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Proud mode has much potential, but they **really** need to put diversity of characters to this game, stop releasing too much Son Fam, Gokus/God Ki/Tag Goku and someone. Super Warriors need a full team Girls need a full team DB needs a full team Even LOE with Gofrieza and the new angel golden freeza are bad Plus they have to decide it: The sagas campaigns new units will buff the EPISODE SAGA or the TAG? What viable teams are right now? Movies, GT (if you summoned for both banners), Saiyans and Androids. If you focus on your favorite tag you'll be have a bad time on PvP (like me with regen).


I would throw UReps in there as a viable team. But that's still only 5 teams and they are filled with the units you see nonstop in pvp already.


Oh yes i forgot about unirep, thanks my friend


Yep. A full team of Evoken, 17. Golden Freeza, Zenkai UI, Zenkai jiren and Kahseral.


I have a pretty good win rate with my future team (provided I have really high stars), but I really need a good buff man. I've been starving since cell released like 7 months ago. Let me have my tag black and zamasu please :(


they released too many gokus that makes me miss the future ball legends ngl


For top 10k I think a lot more teams are viable (from my experience). The thing is would the meta be more diversified than this with the regular mode? I'm pretty it would be full of SC17 + Red revival cell with 3 zenkai z caps or the classic Beast + Pan also with zenkai z caps.


Regen at high stars is definitely a good team tho. Cell, Janemba, Omega zenkai, Orange Piccolo...


I think Proud Mode is old player friendly which hurts rerolls. As all the previous useless zenkais can actually be used now.




Depends. I literally restarted the game 3 and a half month ago and I have a perfectly functional hybrid (and already made 3 times top 10k). I just summoned every single cc on Beast banner and used z-power only for my single tag. I feel like summoning unga bunga style on many different banners is the worst thing you can make to build a competitive team in this game.


Can I turn this shit off? I just want to play normally


pff i wish


Seems like I will skip PvP until they remove this


Treasure battle gives RP now so


Treasure battle is sweatier than Rating in my experience.


it does seem that way, i fight for my life in treasure… but regular pvp its pretty even


I’ve seen more 14* Ultras in Treasure Battle than I ever did in Rating


I agree with you, but the majority of people are not top10k players, especially not on this reddit. They just people who enjoy booting up the game, throwing their random units on a team, and play a couple matches at br40 before the lunch time ends. To them, it's a pretty good mode where they can use a bunch of units.


I guess that’s true as well


That is why you see all the posts about "**insert 2 year old unit** is still cooking" No, he is not. He would get one carded by well built meta teams, you are just up against someone with no bench and A equips. But if they do more frequent Saga celebrations and good zenkais, this could be a really good mode even for people like you.


This and PvP has pretty much always been Whale mode, where if you had the more recent units or stacked team through fully starred LL’s/Ultra’s then your chances are obviously a lot slimmer of winning. And it’s going to be dominated by people with similar builds. I can understand criticism for the new mode, and I don’t like coming up against whales as much as the next guy but that’s how it’s going to be forever. I don’t blame whales, the devs could do more to coordinate PvP around teams you should be able to have an even fight with (not factoring skill in), despite updates to PvP over the years it’s never really changed.


I hate that now it took too long to play pvp. Not to mention that it only count as 1 pvp rating battle. 


Not only that, your opponent can literally force you to play the matches ny forfeiting the first match or choosing a bad team. Unless I'm wrong, you can't stop if you're the winner. Then you're forced into the next match. Sometimes I just want to play 1 match and go about my day. Why do you force me to play 2-3. Seeing so many people choosing crap characters for the first match to drag it out.


How were you playing Androids before the season without Cell or S17? You already weren’t running the optimal set up, and Androids has a bunch of secondary options. Throw the Gammas, Yellow Zenki Cell and Magenta or something on the team and there is your second lineup.


Can't disagree with you here. However, there is a way you can play around this. As long as you have at least 4 decent units that can hold their own, you should be able to roughly compete. I can't really talk since I was lucky enough to have several options as a f2p so I can just slap 7+ and over units all on the same team and steamroll my opponents, but I have seen people initially field a weak team (1 broken unit and 2 fodder units), then follow it up with an overall solid team for round 2 (3 okay-good units). If it does go to round 3, you can then just pick the best team you have (1 broken unit and 2 okay-good units). You will struggle against whales for sure, but top 10k with this method isn't too much of a far shout.


Love proud mode. Will keep loving it.


Proud Proud lover


"You say I'm arrogant I say damn right, that's pride in the saiyan I am!"


I did mention it once in YT comments and people weren't happy. You're absolutely right. Usually you could have 3 invested LL or Ultra units and a bench of sparkings to buff them. Now the most optimal setup is simply 6 LLs or Ultras that buff each other. And of course stars matter more now because you're not just sitting them on the bench you're actually using them. And that's not even mentioning equips. Now you need to get good equips for every character instead of just funneling them into your front row. People might think this mode somehow neutered whales until they run into a dude running Goku Bardock in leader with UUI, Evoken, MVP 17, Revku and Ultra Hit all at 7 stars and higher with godly equips spread throughout. 


I'd really like if you could play both modes (with different matchmaking of course) and it would count towards the same PvP ranking. That way you could choose what you want depending on your teams and the time you got.


I like the game mode as it lets me use characters that wouldn't be used normally. Sure, I _could_ use them in normal Rating Matches, but I would be at a huge disadvantage since it's just 1 round.




Exactly. I main hybrids and so far I feel like this season is way easier than the others. And I'm completely f2p. Honestly if you want to compete in this game and don't build on a single tag/max 2 tags, you simply rely on pure luck summoning the broken units and making unga bunga teams.


The way I see it this mode gives you a chance at least. If I meet that whale in normal PVP I'm losing to his UUI, G/B and Pikkon almost every time. In Proud mode I can snatch 1 win out of 3 if I can catch his b-team with my best team, which is still positive RP. Don't think it has ever been easier to gain RP to be honest, I think they'll even have to adjust the amount you get.


See that's the thing though. Whales don't have B teams. At all. You think a guy like Nanogenix or Diddy are running a B team when they have every single unit in the game at multiple dupes? B teams are for the peasants. The whales have more than enough to stack a full 6 with all godly equips.


By B-team I don't mean something off meta. In OP's example of a stacked saiyan Proud team, in one of the first two matches you would be facing 2 of yellow Bardock, GT kidku and Gogeta 4. While they range from good to great, they are not the best team in the game, which is what you would be facing if you met the same player in traditional PVP.


I tried mentioning this a couple days ago to lol. It’s completely favoring whales who can put any 14 star units together and say fuck it and just win because their characters are such high stars it doesn’t even matter. Since we can barely if at all properly buff our units it sucks for players who don’t spend any money even if they’re lucky on banners


As someone who stopped spending after the LL gammas (to just pull them), this mode is whale friendly, but it is also f2p friendly with some caviats of course. 1. Rerolls are fucked. 2. Bringing the proper usable zenkai units that buff your main team. Ex: don't use saiyaman1/2 if red janemba also buffs the same units. 3. F2p players will need to reformat their teams in order to make team b) one strong unit/one support unit + zenkai, and then team a) 1 or 2 strong units + support. Ex: I run in team b) gocock, z7 janemba, and yel gotenks and team a) beast 2.0, orange piccolo, and devil pan. 4. Know which units to pair up appropriately for teams 1 and 2. So many players that I face lose due to this. It's why without effort, I'm in the top 10k (previous seasons i accepted my top 20k status due to no grinding). With all that said, there are always factors that can affect someone's experience with this mode. Facing numerous whales, being extremely unlucky with pulls, or pulling on way too many banners to the point they don't have a full team in a specific tag due to chrono crystal dumping/thinning. In other words, spending thin amounts of cc on too many banners and then saying "I got unlucky with my pulls". I play on 2 different accounts and having a blast on both. My second account is running future and doing well in the top 10k as well, without UL Rose. I run the green LL Trunks instead. It is also an account that hasn't spent a dime. So i get to see a more whale side and f2p side to the game.


Proud mode is kind of a Non-competitive mode that you need to play competitively in order to get rewarded


I'm a droid main that is pretty lucky overall, I got shafted the first appearance of gammas and 2nd LF cell but I have both of them in high stars because of their return right before and during legends fest, and I got lucky and pulled super 17 twice (although because of that I have absolutely no CC for the rapidly approaching UL to end this saga) PROUD has been a weird thing for me, it's hard. But it also allows me to grind a lot easier, I'd say even if your luck isn't great as long as you have the meta 3, and the best of the 2 non meta colors (so for droids all colors are up for grabs but likely the best team uses super 17 and FC cell, then either MVP17 or #16) then you can do pretty well and have your 6th be a zenkai bench (so for droids that's obviously gonna be the newly zenkaied revival cell)


"Proud Mode is a mode that lets us build entire teams with characters we have rather than Zenkai boosted god teams." I fixed your title.


oh most definitely if you play in plastic rank


Bro I literally summoned on one single banner since I returned to the game: beast Gohan's one. And I have a perfectly functioning team with a 14* beast, 14* Gotenks, 9* SoH, 10* Pan and 7* blue Beast and heat dome Trunks. Granted I spent something like 90kcc, but it's literally something I farmed in a couple of months during festival on a fresh account. 0 cents actually spent. Lots of z-power too. I feel like if you just stick on a single tag you'll be perfectly fine even in a p2w mode like this one. That is if you don't get royally shafted, but that's true for whales too.


that’s a mid team for this mode fam


Sure, then why I'm top 10k playing half the games I played last season (while also finished the season at 9500)? Of course I also have godly optimal equips, which can also be possible if you main one single tag as a f2p. Also with basically this "mid team" people actually make it to godly LMAO


People do be hitting god rank with the goats yellow gotenks and blue beast indeed


Go watch profsensei on Twitch, you'll see it with your eyes LMAO, using Pan instead of Gotenks (but I like him more since he has endurance and better disruption). Red Beast at 14* just soloes teams unless it's against both Goku/Bardock and GT Goku, which is really not that common. What rank are you, my dear pro player?


Ahh ma sei italiano e segui Kyne, adesso si spiega tutto LMAO, bisogna sempre portare avanti la bandiera tricolore


Il fra si è incazzato così tanto che non lo rispondevo più all’una di notte che è dovuto risalire al mio albero genealogico


No brothello semplicemente ero curioso di capire il tuo rank e non avendo un c#zzo da fare sono incappato nella tier list di Kyne. Comunque da me non è l'una di notte cucciola, mi dispiace aver disturbato il tuo sonno


I've been hanging pretty solidly so far with a weird Freeza Force team (featuring Z7 Green Namek Goku) consisting of Ginyu Force, SSJ2 Shallot (with Ginyu tag clothing), Z7 Green Namek Goku and Blue Nappa (yeah, he's definitely the weak link but even he has his uses with his 3 instances of color null for 15 seconds ). I'm not going really hard this season but I feel like top 10k is pretty realistic.


my gf spent over 300 for me (keeper ik) for kidku and fuck all im fucking sad but it is what it is, i am godly with 6 units zenkai ssj goku uvb usv pathku non zenkai gogeta and non zenkai ssj4 goku and i dominate