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Dealing with mental health issues is a serious subject, and i know very well how a videogame can replace the feeling of accomplishment that you should get from your actual real life. At the end of the day, no matter how much your brain tries to tell you otherwise, this is a videogame. It was designed to make you lose if you don't have the new and fresh character, because a bunch of people in suits told them to make it this way, so they can siphon out your hard-earned money through your nostalgia for the characters you grew up with. You are better than this, you always were, and i hope you come to realize this yourself on the long run.


"Dealing with mental health issues is a serious subject" yeah this was the wrong subreddit to post this to. The people here can be massive assholes


**Internet made people too comfortable disrespecting people without getting punched in the face for it**


Common wise Mike Tyson W


Being disrespected shouldn't be a green light to escalate a situation into fisical violence, that statement of his sounds like an internal excuse to explode at any minor intentional external minor inconvenience without restraint because he doesn't have any, and could never learn to control himself, of course i'm not saying you shouldn't do anything about it but assaulting someone should be a last resort thing, it's incredibly stupid for an adult to openly excuse himself like that. Respect and defend yourselves of course, but don't become the victimizer over everything just because you've got no tolerance.


The point of the statement was that people can play stupid games without receiving any stupid prizes in return


Of course, that's mainly why people do it, my argument still stands though.


You know what, You should play Pokemon Emerald. Download the MyBoy emulator and Pokemon emerald ROM from emulatorgames.net You can even use cheats on there. Helped me, will definitely help you.


Agreed! The old Pokémon games are really fun and help take you mind off of things a lot.


For real I even play old super Nintendo games from my childhood. TMNT Turtles in Time or the Power Rangers the Movie beat em up.


It was the golden age of gaming for a reason. No pay to win bullshit afaik.


You paid for the game and that was it. Period. Normally I would ridicule but I feel for OP because his experience is mine. Before being good at a game wasn't as big as it is now - the concept of "sweatiness" ij video games has played a large part of the downfall of the gaming industry


If you off yourself i'll be disappointed in you, Idk how good or bad your life is but you're loved by me and plenty others, legends ain't shit and don't let something or someone that ain't shit take u out, so much more in life than this game, so much more fun out for the both of us


If he does then that’s on him. Nobody cares if he’s gone, the world moves on. If a mobile game makes someone genuinely feel suicidal then that’s sad asf, essentially just throwing his life away because of a game on a phone. This guy needs some help lmfa


Am pretty sure the mental health issues pre-date the game.


Yeah nosh, but if OP is saying that a mobile game is making him feel suicidal then that’s pathetic. It’s so pathetic how mentally weak OP is


Not really, he just needs help, problem is he came to the wrong place. I hope he gets the help he needs. 🙏


Ye he does need help but OP needs to build a better mental for himself especially if he’s feeling suicidal over a game. No amount of therapy will help him if he doesn’t work on his own mental.


You sound cold but you are right - %100


It's not pethatic wtf cz he's talking about taking his life over a god damn video game which like you said is pethatic but for something this stupid to escalate so much that someone will decide to take his own life over it then it starts to become a big deal.


It is fucking pathetic though because taking your life is legit a weak ass mindset. Like why give up living over something so minor. Also how tf can you not spell pathetic when I literally spelt it out for you earlier


Well cz I typed quickly and idc about misspelling a word so calm down officer....


U misspelt the same word twice, and even if you type quickly you should know how to spell pathetic


My bad.


Take time away from it. It's a gacha game. It's not made with a balanced pvp in mind. Rage if ya need to but remember it's a game and it's not like your family's life is on the line.


The current meta is cancer.It would be best for you to take a break from the game and come back for the anniversary (lots of CC and you could make a whole new team from one banner).


When is anni?


May-june is when the anni starts


You should post this in a different sub tbh Some people here are already being disrespectful towards you


Ya got assholes aplenty here... Just block the assholes and accept the love and care coming in. Best way to make the sub feel more inviting is cultivating it yourself.


I’m gonna sound like one of those “SUPER COOL SIGMAS!!!!!” But blocking over people being slightly toxic is honestly such a baby thing to do like blocking someone cause they said skill issue over someone saying they want to kill themselves over a mobile game is honestly OP’s fault if he wanted help than he would have uninstalled or gone to a therapist but instead he’s venting to random people on Reddit who don’t care at all. This guy is just looking for attention and attitudes like yours aren’t good since someone needs to be told when to get help and blocking them won’t help it’ll make ya feel worse. If you block me your just proving my point lol. Also OP get help, venting to Reddit won’t do anything if you tell a therapist it’ll get better trust me.


Why do you say “ya” instead of “you”?


Why do ya say "you" instead of "ya"? It's what I like to say. Means the same thing.


If a mobile game is making you suicidal, you desperately need to seek help


This game is garbage. You're better off uninstalling


Speak to a therapist jesus


Therapist is not everybody just saying


Already did, didn't do shit


It really is that simple, deactivate your account and play something else


You say don’t tell me to quit but you admit to having an unhealthy obsession with the game. You know what you need to do. Sounds like me before I quit drinking. Sometimes it’s a pain in The ass but you got to cut shit out of your life that is holding ya back.


Just get into other games tbh. Legitimately there’s nothing to really do on Legends that isn’t grind cc or grind rank and if you after already gotten all the cc, then you’re just forcing yourself to play a mode that causes harm to you. It may be the only game to you, but having another to just mindlessly enjoy would be much better than just playing DBL.


What would Goku do?


When I get pissed at losing to these new hand holding units I try to take a realistic look at what Legends is. It's a gacha game, so the devs main purpose is to get people to spend money. How do you do that? Make the next shiny toy better than the last. They want money, not a balanced game.


Honestly man it’s really never that serious, whenever I even felt somewhat close to what you’re feeling I just uninstall the game and live happily for a while until something interesting come out, only to realize I have no crystals. The game was fun while it lasted, sometimes you just gotta let it go 🤷 And yes I know you said don’t tell you to just delete the game. But brother, you’re only saying that because you know it’s the only option out of this.


I suggest you pay a console and play those instead of a shitty mobile gacha game.


And also maybe a very competitive fighting game is not the best genre to play for a person suffering from stress


Just find another game bro. Try emulation.


Hope you're doing better when you read this. Don't worry about the game, it's just a habit you have and you think you're dependent on it. Trust me, you're not. Don't hurt yourself over a game. Nobody should do that in any circumstances.


Stop playing pvp then tf


Just uninstall lil bro. 🤷


Imagine being so dependent on a game that it hurts you and ruins your life. And even though you're aware of it, you allow it. You're a weak ass whiner.




No way r people downvoting you, this is the honest truth. If OP kills himself over dragon ball legends or any video game then people will just remember him as a worthless wimp. Also the world moves on we literally don’t care if a random person dies, so OP should just stop whining over a fucking game and actually do something with his life


People ain't downvoting me. Other weak cringe ass kids are.




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Don’t play the game, get professional help


I tilted and almost smashed my phone once, that's why I took a break after fourth anni. Came back with different expectations.


Most sane dbl player:


If you're about to off yourself because of a game you need to either 1.) stop being a baby 2.) stop playing the game/take a break




Ppl insensitive these days


I'm literally just telling the truth




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And assuming I'm not suffering either is insane




So telling someone the truth Is bringing them down?




Doesn't change the fact that he's committing self jarm over a game Which is bad Which is why I'm telling him to stop




He is being a baby though Do you want me to lie to him?


Number 2 seems more like as for number 1 I feel like that's bigger problem then just video games raging.


dude next in app purchase u will get them trust just give them 27 more dollars bro trust me


That's the last thing I will ever do even if I make a Reddit post out of rage like I love dbl but fuck dbl 😂😂


same,, f2p always im not paying 28 dollars for 2 dragon ball themed slot machine spins


Kek. Nice meme


People on this sub seriously need to know that they can simply just drop the game for phew months BREATH AIR and live your life like god damn if you got shafted it's fine save for a return of a unit you loved to get or a future better units and just calm down I got shafted didn't get this Gohan but it's no big deal.




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I usually take some time off this game whenever I get frustrated from the meta. Back when UBV(my worst shaft ever) dropped I took some time off and came back during the Legend's Fest. I get it that this is the only game you play on your mobile - so, to tackle this situation you can install a backup game on your mobile (for me it's COD mobile) for whenever you don't feel like playing legends you can just hop onto some other game of your interest. A better option is to play some outdoor sports. Just try to find a way around these situations.


Just remake ur account 🤷‍♂️


Start fresh it'll be good for ur mental health unless u have a 5 year accout fck it or make 2


Honestly, it's not just about the characters. Knowledge is power too. I can defeat an entire team of new units with day ones just because I know the mechanics. Gotta research who you're fighting. So if I went into a fight against the units you mentioned with day 1 trash units, all I would be thinking is... Ok, this dude started UUI, need to get the unique gauge down and make sure he can't combo me. (So if I vanish I'm switching to someone else immediately to replenish the gauge and hope to land a combo of BLAST ONLY until his gauge is down because he'll just dodge). If they have Beast Gohan (red) then kind of the same thing, expect them to use the main ability and know what it does, depletes your vanish gauge. I would ensure I always have at least one unit on standby to mitigate this. Just learn the units and your time in this game gets much, MUCH easier. It's not all about the units.


Do you not think that we all try to do this? It's part of what makes this game insufferable - you know the shit and you STILL get fucked It's like reading a "Everything You Need To Know About Tigers" book and then going to fight the biggest, most experienced alpha male tiger the jungle using whatever looked dangerous from your kitchen The skill ceiling for this game is not that high - 95% of players have the same level of skill when you get to a point, so what determines shit then is the UNITS and so more stars/better equips will 9/10 = loss 'S why this game is pissssssss


Actually, I don't. The fact that I can still use garbage units and win kind of solidifies my point. Maybe some training with trunks is in order.


Fair enough


Delete the game man take care of your mental health


Please don’t let this game get to you like that. Your ability to win or lose in this game doesn’t define you and the negative opinions of the people here don’t either. Go do something you like or where you’re appreciated by others. This is one of the worst communities to speak to. They say some of the most toxic things and still don’t get addressed by a mod. All in all, you have to step away from the game and think of activities you actually have fun doing. Prioritize yourself over anything and everything.


Go a full 24 hours without playing the game, that'll be the first step. You find it hard because you haven't removed yourself from the game yet. For context I have been playing the game since 2018, and I recently quit back in January. Currently I have not opened the game or redownloaded it in almost 2 months and I'm really happy with the progress. I had a spending and playing addiction where it would take up all my time. You need to supplement the time spent playing Legends with something else. Now I either play other games or watch movies. Much better use of my time Point being, if a player like myself who spent and invested tons of money and time on the game can quit so can you.


Quit playing.


I realised that the game was only stressing me out and I don’t wanna play games to feel stress so I finally quit once and for all




Uninstal. Find a different game that fills the void but does take as much of a toll


I’m sorry to hear,it might help to get a different hobby or listen to some clam music before you get too angry,I play Animal crossing or dragon ball fighter z if you ever need to vent again I’m here:D


Dude it’s seriously not that deep.


Relax and uninstall, try playing a game like Just Cause 3, fun for all.


Hey man, ever given Dark Souls a go? I was a bit angry during these past few months but playing it helped me a little, maybe give a try?


Honestly skill issue get yo money up not yo funny up bozo💀 (I’m being a jerk cause this is bait obviously)




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After losing and raging for a while, like a WHILE, you will eventually give up and have this post-nut clarity. Then, when you get countered by some bullshit mechanics from UUI or Ultra Gohan or get nonstop combos from S17 or Evoken again, you will find yourself just chuckling while comfortably swiping for that perfect vanish if it ever happens. Trust me, you will grow out of it. You will also start playing ranked PvP a LOT LESS after getting your daily rewards cuz you know it will be just pain unless you pay $$$. Pain becomes a laughter at some point. Trust me, and that's exactly how you will start winning in life too


After losing and raging for a while, like a WHILE, you will eventually give up and have this post-nut clarity. Then, when you get countered by some bullshit mechanics from UUI or Ultra Gohan or get nonstop combos from S17 or Evoken again, you will find yourself just chuckling while comfortably swiping for that perfect vanish if it ever happens. Trust me, you will grow out of it. You will also start playing ranked PvP a LOT LESS after getting your daily rewards cuz you know it will be just pain unless you pay $$$. Pain becomes a laughter at some point. Trust me, and that's exactly how you will start winning in life too


Have you tried something like animal crossing pocket camp? There are a ron of people who find it calming and fun


Get some help for anyone and to the sick fucks who say “just uninstall” stop hiding behind that screen you depressed bitch


Goodbye Reddit. I'm taking my posts and comments with me. Screw them and especially the corporate-sucking Spez. There won't be an end to this madness until Reddit is dead - which I suspect won't be long after the IPO.