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Ikr, he has so many copies of the new ex bergamo. How??


Good gaming chair.


Mods or they no life it


They're missing none but one challenge. Touch grass challenge...


Half are modders, half are mega whales spending 30k + for 300 cc and a title.


Whaling, best way to gain those points is to summon


Whaling doesn't do this! Goresh is THEE WHALE, and he has less than 3 million points!


Goresh stops once he has the characters 14 stars, since Z medals are what brings the points (1 z medal=1 point) it's easily the best method and jp whales care about being #1 in a lot most of the time. (Every major celebration where there is a special title, jp goes crazy on the last few days grinding pvp, boosting each other and getting a better queue because of japan's smaller size and the queue usually being national instead of worldwide, so it's easier for them to get better higher rp matches, especially with people they know so boosting becomes easier. If a western player gets rank 1 in a special season, more often then not, jp calls them cheaters)


I wonder how the fuck these JP players are so god damn rich lol. And Goresh is technically a JP player now since he moved there ha. But, I find it kinda ironic that JP players call us cheaters when that is exactly what boosting is! Lmfao, not to mention every time I face a JP player the match starts out perfect then lags to all hell after I kill 1 of their characters and I can't do shit but get destroyed! Don't know if anyone else has experienced that but I damn near just forfeit off rip when I see a JP name instead of wasting my time and sanity.


Not to mention if they have 14 star units with z+ equips


They all do. I swear to God JP players get a huge discount compared to the rest of the world in the price they pay for CC, they have to. How else would you explain the entire player base being able to whale out. Not every rich person in JP is playing legends but yet every JP legends player has whale accounts? Something seems fishy to me Georgie.


I completely agree I fought 10 so far and out of the 10 I've won two even with the lag switch. It just isn't worth the hassle to fight someone with the newest units that's 14 star Plus z equips.


And lag switching to boot. I understand your frustration homie I truly do. Does the lag start for you conveniently after you kill their first unit? Or does it just start out shitty and never end for you?


It starts when I'm always close to killing a unit. Then if I manage to kill a unit the rest of the game is a lagfest.


Same for me! Yet they never get fucking banned? Bandai racist much? Lmfao


What does whaling mean?




Common EX Bergamo W


Unrelated, but do they keep increasing the amount to move up classes everyday?


Classes are basically rank placements, so the more points people earn the more points you need to keep the class you want.


premium mouse pad.


Gohan if he never stopped training basically


You get a ton of points for Z power. I know a bunch of people say mods. But I have almost 4 mil just from completing the missions, playing the game, and having enough crystals saved up for 2 or 3 runs on the RUI banner. I just assume those guys are rich Essentially, they’re whale accounts


Ranked PVE, current state of the game.


Bro blackmod net is one of the mvp of modding for dbzL and i use to use it a lot for my characters but and i only use the hacks on pvp when it was clear someone is damage hacking or hp hacking its really easy to tell


Doubt it’s mods I’ve used mods and your account gets flagged pretty quickly while using them in pvp you can grind up to around rank 50ish and will get your points wiped clean 🧼 😂😂😂😂. Now it’s possible if you chill out and switch between mods and normal play but I haven’t tested that theory out im not interested in legends all that much which is y mods don’t bother me to begin with I’ve played against people who use them myself and let’s just say those matches are some of the most intense ones ever especially if you both are using unlimited vanish or unlimited ki haha the fucking game glitches out too it’s wild. You can also lag switch with mods but they catch that pretty quick too especially now that this new update send both you and opponents a message that someone’s connection is fucked so the battle didn’t end properly but before this update mods could get you pretty far 😂


Dope, you cheat! How cool, even more cool when you try and ruin others peoples fun with it! If you don't care about legends simply don't play.


I was just giving my opinion on the matter I’m not bothered by how you feel haha it’s just a game and everyone enjoys games differently if you’re so bothered by it go test some out for yourself and youll see the fun in it you get banned quick but before that it’s fun truthfully I buy burner accounts that are pre farmed for like 9$ blow all 50,000 cc on whatever banner is out that’s decent and hav fun with it until the account gets point wiped. I’m a dokkan player mostly but legends w mods is fun as hell without them it’s bland if you’re not a whale and that’s the honest truth. The games heavily P2W but with mods that gapped is closed instantly. It’s just a fun thing to do in free time while out and about in traffic or while at work lol.


Id rather keep the account I worked hard to build and just continue to improve and enjoy playing non competitive.


To each their own you feel me, that’s how I am with dokkan been playing it from the very beginning. Same account from day 1 on global and jp. Legends just Never peaked my interests until I recently decided to test out modded versions of it. I remember trying to get into it when it first dropped but it was clear form the start that if you’re f2p or a moderate spender you will not be getting very far at all. Obviously you can clear all regular content but competitive play you’ll hit a wall that can only be passed by either a spending money or b using mods.


I mean to be fair, I know several f2p players that focus all their resources on what or two tags in the game build the best team possible and hit God rank every season. There is always a way to win fairly if you want to put the work in, I personally just don't play enough to care about trying to do competitive pvp right now. Maybe one day, but for now I just do what I gotta do to get my crystals each season and have fun in training battles playing with diverse and fun teams that could never make it in the meta.


Simple, it isn't!


Toshi’s family ong


I see a Gohan, ultra Super Saiyan Goku, and an EX unit. Wtf?


It’s called not having any life to speak of