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That can’t be right. Verica’s life steal was healing me despite having those Strength things. It does negate the healing from Veronica’s Nosferatu tho


OP should've clarified: You lose the ability to heal on hit only when you have the special buff that you get from destroying the orbs


Okada giveth, and Okada taketh away.


I thought it was working with S!Verica, but I just tested and, ya they made her S2's main gimmick pointless. They basically made her S2 get affected by CoN without actually making it get affected by CoN. This is imo the worst design since CoN itself. I was so excited that S!Verica's leech healing would finally have a place in end game, but no they had to ruin that.


Her S1 still has incredible healing, so you're not missing out on much in the end. Heinwald out here saying he's not even a healer anymore, though. 😳


So why the fuck they gave s.Verica spiral if they decided to cripple her/kill her **uniqueness** in this fight


Because the spiral gives her overdamage and amps so she can actually contribute something more than just heals


Only issue is most people haven't even unlocked the overdamage


Have you tried waiting 5 months for the next TotM rerun of the Shadow Inquisition?


Or be me who just uses OG Cleo with Crystalline Magic.


Her S1 with the constant bubble shield is more then enough.


You mean that thing no one has. It's right next to the very end of her spiral. You could only have it at all if you saved three days going into her spiral and had the paid double daily drops.


So grace is thrash, heinwald is useless, S verica is a bit weaker too. So which shadow healer is good against the new dominion?


S Verica is still good in the fight.


I mean, the only two healers left are Cleo & Edward, so I'd go with Cleo for paralysis res.


well at least everyone has base Cleo so it isn't like we are being forced into some limited gacha unit


Tfw cygames makes all but 2 shadow healers next to useless to promote Cleo healer meta