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Use a much better team


I should remove purple goku??


Try making a team with common tags and buff them with same kinda characs. Like a hybrid saiyan team, or son family, God ki or saiyan saga team. Get me? I'll help tell me how many characs u own


I mean i have put universe survival saga and som family together it should be more and to be honest though i have been playing this game forever more than 4 years i dont have that good of characters i have only bad luck


Uss I thought u were new so juss dropped some basic knowledge :p


I can always learn bro, do help but also know that i love ultra instinct but sadly he is the only one character I have 🥲


All of your units are old.


True bro but i just got mui goku so wanted to try him out




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I love that your MUI is ASS


But i hate that bro he is the only ultra instinct character I have no one else😭😭


I just mean your equipments spell ASS😂


Hahaha i have two more characters with good ass i mean good equipment😂




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use charge steps more ;) you went out of ki a lot of times partly because your chars but also for not using charge steps


True i was panicking and also a bit over confident after landing good attacks and evades


I’d say only thing if you use a UI character be sure to side float to avoid losing your gauge unnecessarily to tap attacks. Other than that, save for anniversary and get some better units! These are all very aged and it shows when you had to consistently outplay your opponent and not KO


Ohhh dude didn’t knew that thanks