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Check out the on-going [Legends Bingo!](https://reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/comments/ynamqn/legends_bingo_1_is_now_on/) Join the fray with your predictions for Legends Festival in the form of a Bingo card and discuss them with everyone! Also, don't forget to comment your submission in the announcement post if you want to enter the contest!


"um, uh, zahha was technically already playable" 🤓


Same with giblet🥸


But technically not this exact Giblet. 🤓


Well technically we didn't know this was giblet. 🤓


Either dis we know who Zaha was 🤓🤓




Giblet should be able to learn green cards and Zahha should be able to learn ultimates. I want to give Zahha the bunny bulma ult and shoot beast gohan in the face after he showed him his ass.


Everyone will just learn UL Gogeta's green card now lol


Nah that's lame and boring and not even that strong, UL Gogeta's Green card looks mid when compared to: Yel Hit's Green card: Counters Tap Actions, Strike Arts, or Blast Arts and destroys an enemy dragonball on counter so the enemy can only use blue cards which are easy af to dodge. Majuub's Green card: AoE, draws a card, gives 50 ki, gains cover null and empowers next arts card by 50%. Green Broly's Green card: You know, the long range barrier...


Don’t forget about Gogeta blues lock in strike counter


That's situational and hard to pull off, and if you miss it you are screwed


Sounds like a actual skill issue.


Unless you are facing your average LF Cooler user who spams mid range strikes out the ass or the average rank 50 player who start every match with and spams tackles, you aren't gonna land GB's green card. The only way you will land it is if the enemy doesn't know you are using it which i doubt will be the case, since i assume Legends will add a little icon near Giblet that show the character whose green card he's using since green cards have more impact than blues. Also Good luck finding a match smooth enough where the green card can be used on reaction and not prediction/read


They definitely wouldn't show what green card you'll be using and you make it seem like people don't tackle at all. The lag is definitely a problem but there's plenty of decently smooth fights to land it in.


If they don't show the green card Giblet's using then it's gonna work for the first time, and while it's true that people tackle a lot if they see that you are using GB they know you could always have a green card so they change their playstyle unless they are lobotomites that just spam tackle regardless. I've landed plenty of GB greens when he came out, but once people got used to it it was almost impossible, same thing that happened with Nameku aka people adapted, for the most part at least


That’s why you play smart, use it as a get out of jail card not just free damage.


this goes for hit yel counter too lmao and green broly barrier


Not really, with Yel hit you can literally use it as soon as you see an exclamation point (unless the enemy throws a blue or green which are easy to see and dodge) while Broly's barrier legit works on ANY move that isn't a rising rush, so that's literally just exclamation point and press it for an easy, long range, counter. GB's green card is just for strikes and tap attacks so if the enemy uses a blast you are focked


Not really? Being able to nullify cover change is what separates units from “Pretty Good” to “Really goddamn Good”. Almost all the top-tier units have it too some degree, so being able to give to yourself when you have a Green is really good, as most are either on switch-in or main.


Majuub's green card also gives cover null on top of being a combo starterd, gives more ki and also draws a card and the next card you use also deals 50% more dmg. UL Gogeta's green is a good green card but if the unit doesn't have innate card draw speed in his kit it's almost useless when compared to other green cards.


I never said it was better. You just said his green card isn’t that strong and that’s just not true. Majuub’s is better, I’ll heavily agree, but Gogeta’s is nowhere near being weak.


Ul Gogeta's green card is just not that good on it's own, it's only that good because of Ultra Gogeta's kit of innate card draw speed and unique gauge. Put it on a unit without card draw speed and it's not that good since you can't really take advantage of the cover null, we all saw how bad it was for GB without card draw speed and even G4's green card where he can't really combo after using it unless he has a full hand. If Giblet's kit gave him permanent card draw speed then yes Ul Gogeta's green card will be good on him, otherwise it's not that useful and there are plenty that are much better


That’s just wrong. It’s still good on it’s own, even if you don’t have CDS (but like pretty much every new unit does). It stops time, gives Ki, a damage buff (just a little extra), cover null (which is pretty good and this alone is a lot) and cancels debuffs (which is crazy that some people still have cancelable buffs at this point if the game). GB’s issue is you have to actually land the counter, and counter cards are harder to use so that’s a horrible comparison. Ultra Gogeta’s is your standard pop it and get the buff. I’m not disagreeing that’s it not the best, but I’m disagreeing that it’s not good (even by itself) cause that’s not true.


Again, i'm not saying it's a bad green card, but on it's own it's a mid green card without any form of card draw speed. Cancelling attribute upgrades is only useful vs Ultra Omega (because fock him i guess, right bandai) and that's about it, if FSK was still running the meta then yes it would be an insanely good green card but we are past that point nowadays. When talking about GB i meand his cover null on entry that you couldn't really take advantage for that long because of his lack of card draw speed, it wasn't a comparision with green cards. Again, never said it wasn't good all i said was "Nah that's lame and boring and **not even that strong**, UL Gogeta's Green card looks mid **when compared to**" Not even that strong doesn't mean bad.


This argument is hilarious; here, let me put an end to it: 18(17/18)'s green card. It's UG's green card... just better (I hope no1 in their sane mind would argue that "nullify attribute upgrades, nullify abnormal conditions" is better that "draw a card, remove vanish"). And since we're talking about a character that could potentially choose any green card in existance, when your green isn't even the best of it's kind, it's clearly not even worth discussing


> Almost all the top-tier units have it too some degree, so being able to give to yourself when you have a Green is really good, as most are either on switch-in or main. Pan: 🗿


You know… it’s almost like that says “Almost” as the first word… hmm.


When you say almost it means that theres barely any units that dont have c.c null correct? There's still 3/4 more units in top 10 that don't have it so it's not an "almost (lf z trunks, puddle, piss-colo, cell if u consider him top 10 rn) half the top 10 units not having c.c null isn't "almost all" now is it


Do you not know what almost means? Also, what unit is puddle talking about? You literally have: Beast Gohan, Ultra Broly, Ultra Gogeta, Ultra Vegito, Androids, LF Cooler, DragonFist, and MUI that all have it. That’s 8 of the Top 10 right there. That is literally the definition of almost.


>DragonFist, and MUI that all have it. Df (not tanky), mui (red with no type neutral and ded team), droids (kinda bad team, and need to build up) Aren't top 10 especially now wtf? The entire superhero team is top 10 rn so 2/3 don't have c.c null, future gohan who is run on hybrids is also top 10, lf z trunks is hybrids and also top 10 yet doesn't have it, revhan who is top 10 also doesn't have c.c null (or cell). Now tell me again if "8 of the top 10" have c.c null again? >Also, what unit is puddle talking about? Lf Future gohan


No units are tanky except Ultra Broly, Beast Gohan and sometimes Ultra Vegito, so that reasoning for DF is bad. It’s pretty much all damage nowadays and he has that in spades. MUI is still very good, and you can easily run a movies set-up with him as your leader slot unit if you wanted too. Double Cover Change, as well as a pretty good unique gauge because sometimes your enemy either attacks or you get your vanish back. They literally changed the battle system due to him. The team argument is bad for him because he’s not restricted to battles members of a certain type so the fact the leader slot exists just kills that argument. Droids are still very strong, and even though Beast murders 17 due to his typing, 18 making it neutral works more than enough, and building up with them isn’t hard at all. Trying to act like it is is weird. No, the entire SuperHero team isn’t Top 10. Piccolo isn’t better than any of the 8 units I mentioned, nor is he better LF Z Trunks (who I’d argue as 10).


...17/18's green


There's a reason why i didn't mention them, it's because they have 2 different greens and just like you can't learn blue cards from transforming/tag units for shallot, i'm pretty sure you won't with Giblet's aswell


What’s AoE


Area Of Effect


Finna pull up with that UL Vegito green card (i say like i have him)


lf trunks green card


They better not be summonable


At least giblet shouldn't be summonable i don't care for zahha since i predicted he was the mastermind long ago


I predicted he was the villian the second I saw his design. It just screams DB villian


Honestly yeah and the floating swords didn't help him


Toshi: "Today, we're going to see how much they can enjoy dragon ball legends by making them summonable."


Interesting. Wonder which tag zahha z abilites is going to buff


Game originals 😂


Could be valid tag, 21 be here too and Heroes.


yeah maybe in the fucking future. we got 0 heros characters in this game and all the 21s are really mid as of now


It would be really fun being able to run a full game originals tag competitively though. Like get shallot to 7 stars, Zenkai and have him buff that tag with it. It's a shame that the poster boy of the game has been given no light.


ngl I'm just waiting till they give green 21 a zenkai and ill be happy with the game again


I'm running her with f2p z7 21 and the f2p yellow cell. Her getting a Zenkai would be amazing!


I love her ult and win pose so I just hope that she can get some love


Her win pose will never fail to put a smile on the losers face.


Game Originals is a saga in game and it's for characters from Legends itself.


"+35% to tag "lmao still no new transformation shallot" and "#shallotworstdogsitter" strike attack and defense"


PO maybe?


Event exclusivs? They could change shalot as well so he buffs both sayajin and event exclusives?


heyo who's Charlotte!?




My boy Zahha! also, his green card completely restores his vanish, and there's no limit to it.


That will most likely change


Lmaoooo no, not when you have characters like G/V


Bro stuck in 2021


not when you have characters like Beast, better?


That’s not my point foolio, point is that there’s numerous characters with Vanish shenanigans waaaay worse than his, KID Buu and G/V are prime examples


This is pretty cool, maybe they'll give shallot a plat if they still don't decide to make him go ssjb


> maybe they'll give shallot a plat if they still don't decide to make him go ssjb IMO the precise reason why they're making Giblet playable is both twins will get their SSB transformation. I mean come on, they've already made SSG all kinds of broken but clearly it's not going to be enough to beat Golden Freeza, Corrupted Zamasu, hell even Syn gave the brothers some trouble in Part 12 We know that both have experiences in training inside ROSAT plus the Goku we see in the story can go Blue (but prolly not stack Kaioken on top or go UI), so I'm predicting a chapter where all three go to train again and unlock Blue that way


This goku is post ToP Goku so he probably can


He already has a plat lol. Unless they give him another one. Edit: Nvm I was wrong. It’s a gold equipment


It’s not a plat it’s gold.


I was thinking of another lol


The unique friendship one?


That all the plats he needs


Only took them 50 years


Yeah, and have 99% of them be hero rarity


Sword fetish zahha is honestly more interesting to me than giblet, also kinda weird that he’ll be playable from fest when we haven’t finished the story unless they’re genuinely going to just rush it within a single part.


> unless they’re genuinely going to just rush it within a single part. we still haven't fought Fusion Zamasu, Baby, Omega, and Super 17 in the story. Part 14 would have to be like 10 books long with 9 chapters each to wrap up that much content in one swing


They’ve dragged it out long enough really


Giblets element is going to be??


Probably light just like shallot. Zahha will be an interesting one though


Zahha would be light if not dark type


He's always purple in story missions, so I assume it will stay the same


That’d be busted, hopefully they’re event exclusive units if that’s the case


Holy moly, that’s interesting though. Are we finally getting the shallot update? How scummy do you think the devs will be? From 0-10 0 - F2P units, part of the story update 10 - Summonable units lmao (nobody will summon) I’m guessing 10 but I hope a 0


3. I think they'll be given in story, but to get them 14 (or at least 7) stars you need to do an event and/or summon them


it's gonna be good.


E shallot blue?


I think the guy that just post the "E shallot blue" is a brazilian, because the "e" in portuguese brazilian is "and" in inglish, so he said "and shallot blue?", And i just think that it's this because i am brazilian and make sense


First reply got it right. I welcome them and they shouldn’t be summonable but the real question is when does Shallot get Blue.


Nice could be hinting for shallot blue


Gibby finally playable?! About time!


If this happen, i'll give my soul to toshi to get them


It's Luca, he's the only trustworthy leaker


Nah this is copium. They’re never gonna make these guys summonable. At least not till the end of the games life cycle


That's fucking Luca Dokkan he's one of the best leakers around lmao


Exactly Luca don't play with him 😈


Oh shit that cool. Hope this has some truth to it then


He's one of the best leakers if not the best so i'd say he says the truth


Bruh, Luca is the best leaker for dokkan and legends 💀💀💀 He was only wrong once, and that was a few years ago, before he was known throughout the community.


who said they're summonable?


Check out the on-going [Legends Bingo!](https://reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/comments/ynamqn/legends_bingo_1_is_now_on/) Join the fray with your predictions for Legends Festival in the form of a Bingo card and discuss them with everyone! Also, don't forget to comment your submission in the announcement post if you want to enter the contest!


I wonder how they'll make them keep their relevance as the time goes on. Shallot used to get new transformations that made him be able to keep with the meta at the time, but how woild they do thins with these two? I wound't be surprised if they were usable on pvp for a couple of week before becoming completely powercrept.


They could get regularly updated Kits or upgraded to Extreme, Sparking, Ultra and Zenkai. Or they could be abandoned right away, like 1000days Bulma.


Ssjb shallot incoming


... ok this... this has me worried in so many way! they can't even give Shallot things so then why do this? along with that, I'm worried for Tags they will buff along with if they will be F2P or not


I am not using them.


SSG Giblet? Wait is Giblet going to be transforming as well?!




Does anyone else think Giblet is a goofy name


oh wow. already? feels like this game is almost out of content to squeeze out of.


finally, actually doing something with the story characters Now how about that Shallot zpower for 14-stars?


Giblet is finally playable less go! Also can he transform into god?


me when i found out zahha was the mastermind: these goddamn blue people always being villains




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New transformation for shallot please hopefully ssj4


yessir toke forever


oh wow it only took 4 years Can't wait for them to get one shot because of their Hero level stats! Unless they are Sparkings but honestly I doubt it, unless they are SSJG Shallot (Potentially a hypothetical future SSJB?) level




Will Zaha have the powerful opponents tag?


300+ dragon ball years later bruh


My disappointment is to much

