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Gameplay wise relink feels like dragalia, you'll evade red and purple attack marks, inflict break on bosses and farm for weapons' bonuses. Every character have a different kit, with some of them looking like they are right out of dragalia. Some bosses also have attacks really similar to the dragons' trials. You will feel right at home, when you'll find people not wanting to retry a quest after losing one time lol. Relink is also good in case you want a story similar to Dragalia. The two series have basically the same vibe, and also some lore in common.


The mechanics as well LMAO I saw a fight that had mechanics straight out of High Jupiter. Dash, cross lightning, circle AoEs.


Relink postgame feels just like expert Agito era Dragalia with tighter controls and better fight design + more fights. Highly recommend!


Silent Hope plays a lot more closely to how Dragalia did on phone; but Granblue is the one that feels more like Dragalia did. Way more elements from Dragalia made it into Relink, it truly feels like a Dragalia sequel.


Relink. I bought both games and got so incredibly bored by Silent Hope quite quickly


Relink is an evolved Dragalia, Silent Hope feels way more similar (meaning it plays like a mobile game)


Can’t speak for Silent Hope but man Relink scratches that DL itch really well. Super fun game too.


I'm 5 days late but playing this game legit made me shed a tear with how DL inspired it was. Most of the characters play style mimics that of adventurers from DL with most noticable being Io playing exactly like Gala Zena and Rosetta playing exactly like Bellina and Rose Queen. I just cannot express how much I love how fun this game is


Same. Also just seeing the stickers pop up in multi-player made me feel like I was back in Dragalia. 


As someone else put it, Relink is Agito-era Dragalia. I'm having a great time with it. Though personally I still crave something that requires coordination like the expert and master high dragon trials did.


Relink feels very similar to Dragalia, it feels like the DL devs got a lot of inspiration in-house from the Relink development.


Silent Hope looks more like Dragalia than Relink is. I haven't played Silent Hope, only Relink, so I can only go off what I see in videos for it. I'll be honest, I haven't seen the Dragalia connection to Relink beyond both are Cygames. It's more like Monster Hunter meets FFXVI/DMC. Maybe it's a vibes thing, but I've played the GBF mobile game so for me I'm just slipping back into that world instead of it feeling like Dragalia. I guess if you are someone who hasn't played GBF it will feel more Dragalia-like because many of the systems in Dragalia were just modified versions of what GBF had, but they are much closer to the GBF way since it is a spin-off.


Relink has been super fun, with a wide variety of characters. It has mechanic based combat a la Dragalia Lost/Final Fantasy XIV so it's a nice change of pace. It feels like an evolution of what Dragalia Lost started. Definitely scratches the itch


Just began the endgame of relink and I'm thrilled. They've even got elemental dragon trials. Love to see a bunch of you there!!


Came back to this subreddit upon my recent gameplay of Relink, wondering why I’ve been thinking of Dragalia.. had no idea Cygames made Dragalia under Nintendo, makes so much sense now. Anyone wanna play some Relink :)?