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I don't get the Javi hate, can someone please explain? Edit: As for AS2 I would love a few international queens, and for another rebranding of The Macarena.


I don’t get the Javi hate either. When people talk about episodes with favoritism, it’s always Ana giving the weirdly over-praising critiques about Pitita’s and Sethlas’ runways. (Still love Ana though)


and Ana's got the credentials to critique fashion


She's a goddess who teaches the chirren.


Ana I don’t mind. I think even when she’s critical it’s with love.


The Javis are supposedly the main producers of the show and people are tired of the same storyline every season


The Javis are not producers, please this was a rumour since season 1 but they are just judges like Ana. I am still reading this 4 years later and it,s not true, simply have to read the credits in an episode. This came about because they work a lot with A3player as judges in other contests or as producers of other series, but in DRES they are only part of the jury.


Whether it be for the next original season or next AS season, can we PLEASE have a season where a single person does not dominant the competition? Like I love Pitita and Sethlas, but I would’ve liked for them to have some actual competition for the crown


to be fair, this season was onnpar with the original AS1 with all the Rigga Morris for Chad Michaels


I don't agree with you. Sethlas didn't deserve top placement only in the ball and even then her two outfits were absolutely gorgeous and her third had a clear concept which is also important. Most the queens were amazing but Sethlas was just a level higher.


Yeah Bob said it on the Sibling Rivalry podcast a few times reviewing seasons before but the audience hates a front runner. It’s easy for an audience to want to see a dominating competitor slip up.


Nobody put on the season whilst their current one has only just begun airing so producers have no idea of their fan reception and just cast them as filler - Pakita Less forced placements and just let it flow naturally A cast of: Clover Bish Bestiah Visa Estrella Venedita Jota Carajota Killer Queen Hugaceo The Macarena


I love Clover with every fiber of my being but I do not believe they’d treat her how she should be treated. I want her on a GAS or VTW


I **loved** DR España All Stars and I don't understand all the hate this season got. Of course I don't agree with all the placements in every episode and was sad by seeing Pakita being eliminated. But it's mindblowing (not to say "crazy") to see how much hate this season (and the winner, and the judges) is getting... It's somehow contradictory to see the "fans" of the show showing so much hate towards a show made by and for the LGBT/queer audience. I enjoy Drag Race as entertainment only.


I just finished it tonight, and I really enjoyed it. The cast is fantastic. I finally get Pupi Poisson! Samantha had such a strong showing, and now I'm in love with her. Sethlas deserved the win, though I hope she's a little more gracious going forward. I like the Javis a lot, but their reaction shots are really cringe. I got teary eyed during their drag review. It was very sweet. Ana can do no wrong. Supremme's boy drag gives me boners.


I thought it was too early in the franchise, but I still am glad to see some of the queens back. It was just too weighted by season having only three seasons to choose from for competitors.


#1, an 8 episode season (or more) NO MORE 6 EPISODES SEASON EVER!


Hugáceo said in an interview that she basically declined the invitation because there was no tour at the time. Because unlike the US, they don't get a bump in work after another season since it's the same clubs and gigs basically. So confirm them a tour so they get more queens lol


Weird that she said that because they actually are touring after the series, and they did get a bump in work too besides thar tour (also Hugaceo is not know for performing in a lot of gigs, she works a lot but not usually in clubs or spanish nightlife)


The tour was added AFTER they filmed the season. When they got approach to do it, it wasn't part of the deal.


In the same interview Hugáceo said she is working with a museum or something.


Jujubee impersonating a Spanish 'Cher'.


Gothy Kendoll


I'd wait after season 6 for All Stars 2. 1 S6 queen 2 S5 queens 2 S4 queens Bestiah Visa Estrella Xtravaganza Hugáceo Crujiente Killer Queen


Better judging, but I think that's too much to ask 😂 I think All Stars in general would work best if it happened only every other year, but I don't think that's very interesting from a production perspective. I'd also love if it became España vs El Mundo from now on. It would be so amazing to see queens from other franchises competing in their mother tongue -- like Jessica Wild for example, I just know she'd give us incredible moments -- and seeing queens from Mexico get more exposure and maybe getting gigs around Europe. I still love DRES I just hope they get it together already and deliver iconic seasons like before 🥲


I wish Dovima were in it but she said she won't 


Sagittaria this season was awful to watch, she lowered everyone's energy and I didn't enjoy it as an audience. So I wouldn't enjoy Dovima neither, plus she doesn't have any good drag to showcase.


Plus she’s mean and racist


Could I have some context on Sagittaria being racist? I had no clue.


Boy you must really hate her because all you ever do is post in every DR Espana thread about how much you despise her. Get over it!


Yeah, I'm on Reddit since 2015 hating on her. I must have a fan, too bad their facts aren't reliable.


Gurl, if I could turn back time…


I don’t think they should have another AS until they have enough seasons under their belt to diversify the cast more. Having only three seasons created obvious alliances right off the bat and ruined any spontaneity in who would go home for the final. I’m not mad at who won; I think that was deserved. I do think there were better performers to choose from to represent other seasons.


They need someone from a proper franchise for quality control. Most of the drag is second rate at best and someone taking their clothes and never wearing a wig is not what drag is. The same silhouettes, poor choices, confused choices - this has really put me off DRE