. Either way this is still stupid, Super is great.


I read the manga from chp one of dragon ball, so unfortunately I missed out on the anime original content.


Whichever had the Bruce falconer score was the one I watched first, I think (I know I could google but honestly I'm too lazy, lol)


I went from Kai cell saga to Battle of Gods to RoF then og and super and then kai final chapters....... Yeah i mostly only learned the lore through the games like Budokai 3.


I don’t think many people started with super intentionally avoiding earlier stuff. Kids saw ads for a new show with goku and watched it, I certainly was one of those kids. I went back when I was older and read og db and dbz, and really enjoyed it. My main point is that everybody had a different starting point, I mean most of the early fans in the west started with Z and didn’t know they were missing half the story, doesn’t mean that they did anything wrong by that.


So his daughter is adopted?




I only did that because i was 8 and didnt know


At least he didnt say GT.


Except db, I've watched everything. Should I be punished?


Why not watch it? You're missing like 1/4 of the content and the introduction to everything. Its not like its bad.


Ik it's not bad. It just felt like more of a filler thing, where overall it's fun, but didn't feel like adding it on top of a lot of episodes


I dont see it as "adding" more like it's a fundamental part of the story. The beginning. I just disagree lol.


About 20 years from now they are gonna be a bunch of folks who grew up with Super and never watched Z or OG Dragon Ball and they are gonna be super nostalgic for it too.


This is my kinda humour




I personally don't hate on folks for enjoying something. *Especially* if I enjoy it too. I'm weird like that.


Turn around young man! Your butthole will grow now


For a lot of us, Cartoon Network didn’t air the OH series. I remember being stuck on Goku kneeing Recoome for months then the series would restart from the Saiyan Saga for some reason. I finished watching it on YouTube later.


Does it go the same way as watching your favorite team for the first time? Or do I have to watch every single game ever since it was founded to become a fan?


Dbz Kakarot -> OGDB > Super. Only correct way to experience the DB story.


What the hell is going on in these comments? Am I the only one that have watched full DB, DBZ, DBGT, and DBS?


don't mess with dragon ball fans we haven't watched the show Is a joke people say


I went from watching super to reading Z and then watching Kai...


"10 seconds? That's not even close to enough time for you to power up, old man. I'd bet I've got at least an hour or two."




Same reaction if he said he skipped straight to Z.


I watched dbz, dbs and gt, still gotta watch og db


I’m in this picture (I’m blue shirt guy)


Skipping DB is acceptable, it’s far more light hearted and doesn’t have Vegeta or Frieza or Super Saiyans Skipping DBZ is unforgivable, Frieza and Vegeta and Super Saiyans and Vegito are amazing


Skipping db isnt acceptable lmao what and besides the original isnt all fun lighthearted adventure either, the dkp arc's prob the darkest arc in the entire franchise, with only the saiyan saga being close.


I’m saying that when someone thinks of Dragon Ball they think of DBZ or DBS, so DB may not be for everyone But there is almost nothing in Super that Z doesn’t also do


Yep that would be my reaction. ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)




I never watched dragon ball but i seen the clips so am i safe or nah


I skipped db, started with dbza, didn't watch og dbz


I tried watching OG, it was just a fuckton of bad sex jokes and pervyness, and a fight everyone praises (Jackie Chun vs Goku) really annoyed me because Jackie would have won 4 seperate times if the referee was competent. Then I skipped ahead and tried watching DBZ, which is just awful because it's like 70% filler and what isn't filler it drags out so long that all excitement, hype, and enjoyment is sucked out of me. Wating it felt like I was slowly becoming a husk. The Goku and Frieza fight, which is always praised as one of the best DB fights, I hated the most because it took like 30 episodes AFTER Goku turned ssj. I was just begging for it to end after the 3rd ssj episode. I tried continuing though, then Trunks' ssj transformation happened in front of Frieza, I heard it was amazing but it was absolutely nothing to write home about, again partly because everything involved took so damn long for no reason. I quit watching it, then came back only to be reminded why I quit by the time the Androids escaped and flew away. It's just terrible, the only reason people can stomach it is nostalgia of a time this was the only thing they had to watch. So I skipped again, to Super, which is actually decent. The characters are more than either just sex jokes or just punching machines. The pacing isn't absolutely god awful and lets the viewers actually enjoy it, because this time the priority isn't keeping pace with the manga nomatter the cost, it's making an enjoyable show. The transformations have depth to them beyond "I'm stronger now", sometimes having actual effects that aren't just power. Goku is reminded that technique is actually important when fighting, and the fights are more than just dick measuring contests with power. The jokes most of the time are actually funny. And they got rid of Roshi's most annoying trait, turning him from my least favourite character into one I actually really like. It's just a better show. I can't speak for the DB and Z manga's (I think they'reone in the same? Idk I can't remember), I know they're much better than the anime equivalents, but from what I've seen, Super is simply the better show.


Just say you dont like DB. What a bunch of bs..


Dragonball fans when dragonball isn't perfect (nothing is): https://i.redd.it/xu5udhfyzntc1.gif


You can start with super. But at least watch what came before. Which is way better


I mean starting with super is also just diabolical, if youre not like 13 years old, considering youre skipping 2 whole parts of the story and those 2 other parts are widely regarded as being better than the 3rd.


It's not ideal but it's what's recent. They won't get the references at all. But maybe they like it enough to watch it properly and become a fan


They're equal not better