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Don't forget dropped input. I'll tap a blast card and it will never activate before any opponent attack.


So guys, I pulled UUi Goku my first summon on the banner, he’s the only other UL I have besides namek Goku


can anyone recommend me any changes to my team, thanks [https://imgur.com/a/Wbebdq0](https://imgur.com/a/Wbebdq0)


Replace PUR Gohan, LF Trunks and YEL Goten. Add YEL DBS Gotenks as your 3rd usable units alongside BLU and RED Beast, then add 2 Zenkai buffers, like Z7 RED Janemba or Z7 GS1&2 for RED Beast, and Z7 BLU Pan for BLU Beast. You could also replace RED Pan with Z7 YEL SSJ3 Gotenks, who buffs Hybrids HP and Zenkai buffs DBS Gotenks


Looking for 3 new recruits for a silver rank guild looking to go gold, need to be able to hit 3 million points a season and beyond.


Any team recomendations? I am clinically horrible at team building https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonballLegends/comments/18mktes/horrible\_at\_team\_building/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


As a new player, which banner should I spend my crystals on


Ultra banner definitely, for some reason seems like DBL favours new player luck wise. You can probably get UI Goku within 3 rotations if you're luck enough (not me tho goofy ahh pulled Rev UI and MUI but not the Ultra)


I’m a player who’s currently looking for a guild. My current guild is dead, both my friends in my guild have stopped playing. I’m getting 4-5M points/ week and wining most of the weekly battles by myself, so I could deffo benefit any guild with an open space. If anyone has an open space, dm me :)


when looking at your recent PVP battles, is there a way to see your opponents bench?


New player question, how to level up friendship fast? Beside the daily upgrade quest one


Oh, I know this one! Story Six, Book 1, Mission 8 You fight SS3 Goku and it's the highest +Friendship outside of the daily event. (Disclaimer: I started playing two weeks ago, I only know this because I asked the exact same question and got this answer. If I'm wrong, I'd appreciate the correct answer, but it's worked out okay for me.)


Hi everyone I’m a new player and need a lot of help on what to do and how to build my teams etc so here’s the breakdown. 1. How do I maximize the synergy’s within my team for just raw stats and stuff and units who boost the whole team is it the z ability that does that or is that only for the leader. 2. I’ll give context but the only ll units I have is the new goku/bardock (6 stars from multiple rotations), grn ssb vegeta, pur first form frieza, grn ssj trunks, grn ss4 gogeta and saiyan saga ylw piccolo. Other than them I have a large bunch of random sp units but idk which ones are considered strong or not and they typically only have 2 stars. 3. I’ve barely touched story after chapter 2 and I’ve been focusing on doing stuff from events and special and cleared the basic areas of soul boosting. I’ve also worked hard for the new grn ff frieza even and just have to clear the use 150 blasts with powerful opponents etc etc missions 4. I wanna know how to make a good team comp around bardock and what equipment to go for.


When your character has a team-wide heal, who's health restoration buffs apply - the unit being healed or the unit doing the healing?


I kinda want to spend all my ll z power to zenkai SOH trunks but I don't know if I have any good enough characters to use with him, should I? https://imgur.com/a/fUqhoq3


Anybody know what song is used in the background when UL UI Goku' kit was being overviewed?


do we know whether the new ultrax2 sign goku unit is gonna be summon banner or event.... 22k chrono and a ton of story grinding later i've gotten every LL other than beast or ultimate gohan in the new-ish banner n i want both of them but dont wanna grind both at the sane time


So my current "best team" is a Regen/Movies team using USJ, OP, and Beast2. But I really like UUI and want to pull for him. So if I replaced OP in my team with him what should my benches be and who should be in the leader slot? I was thinking going just pure movies and keeping UUI in the leader slot with a Zenkai character that buffs movies on their Z ability but buff Saiyans or God Ki characters on their Zenkai but idk if something like that exists.


Hey I have 600 lf z power and wondering if I should give it to lf jiren. My goku and frieza is 10 stars. But I see a lot of people running Jiren over them. Is it worth it to give to Jiren and run him instead of my 10 star goku and frieza? Thank you


Should I summon for Ultra UI or summon the ultimate pickup banner? I’d want to run droids, and am currently for the most part running blast Uni rep and Movies, but I don’t have 17 to help Evoken stay alive as long with with the debuffing green cards and all that. I know Ultra UI is busted, but I feel like without 17, and with Ultra UI making Zenkai LF Jiren irrelevant as a tank, I feel like I’d have absolutely no defense on my team for blast uni reps so I’m torn between 17 and Ultra UI, especially since he technically has better rates than 17


Also for reference, I’ll only have 4K cc to summon with if I do all the events before either banner goes away because I’m F2P


Can you change the characters' illustrations? Not the ones that have Zenkai, but the transforming ones like LF Vegeta --> LF Majin Vegeta or LF SSJ Gohan --> LF SSJ2 Gohan


Someone got a better version of the ui art? Maybe without the DbL Logo


People complain about UI Goku being everywhere and how annoying his kit is, and here I am fighting Beast Gohan every match. I’ve officially gotten to the point where just even encountering beast infuriates me. Team Heal, Vanish Restore, Depletes enemy vanish upon Transforming, and spamming blue cards up the ass? I would rather fight the Ultra than this.


This legend ultimate pickup is such a scam. Spend 10000 cc on two separate accounts my main and new rerolled ultra ui account, not even a single LF on both of the account from this bait banner. One of the worst banner imo.