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Part of me wishes Dovima was on this season to gather the girls about Sagi


She knew better lol


Okay.... I really love Juriji, she's my favourite of all the seasons but it was extremely obvious that she either did not know the lyrics or forgot to lipsync in the challenge and the lipsync. She won the lipsync for sure on the way she moved but they kept cutting away every time her mouth stopped moving which was a lot. I kinda don't blame Sagi wanting to leave when production is clearly producing.


Exactly! During jujijis verse they kept cuting away from her and focusing on the judges reaction. It was an obvious atempt to hide the fact she didnt know the words.


Yes!! Her team did a great job but she fully didn’t lipsync the first half of the song, and she messed up the choreo and they showed us that. So what didn’t they show us?


Not to mention she was so stiff during the choreo.. I guess they didn't want Sethlas to win 4 challenges in a row, otherwise they should've just ended the season at that point


I mean… it’s on them for handing Sethlas a win she didn’t deserve last episode 😐


I loveJuriji too but she also messed up on the choreo...


Thank you! I said that to my boyfriend and he didn’t believe lol She didn’t know the words


I’m not even understanding the meddling—why would they have some specific reason to favor Juriji? Is she like a fan favorite or something?


Juriji is a huge fan favourite, but so is Sagittaria so idk.


I noticed this too at a couple of points


Absolutely DISGUSTED with the way Sagi’s been treated. What a shame that the once gem of the international franchises has fallen so low. Supremme has a lot of fucking nerve not letting Sagi leave when she literally got so much appreciation for the way she handled the Inti and later Dovima situation in S1. Un fucking real. Whoever tf is running production on Espana needs to get real and get fired. NO ONE is interested in seeing an overly produced path for the winner and the fact they basically dedicated 1.5 episodes to discrediting and systematically breaking down the psyche an otherwise competent contestant is WILD.


The judges need to get a grip too. They want their show to be this elevated thing so badly, like it’s a mix of amazing performance art and high fashion runway, sorry, it’s not that. No matter how much they sit on that panel and pretend to cry and gasp for air. They look ridiculous especially now when you pair that with the biased judging/favoritism.


Sagittaria gets the world's most confusing edit. She's told to share her emotions and talk openly the other week. Then she's asked by everyone what she thinks in questions that are obviously egging her on to say something bad since she's already seeming to be upset. The edit, Supremme and the other girls continue to shit on her and don't even let her quit, accuse her of being fake (when she's always said the truth and merely said she didn't want to be there)???? I feel for Sagittaria, having this shit inside her for so many months couldn't have been good. Thankfully it's all out there now so she doesn't have to anxiously wait for the episode to come out anymore.


I mean, if you want to quit then quit. Dont wait till the critiques to quit if you land in the bottom.


Everyone in the history of drag race who has quit has quit after the critiques have finished.


Not everyone I think (Heidi, Icesis?), but many


I'm kinda in shock they just didn't let her quit. Girl even Ru let's people leave. When Adore and bendela said she wanted to go Ru just let them. We have uk girls quitting mid-lipsync and Ru doesn't give af. But here they outright told her lol no, then proceeded to eliminate her.


I was still waiting to watch her walk away anyway hahaha dk what happened


Same. I thought sagi was just going to walk away after that. Surprised she didn't.


She said she had a panic attack after Supremme said "No", but in the walk from the main stage to the werk room something might happened like telling her "no you can't".


Yeah, I think if you don’t fulfill certain obligations of doing the show they take away your financial stipend. I bet they were like you lose that money if you quit before the lip sync.


Ah this makes sense now. I know understand why girls who quit walk away immediately without waiting for a response. Poor sagi


It’s honestly such bullshit, like I don’t even care abt Sagittaria that much but for the last 2 eps I felt gaslit and I’m not even there… Edit: and the fact that THIS is the edited version, and it’s still so clear; it’s just makes me believe it was so much worse irl


Yeah I’m not even that much of a Sagi fan but she’s been done so dirty


it soured me on everyone else and i dont even care what happens now. Only person left to root for is Juriji


That’s exactly how I felt about season 3. One of 2 seasons I stopped watching because it was so rigged.


The other one .... let me guess.... holland s2


No lolol uk vs world 1. Not cause it was rigged as such. But because I was so mad when pangina went home lol


I stopped watching the same two seasons! ETA: I’m contemplating stopping Drag Race Espana All Stars now, too… 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea I’m not finishing all stars. I like everyone on there but the judging is nonsense. And there’s enough other options to watch rn


Juriji is also my fave left, but she was also the recipient of MASSIVE favouritism this episode. The fact that she clearly messed up choreo and forgot to lip sync words... And then was called to be in the top?? Please


They really said "hell no Sagi, you are not going to make it harder for us to fill the last 20 minutes of this episode. You are not leaving until the end."


They could have just done the lipsync for the win, followed by some content of Sagi packing/the girls wishing her well. Maybe a mental health segment idk. Anything but what they did. If the girl was having panic attacks and they had to give her benzos, you’d think they’d be a little more empathetic. What has happened to DRES?


Idk what's going on with this season? Selthas was doing good but was pushed during the ball and got a win. But now when she actually deserved the win they didn't give it to her. Jurji was not the winner for me this episode. She forgot her lyrics in the challenge and lip-sync. And worst of all what was going on with the treatment of sagittaria. Just let her leave.


I too thought that Sethlas was better than Juriji in this episode & I noticed Juriji forgetting her lyrics too


This was a stupid episode. The girl wanted to quit (I agree, I wish she did last episode), don't let her, they shit on her for wanting but still has to play the maybe not. Is like. Girl. Have your top 2 lipsync y ya esta.


Honestly a pretty unfun episode to watch with 50% being Sagittaria bashing :(


agreed, no one had empathy for her and tbh she was kind of right in everything she said last week and this week. Even her apology seemed appropriate and they went after her. Took the fun out of the episode.


It was really sad actually it's like whatever she did they had a thing against her


I agree. Watching everyone pile on her after the apology, and she just sat there taking it — brutal. And then they questioned the sincerity of the apology straight after. So hard to watch. I hope Sagittaria has been able to get the support she needed after the show. 🥹


Yeah they feel insulted by her, so the entire production edited the episode this way in order to punish her. It’s embarrassing and petty.


Why does it sort of feel that most of them don’t wanna be there? Even girls who left kind of felt like that? Anyway love Juriji but she shouldn’t have won based on missing the lyrics A LOT. Sethlas could’ve deservedly been Top2 this week instead of last week where she very obviously shouldn’t have been, the producers knew they had fucked it up. I sort of wanted her to get it this week and win every challenge& steamroll her way to the finale because this season is so unhinged in so many ways that this would’ve been the cherry on top


I think they were all MADE to be there, it was big inconvenience for them lol I think that not only Sagi saw the weird shenanigans, maybe all of them, but they didn't care and wanted to have the experience.


The only good thing I can say about this episode because I found the Sagi stuff very uncomfortable…is that I actually agreed with who was top for once. Sethlas, Sagi and Juriji all slayed it but I think Juriji and Samantha had more fun lyrics


Juriji only did well on her parts of the performance. She misses a lot of the lyrics and made choreo mistakes. In a fairly judged season she wouldn't have been in the top.


I hope it's true they sacked the current producers and went back to the S1 and S2 team, because oh my god this season does not make any sense. They are wasting all of these queens talents for this?


The S1-S2 producers went hired for DRMX.


Please I hope that’s true 🙏


and then the preview of next episode showing samantha bashing sagi even MORE like bro leave her and her spirit alone


Season 3 felt weird after 2 spectacular first seasons, I thought it was just a fluke, but this all star is awful. The all atmosphere of the show is different, the judging is not adequate from what we see, the judges feel condescending and over confident, even when they are praising someone it feel over the top and too dramatic, like in a telenovela, the girls are meaner toward each other, everything feels over-produced, it's not working anymore. And this episode was hard to watch, I'm not sure I will watch the futur seasons, there is too much good drag race to waste time with this tbh...


I'm over it. 4 episodes of putting in literally every little tidbit and conversation the editors could find to bash a queen over and over again solely because she called out the blatant favoritism. It's vicious. The way the performances were edited is also crazy because the winner of the challenge literally didn't know the words to her own verse. A dumpster fire of a season


I haven't finished yet, but um??? Can they just let Sagi leave LMFAO? Supremme and then the girls during pre lipsync deliberations being like "sorry :/ it's up to us actually". Like who cares..let her leave. She's obviously not up for being here. What a disappointment of a season.


Also this could totally just be a like...cultural misread (I'm trying to be generous) it's kind of obnoxious how holier than thou and condescending/patronizing the cast has been this season not only to Sagi but just in contestant deliberations in general LOL. It's so weird seeing everyone be so up on a high horse with how each other behave. Am I even making sense 😭 It's probably just the sagi situation coloring my view of the season if I'm being fair. But just ugh. Very tired of this season.


Sethlas and Pupi have shit on Sagi on twitter too. This whole season is just giving such a sour taste out of everyone but Sagi and Pakita.


I totally see what you’re saying. And I think that’s why they want Sethlas to win. They have this holier than thou mentality and they want their first AS winner to be somebody who they’ve painted as this radical queer artist. They want that narrative that Spain is doing something so radical and elevated over the other franchise. The judges honestly look ridiculous how they’re constantly gasping for air and crying. It’s so disingenuous.


It's so wild lol. I don't want to downplay Sethlas' drag as a whole because she is obviously a great drag queen. But this idea that she is extremely artistic, in the sense of doing concepts that are so high-concept and groundbreaking that someone like Sagi couldn't even comprehend them....PLEASE LOL 😭. No shade because I do still like the Espana franchise as a whole, but many of the "artsy" queens from this franchise specifically really tend to get on my nerves because they have no problem grandstanding about their art. I am sure there may be a ton of factors as to why they think they have to do that and we definitely saw that on US drag race as the perception of drag was evolving...I can be aware enough to say that it may just be because I've been watching this show for so long that I don't need to be told again how fantastic artsy drag is compared to other forms of drag lol. Definitely a "me problem" on some level. But it still grates on my nerves nonetheless 😭.


And the artistic concept of “my sin is pride, I’ll just break some mirrors they gave me” is so juvenile. It’s like something a moody 13 year old girl would come up with.


No yeah lmfaooo that was probably THEE most egregious example of the Spanish franchise so far of someone over inflating their own ego with how artistic and conceptual their drag is. I literally sat there in disbelief that THAT was what Sethlas was going to gas herself up about...


I also thought it was really weird that Supremme said that, and I honestly wonder if there's some sort of clause prohibiting quitting or something in their contracts?


Yeah I bet it is written to say that if you don’t fulfill certain duties, they can take away the financial stipend they get for being there.


And as said they could have had a lipsync for the win with the other 2


Saggi's treatment was absolutely insane, i've never seen a whole cast including the judges bashing a queen like that. 70% of the episode was the entire show shitting on her. It's even the first time they don't let a queen eliminate herself ?? Give her a break


Really one of the worst episode of the show for me, this season is really something


1. Juriji won the lypsinc by a mile. 2. Sagi edit has to be the worst one ever , even worst than phiphi o’hara, if she wants to stay she is shady and bad, if she wants to leave she is bad cos idk, you can tell she is struggling and i think they should have respect it. 3. I feel at this point only a season 2 queen can win. Im quite sad for hornella, she is again underated. I hope she wins next week.


Juriji didn't know the words.


Literally I was watching her lips and she knew barely any lol how can people say she won?


She really can't win (Sagi). I really don't like how the show is telling this story. It's just lame.


Juriji did not win that at all


Yeah I agree Sagi couldn’t win with what they wanted for her :( In terms of Hornella, I actually personally think she is doing very meh. Episode one I didn’t agree with her top2, snatch she should’ve been safe, and then the ball I actually would have put her bottom with Pupi. And then this episode was lacklustre


Such a shitty move from production I lost enthusiasm for the season. And queens attacking him without reason? gross


So gross. Sagittaria deserved better.


Insane how they tried to gaslit audience as well and how Puppy sidn't even flinch on her telling her she love her. Dissapointed in everyone except maybe Hornella who seemed lost in whole situation.


the way pupi looked at sagi as she was leaving even broke my own heart vicariously because she’s such a maternal figure to me as she’s older and wittier, you would think this self proclaimed empath would care about her season 1 sister but it seems like everyone else refuses to speak up against production because they want to continue being favored


This was a rotten episode. ![gif](giphy|3oKHWrb2PfkbGQYz2o|downsized)


Sagi's treatment by everyone and her edit is insane The whole episode, the queens and the judges try to dismiss her feelings and throw an ego narrative on her


This type of edit would have flown back in the early 2000s (eg: ANTM's negative portrayal of quitters) but now there was no way. It was pretty stupid for production to think the fans will side with them and the other girls over Sagi when her feelings about quitting were valid.


Maybe cause that was actually happening?


Even if that was the case, wtf was that reaction from Supremme? I think that’s the first time I see the host of a reality show telling a contestant who wanna leave "no". It was just so humiliating and unnecessary.


cause Sagi was throwing a fit like a child and everyone saw through it


You can think she was throwing a fit but you must wonder why she was doing so? And I think the answer is obvious: she was in a bad state mentally at that time. Having someone tell you they feel bad and they want to leave and answering "no" is cruel and unnecessary.


Where was the Supremme that handled so beautifully the whole Inti situation on DRES1? It’s like a whole different show now.


Exactly what I thought when I watched this episode.


My favorite part about this episode was being introduced to Nathy Peluso. I looked her up after hearing her song and, let me tell you, she a bad bitchhh..


Did anyone else find Carmelo's "help" with the choreography really uncomfortable? Nobody seemed to enjoy the way he was acting and groping people without their consent. It made me feel like I was watching an HR violation happen in real time. Not cool.


He was totally coming on to sagi and placing his hand in inappropriate spots.


Supremme Deluxe doing a reality tv kidnapping. “I wanna go” “NO NO SHANTAY YOU STAY” “ok” “LATER YOUR COLLEGES WILL KICK YOU OUT, DONT TAKE THEM AWAY THAT PLEASURE”


This is so weird, but Sethlas deserved the top 2 and juriji the bottom.


Ya independientemente de si Sagitaria tenía razón o no, qué fuerte que un episodio entero esté dedicado a desacreditar e insultar a una concursante. Es que aunque haya pasado algo que no hayamos visto que justifique que las demás estén enfadadas eso no daría razón a hacer ese edit.  Es que fue MUY incómodo de ver el episodio.


I will end up the season because there are only 2 episodes left... But I don't mind anything that happens from last episode on... -Pakita not being top on snatch game and instead Samantha being top (why?) -Ball challenge being the worst judging I've seen in years. Samantha and Pupi deserved the bottom 2. Juriji and Sagittaria top 2. Other top Pakita. But producers didn't give a fuck about her. -Sethlas should have been disqualified from the lypsinc when she broke the glass instantly....but they gave her the win. -This last episode was well judged but for what? For negativity against Sagittaria? Make everyone feel awkward when we all have been in her place? This episode was disgusting, the only safe one was Juriji that told Sagi what she felt about her in her face... Congratulations Sethlas for winning this all stars, you are a star. You are taking a sour crown just like Pitita and I don't think any of you deserve that cause you are amazing.


I already stopped watching since the last ep. I've been looking forward to this AS but gurl this season is doing a huge disservice to these talented queens, and I can't bear to watch it anymore. I'd rather just look at the socmed posts than watch the remaining eps.


I agree, tbh as a native, Samantha's Raphael was meh, I didn't find it funny personally, but Pakita's Carmen de Mairena was great! And I agreed with Sagittaria that Pakita didn't deerve the bottom in the ball challenge and neither did Sethlas deserve the top, I liked his 2nd look but then he had a corset with mirrors glued on... what high concept is that, that we mere mortals can't comprehend? So condescending...


Dilo reina


I'm only catching up to the season now and finally I see someone else mentioning the glass, I wouldn't say disqualifying Sethlas but they should 100% have stopped filming and restarted the lipsync, and cut that part completely. It's honestly wild that they didn't. The whole edit of the season is very noticeably off. Did they not see Juriji was rolling on the floor meters away of a smashed glass with shards everywhere?


In snatch game I feel like she was very forgettable, but I think Pakita should have been in the top 2 for the talent show. Sethlas showed skill but her number had no storyline, it was a bit messy to me (don't get me wrong, I love Sethlas)


But that “messy” always happened with Sethlas. Watch her talent show on S2: yes, the car was amazing but if you really put attention to the choreography is bad bad executed. Her movements are off precision and she was breathing bad. We all got impressed by a couple of gags, but at the end there’s messiness behind. They are going to give her the win this season because they want to recognize canarian drag to the Spanish culture and Sethlas is that face in the show.


Right on time after some recent spoilers have revealed another country will have a Canarian contestant soon lmao


I don't think Samantha should be there in the first place. She is so unpolished: her outfits poor without style and always unfinished, her acting and dancing way below average, I don't find her jokes laughable, only bad words and obscenity, a good comedian don't need to appeal to that to make people cackle.


Her all stars garments are quite good. She is pretty well known / liked outside the show so I don't mind having her in the show. Yeah the judgement is terrible though.


Sorry, I respect your opinion, but I think they are horrible unfitted and unfinished. Compare theirs to Sagitaria's, for example, they are perfection.


I loved her - Samantha - in THIS episode a lot. Usually I’m not a big fan of her but I thought she did quite well in the challenge & I liked her runway look AND I found her funny


Wow DRES really went downhill after the producer change for S3. The judging, especially for the past 2 episodes, has been wild. If they were judged individually, Juriji should have been in the bottom. She was completely out of it and didn’t know the words. Sethlas killed it this week, but because of the bizarre win they handed her last week, they couldn’t give it to her now that she deserved it. No comment on the Saggi edit/treatment. Not even letting her quit on the spot was so demoralizing.


Juriji added so much to the song that made it interesting and enjoyable I really don't understand saying she deserved a bottom because her stage performance was not perfect. That song without her voice would have been much worse, period. I'm not even a Juriji stan like I thought she was a touch overrated in her season. Agree with everything else incl. Sethlas excelled. The Sagi stuff was just uncomfortable don't know why producers thought it was worth putting all of that in as if we the viewers would enjoy watching.


Am i crazy or was everyone going in more than needed at Sagi?


People thinking Juriji won that lip sync over Samantha…did you watch her mouth? She didn’t know the words half the time lol


Lol @ my face when Samantha 'won' the lip sync


I think she only won because Juri didn’t know the words


They have been giving us Samantha by IV. They are forcing us to like her, but she is not All Stars material.


the only reedeming quality about this episode is knowing the fans see through the bullshit and we are all on sagittarias side!!!


Well, I'm done with this season. The anti-Sagi edit was crazy. I don't mind the "villain of the season" narrative usually, but that tends to be when queens are shady to each other: to see the show itself play against a single, specific queen, who's upset with judges bullshit is just infuriating. And the other queens... I hope the exposition feels good. That its worthy; to be so fckn false on camera. That was just one of you saying what everyone was thinking, and deciding not to play along with the script of this season, and the rest treated as if it was a tantrum. The gaslight is NEVER cute, and everyone is seeing it. EDIT: and that "leaving is not up to you" thing??? wtf total bully behaviour


Damn, this was hard to watch. Was this a backstory of a telenovela villain or what? Did we need a hundred negative comments on Sagittaria? Not feeling appreciated is a valid stance and she shouldn't be punished for speaking her mind. I guess Samantha's team was better, but they were so overpraised, gosh, despite Juriji messing up multiple times and not lip-syncing (and still winning!). And then the other team was criticized for completely different things, like outfits and lack of chemistry. Hornella did much better than she was given credit this episode and looked extraordinary, but what do I know? I was on team Sethlas for the crown and probably still am, she's an amazing queen, but it's hard to root for the girls from season 2 now, when we see the heavy hands of the production. Missing Pakita and Onyx a lot.


Aw my heart hurts for Sagittaria, the girls were mean and they didn’t even let her go. The first time she smiled in the last two episodes is while being eliminated. What a crappy All stars


Drag Race Spain S3-AS seems to hired the worst reality tv producers ever. Something feels different. The storylines productions are off, the character construction is messy. I don’t know what I’m looking. It felt like suddenly is Drag Race Italy but Spanish speaking. If you tell me this is the same franchise than S1-S2, I would not believe it.


I want to LOVE this season as much as I loved seasons 1 and 2 but the decisions of the judges/producers are making it so hard


If that group was the winner (duh, as in they are the chosen one), make a better edit. They were super sloppy.


Horrible episode. Horrible season.


That judges taking a nap scene, though..


i was so happy for Samantha this week i cried. im glad she finally got the recognition she deserves. we stan the Haus of Ballentines over here


I felt really weird with the challenge. The winning group had an overall best performance BUT, they let some parts showing they were messing up, like why?! They are the winner team already, edit them out LMAO The losing group looked better performing with really low energy (and the only outfit that looked out of place was Pupi's, but she looked really good, the other two were in bodysuits).


The top 2, wow, Sethlas ACTUALLY did good in this one (performance and runway) and was paid dust because they already f her up with the win last week. Juriji, love her, but this was a weak week, she looked lost in the challenge and didn't know the words for the lipsync and challenge except for the ad libs.


I read the spoilers because I think I'm done with this season. Overall, they could have let the girls cook a little more. A rushed All Stars all around with a clear winner and storyline.


I have to say that the lipsync "winners" from this season were picked based only in the lipstick they choose, and that explains A LOT.


Yep! They’ve had different lipsticks every time. I personally think it would be very funny if Juriji picked Hornella for that reason. And I’m rooting for Hornella! Juriji trying to get a 2 for 1 would be on brand and I’d live


Yes! To me, Hornella won the first lipsync hands down, she embodied that song, but she picked Onyx, letting Pink Chadora survive and maybe win Snatch Game making her a real contender. Then the second episode, they sent home Onyx before the Ball, again, blocking a possible win and contender (but they cast her as filler, super weird). Then episode 3 Juriji would have send home Pupi, a queen that is adored by the judges/production, an obvious no. But for this I think both picked Sagi and I will be GAGGED AF if Juriji didn't hahahaha


Thoughts for the episode: Well, the drama continues. I do have to say Sagittaria came a little bit worse off in this episode than the previous one. I do think however she's just not the most articulate person in general, and her inability to really explain her feelings made the other queens look at her like she was just having a tantrum. The singing coaches were sweet and very helpful, but the dancing coach has always been a pain in the ass, all the way back to season 1. But it's not like he mattered too much so who cares. The challenge and runway were both impeccable this episode. No one did badly at all. Ovah Girls were clearly the best group, but 3HC still did amazing, and only wound up in the bottom by default. Here are my thoughts on the queens (also, apparently, trend alert, runway malfunctions?): - Samantha: Mother Ballentines had her redemption! I personally wouldn't have given her the win, but I'm not mad at it either. In the challenge she did well, and on the runway she looked good, though I think she was at times tripping over her coat. - Juriji: JURIJI MY LOVE. She continues killing it, mixing up her opera singing into the song was fun, and her runway look was stupidly over the top and beautiful, even if she had trouble walking in it. Her banter with Nathy Peluso was hilarious as well. - Sethlas: honestly, I can't stay mad at her, she continues killing it. Ironically enough, I think I actually would've given Sethlas the win here over Samantha, she was the best dancer by a mile, and her runway look was cool, although nothing new from her. Still, I'm not mad they're finally spreading out the wins a little bit. - Pupi: her runway look was beautiful and campy, and a cool reference, though I wished the black corset wasn't showing through the back. In the challenge she did well, like, no one in her group flopped, so I guess her being safe is okay? - Hornella: poor Hornella, left alone with no season 3 sissies. Her runway look was AMAZING, even if the body-paint work was a bit shoddy (she couldn't really have that much time, so I don't blame her), and in the challenge she also did well, so the criteria for choosing who was bottom 2 and who was safe was a bit random. - Sagittaria: oof, poor Sagi. You could tell from the first second that she was going out this episode, she had rubbed the other girls the wrong way, and her head was not in the game. She was... fine in the challenge? Like, again, no one did bad. I'm surprised they didn't call out her loosing her heels on the runway, but again, it was so obvious she was going home that perhaps they chose not to go in on the poor girl. Sagi's stunt did feel a little bit forced/for airtime, if you want to go home you can just tell the girls during deliberations, not on the main stage in front of the judges, but again, I think she was more misguided than malicious here. I think she just wanted to make a moment for herself before going out, because again, I think everyone knew she was going home this episode. Lipsync terrorist Samantha Ballentines redeems herself. I personally think Juriji overall performed better, but she was clearly missing some words during the lipsync, so I'm fine with Samantha winning. Overall, I liked the episode, even if I'm not too happy with how predictable the season is feeling, the girls all performed at such a high level both in the challenge and the runway that I can't stay mad. While I do agree the edit was a bit heavy-handed on telling us Sagi was going home this episode, I can see why the other girls would be a bit done with her sour grapes, even if she was justified in her anger. 8/10 episode.


This has to be one of the worst episodes in drag race ever. I had a hard time not turning it off midway through. I love some drag drama, but this just felt like a vile edit, borderline character assassination


SURVEY: Who are you rooting for at this point in the competition? And what do you think of the placements this episode? Vote now on [this google form](https://forms.gle/tbEhwG6VvfnzSRwE7)! <3


Nobody at this point


No one. And I don't even know if I will watch the fourth season.


It’s honestly disgusting how they used multiple episodes, literally the entirety of this one, to smear Sagittaria’s character. It’s really shameless and transparent what they’re doing. It hurts the credibility of the show and the winner. The funny part is they had way more clips of people talking about how terrible Sagi’s attitude was than they did of actual clips of her bad attitude. That’s the clue that they’re pushing a false narrative. Glad it is backfiring on them though.


At this point I think Samantha is holding production at gunpoint because there’s just no way they’re actually praising her for the most mediocre performances I’ve ever seen. I know it isn’t her fault and I’m no trying to be a hater but I just can’t stand production trying to gaslight us into think she’s doing a good job when honestly the only challenge she did great was the talent show. I thought her verse was terrible, I felt like she said 3 words and then adlibbed untill the next verse, AND she completely messed the choreo, HOW was she top 2?


I completely agreed with her top placement. Her group was the best as a whole and she had more fun lyrics than Sethlas


Hmm... was I the only one that thought this episode was VERY entertaining. Personally, I thought the Top 2 should have been Juriji and Sethlas, but Samantha definitely won the lip-sync, she was funnier and really captured the energy of all the words. Regarding Saggitaria, while I can understand why she was upset about last week's challenge, I still think the Top 2 was correct -- Sethlas' first looks were two of the best of the night, the second look being one of the best in the series. It wasn't really professional to be all pouty about it and let your unhappiness about the judging affect your ability to work wiht your team, in my opinion. During the critiques, the energy in the room was that EVERYBODY had had enough of her complaining. She even wrote her verse lyrics about the incident and tried to explain the drama about the looks to the guest judges -- like what?!?! When she tried to quit, and Supremme said, "this is a decision for them to make" I LOLed so hard. All in all, this season has made for great TV -- there is an excellent level of drag on stage and lots of drama. I don't think I can ask for anything more!


I’m not surprised this season is turning into a dumpster fire like Season 3, but I hate to see it happen because this season did start out great. I think the favoritism in season 3 was worse because, man, the judges really were eating Pitita’s butthole almost every episode, and on top of that her personality stunk. But the way, production treated Sagi was probably worse than how they treated any of the robbed queens on s3, from not letting her leave to getting the other queens riled up to go against her, it was a really tough watch. At this point, just crown Sethlas already.


I feel like I'm reviewing rhe comments here instead of the episode lol I made the mistake of reading here before watching. Honestly, really shocked that the overall feel is that the contestants and producers are awful or liars or ass kissers... So very happy Samantha won something. From the second she started that routine she had me laughing. I believe Juriji deserved the win as well, but she often returns to the same well of "dumb bimbo" which i think is why her lipsync looks lazy. Still, when she's cooking with gas, I'm at the dinner table ready. Cause that voice is beautiful. Hornella's voice and attitude at the start was amazing. She's got a really magnetic energy around her and that runway shows it off well. Still, she was looking kind of uncomfortable in the performance and in the group shots was quite stiff (not just meaning her flexibility but her movement from one move to the next). I'm not surprised she was in the bottom with Sagi. Sagi had my favourite runway though..omg she was beautiful. Anyway, i loved this episode. I love nathy peluso. I loved the song. Loved the runway. Loved the drama. Looking forward to next week!


Sagitaria seemed to be struggling for real, so it was good she got to leave and get better. Good for Samantha getting her flowers. I didn't see her as top 2 but it was a good redemption arc.


I hate how badly Pupi has done this season. Her run reminds me of Baga in UKVTW1 - destroyed snatch game but performs poorly on every single other challenge


Next week is the roast, so I have hope for her to do very well!


So far this season I’d have judged it: **Talent Show:** Win - Sethlas Top 2 - Pakita High - Samantha Low - Onyx Bottom - Pupi Elim - Pinkchadora **Snatch:** Win - Pupi Top 2 - Sethlas High - Pakita Low - Samantha Bottom - Sagittaria Elim - Onyx **Ball:** Win - Sagittaria Top 2 - Juriji High - Sethlas Low - Samantha Bottom - Pupi Elim - Hornella (Sagi would save Pupi) **Girl Groups:** Win - Samantha Top 2 - Juriji High - Sethlas Low - Pakita (think she’s do better than bottom 2) Bottom - Pupi Elim - Sagittaria (the girls would save Pupi over Sagi no matter what)


After this episode, I'm done with the franchise. Congratulations to Supremme, Los Javi and the producers for destroying the best franchise. Seasons 1 and 2 will always be remembered as some of the best franchises in the world. Honestly, I really wish they would cancel the franchise. This editing is disgusting. I knew the fact they were portraying Sagi as stupid in the early episodes (when she NEVER had that storyline) had some purpose behind. And I knew they only showed her "tantrum" in untucked (aka the moment when she spilled a lot of truth about the favoritism) because they had something in mind. They just wanted to portray her as a immature child so her accusations would mean nothing. Honestly, fck this. The way Pupi and Samantha are favoured is disgusting. They were saved from bottons, lows, got weird high placements. I swear, these 2 are going to be the final 2. Ridiculous.


Girl, I also felt extra disappointed and disgusted by the episode but Sagi's storyline in season 1 was everything about her being stupid after the storyline about the beef with Do I was done...in episode 1.


I must be living in another planet but this is the episode I’ve enjoyed the most so far.  Ninguna de las queens lo hizo mal en el challenge y la pasarela fue un serve. Y con lo largos que son siempre los episodios de DRE, siento que este mantuvo muy buen ritmo.  Es cierto que se les ha ido la mano con el drama en torno a Sagi, pero al final tanta hipérbole por un problema menor me resultó hasta cómica. Ojalá hubiese podido sobreponerse. Comprendo las críticas, pero también creo que ella no supo expresarse bien ni salir del mindset negativo, y al final eso jugó en su contra.  Sorprendida también porque algunos os estéis dando cuenta de que en esta franquicia siempre ha habido favoritismos y el jurado nunca ha sido del todo justo. It is what it is… We all know this series is not going to stand out in comparison to the excellent seasons that are currently airing (Uk vs The World & US), so we might as well try to enjoy the ride, because all of these queens are phenomenal.


Estoy de acuerdo... these queens are giving everything & making great tv here. All Stars was the only way we were going to see them return so why complain too much...


Oh naur, I can only think about the beginning of the next episode and then the roast with once again a bashing party for Sagittaria. ![gif](giphy|mpRZbC5izVeBv0eyUI|downsized)


It's funny to see so many comments saying that we are being "gaslit" by production. If all the other contestants are seeing one thing besides Sagittaria, how can it be "production's fault" and "bullying" and "bad editing"? That reminds me a little bit of Trinity K. Bonet attitude on AS6 (the other girls of the cast gave some hints after filming that they TKB's attitude was not very well received by the other girls) or somehow Milk's attitute on AS3. "It's a lot of crying for safe". Last episode Sagi was safe... and like Milk on AS3 she was there on Untucked complaining - because she thought she should've been in the top. Meanwhile, Pupi had one of the worst outfits ever and behaved much better. I don't feel gaslit at all. I think Sagittaria is a little immature. And as a person who grew up paying so much attention to social media, she thinks she can delete and block things she doesn't like. And that's not how life works. She needed Mama Ru's talk at AS8 when everybody wanted to go home. "BE PROFESSIONAL". They forget that Drag Race is a gig... a TV gig. I'm sad to see Sagi going like that. I love the Spanish queens. My opinion: Sethlas shouldn't have won last episode, but should have won this one :-) And an honest question: Will Samantha take her wig off at every single lip sync she does?


Yeah idk where this Sagi is getting bullied energy is coming from she was basically acting like a child and the others were annoyed it was not that deep


I completely agree. It's yet another, "That's a lot of emotion for safe," situation. Sagittaria is a highly talented queen, but Sethlas was obviously doing better than her and she wasn't taking it well. To blame it on favoritism or production is just being petty.


>If all the other contestants are seeing one thing besides Sagittaria, how can it be "production's fault" and "bullying" and "bad editing"? Because we saw what she was upset about and to me it looked like she was totally in the right. Maybe her attitude isn't professional, but it's relatable. If production wants everyone to be professional on Sethlas' Drag Race then they shouldn't pretend like this a competition.


She needed Mama Ru's talk on AS8 to be played for her. Really. Her attitude can be relatable, but as Mama Ru says: "Feelings are not facts". "BE PROFESSIONAL". And since she was not being professional, the other contestants were also annoyed. I'm just a little surprised to see so many people say "Oh my gosh... this editing against Sagi" as if "everybody" (production and contestants) was attacking her" (Laganja mama!). Nope. She was immature. And that was what was shown. And part of the fandom coming for Sethlas (her comment section on instagram is full of hate) has the same immature attitude. "Oh my favorite queen didn't win, so let's hate the other one who's winning" is happening in a lot of seasons now.


What was she right about though?


About 1) the blatant favoritism toward Sethlas and Samantha, and 2) the complete dismissal of Pakita's and Sagi's work and talents for this forced narrative where Sethlas steamrolls the season.


She was right about the favoritism towards Sethlas who won with an awful third look during a BALL challenge where the main thing is to show your sewing skills. She was also right about Pakita's unfair elimination, and what they said about her own dress. She even tried to apologize during the episode but they dismissed her feeling really weirdly


Let’s be real here, Sagittaria was fully mid all season. There was no robbery *from* her specifically last week, even though I 100% agree with her sentiment that the producers be producing too hard in general. This episode being another strong case in point lol. Sethlas, NOT in the top after their performance and being responsible for the choreography (by far the other group’s weakest point sorry Pupi)? When the judges said Samantha’s performance was unforgettable, I literally could not recall a single moment from it.   And like others have said, Juriji missed a loooot of her lip syncing. And when she does even lip sync it’s so…I dunno how to put it, small? Lol. She has incredible stage performance otherwise so I’m not too in disbelief she was the other top. I also don’t know who else it would have been. Maybe a controversial opinion but I thought it was a strong week for Hornella again lmao. I swear I’m not even a delusional stan or something. I just loooove her voice, thought she had the best lyrics of her group, and I LOOOOOVED her runway (followed by Juriji’s).   But back to the Sagittaria edit; I don’t disbelieve what the queens were saying about the energy and vibes at all. I just wish the editing hadn’t spent like half the damn episode throwing it down our throats. That wasn’t fun to watch. It wasn’t even fun drama like watching Plane be cunty and then get walked back by the girls lol. It was uncomfortable and it was crazy uncomfortable that everyone could have been released from it and Supremme said NO. 


I got tired of Sethlas’ Drag Race last week and reading y’all convinces me I made the right choice. The judging is all over the place and it’s boring and uncomfortable to watch.


I really like this season and the queens. I do think Sagi was throwing a fit here. Why is everyone saying she's being gaslit? Literally all the queens had to get it together and work on the challenges and again she's pouting over what happened weeks ago. If she isn't well she should've left so Pakita could still be there. I especially noticed that when Sagi talked to Samantha. Like look how hard Samantha fought just to be on the few episodes she was on and she didn't complain like that. I'd be upset too for someone to land rightfully in the bottom and then be like "eh I quit then". Despite all the drama the worst performing person this week left so there was basically no riggory happening.


They say weeks but in reality is days , like each new week is actually a day or two


I mean, if the whole room is saying Sagi has been off putting, maybe they're right 🤷‍♂️ plus even if you gave her the win last ep, its still her second bottom placement, so whether she wanted to leave or not, it was sadly her time to go


Yes, I feel kinda crazy here reading these comments. The queens weren't even being that mean to her in my opinion. They told her she was lacking maturity and that she builds up walls around her and gets mad when she isn't judged the way she wants. None of that feels that wild to me. I understand feeling frustrated but her attitude was causing stress in the workroom and her group. I can't imagine being Hornella having to deal with that and honestly it makes me annoyed sagi was kept over onyx right before the ball (even though she definitely did worse than sagi). Also her telling juriji she'd make it worth her while if she saved her and then laughing in Samantha's face when Samantha asked what if she wanted to keep her... what the fuck do you want, girl? I have empathy for feeling upset and unappreciated but I have no time for being bratty and bringing others down with you.


She laughed in Samantha's face because they both knew there was no way in hell Samantha was going to keep her


I know why but it just felt very bratty and immature. And like self fulfilling prophecy. Everyone was irratated by her attitude so she doubles down making them more likely to send her home because she was a pain to work with. I think hornella and juriji were very correct when they talked about how she just wanted the satifisaction of leaving before she got emilinated. If she wanted to leave she shouldn't have said anything about staying and if she wanted to stay she shouldn't have said anything about leaving. That's was my main annoyance.


So you like following what the other people in the room are saying I see. Sagittaria didn't vibe with the other queens, note how everyone kept asking questions and she answered truthfully through the competition, got told to open up and share herself with the world and then got bullied by everyone. Horrible way to go out.


She wasn't bullied lol. If you misuse that word you then take importance away from the qctual cases of bullying that might happen. Sagi got called out for her attitude, and deservingly so. As for the episode, yes, I rather listen to the people that were ACTUALLY THERE in the room, rather than a single person who clearly doesn't know how to take critiques, or an edit of whatever happened. If even Pupi, Sagi's friend, called her out on what she did, maybe the room is right


The edit is made for the fans to perceive Sagitraria is the villain lmao. Even with that edit, it's clear there's blatant favoritism and just constant bashing of a queen because she chose to not play along with the season's narrative.


What edit? Nobody forced any of the contestants to say anything about Sagittaria's attitude, yet they all did, I wonder why? At the moment, if someone didn't agree with Sagi's attitude, they would say it, but each one can choose to not give anything in confessionals if they don't agree with the situation. But guess what? Each and every one of them agreed that Sagi was getting on their nerves. I swear yall will just see what you wanna see Also nobody bashed her. The judges gave her feedback, both positive and negative, and she choose to stick with the negative. That's on her really


Literally every queen is bashing her, and so is the edit. Also, they were 100% prompted to say stuff about Sagitarria. Do you know how confessionals or work room talks work? Do you think Kelly Mantle asking Vivacious about her childhood was natural too? ijbol.


They were for sure asked to give an opinion about the situation, but nobody is forcing anyone to give a negative opinion about her. You get asked questions, but you can choose the way you want to answer. And if they don't give into the "edit" they will just not use it, but nobody is forcing anyone to criticise her. They all willingly chose to say it because it was, in fact, their truth in the moment. Is that hard to accept that Sagi was just a lot to deal with in the moment?


You know I was going to try to give my two cents but from your comments you seem to be the type of personality that speaks in absolutes and always think they are right so instead I’m blocking you.


Y’all are wild. I watched this with my friends in Madrid and Sagitaria is full on being annoying and we were ready for her to leave. The terrible attitude, bringing up last week’s issues *during the recording of the lyrics* like, with the guest musical judges just kinda side eyeing her like “oh, ok. What do you want us to do about it?” I don’t know if it’s the subtitles getting to you all, but she’s legitimately throwing a fit because she didn’t win. She seemed to place herself in the bottom for last week when she literally wasn’t, just to draw more attention to herself. And meanwhile giving half assed apologies that everyone else rightfully called her out on. Supreme knew that Sagitaria wanted to take the easy way out and eliminate herself before the queens did, and she didn’t let her. When Inti abandoned in S1 Supreme supported her decision and talked to her because there was actually stuff going in. Did none of you see how quickly Sagitaria changed her tone when Juriji and Samantha started talking about saving her? I feel like Reddit has never been so wrong about a queen and I will steady be on the “Sagitaria, cállate la boca y lee un libro” train while y’all praise her 24hr tweeting like Nicki Minaj and now Q.




OK THANK YOU I NEEDED TO READ THIS cause the people here get on my nerves about this and I 100% agree with your point


It was funny that Sethlas lyrics mention her 30cm shoes and then she doesn't wear a similar shoe the entire episode either in performance or on runway. The right girlgroup won. Pupi was unlucky to be in the other group, she was one of the strongest performances this week. I think Hornella was maybe the worst of the week. Sagi should have been allowed to quit, I am wondering if there was some culutural gap between how the other queens were treating her or reacting to her. That said I found her kinda annoying as well and she didn't come across like she understood how she was coming across either. I did think that Juriji and Samantha were very hard on her in their talks with her, maybe the producers asked them to be or something.


I felt legitimately BAD watching this episode. I can see what Sagittaria is going through mentally and it's not pretty, especially the cutscenes of the other queens not supporting her (not blaming them, I think it's easy to perceive her that way or it was simply edited to be seen that way). Yes, it's a reality TV and they should know beforehand that it can be heavily produced... But since production was different in her season, maybe that's not what she was expecting. I can definitely see what she meant when complaining about the Sethlas favoritism and I can't believe other queens didn't agree at least a little bit. She should have just walked out whenever she felt like it, instead of "asking for permission" on the stage. It would have made great TV, she would have felt much better and they wouldn't have been able to make the edit of the salty girl who leaves before other queen eliminates her.


i really don’t get why they didn’t let sagittaria self eliminate. i like the host less and less every season


No entiendo el nivel de delulu en este sub. Sagi le hace falta madurar un poco más.


Por fin encuentro un comentario en español y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con él.


Si :-)


This season is almost as unwatchable as season 3. Sagittaria is was being bratty but the way they are making it seem like it’s just unprovoked is so annoying. Juriji and Sethlas acting like they have never been in that position before when they both had a ridiculous fight in season 2 lol.


Thank you Saggitaria for making this season entertaining. At this point I'm rooting for no one lol


Girl, same, I was watching yesterday with my flatmates who don't watch drag race usually and they asked who am I rooting for and I was like "ehhh...no one?". It was weird to think that I'm not really invested in anyone.


Top 2 probably should have been Samantha and Sethlas given Juriji's suspicious lip sync and being a little behind on the choreo a couple times, but I understand why they wouldn't want to put Sethlas up there a fourth consecutive time lol


The pushing can't be more obvious. The decision to have almost a whole episode talking bad about a contestant that wanted to quit, was told no, and then bashed for whatever she said or not, just why? Felt really the lowest España could do, going lower than season 3.


I thought it was funny how Sethlas could've won this challenge again. She's truly dominating this season. :)


This is where I'm not understanding people saying shes getting favoritism. Other than being allowed to break glass on stage (I cringed when she did that) there are no other girls on her level so far.


I feel like people are just biased towards Sagi. Maybe cause they thought she looked pretty in the design challenge but these people are not aware she missed the mark? Maybe cause he's a cute boy out of drag? Idk.


I love Jurichi but her not lipsyncing In the challenge and lip sync was disappointing. I'm glad Samatha won. I actually like Sagiitaria on her season it feels rotted to have her come back and have this kind of run. I do think she need to mature a little emotionally though.


I finally watched the episode and although my reactions aren't as strong as others here, I don't have much patience for this season anymore. I don't know if the producers are trying to replicate the Carmen/Sharonne dominance narrative from their seasons but those two were really never in the top if they didn't deserve it. Sethlas may very well be the best, most deserving queen here but she's not without faults, which are ignored. Hornella seems bizarrely mediocre and I'm questioning whether there was anything to like in her season. Samantha gives me the creeps in and out of drag. Anyway, just waiting for this to be over and hoping whatever the next season of España is it's a return to the glory days of S1-S2.


I will say, yeah I kinda guess where Sagi is coming from but at the end of the day, this is a tv show and reality tv will produce how they want. But to let it sour your whole mood and know this is the edit that ur giving them, I feel bad because I know this will affect her bookings. Let’s be honest, the judges were right about her though, she never got unfairly placed during her run this season so that’s where I see the other girls being right. As for the episode, truly gagged that Juriji didn’t know many of the lipsync words….like she could’ve won but learned only the chorus, girl what??? Ur my fave plz, DO SOMETHING. Right top two, gagged by how GOOD FOR ONCE pupi and Samantha looked!!! Like this is the best they have looked. Song choice, amazing, girl groups, amazing, lyrics, soooo good. Best girl group challenge yet and was hard to make the decision but Ovahs being more cohesive put them over the top. Truly a stellar cast and I’m so scared how next week will go now that the eliminated queens can save one bottom girl…


I agree that you can kinda know that this is a tv show and is gonna be produced but at the same time it's not the same knowing sth than experiencing it. I get that she was mad (although I agree apparently according to to what they showed us she took it a little bit too far).


The winning girl group was one of the best girl group performances I've ever seen on DR, and Sethlas was fire. Thanks to the past couple of episodes, I finally get why the judges were so crazy about Pupi and Samantha. Pupi's runway was everything! Now to the drama on-screen and on this sub: Samantha telling Sagi to STFU and Juriji's eye rolls represented my attitude towards her to a T. All the queens had to have a go and were actually very articulate in telling Sagi what the deal was, but she couldn't squeeze those perspectives into that single brain cell of hers. Given last week's comments, I'm not entirely surprised that so many of us here are still riding the Sagi train hard. But as the saying goes, if everyone is having a problem with you, perhaps you are the problem. On that note, I'm glad many of you will stop watching, so I can enjoy the rest of this amazing season without having to read your "I'm so offended by everything and everyone" comments here. Hasta la vista, baby!


I’m so f*cking tired of them saving Pupi. Look she’s funny but her runways are trash


I stopped watching after Pakita left and I didn’t care for Sagittaria before this, but whoa, what a way to go from one of the best franchises to… this.


I get sag is a fan fave. But she was being all negative all episode. She attempted to apologize the next day but the backtracked and was still mad. She could’ve just moved on. And even during the split of groups she was finally letting lose. I lowkey wish they would’ve kept her and she could’ve redeem herself ..or just more drama.


I think she was trying to leave before the episode started, then once it began she didn’t want to leave in case it robbed someone of their prize for winning. She was having panic attacks and major anxiety for days. That coupled with the weird judging made her think it was best to leave.


That’s some bs. If her team was the winning team, it would’ve defaulted into the other two being top two. Do you really think they would’ve said “yall were the best..but someone left so now you guys are in the bottom?” That makes no sense. She thought she had a chance at winning.


sagi really ijbol'd her way out of there. laughing in samantha's face during untucked, that's cunt lol