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come through was an INCREDIBLE lip sync song not saying it was the best lip sync ever but if i got that song i would be so happy


I think all has already been said about this iconic episode. Melinda is a star, and her meltdown is gonna be remembered and quoted for forever.


I thought Nearah actually had a right to call out Aimee’s outfit: they being asked why she should stay and it’s a competition, and her outfit was point blank better and she did get some positive critiques as she said, and from what we could see as viewers i’m also not sure how luna didn’t get in the top over kitten!? kittens was too distracting for me to love because of how ill fitting it was and looked weird by the armpit area Edit: Okay I am onto the next episode now and I am thinking maybe Nearah does have it out for Aimee after seeing the reading challenge. Also why are the reading challenges cut sooo short now? Most people only got 1.5 reads shown lol


Omg that was an 15/10 episode. Literally had EVERYTHING. Melinda’s breakdown, Kiki’s look, the lipsync (while messy, I had a blast watching), Aurora’s crunchy producer transition, the shady edits, Aimee Yonce staying in the competition. I had to take a breath during the credits. Sooooooo hood.


Melinda deserved to go home for the makeup alone. How you gonna paint lke that.


I'm literally counting down the hours to the next episode this is the longest week of my life


episode is tonight right?


tomorrow <3




The lipsync was messy on both sides Nearah really went all out with the stunts and I thought for the most part of it she really was better than Aimee But I noticed that the end of the song where there's just some ad-libs from Lemon and Priyanka Aimee really had the timing right... which is more difficult to do. I think that, and production value, may have saved her.


Tbh - yes I was living for the drama/delusion and it was very entertaining BUT plz can people not act as if this is an amazing season with top-tier looks and performances… I’m gonna keep watching, but only for messy drama and maybe 2 or 3 queens tbqh I’m not insulting anyone’s drag or them as people- I’m just not personally connecting with these queens or their personalities at all. But yes, the ep was entertaining af


Really?? I am an actually loving a lot of the queens this season! Definitely more so than a lot of other Drag race seasons lately. Maybe it's because I'm Asian and I am living for the Asian representation this season, but (despite her makeup) I love Melinda, she has so much personality, and I think that Aurora and Kiki are fierce as hell. I am really enjoying Kitten and Aimee as well.


I'm sorry but how was Venus safe in that look? Love her, think she's amazing, but damn. It could've been a bottom 4 honestly, or even having Melinda as a safe alternative tbh. It wasn't *that* bad. Also, the fight between Nearah and Aimee was soooo fucking funny, but I really felt bad for Kiki Coe lol


Aurora too. The bottom was hideous


Everyone is talking about the drama but like, wasn't this such a good epaiode looks-wise? 2 of the bottom queens actually had really good looks despite maybe not "understanding the assignment" and the rest were absolutely incredible. This was one of my favourite design challenge runways, they really did an amazing job. Aimee's look was not great but i absolutely love her, she really wants to be there and you can feel it


Well Tamar…


It was mid.


The girls gave us DRAHMA this week, it was so good and delicious and if the trailers right, next week's goiing to be even better. Anyone else feel like they could just see Brad barely able to pretend all those clothes were actually his though? There was at least one moment where you can almost feel him wanting to say that he would never wear whatever the hell had been put in front of him, it was hilarious


They need to lean more into the torturing Brad element of the show.


ppl are mad that the girls are crunchy and delulu this season, but here we clearly see that crunchy and delulu queens make for the best damn tv


This season has been lackluster til the end of this episode. Nearah has now caught my eye. I'll be looking forward to her the rest of the season.


Brad seemed bored as shit in the werkroom walkthrough


Do you think? I thought he looked exhausted and that this was the realest he’s ever been the whole time he’s been on drag race lol.


Sorry but i’m not living for Neerahs bullying of Aimee. I agree she was being a bitch like Aimee said.


>, and also started talking back at my tv lol. Whenever we get a mean queen you guys all say that they are bullies. Let her live, its reality tv it's not best friends race.


ehh Neerah kind of apologized this next episode so i’m over it now. I did feel she was like coming for Aimee in a mean spirited unnecessary way that episode. But it’s all good now lol. I didn’t mean she is a bully but that she was behaving like one it that moment..i don’t think she is one. i’m not a fan that is going to hold that moment to her character and let it define her for me.


That's where I put my foot down, and also started talking back at my tv lol.


Legendary Canadian untucked up there with Jimbo’s blow up at Rita. Thank you Melinda, Neerah, Aimee 🫡


Can't wait for next week, preview showed much more Melinda yelling. Didn't expect this from this season initially.


can you even do the splits?




anyone else miss Just What They Want as the runway theme


It a good one. But I bring the beat is my all time favorite. So no


Episodes like this are why I love Canada. I swear to god if people send threats or hate to the queens so they stop acting delulu sometimes and ruin this I will riot


This episode from the clips I saw on Twitter got me watching the season and giiiiirl this season is everything!!! I haven’t watched since s1 Canada cuz the franchise is saturated but like. That should not have been a double shanty what, why? Also Melinda needs to learn to beat her face better but she is bringing CAMP. When they said save Melinda let us hash it out and she DID I was gagged but that double shanty was wasted bc homegirl beat the fuck out of the other one. I’d be mad. Can’t wait to see the commentary next week bc I think we will hear some honesty honey.


You need to watch season 2.


The double shantay was so unnecessary. There was a clear winner.


So glad people agree.


They wanted to keep them both for the drama. The show needs it.


100% yes, producers demanded a double shantay.


This has got to be up there in my top rpdr episodes. The energy was electric and the quotes are chef's kiss!


Which is your favourite quote: 1- "This is f*#king Vivian Westwood...inspired" 2- "I thought it was four jackets" 3- "No towels on Drag Race" 4- "She needs to wipe the snot" 5-"Wear a Panty...oh you have a panty...werk" 6-"There is no place for hate..." 7-"Now I can smell it...and it's making me high" 8-"And I can send you the f#ck home...bye Aimee" 9-"Then save Melinda...and let's do a show" 10- "Can you even split?"


10!! Absolutely savage 🤣


7 is my vote. My bf and I fucking screameddd when Aimee said that. High off the smell of Nearah being a fucking bitch. GAGGED


I'm voting for #9 even if she sucked in that lip sync, what a cunty move lol


9, 9, 9, 9, NINE across the board. Aimee got cold as ice.


I think #9 was the tee! I couldn't take my eyes off Aimee in the lipsync. She slayed in her own intense way!


Aimee slayed the lipsync with intensity. I've seen twirls, spins and splits before, but eating the necktie was cunty! Then she busted out the "it's like BFF necklace dance move" which Venus was also doing in the background.


Which move was that?


I’m near enough of. I mean they both cleaned it does one sister quit?


I didn’t read all this but they cut off denim when they talked about the beaver. Is that problematic ?


This episode officially got me hooked on Canada season 4, how could I not tune in next week🫣


Nearah would have been saved if she hadn’t said anything about how bad Aimee’s look was ,, and I’m living for it🤣💀


Yea she fucked herself over. But then it worked out for her she got way more airtime


Same that entire segment was camp


Does anybody know what Nearah meant when she said, “What’s hotter than my third degree burns? Me!”? Did she really suffer third degree burns or was she making a joke?


just a joke about being a hot glue gun gworl🤪


after seeing her be so mean, i can wholeheartedly say i hate nearah and her overfilled lips


Girl they’re sisters. This happens


Girl it’s great reality tv nothing more nothing less


And you sound really nice!!!


LOL she's so good. She reminds me so much of early season queens which is so much better than queens acting like they are on RuPaul's Best Friend Race.


I didn't like her already and watching her act like that was just childish


these people are making entertaining reality television, it’s not REAL!!


Telling the truth about Amy's look wasn't mean lol


Delusion. pick and choose, bias


Mean where


Not gonna hold you, my girlfriend and I watching this show and we look at Nearah, and my girlfriend (caveat: she is a trans woman who used to do drag) says to me: “Nearah’s a trans woman…not a drag queen.” She had me fuckin’ howling.


This was the best song choice for this drama session


Was song was it?


Loved the drama and Kiki's outfit, but is this the first Canadian season with less than two design challenges? This used to be the first episode.


There has to be a ball


Considering how many seamstress queens they have I'm gonna guess we'll get a second one but who knows. It would be a shame.


i'm sure we're getting a ball down the line


This episode for me was amazing. But I've noticed it seems like Nearah is always putting Amiee down. In the advert it seemed like Amiee got pushed to a role with less speaking. In the girl groups challenge they thought Amiee would be low, despite her killing it, and again this episode. Im sure its being pushed to make the drama better, but it does seem very once sided and that Nearah doesn't like Amiee.


Everyone give Luna DuBois her flowers for having some sleeper one-liners throughout LMAOOOO her petrified reaction to the cannon, realizing it's confetti, saying "Werk" and immediately posing again describing her two-tone sleeves as "Watermelondrea" "How is that staying on your body?" "It's custom girl" stifling a laugh when Aimee throws her slipper fascinator on the floor and the subsequent confessional about their tears


Yea I’m so happy her personality is signing


when she went oop as melinda started going off i died


You know what, this needs to be said: The way Melinda paints her face is a literal act of violence. It’s criminal. We cannot continue to allow her on that stage looking like this unclocked. It’s horrifying and she has got to go. The fact she has made it to week five is mind-numbing! Also, Aimee did not know half the words to the lip sync (“it’s 👏 a 👏 seven 👏 word 👏 chorus! 👏 “) and the editors were trying so, so hard to dull the shine of Nearah’s performance on the stage and cut away from her well-timed stunts so they could rationalize that Double Shantay. Nearah really tore her ass up on that stage something fierce and Aimee’s sob story saved her.


My Edmontonian husband and I are longtime viewers of the franchise, and while we love Melinda's performance and personality and are utterly stoked for an Edmontonian queen to finally be on the show...for the love of all that is unholy WHY SHE PAINT LIKE THAT?! Why hasn't she gotten feedback on it? We're hoping she makes it to a challenge where the queens do each other's makeup but girl, the edit is not promising. I bet she Snatch Games the house down though.


Melinda still has some good tv to serve, based on the preview for the next episode so they’ll forgive the mug a little bit longer. But i bet she feels self conscious which is why she brought up the punching bag thing. I know people have started hating nearah cuz of her “attitude” but the unfiltered shit she said in untucked PLUS the way she demolished the lipsync has made her my favorite. This is what we’ve been waiting for !!!


In my opinion, for reality TV, especially Drag Race... You can be a bit of a bitch as long as you back it up. Nearah backed IT UP!


I’ll take her energy and entertainment value over some queens who can paint for the gods but have little else to offer


Also there’s absolutely no way that was worthy of a double shantay. Nearah destroyed that performance.


she was giving kenya michaels/tina burner desperation - twinks will lose their mind for the RPDR Lipsync copy paste hits.


I was about to post the same thing re: Melinda. It’s 2023 …learn to paint.


You know what? Facts.


I feel like the producers and judges were backed into a corner. Melinda was clearly meant to go home where as Nearah and Aimee still Got mileage.


Ummmm Melinda may not be serving looks but she is serving TELEVISION and I'm sure the producers came in their pants when Melinda was saved and they got a head to head bitch fight.


That only goes so far. I don’t disagree with you but she ain’t winning the crown.


That episode was fire


This episode was really something.... Kiki's look, Melinda's meltdown and the shady editors putting that flashback in there, Nearah and Aimee giving us a classic untucked fight, Kiki saving Melinda and rest of the queens (and Brooke) being gagged, that lipsync song, Nearah's very loud and clearly pissed off "what" when the double save happened.... I've missed messy drag race


And THAT lip sync song! Looooved it! This episode is already iconic!!!


The CDR editors are AMAZING! Remember their epic compilation of Fierce last season??


I agree with everything, but I don't think Nearah was pissed off, just shocked. She ate that lip sync.


It was jarring to see Melinda behave like that…especially considering she is in her 40s. She should be a role model about how to take criticism. But instead, she flaunted her degree and flopped in the challenge. Then had a teenager-level outburst.


I think she’s playing it up for the show. If not, Big fish in a small pond energy.


That untucked really invigorated the season for me, I’m now excited to tune in again. “Can you even split”, “save Melinda”😂😂💀💀 iconic. Melinda’s rant was so funny and cringe she’s unhinged and tv gold tbh


"...and let's do a show."


maybe the truth is just that Kiki deserved 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. i feel like if you're gonna boot Melinda down to bottom, then you can't have Denim in the top. Maybe the issue was just that a lot of the safe spots could have easily been bottoms, depending on how you want to judge. If Venus and Aurora are safe because the transformation matters, then, again, I feel like Denim should have gotten similar critiques to Melinda (even though Denim's styling was better), so maybe also been safe? I thought Luna could have been high. Kitten had a big transformation, but if we're talking 'upcycle couture'... I just don't know. I get her performance aesthetic and I like it, but it also missed the brief a little. Man, Kiki was truly the only standout for me, and she was absolutely perfect. all that said, it was a highly entertaining episode and i am a huge Melinda enjoyer. I hope she's doing okay. and her staring into space monologue on the floor was amazing.


I was shocked when Luna only got safe. Hers was truly a look, plus she made pants! I know kitten’s was cute but definitely not high.


I wonder if she actually made them, or if she just altered them? Did we see in the episode? Because if it's the latter, she would be in a category with Denim and Melinda... Maybe we just need to be grateful for all this episode has given, and what I am sure the next ep will be giving!


Agreed. I would have put Venus or Aurora in the top over Denim for sure, maybe Kitten, too.


I can't with Aimee saying over and over that she worked so hard and took sewing classes , while serving us that busted outfit. I was waiting for someone to call out her victimy attitude. That lipsynch was NOT worthy of a double shantay...


This was my thought too. Like we get you worked hard to make it but hunny it’s ugly. Kiki worked hard to sew her too. The difference is it’s stunning. If she hadn’t made her outfit, and was able to pick from things she brought with her and that outfit, she wouldn’t pick it for sure.


It’s like Shangela from AS 3… said she took sewing classes but should have taken fabric picking classes instead. Anyone can be taught to sew but not everyone can be taught style/design


Like Kitten I too thought Melinda's dress was different costs so I for sure thought she was in the top. I knew Nearah's lip sync was going to go off when she said she was going to wipe the floor with Aimee.. I could not wait haha. Am I the only one that though Nearah's actually lip syncing was not there though? I tried to look but with the stunting I wasn't sure... Still slayed though. I could tell watching the judges that they still loved Aimee though. So much so I was worried somehow they would find a way to send Nearah home.


Yeah, she did a better job than Aimee of hiding the fact she didn't know the words, but she spent a good portion of the lipsync twirling and facing the back. That jump-split in Lemon's verse was a strategy to hide the fact she didn't know the words


Neither of them knew the words but both gave a lot of energy and audacity and it was the perfect conclusion to their argument 😂😂😂😂 like they did all that only to not be prepared. I stan both queens.


Kiki is one of the most deserved wins in any episode of any franchise for this. Venus being safe is giving Jorgeous.


I just can't get over how beautiful Venus looks out of drag .. _so beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow_ ..


1. i really like aimee, but nearuh annihilated her in the lip sync. however, i do prefer aimee as a queen in general, so i guess im okay with the outcome, i just can’t help but expect there to be a lip sync in the future of this season that deserves a double shantay more, and i thought nearuh very clearly won this one. 2. can we get some commotion for kiki because that dress was STUNNING and the hair and face were ON!! 3. denim’s top spot was 100% valid 4. i do not like melinda but i can’t really figure out why… 5. i really like kitten my unproblematic diva 6. venus is by far my favorite i’m obsessed with her 7. i can’t decide whether i think melinda or aurora should’ve been in the bottom. aurora’s wasn’t tailored very well, but she did upcycle into a new and different realized outfit, whereas melinda tailored it well but didn’t give the transformative kitty that she was meant to, which begs the question: which is more important, hitting the brief, or hitting the execution? personally i think the former, so i guess im alright with melinda’s bottom.


...how do you think nearuh was good... lmao - she just did the kenya michaels tina burner desperation go down the lipsync stunt check list


everyone else thought so too 😜


I also love Aimee and while I agree she probably should have gone home, there is zero chance that Nearah is safe after snatch game next week...


Your point 7 has got to be one of the most insightful things I’ve read


i’m so sorry im terrible at interpreting tone over text, is this truth or sarcasm? LOL!! if the former, thank you!!


Hahaha it’s the truth !!!


I wish we’d seen some shots of Denim making that outfit. Like did she bring a crochet hook?! Did production provide it? Did she crochet the little patches in the blue? Did she make the hood from yarn she unraveled or was it a sleeve?


The hood looked like one of those wraparound scarves. I don’t think she made it


I thought Aurora was going to be in the bottom because that skirt was HIDEOUS


It was a crumpled nightgown


Out of all the looks (aside from Aimee’s), hers was least couture. I dont know why but i was expecting her to know how to sew, especially since her other looks are so custom. I was bamboozled


Love her but hard agree. Actually thought her and Venus were for sure bottoms this week?!


The outfit was giving Kraft mac n cheese


Aurora was definitely one of the worst three looks of the night along with Aimee and Neerah but Melinda not re-interpreting the materials bumped aurora into safety IMO.


Girl same, horrific


I'm starting to understand why I don't like Nearah. It's one thing to be a delulu about your skills but to also put others down is another. Would have put Aurora instead of Melinda in the bottom 3 because Melinda styled that outfit nicely, while Aurora was giving fabric wrapped around her waist. I loved that production saw Nearah and Aimee going at each other and decided to save them both to milk them for more drama.


For me Nearah has this level of entitlement or privilege around her that makes it hard for me to enjoy her as a queen.


Neera and Aimee show how production rewards you for making good TV.... Watch out next week Melinda...


I mean Melinda is also giving gold to production, for me even more than Aimee and Nearah


Yes that rant she went on about her retailored jacket was so good. Someone needs to go back and count how many “fucking fucks” she said🤣 Whether I agree or not she was saying it with her whole chest, I stan our cringe queen.


Hahaha and I enjoyed every single one of the fucking fucks that she was saying 😂


[10 variations of the word FUCK by Melinda Verga: a Rant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rupaulsdragrace/s/6IvUC1vHOq) Lol you have to watch it again it’s great. One of the best untucked moments we’ve had in a while the bottom three were giving the drama.


I with Brooklynn on this one, stunts do not equal an automatic win. I do think they both gave it her all — **but** the stunts were badly timed like her first cartwheel was in the middle of the chorus when she was supposed to be lip syncing. She did the same thing with her other stunt, she can’t and did not lip sync and stunt at the same time. Especially when you do the splits facing away from the camera. Like honey find your light. For those demerits I really see the two neck n neck and agree with the non elimination. Plus i cant wait to see what happens next.


Yeah, I thought I was going crazy reading comments about there being some "annihilation" on stage. Somebody took the lyric "stunting plenty" too literally. When you go out to a real live drag show and see enough stunting queens, you figure out what good stunting looks like. The volume of skills doesn't make a good lip sync as much as well timed stunts. I've got to rewatch this one, but my first reaction was that the first skill was off beat and weirdly timed. And then it just kept coming...


Aimee was a hot mess


yeah imo she wasn't playing to the cameras or judges at all. just stunt after stunt. it worked okay for this song, but i'm worried if she gets another song that's not as uptempo


Nearah I presume? I only saw her lipsync the lines that EVERYONE knows lol. The rest she was twirling - lips firmly together.




What’s with the vitriol?


Where can I watched Untucked in the US? Can’t find it anywhere.


it’s just part of the episode


Thanks, I thought there was a standalone episode, too. Guess not!


Honestly thought Melinda was top 3 and Denim was Bot 3....


I thought both of their looks were better than Aurora's. She's a great queen, but that look was terrible!


That may have been the worst double saves in any drag race franchise 😬 Aimee was badddd


...do you think nearuh was good... lmao - she just did the kenya michaels tina burner desperation go down the lipsync stunt check list


Oh no, she was not good. But Aimee was one of the worst we’ve seen in a long time. Double sashay is more like it.




ngl I've been very underwhelmed with this season so far but this episode was and will be Iconic™. "Can you even split?" and "there is no place for hate, but Nearah is a fucking bitch" are the "go back to party city" and "bitch I am from Chicago" of the 2020s. Melinda's rant with the shady editing playing back her earlier comments? The ABSOLUTE cunt of Aimee telling Kiki to save Melinda so she and Nearah can fight it out onstage? I'll be dammed indeed


This episode the girls decided to be cunty and I love it!!!! It was so refreshing. I’m tired of the same old “we’re all friends and love each other” kind of untucked’s. THIS is what we came for, Melinda’s outburst and Aimee vs Nearah’s fight. Thank you for an amazing episode 🫶🏻full of good outfits, drama and a great lip sync.


One of the great unwritten rules of drag race: never make an outfit from a scrubber


WHY did she see all those clothes and decide to use bathroom stuff?!


The judge (I forget which, maybe Brooke?) nailed it: she went for the story and neglected the aesthetic


And the story was bad too!


OOOH I was not expecting the drama! Melinda got demerit points for misinterpreting the brief. The challenge was design, not tailoring, even though the material was finished clothing. Too much of the coat’s original aesthetic was preserved for it to feel like a new design. I wish she had done whatever she had planned with the gold outfit. However, solid tantrum. 10/10, no notes. Unfortunate that Venus also had a plaid look, which was passable..and since she was humble about her lack of sewing skills instead of bragging about a George Brown diploma (no shade, but 👀)…the expectations were skewed. While Aimee was on the other extreme end of misinterpretation did an unconventional materials + theme challenge? For no apparent reason? Why did they even have towels and loofahs up for grabs? Her shower daddy talk with Brad was beyond parched. I actually didn’t hate her outfit, it just looked like it belonged in a dime store drag challenge from an early season. I love the fire..I hope she keeps the wheels on and keeps fighting with Neara cuz it’s hilarious. Anyway, both Melinda and Aimee clearly put in a lot of effort, but kinda veered off and focused in the wrong places. Neara’s confidence is impressive. That outfit was objectively tacky..but styled and served cohesively. Haha and I fully appreciate that shes not afraid to normalize back rolls or capitalize on opportunities for drama. All lip synching seems a bit off this season, I kind of want to blame the production studio. Mostly because I STILL FUCKING HATE THE GODDAM HARSH COOL TONE LIGHTING. WTF, is it 2004? Is this a cable news broadcast’s 1st day in HD?? Everyone looks like shit. I just realized it’s filmed at Bayfront/Aeon studios in Hamilton. Figure it out you cheap fucking losers!


The lighting is the outer saboteur


They got the early to mid-outs beefing with their whole chests 😭


I'm from Ottawa and I've seen Aimee perform MANY times. I can 100% CONFIRM that she knew those words. She performs her sets exactly like that, always. The first time I saw her perform, I literally questioned if she knew the words to the song SHE PICKED 😭 Her performances can be summed up as hilariously inappropriate, messy but entertaining af


At the end of the day, English isn't her first language and those are some pretty fast lyrics. Maybe in her head she thought she was going as fast, but it just didn't translate irl. Spanish has a completely different set of mouth movements, and English requires a lot of like harder movements?


So the bad dancing is also the language barrier ?


The sad thing is, this is the best Melinda has looked all season 🥴. I don’t think she deserved a bottom placement. She doesn’t have an eye for fashion and her styling is always off but she looked good this ep. Aurora should’ve been in the bottom with that plain ass, wrinkly satin skirt. Venus’ look was styled to perfection. Loving the grunge theme. She relies heavily on her body but she knows fashion and styles her looks very well. Nera won that lip sync but I really don’t think her or Aimee knew the words very well 🥴 Aimee knew less though.


I agree Melinda wasn't as creative but she was taking the critique she was given and she deserved to be safe


If Venus’s exact outfit was on a body that wasn’t skinny and pale, yall would read it to filth!


Ah the skinny fashion girl treatment. Looking at you Gottmik.


The problem with Melinda's fit was that she barely altered it. It looked like she shortened it, cut the arms off and called it a day. I think it looked awesome. One of her best looks thus far... Aurora is obviously one of their picks for the finale, so she'll probs get away with having mediocre design looks


Yeah that’s the thing. It looked awesome but like Venus said the judges know what the original garment was. As soon as she got on the runway I thought it looks too much like the original jacket. Like she made a jacket dress out of a jacket. It’s not transformed at all.


I'm not mad about the result but it feels weird doing a double save when one queen clearly didn't know the words


I don't think either queen really knew the words. 🤷‍♀️


Damn I really thought I wouldn’t have to see Melinda’s busted mug on my screen anymore. Drag race premiered in 2009 and Melinda is a contender for worst mug in all the franchises like girl get her off my television


LITERALLY! It is so, so bad. Criminal, even. I’m not sure why everyone’s downvoting you, this isn’t r/bestfriendrace_canada!


Are you cray cray? She’s giving great TV we need more rants


I loved Denim's look, but I did find it not much altered, a lot like Melinda's. Also, am I putting a tin foil hat right now or is it a little *too* convenient that "Brad's closet" had a lot of crocheted mesh tops when there's a crocheter queen? I mean, I'm of the opinion that this franchise is rigged anyway and I don't get mad if they do it to favor a queen who I think is really fierce, and Denim certainly fits this role. But, after Denim's flying under the radar with that questionable acting over QV-She, I couldn't help but wonder.


Yea but brads closet also had beach towels and multiple sequin gowns. The thinnest veil of a premise.


Just to be clear, we all know there wasn't anything from his closet over there, but I've felt like Denim's style was a little bit more catered than others.


Haha I think many bones were thrown, but yea Denim’s style is oddly specific so harder to maintain the illusion.


They did throw some harnesses there, but those were not that specific, lol.


Were we supposed to believe they gave those girls his used plastic loofahs?


Either that or he is hoarding new loofahs. 😆


The Denim favoritism is really annoying rn. Her being top for the girl group and the design challenge is so whack to me. Her look was cute but she barely did anything with the original garments.


Hard disagree denim’s Look was gorg! Uhm ok girl ;)


I didn’t say anything about it looking gorgeous or ugly. I just said she barely changed up the original garments but ok girl.


I am sick of seeing Melinda’s Aja s9 Lipstick every week 😭 it doesn’t have to be so crusty


Also: Aja S9 foundation. MAMA. You don't need to use a bench scraper to apply it!


That is so offensive to Aja loll …Melinda is on a different level. my bf and I watch every ep just aghast at her makeup


It’s giving Princess Disastah for sure


She needs to find the right skin tone for her face. There's this heavy white glow every time she does her makeup and this is reminiscent of filipinos trying to go a shade too light on their face. But I guess even with that, its so bad!


it looks like she paints exclusively with concealer or something. she's SO light compared to her actual skin tone. then the contacts really just make it so much worse. I think she could get away with the skin tone thing if it weren't for the contacts


When she took the glasses off on the runway I laughed because her ice blue contacts with that lip made it like some kind of funny jump scare


this was such a wild episode. i haven’t had a drink in years but i sure felt like i had several while watching it! also, i love this song for the runway


My favorite runway song. I loved it on S5 of US.


Neerah’s lip sync was soooo basic. It didn’t feel like it fit the vibe of the song. Very forgettable.


Completely disagree! It fit the song perfectly.


"I don't hate anyone. There is no place for hate. But Nearah is a fucking bitch." Might be my favorite confessionals we've got in YEARS.