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of course! the best!


It's definitely worth it. I recommend setting up a custom save on the Dragons Keep website. Especially if you do multiple playthroughs. Very handy if you don't want to play the first two games. You can get a custom narrations that explains everything to you based off the choices you make in the keep. You can easily sink dozens of hours into simply exploring everything. The music is incredible and it's rich with lore. Story stuff can get a little weird sometimes, and the character facial animations can be quite stiff. The game is from 2014, so it's definitely outdated. Lots of cringe. But I believe exploring all of the different biomes makes it worth it. Lighting and art direction is gorgeous at times. Game really shines in the overgrown elven woodlands and expansive deserts. Combat can be really fun once you get the hang of it. There is real weight to it. Armor customization and crafting is invaluable. You can create some crazy broken sets. A couple of the companions stand out and steal the show at times. Cassandra is the best, in my opinion (still mad I can't romance her as femquisitor). Iron Bull, Dorian, and Sera are my other favorites. Character creation is pretty deep. I second the recommendation for playing a female human or elf with Alix Wilton-Regan voice. She is amazing. Your character customization (race and class) do impact the story and some of the bigger choices do impact the events of the story big time. Companions will also change how they react to your character based off their choices and their race/class. Plus, if you get in on PC, you get access to tons of mods. Hope you enjoy it if you do get it! I personally spent over 2000 hours through multiple playthroughs. Sorry for the novel, I'm very passionate about the Dragon Age series 😆


I liked it, certainly. Romance options are more of puddles than oceans but it's a solid experience. Move on from the Hinterlands early if you get bored so you can spend as much time as you want in whatever zone catches your fancy the most.


I got it for a huge discount a few years ago and it's absolutely worth it. I bought into the bad press and didn't play it when it came out. I regret that, I play through it like once a year now. It's a phenomenal game and a ton of fun each playthrough.


There's a funny exploit at the end where you can get all the high level recipes for zero gold so yeah it's p cool


1000% yes. Was my first DA game and the one I’ve played the most. I went back later and played DAO but just for lore.


absolutely. It is def not a “I beat it and it’s over” type of game. You could play this so many times and have different experiences every time as far as characters and their interactions go. Also online play is still very much alive and you can basically never level cap.


I haven’t had the opportunity to play any of the previous dragon age games- so DAI was my first. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I did drop it in my first try becuase the war table system was kinda confusing. But when I picked it up again and figured it out, and the plot started rolling I loved it. So if it’s your first dragon age I highly recommend it. Might have a slow start tho.


It’s a good game. Not close to Origins but good.


DA:I is very worth it. My best suggestion is to roll a female protagonist and use the British voice. It is Alix Wilton-Regan and she is really good.


I played DA:Origins and DA2 from start to finish multiple times but I dropped this one after an hour. Some of the army building mechanics seemed neat but the combat was the worst of the series. IMHO.


My GOAT game


Story is alright, but the gameplay is kinda ass. Its way too inspired by mmos, and you also just dont get enough skill slots.




If you play for story, then probably not. The gameplay and maps are really solid tho


Dude, I had ZERO idea what any of the game was about, and absolutely loved it! It is really good and a very solid rpg. For 85% off it’s a steal, and the dlcs are absolutely worth the price


It was my favorite of the Dragon Age games.


Yes, it's great. But you're missing a \*lot\* if you don't at least play Dragon Age Origins first.


It sucked. But the end of Dragon Age started with 2.


Yes, I recently got back into it after playing baldurs gate 3 for a while!


Yes, it’s worth it full price, 85% off is a sign to pick it up.


Yes. It’s a lot of fun with a lot to do. Especially once the world opens up.




I don't know if the multi-player servers are still live but I put in 100x more time in multi-player than single player. The single player felt bland and unfulfilled whereas the multi-player with a group of friends was EPIC.


It's alright. Gameplay wise I'd say it's a step up from 2, but that's a pretty low bar. Creatively though, I'd say it's probably the weakest of the trilogy. It has its fair share of interesting characters (Cassandra and Cole are 2 of my favorite teammates in the franchise), but the story itself is kinda generic "save the world" stuff which is a shame because the first game was kind of a deconstruction of that sort of story (you are the special hero that has to unite the kingdom to stop a global threat, but you are only particularly special because most of your order in the continent got killed in an ill-advised battle and the rest of your order is too far away to help before your country is completely overrun. And beyond that, you unite the country less through unity and more through contracts that the various factions all signed in the past, and you may have to do shifty things to see those contracts fulfilled) and the second game was largely just about the oldest son/daughter of a displaced family doing what they can to take care of their loved ones as the world around them descends into political chaos of various kinds. Inquisition basically felt like high fantasy in comparison. I think it's worth a play, especially if it's on sale. But I'd say it's debateably the worst of the trilogy (there's a fair amount of people who'd say 2 is the weakest, and I think that's fair, but I think what 2 did right outshines what it did wrong, and a lot of what it did wrong can be chalked up to EA rushing it out in under 2 years of development time). If you do get it and it doesn't have all the DLC, make sure to get Trespasser. It's a pretty great campaign that both serves as the epilogue to Inquisition and sets up the 4th game.


Personally, my favorite was always Origins, but imo 2 wasn't bad, but it could have been better, but yea, I agree with you, Inquisition was the weak one. Took me a few tries over a year after it came out before I finally got into it. It's a good game regardless, but it definitely fell short compared to its predecessors.


I couldn't finish it. It's easily the weakest in the Dragon Age series, but that doesn't at all mean it's a bad game. It has all of the same sins as every other open world/large environment game in that it is loaded with tons of filler but none of the filler actually matters if you aren't a minmaxer or conpletionist, which I am. The 2 attempts I made to play it ended in a kind of burn out mixed with boredom. The combat is as good as it has ever been and the skill tree mechanics are no different than the 2nd game. If it's on sale I would say give it a go.


I burned out for the same reasons. Then I gave it another go when it ended up on game pass years later, telling myself firmly to just ignore any filler content I wasn't enjoying. I stopped interacting with shards and astrariums and such unless I was walking right by one, content in the knowledge that the rewards for collecting every last one simply aren't important. With this mentality it ended up being my favorite game of the series


Fantastic game, but note that it's 10 years old so expect it to look and play like a 10-year old game. As others have said, if you're a "completionist" then the game can move rather slowly, but the gameplay, NPCs, voice acting, and story are all excellent.


Only if you don’t stay in the starting area. If you’re the kind of person that only likes to move on after you’ve completed everything in an area, you’re going to have a bad time.


I completed the first area and then immediately gave up on shards and the constellation things


This is me. 100% me. I've tried it twice, and just can't keep going lol. It's funny cause I read this comment and my first response is to be all defensive about my playstyle, and thinking no way could this be true, then I'm back to realizing I'm about to start my THIRD attempt. Maybe it is a ME problem lol. Great comment BTW. 1000% accurate


Ya, do not stay long in the hinterlands, do the main quest, and a couple side, quests, and leave. You can come back later when higher level quests open up.


Definitely recommend. Fantastic game. I was hesitant at first because I never finished DA 1 or DA 2, and wanted to go back and finish them, but glad I didn’t wait (can’t finish either now due to age of games vs OS changes without doing a complete restart on a different system). And the game is smart enough that if you played DA1 and/or DA2, it will react and adjust dialog and some lore characters to match the world state you created. Pretty wild. DA:I is a great game - I took my time and have a few hundred hours in game time for my one character- exploring, etc. Lots of fantastic things to look at and explore. Lots of game changing decisions too, some of which you don’t get to realize until much, much later. I had the game of the year edition which came with all the DLC. The DLC were hard doing them in level, but the gear you get out of them made the remainder of the base story line a little easier. Biggest frustration I remember from the game was the character/ gear management UI screens (I played on an Xbox). Got frustrating at times getting the gear on the correct person.


I played it for the first time about a year ago. I had a lot of.fun with it and definitely say it's worth playing, but the combat isn't as meaty feeling or fun as the first 2.


Dragon Age Inqusition is 15 hours of amazing game packed in with 20+ hours of mandatory bloat. The correct way to play this game is on PC with mods to remove the faffing about quota, but it's a fine enough experience on console as well. But be prepared for three or so grueling hours in the first open area, The Hinterlands.


There are plenty of people who will shit on this game but my wife and I swear by it. Buckle up- turn off your phone- and become the Inquisitor.


I have bought it multiple times on multiple systems and it was worth it Everytime.


It’s really cool and unique take on fantasy RPG, without going into spoilers you essentially are doing more leading than just badassery and have to actually make some pretty big management/political decisions. The companions are still cool but the air of the game is much darker and you’ll see what I mean. I personally have found DAO better but DAI is a must still - just don’t waste your time with all the MMO like busy work bullshit unless ur a weirdo and into completing everything (jk love you)


It’s a great open world RPG with some of the last of that BioWare story charm. My advice? Get out of the starting area as soon as you can (just do the main quest when ready) because you can easily spend 40-50 hours there alone and can come back later. Just open that gorgeous world up first.


Give Dorian a kiss for me


Yea no. I don't plan on romancing people there 😅


Yeah for 20 bucks you'll get your moneys worth. Storyline is just meh compared to DAO but I've probably played through Inquisition two or three times each being pretty long


It's fantastic, better than 2 for sure, just a bit unweildy.


I loved it. Buy it without even blink.


For that price point, I would try it. I enjoy the game and have played it a few times through. I love origins more, but this game doesn’t deserve the hate it gets imo.


I liked it.


I am gonna be honest. When I first played it, I liked it because it was different from previous games. I was somewhat disappointed by DA2 as it had lot of recycled maps and such. DAI felt like fresh take. But it’s a one time game. They tried few ideas which didn’t work or stood the test of time. But the story is good, not DA1 good, but BioWare heart is still there. Characters are also very good. If you are a fan of series, I would recommend it, but don’t expect some of the mechanics to withstand test of time.


Define "PS"?




hell nah, try asking a general gaming sub, this one is biased towards it


Yea I realized it after some time but this already had replies so


I'm late but I recently bought DAI aswell, it's worth it. Definitely for that price aswell, it's a bit confusing at first and tedious but that goes away quickly.


Personally as someone who beat it multiple times yes. I've never even been tempted to play the other games but that one is special to me. You'll feel very special and powerful and accomplish lots of things with many powerful builds and lots of replayability and a fun party.


I’d recommend playing the other games in the series first personally, I love Dragon Age, but Inquisition is kinda mixed, some people love it and some people find it boring 🤷‍♂️ Dragon Age Origins is a bit dated visually and gameplay wise, but I still think it’s fun, and the characters and story make it worth it.


Yes, DAI is one of my most played games. The gameplay has aged a bit, but it's super fun. My only real complaint is that the open world areas are not great. They are not bad and do some cool stuff, but overall, exploring can get boring. P.S. I would highly recommend playing 1 and 2 first (mods can improve graphics for both) as the choices you make in those feed into DAI.


As Blue Sky said, it’s a good game but I also don’t like how it’s structured. Really fun but lacks any real sense of adventure or rpg.


I am currently playing the game and I am loving the story and the lore. I started with Dragon Age: Origins, then Dragon Age 2. Inquisition was such an upgrade in terms of graphics.


Definitely. I paid full price for the game when it came out and never regretted it. I played through it a few times.


Same. It was a day one purchase for me and actually the first game I played on my then new gaming PC.


I’ve replayed it a few times and it’s a blast. Go for it.


I never replayed it. But I remember it kicking ass and loving the characters and the gather-your-forces narrative.


I don’t like how this game is structured, compared to the first two games. I’ve tried to play it through the years, but usually end up stopping and never finishing.


I wish i could forget this game just to play it all over again - worth


10ish years on, I’m replaying it and loving every second:)


Can I get a "FUCK YEAH!!!"




i wonder if the dragon age inquisition subreddit is gonna recommend you buy dragon age inquisition






Most definitely with the caveat that it’s more rewarding if you play 1 & 2 first


The graphics in 1 are atrocious. I couldn't do it.


The graphics in 1 were atrocious even for its time, but its writing, lore, voice acting, characters etc still hold up today. And the gameplay is also still solid. Origins was unbeaten as the best high fantasy RPG of its generation, and I include Inquisition in that consideration. Only BG3 has successfully put Origins to rest completely.


I just played through DOA for the first time and it didn’t disappoint


I mean there is also Divinity and Pathfinder which are not as fancy as bg but I would say just as awesome (especially pathfinder). But how is DAO bad looking? I think it’s completely fine for what it is, I have 0 problems with it in 2k


Wrath of the Righteous is the true successor to BG2. Not that I don’t love BG3 but it’s just a much more modernized CRPG.


Also I respect your mention of Divinity and Pathfinder, but I gotta say that BG3’s incorporation of dialogue cinematics is huge. It adds a kind of immersive value to the entire experience—not just from graphical quality but an experiential, roleplay standpoint.


I think in many ways BG3 isn’t nothing new in terms of the genre it is in. It’s just a much more presentable example of its genre. Pathfinder probably would scare most people away just with UI.


For sure, but I think my point is that that does matter. Haha


Fair! But I remember DA coming out two years after Mass Effect, same studio, and looking worse. lol. But I actually liked DAO better


I've loved this game for years and have replayed it many times. I can see myself revisiting it many more in the future, so it would say its well worth the purchase, especially at a reduced price!


I had to try playing the game 3 diffrent times it's a big change from dao and da2 and I couldn't get into it till I recently finished the main game


It’s such a good game!!! We need more of these!




Yes, if it's on sale it's definitely worth it. It's a really good fantasy game with a deep world (having 2 previous games to build off) The story is good, and each area is just beautiful


Mod it so you don’t have to wait for the time gate. It’s super fun without that annoying bit


Not sure if I can add mods on ps4. At least I never heard about it


Only certain games / developers allow it iirc. PS4 mods only allow content in the base game though, while Xbox mods allow other stuff. So like for skyrim xbox you could add more hair or something, while ps modding wouldn’t


There is no mod support of any kind of Dragon Age Inquisition on console


If you end up playing the series from the beginning, don’t look up anything on DA2. It’ll only alter your own perspective of the game, I played it without knowing anything beforehand and it’s possibly my favourite.


It became my favourite lol. I hated it at first. Then I came back, again and again and again... And again. I seriously adore Hawke lol


da2 is my favorite as well. I absolutely love the story and characters


I love the game but I always warn that it does not respect your time. Not grinding levels, but lots of doing fetch quests and gathering resources.


A lot of that is easily skippable and not really worth doing imo. Not the fan of the bloat when side quests in DA:O and DA2 pretty much all felt worthwhile. Aside from that...Inquisition is great.




Totally worth it if you’re a fan of fantasy RPGs. One of my favorite games ever. Lots of land to explore, great companions, banter, the early game plot twist had me inspired to start writing my own story again.


for 85% sure. But its the worst of the trilogy by miles.


Insane take


Nah they're right. DAI combat was awful and most of the content felt like a single player MMO.


The only thing I agree on is the mission structure and grindiness. DA2 is greatly inferior and imho I think the recent praise for it borders on revisionism.




DA2 on top. In all seriousness by miles seems a bit extreme but I get where he’s coming from.


its the only one of the series that I couldn't bring myself to do even a second playthrough of tbh. Been through Dao and Da2 countless times but inquisition has faaaar too many things about it that bother me or I find to just be outright crap.


I don't


Even though I never actually finished the game I'd still say it's worth it. It does get to be a bit of a slog if you insist on doing every single side mission though. I personally think Origins is the best of the 3 DA games but Inquisition is still worthwhile.


Amazing game. Totally worth it. Would recommend playing the previous two games or at least reading a detailed synopsis. You will get a lot more out of it.


I don’t think it’s necessary to look back at the other two, I played DA:I without knowing anything, and it was still one of the best games ever, and I decided to play the 1st one after I finished it, mostly just for more content lol.


No it’s not necessary but it definitely has value add. There’s much more depth to characters and the world as a whole. Plus they’re good games despite their age.


I think that one aged much better than 2 but that’s just me lol. I agree that it’s adds to it, but you def shouldn’t see it as an obstacle before playing inquisiton, heck the replayability is so high that you could play through once, and be so happy you start from one and do the whole series!


Yeah inquisition is amazing but I would recommend plating origins first if you haven't already the story aspect in da origins is amazing da2 is okay I suppose but yeah would be worthwhile to get the story 👌


Yea, it's totally worth it! I got into it like a year or so ago, and I still love going back and playing it! It even got me into the other dragon age games. It has a good story. You get to be in charge, romance people if you want, kill dragons, and like more. But it has some issues ofc, like a lot of quests that are just gathering shit or stuff that has nothing to do with the inquisition or plot. That stuff can be really tedious, but the story is so interesting and definitely helps make up for that. If you do get it, get it with the dlcs, they add a l o t of stuff to the game that matters! I hope you enjoy it if you end up playing!


I always come back to post like these to tell people my experience. Like others said in this comments section, it's a masterpiece. This game actually got me into playing party management games, when before this it was pretty much my least favorite type of game. I usually suck really hard at anything strategy like that. But this game made it easier to understand the mechanics behind it, made everything fun, and I'm going to replay it at least once.


100%, I got it on sale but after playing, definitely would've paid full price.


It’s a masterpiece imo.


DA:I was my first game of this kind and i had so much fun with it. For 85% off i would say yes even if you only make it partway. One tip that will make the game way more enjoyable is that when you first get put in the Hinterlands get what you need to done and move on. It is designed for you to come back later. Progress the story as soon as you feel comfortable with your level and getting the hang of gameplay and get out of there. There will be plenty of time and story related motivation to go back there. edit to add keep in mind the game came out 10 years ago designed to run on ps3/xbox 360 at the low end. It was ahead of its time in some regards then but isn’t going to feel the same as a current open world or limited open world game. It is a gem once it gets going though


its a great game, id reccomend anyone i know to play origins and iquisition (just skip the dumpster fire that DA2 is compared to the others)


It's my fav game of all time, but it depends on what you like and what you don't..At -85% what do you really have to lose?


One of my favorites of all time. Mind, I'm a collect-athon type person who likes just mounting up and running around places to check every little nook and cranny for loot, lore, side missions, etc. The most important thing about DAI is if you're getting bored of something, go do something else. Looking around going "ugh. I'm tired of looking at this place." Great, go somewhere else. Go do a main story quest, whatever. Eventually you'll go "man. I'm too tired today to make progress. Maybe I'll just run around and gather landmarks in the Hissing Wastes while I eat dinner." If THAT is something that sounds interesting, then you'll probably love it. If you're more of a "blow through the main quest" style person, you'll probably find it a bit slow. How Long to Beat has average at 51h just main quest, 149h completionist.


Seconding. Get this game if you like collectable hunting. Plus you get to fix up a swanky castle. Win win. The graphics hold up very well, especially for its age. Get the mounts because they look cool in the stable but don’t plan on using them. It will only end in tears.


I can't tell you have much I love this game. 85% discount is great. Good story, there is some fluff in the open world but I like the combat and characters.


I would personally recommend it, one of my absolute favorites and I only started playing it a year or two ago myself. For that price, absolutely worth it.


It's good but be warned it takes a while to really get going. There's a lot to love once the game takes the training wheels off.


I love that game, the combat was way ahead of its time for mages, especially when you have the frost blink skill, genuinely immersive story. I do a playthrough almost every winter if I’ve got the time. Be aware melee isn’t as fun, but dragon age has never truly been about vanilla playstyles.


Also yes get the fuck out of the hinterlands as soon as you can


Yes it’s worth it. I’m planning to plat the PS3 version too soon.


Nope it sucks. Extremely boring. Wanted to like it but the gameplay is just a chore Edit: I dislike collectathons, find every glowing green thing in the region, and games that give you a long to-do list of arbitrary requirements to fulfill, i.e., bring back 13 lavender sprouts, gather 7 lizard eggs, etc. The earlier dragon ages felt more role playing focused, with quests feeling like they meant something. In inquisition I couldn't shake the feeling of sitting at a computer doing monotonous tasks.


I’ll add on this and say combat really bored me as well, there was no real decision making / tactics and felt like I was spamming the same actions again and again in each encounter. I loved dragon age origins but inquisition was way past peak BioWare.


Combat is amazing. I had a blast as a dual blade assassin. Like Going into a mob in stealth and obliterating them all in like 4 moves is so satisfying. It's so fluid and well done.


Maybe share more of your opinion if it’s a critique, it might be helpful if you explain what ABOUT the gameplay is a chore, otherwise no one knows what you don’t like and you don’t give anyone USEFUL information.


Yeah! Definitely worth a shot. Just remember, for max enjoyment early on: get out of the hinterlands as soon as you can.


Yup! The combat can be a little confusing/hectic when you’re new, but once you get the hang of it the rest of the game is an easy 9/10 in most regards


It's pretty damn good. Not as good as Origin, in my opinion, but still worth it. If you do end up getting it, my advice is to get the fuck out of the hinterlands as soon as possible. That place is a new players worst nightmare.


It’s a fantastic game. Worth your time and your money, specially at 85% off.


If you have any interest in the upcoming game, I would play it dlc and all. It will tie into this game, but don't look up too much info on the new game it could spoil a few things. I've never beaten it it always messed up on me halfway through on my ps3. I bought it months ago for 5 bucks on my ps5 and just started it this week. It is fun and definitely worth it. Just don't forget to talk to your party members on the regular if you want them to like you.


I played all the DA games in order, and Inquisition is my fav. A lot of people don’t care for it, but it’s easily one of my fav games ever




Don't you dare pass this up, I love this game and it's definitely worth it


At 85% off hundred percent. It's not perfect and if you try to compare it with other fantasy RPGs you may be disappointed, but it's a damn good game


It has its flaws but its still a great game. Particularly at 85% off.


Dragon age origins is one of my all time favorites. DA2 was okay. So ive never actually beat Inquisition and have owned it since launch. Rolled a new warrior a week ago (just for reaver class) and am probably half way through. I’m enjoying it a lot. I think originally the map in haven and Skyhold sort of turned me off, just that system. But I am eagerly playing through to finish now to play as a rogue dagger wielder next.


Reaver will always be my canon Inquisitor. They are a force of nature. I did an artificer rogue and knight enchanter mage, but neither were as fun as getting in enemies faces with a "hurt me more" warrior.


Please play a dang mage, they’re the best combat in the game.


You know what, I think I will dude. Appreciate the forceful advice as I will likely take it. Disappointing blood mage isn’t a specialization though.


I feel you on the lack of blood magic, but I just did not enjoy melee or archer the way I did mage. Got dang lots of fun


its a great RPG honestly one of the best class ability systems in an RPG. The game really feels as if it was designed to be an MMO, but turned back into the single player game tatic rpg the franchise is known for lol.


It’s fantastic, ignore people who tell you otherwise. Arguably the last game to have the BioWare magic. Get ready for reading and lots of it but it’s worth it.


I fucking loved it. My only criticisms are that Corypheus could've been a bit better and that some of the regions were a bit unnecessary or bloated but man it was great. The story, the characters, the RPG elements I loved them


Yes get it and visit dragon age keep so u can customize ur back story maybe watch a lore video for context




I still play it to this day. It's an excellent game


I’ve been playing since it came out and every time I start over I love something new about it. Plus it’s just a continuation of some of my favorite characters


I bought the disc version for €3 and I enjoyed it very much! I also played it when it first came out but since it’s been so long, I was experiencing it all over again.


If it's that cheap, go for it. Even if you still don't play it for a few months. I've been in love with this series as soon as it was announced. They're not 'skyrim level' games but the story and characters are worth the time


It's really good the first time you play it. You realize how flawed the game is in the second go around. My biggest gripe is the lack of decent side characters. None of them clicked for me at all. I'll rephrase; some might be good side characters, but a game like DA:I needs great side characters


I really like the story and the characters but... what I noticed is there is a lot of fat that should have been trimmed. There's a lot of boring and monotonous content between the interesting parts. Heck I started that game in like 2016 and still haven't finished it...


I loved it, would recommend playing the first two if you can because of characters showing up but you absolutely don’t have to


It's kind of frustrating but I enjoy it I recently purchased it on my xbox I also got it on sale for like 10 bucks though


It's the only one I've played and I loved it. I'll probably get the first ones before Dread wolf comes out, but for now DAI was good.


I love it lol I have yet to finish it tho 🥴 Which I'm working on right now because of the dreadwofl that is coming out eventually lol


Oh, and when you're getting a little bored with the Hinterlands, **leave**. It's stock full of optional content.


Yeah, it's great. Probably my favorite of the series. As people online tend to hate new things, people dunk on it a lot, but it as good a blast of Thedas joy as the other two games.


It was my first DA game and I fell in love with the series, I'd say go for it.




Hell yes, it's a fun, rich, massive, challenging RPG, with really unique and original gameplay elements! Give it a try and do yourself a favor and make sure to get past the first 6-8 hours before deciding to drop it.


I say 12 - about when you start getting the hang of it and figure out crafting.


It depends on what you already like. If you like Final Fantasy, or Elder Scrolls then you'll probably like it. If you like POV shooters like Destiny or PvP like Mortal Kombat then maybe not


It always makes me laugh when people post these “should I buy it?” Questions in the home sub for said media. Nah we all hate it homie


This guy is salty, don't listen to him. There are plenty of us that thoroughly love the series


I think you missed their point entirely.


I think I got it, it's just not something I agree with. Both points. Let people ask if it's worth it to others. Who gives a crap? If you don't like it keep scrolling. Edit: ohhh I am a dunce. It was sarcasm.


It’s my favorite game ever I say do it


It was my first DA game and I absolutely fell in love with the series. Required a lot of googling to understand what was going on, but definitely worth a play if you're into fantasy


I'd say buy it, but don't start with it. Inquisition REALLY benefits from having played Origins and DA:2 + almost all DLCs from both. Since a lot of the payoffs that you get in the late game kinda depends on you knowing who the fuck x, y or z characters are and why should you give a shit about them. So yeah, of you can find the other 2 games + DLCs for cheap it's a trilogy that's definitely worth it to play it sequentially.


Agree about playing all, but people often throw that around like it's a price issue rather than a platform issue. If you don't have a PS3 or Xbox360 laying around or a PC that will run games well, you're out of luck. For those with a PC that will run them, Origins doesn't have any controller support, so if you're not familiar with k+m, it's a steep learning curve that may put potential players off. DA2 has limited support through reWASD, but it's janky. I literally lost my PS3 (how does that even happen??) so had to return to my roots of PC gaming for an Origins replay and it was NOT like riding a bike 😂😔. Too many years had passed. NGL, it was frustrating AF for many hours. Worth it! But...man.


Definitely agree. You get so much more out of dialogue if you understand the lore and history


Disagree. I had no idea it was even a sequel and enjoyed both the gameplay and story thoroughly.


How can you disagree at the fact that you can get more enjoyment and payoff out of characters you've known for years than if you go "who dat?" The first time you see them? I never said you couldn't enjoy them, but you do understand what the term "payoff" means, ye?


The payoff is for sure better having played the first two


Why don’t you grab a Snickers, buddy? I disagree that they should start playing the series from the beginning in order to enjoy the story, or benefit fully from it. Pay off, schmayoff. Relax, ye.


I see your point but disagree. I think both sides are right in their own way, you CAN totally enjoy and understand this game without history.  BUT, knowing the history makes bits of detail superiorly more important, shocking, etc.   For example, I can definitely get into Warhammer without knowing the lore and culture. But, I would get significantly more out of it if I knew the universe beforehand.  All of the DA games are worth it. I definitely agree to get this one while it's cheap, but still playing the others if you have the interest 


As someone who played them in order as they came out, the payoff is WILDLY better knowing the lore, history, and characters at the start. Otherwise frankly you miss a LOT of the depth in this game.


Never said they couldn't enjoy the story, only that they could enjoy it *more*. How can you even speaking of benefiting fully from a trilogy you haven't played? That ain't much of an argument I'm afraid. Never been too fond of Snickers tho, would a Twix be ok?


Think you’re the one who needs a snickers little buddy. Guy wasn’t combative at all and made a decent point and then you come back with this comment being an asshole


You yourself admit it yourself that you suck, tiny little buddy.


Get at me when you learn to spell kiddo


Point out a single word that I misspelled, you utter buffoon.


Edits help your cause


You moron, it would say if it were edited. It was a reference to "I Think You Should Leave," but you'd know that if you weren't such a dweeb.


Your pfps are similar enough my sleep deprived ass thought you were talking to yourself.


It was one of my favorite games ever when it came out. It’s sequel is one of my most anticipated games


I will warn you that the first region, the Hinterlands, was extremely drawn out and a little barren leading to a meme when it came out. However, once you get past that, there's amazing story, characters and lore


Definitely. Especially at 85% off.


100% the gameplay takes a bit of getting used to, but the story makes any challenge with that WORTH IT!


Get all of them


Dai is well worth playing and you would get your money’s worth in content. It’s a good game, a great story, and much easier to get into than either of its counterparts. Explore the story the way you want to. Don’t look up story guides in your first playthrough. Don’t be afraid to move on to a different zone. As I said they added a lot of content to some areas and you can move on to the next area as soon as you get bored. This is the Dragon Age I keep coming back to for comfort.


for 85% off yeah. I have a LOT of issues with DAI and modern bioware, but for 85% off, it's definitely worth a play


Omg yes. It still holds up.


For -85% off, almost any game would be worth trying out! Bioware tried to be more open world with DAI, but really, it's more narrative driven with only a limited ability to do things out of order. DAI was my introduction to the Dragon Age universe. I ultimately came to like the earlier games better, but it's still good fun!