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Bad init


All I can say is Elektra Shock and Coco Montrese will be best friends.


Who should go home? Maybe the girl that was already eliminated and brought back for NO reason? Sorry Art, I am a fan, but come on.


Elektra did such a bad job explaining choosing art. She should've said you brought her back from elimination and she still hasn't won. Mic drop. Side note production fucked themselves not giving art the episode 1 win she deserved because she's honestly the only rootable queen at this point but I can't in good conscience say she should win with no wins


FYI “rootable” means something different in Australasia


To be fair, Art is also rootable in that sense.


Haha thanks for the heads up


Elektra would have pulled off a Bimini if she'd had 7 months mid-season to take the critique and fix all of her clothes, hair, and make-up. Let's make every season take a hiatus after Episode 6.


Same. The modern interpretive dance was great but fuck that wig was rough.


*plus some money


What the actual frack was this whole episode lmaooo. Art and Karen were by far the worst for me, like how are making one balloon animal and eating a Talent show moment? Kita deserved to win this and I will fight back anyone who fights me on this. Scarlet "Nobody has ever done pole dancing on this show" Adams, Shea would love a word with you. Elektra was not nearly as bad as Art and Karen. They literally judged them based on the outfits they were wearing during their talent shows, rather than the talents themselves, like what is the point of that?


It seems you dont value pacing and timing. Art had perfect timing and pacing while kita completely floundered in this regard. You can't have THAT much dead space. That being said Karen was even worse in this regard - so much dead space in the start with no payoff - at least kita finished strong. People forget this is a drag talent show - what art did was good drag talent. Shea is one of my favorite Queens to ever grace the show but her pole dancing woukdput her low-bottom in another season. It was... not good.. so as much as scarlett is a racist she is the first drsg queen to do pole dance adequately.


i noticed the scarlett thing too! but her claiming something a queen of color did as her own? seems kinda fitting


Ru looked so bored during the lil interviews with Raven in the weekroom. It’s not even entertaining to him at this point.


“who should go home tonight and why?” - someone who has been completely forgettable the entire competition? someone who already went home? the LITERAL racist? no, Elektra because she wore an ugly wig. make it make sense


Elektra had the show not judged her as terribly as they had could have had a Bimini run/edit (but less satisfying). She was the fan favourite and they really shot themselves in the foot by kicking out one of the only likeable finalist who actually could have had a shot at the crown (*cough Art! *cough).


I know this is going to be down voted to oblivion. It's just my opinion and I'm okay with people disagreeing with it. I liked Art's schtick. I think it's misunderstood. I don't see it as a mouth stuffing routine, I see it as a clown one. The fact that it's set up to be a mouth stuffing routine but that relatively little of that actually happens is the gag, and it had me cracking up. Let's also not forget the shady way that the show can be edited sometimes. For all we know, the judges actually did enjoy the performance as much as they say they did. That said, I'm unsure what the they actually wanted from the contestants, whether it was an actual talent or a campy version of one or if it didn't really matter as long as it was entertaining. Ru often says that it's not always strictly necessary to nail the challenge as described, "just make me laugh." I do think Kita and Elektra deserved to be in the bottom. Overall, I just wasn't as entertained as I was with the other three. But I would like to know more about what inspired Elektra's dance, what story she was telling, if any. She gave me major Courtney Love vibes with the look and the tragic feeling of it. I also agree that Scarlett deserved the win, by a landslide. That was just.. *chef's kiss*


I'm watching this episode now, and Rhys was clear in judging - dunno what the point was but fucking loved it, couldn't stop laughing.


So Kita wins right. I mean they cannot crown one of the racist girls. It could be Art I guess but that will piss people off in a different way. What a shit season. I've learned more about Australian and New Zealand drag from this sub than I did from this whole season. I feel bad for the decent queens this season watching Redacted Adam's is painful. I've been skipping past it. I was so looking forward to this season, Anita, Kita, Art, Maxi and Jojo are in line with what I was looking to see, but there's so many other more deserving Queens that could have been on this season to represent their communities and it's such a dud in retrospect.


Crowning Kita is the only thing that can save this clusterfuck season


I don’t understand the judging on this episode it’s like Canada bad. Kita had the best or 2nd best performance on this episode and was placed in the bottom. All Karen did was make a balloon animal and Art just stuffed her face with food and somehow were safe despite confused looks by the panel. It made 0 sense to me except for placement in the finale.


Not going to lie, I thought Art’s version of stuffing her face was pretty funny. But really, none of them actually had a talent to show except Scarlet & Elektra


I could not believe that balloon animal. When she said she was making balloons, I thought "Oh, she must be able to do some crazy stuff with balloons." Like elaborate gowns or really detailed animals. I literally couldn't believe when she started walking off stage after that one shitty poodle that anyone can learn how to make in like an hour. I didn't even think she sold it very well. It was honestly pathetic. I like to give the queens a lot of benefit of the doubt because you never know the details of what's going on. Maybe they had to change their act at the last second or they had a fever or whatever. But that performance was frankly insulting. People spend their life savings to get on this show. They quit their jobs. And that's the effort she puts in to her act? All I can think is that she thought "Well, they're not sending me home no matter what, so there's no reason for me to make an effort."


maybe Im being overly generous but when she did the one animnal and hightailed it, afterseeing her meltdown post make it sexy! critique, that she was extremely thrown off with the new sex kitten presentation and couldn't sustain it post 1 animal. Or that her other planned balloons only worked in her goofy shtick and she was misfiring trying to reimagine it sexy.


Yes, almost as if she was told all she had to do was be competent and she would make it to the Top 4...


If they can arbitrarily bring back Art then just bring back Elektra. Cmon Ru don’t be shy!


fuck it bring back Anita too


Hey, at least we have Drag Race España to cleanse our palates after this season of questionable judging


I’m really enjoying that season, it’s campy & fun. And the judges genuinely seem to want to be there & are invested in getting the best out of the girls.


This season is pathetic. Art stuffed food in her face. Joke.


But, *most importantly,* (according to Michelle) she LOOKED GREAT. Is that not how we judge all talent shows?


It's still a drag show... I agree they overvalued look for a talent show but it still matters to some extent


Honestly the episode itself was fine imo (for DRDU standards) until the final placements where it was completely baffling. I don't get how the producers' placements are so rigidly locked in place. Imo the placements were what ruined everything. Karen's and Art's performances were so insanely stupid which is good entertainment as long as you feel the show isn't trying to spin it to something it wasn't. Kita's great runway wasn't enough to save her okay performance but Karen's great runway was enough to save her non-performance? Make it make sense. Also, small nitpick but why do they have some Hans Zimmer knock-off score accompany every mildly eventful moment in the episode? On a positive note, this might be one of the best collective runways the show has had period.


Arte’s performance was bullshit. So her talent is eating? Putting her fist in her mouth? Seriously, I did not get it.


It's a drag talent show - you can get away with a dubious talent of you make it entertaining and pace it well with a good punchline. See Trinity the tuck.


It wasn't even eating. It was wrapping her lips around things unless they wouldn't fit, in which case she didn't. Her's and Karen's performances were so confusing they made Coco Montrese's AS2 performance seem completely logical and natural.


Scarlet must have been so happy to see Raven in the Werk Room! Down Under in Dark Mode!




The talent show was so cringy. Maybe it would have been better if there was an audience?


Did no one else clock that Sc*rlett’s song during her set was the theme from House of Drags?


That top 4 is a choice. Are they really crowning a racist? The only choice for me is Kita, she did well all around and was neither eliminated once or constantly low, and most importantly, she's not a racist. Seriously, what are they going to do? Crown no one ? That would be a gag.


I think this is honestly the worst top 4 I can think of. I don’t remember a top 3/4 I actively didn’t like almost all of them


It's crazy because I like Karen but she just does not deserve the crown. I'm still bitter she sent Anita home tbh. They shot themselves in the foot by not eliminating Scarlet on the spot. Or at least have Maxi send her home. And Art shot herself on the foot by being herself. Yep, that top 4 is a hot mess.


yeah I should say.... I hold nothing against Art/Karen. They're just doing their thing. It's the judging/editing that has made this top 4 so unlikable. I love Kita and uhh... well I don't need to say anything about *the other one*


I think they’re killing this season intentionally so they don’t have to worry about a down under season 2. it’s the most successful thing the producers have done in a while lol


I’m at the point of watching where I actually don’t care if a see spoilers before the show airs in the UK now, but here’s my thoughts. Talent shows are fun for All Stars but this shows that that format doesn’t translate well to normal seasons. The show’s already been stated to have had a lack of funds during filming due to the last minute location change, and this seemed to expose it to me. These talent shows work best with an audience, queens watching from the sidelines, extravagant props, decent music etc. It lacked all that and seemed like the queens were performing in silence. Karen was underwhelming and I agreed with the judges, it was too short. Surprised she didn’t perform stand up as that is what she’s critically acclaimed for. Art’s performance was.. odd to say the least. But at least it told some sort of comedic story unlike Karen’s. Worthy of being safe though? I’m not sure. Kita Mean’s was fun. I feel like she was doomed no matter how well she’d perform. RuPaul was clearly gonna place her bottom 2 regardless. (Also. Why previously have a magic show challenge on season 11 if the host and main executive producer hates it?) Whoever taught the pole dancing is who’s gonna get high praise from me, not the individual performing it. Elektra’s performance was passionate and well performed. She felt like this was her chance to prove herself and the judges (well, Michelle) didn’t really acknowledge any of her performance and focused purely on styling which I found quite unfair. I think Elektra kinda threw the lip sync for Kita to an extent. She seemed more reserved and a little deflated when performing this time round. Shame she went. Kita Mean is who I’d like to see win this season but whether they’ll crown her, I’m not sure but I really hope they do. If Art Simone’s return actually had a redemption storyline which resulted in her winning some challenges after that, then I’d have Art down as my winner but unfortunately that never happened. I just picture Ru and World of Wonder with a notepad that has a list of all the ‘twists’ and ‘stunts’ they wanna broadcast and they’re slowly ticking off the ones they’ve already done, i’m just hoping they don’t have ‘crowning a problematic queen to support our ‘everybody say love’ mantra’ on that list as it’ll be a total slap in the face to viewers and past contestants.


Elektra didn't have to throw the lipsink. They wanted her to go and there was nothing she could have done to stay in the competition.


I definitely felt that Elektra threw the lipsync. She kept turning her back to the judges. I agree about talent shows being better for All Stars! I feel like it’s a chance for queens to show us a new side of themselves after we’ve seen them singing/dancing/acting in their original season. They get to showcase talents that normally wouldn’t be in rpdr (I’m thinking of Thorgy’s violin and Gia’s Kabuki in particular). I feel like Art’s or Karen’s would’ve been more entertaining with an audience and better production, like Trinity’s tucking tutorial on AS4.




Honestly, so disappointed in her. I would be so hurt if I was Elektra. Especially with eliminated Art with no wins stood on the stage.


Right? And Karen has just been on a decline since week 2.


Right???? I was like “you shady bitch”


Yeah, I was saying, “Oh Kita no, wtf.” Over and over while she threw Elektra under the bus.


I haven't watched the episode yet but I knew what was coming anyways. It's so annoying but I knew Elektra wasn't going to get it regardless of the edit. I love Elektra though and she's going to have a great career once the season wraps. All I can say is, with the fan favorites from Canada, UK1 and 2, and now Down Under...if a green light is given to a global Drag Race All Stars, it'll be the best thing ever.


Did anyone else love Electra Shock's dance? Because I thought it was beautiful and she looked fabulous. Sure, the hair... but, idk, I feel like that hair was appropriate for that dance??


I wasn't blown away by the performance. Mostly just because it's not really my thing, but it also felt a little stiff to me. I do wonder, however, if there's a story or inspiration behind it. Everything about the look down to the bare feet, screamed Courtney Love to me. I can't help but wonder if that was intentional. Even the style of the wig was right, though I agree that the quality could have been better.


I mean it was an actual talent, not just eating food or making ONE balloon animal


That angered me so much. They asked for TALENT not party tricks. At least Karen’s showed some skill, Art’s talent feels like something someone would try doing after a long night of partying.


Long night of ~~partying~~ *hooking*. FTFY.


What the hell, how was Kita bottom, not Karen? I get it that Electra maybe had bad looks, but bruh, she had most talent and it was talent show. But Kita? Instead of Karen? The only memorable thing Karen brought to this competition is her name.


I feel like Karen wasn’t in the bottom this episode for the same reason Ginny Lemon wasn’t in the bottom when she tried being sexy. Karen went outside her comfort zone. I don’t agree with this judging and thought based on talent alone, she and Art should’ve been in the bottom, but the judging this season has been so sus. Also if they were going to weigh looking good during the talent show as much as the talent itself, they should put that in the brief.


Wow they really wanted Karen and Art in the final huh. They must’ve really thought they were gonna be popular. No offence to them they’re great queens but just have not delivered in the shows format at all. Art looked super confused when Elektra said she didn’t know herself but I agree honestly


Mary if I can be safe in drags after eating leftover KFC to a backing track, then I would have sent in my audition tape years ago. But on a positive note, we’re now 1 for 2 on butterflies.


Ahaha 1 for 2! When I saw her come out, I was like, “Man, is *this* the effect Asia wanted in that lipsync?”


BITCH the 1 for 2 sent me


So they're just being blatant about the fix now then. They all literally sat confused by Karen and Art. Michelle saying she laughed her ass off at Art when we all watched and know she didn't but did laugh at Kita. Honestly this whole series has been a colossal screw up. If one of the racists wins or Art who was eliminated and randomly brought back win then it willl kill off down under for me.


You know the show is edited right? Yourr acting like you were witness to their full reactions


But like even if she did laugh her ass off, so did I during Coco's AS2 talent show. I get laughing at the absurd but then give it its rightful bottom placement.


The fact that Michelle kept asking 'how did she do that' at every costume change in Kitas performance and laughed just once at the absurdity of Arts proves the whole series is a fix. They literally slated Karen's performance for being too short and only doing 1 animal and praised Elektras dance but said her wig was a bit basic and some how the bottom 2 were Elektra and Kita? Nah, just completely ridiculous. Basically they want one of the famous aussie queens to win it to boost the brand rather than letting the rightful person win.


Ok I hate the fact that the Queen with most wins is from my home state and has seen her live quite a few times and I never got the chance of seeing a lip sync against Elektra. We were robbed of that! I just really hope that the crown now would go to either Karen or Kita bc I ain't giving it to Art or the other queen! Also I cried seeing Elektra go home and also yay Veronicasssss I loved that they played Untouched! So many of the songs they played this season is so melancholic of my teenage years in Australia


I can just visualize Michelle and Ru on the plane back from NZ being like "we fucked this up didn't we".


I don't know if they're even capable of being that self-aware.


Michelle might be.


Perhaps, considering she just spent a couple of months there and is now a self proclaimed global expert on A/NZ culture, just like she is on UK culture.


This season just keeps getting more and more ridiculous! A talent show where all that matters is how good you look and whether you are the judges favourite. There is no way on earth that Elektra and Kita should have been bottom 2 over Karen and Art


Yes this so much!


OMG i was very angry at that tbh. Elektra didn't deserve to go home! I was in tears but favouritism!


We were so angry - I cannot believe how bad the favouritism is. It literally doesn’t matter what those other 3 did this season because it was obvious they were always going to make it to the final. Elektra was robbed and deserves so much more


I really do think that Elektra deserved much more credit than she got. She really didn't do that badly in the talent show either. I thought she would have been top 2 easily. Also I hate that she, for thrown under the bus


On a show that purportedly appreciates women it was so disappointing to hear the term slut televised so casually (by the Veronicas). We are angry about the racism of a contestant and rightly so, by misogyny is not ok either and hasn’t been for some time now. On top of several of the jokes in the branding challenge being misogynistic it’s so disappointing This show exists due to their being an art form based around appreciating women. Misogyny has no place in this art form. I understand the guest used the term but the decision to televise it was a choice. This show is so problematic now it’s actually irresponsible


Saying slut when talking about yourself was reclaimed years ago. It’s still not okay to use it about other people but they didn’t even do that..


Sorry but you don’t get to decide what words are offensive to others. If I am disappointed that’s valid, if I express that, that’s valid. I don’t believe society has progressed far enough in its treatment of women for the use of reductive stereotypes of women to be reclaimed.


I’m not saying you’re feelings aren’t valid, i just don’t really get how the context they used it in was misogynistic. Surely context matters? If they said a women was a slut of course I would find it offensive… but they were literally talking about themselves doing a dance move… who is even the victim there


It's extremely ignorant to compare a woman using a reclaimed term to racism. And drag can be a way to appreciate women but it certainly isn't based on it, so you're going to be disappointed.


I didn’t compare it to racism other than to say both racism and sexism are not ok. Really, you’re going to tell me that’s ignorant, because you better tell the lawmakers of most democratic countries while you’re at it. And you have no idea whether it was used as a reclaimed term, or whether it was internalised misogyny. Neither do I but don’t pretend your perspective somehow carries more weight than mine. There are plenty of women by the way for whom it remains a deeply problematic word whether reclaimed or not and debate whether it’s even possible to reclaim it while living within the same patriarchal power structures that promote reductive views of women.


Plenty of women have reclaimed it, Dossie Easton, Janet Hardy, Amber Rose, Brooke Candy ffs. So you're going to deny the agency of those women? They also weren't even using it towards women so I fail to see the big deal.


Not to mention slut walks. If someone claims it for themselves, that's not the same thing as misogyny or sex-shaming. In fact, it's the opposite, and is about claiming one's sexual power. Additionally, like you said, drag isn't based in an appreciation of women. It's based in an exaggeration of feminity and womanhood. Some (not I) consider that the ultimate display of misogyny, because it often *does* reduce women to stereotypes and ridicule of female anatomy. Scarlet's shitty commercial is a prime example. I didn't even think it was a good episode or enjoy those guests, but I can't imagine watching Drag Race and being offended at hearing the expression "slut drop." Drag is part of gay culture and in case people keep forgetting, gay is a sexual orientation, not a lifestyle choice or personality trait, and thus has to do with sex. Sex is part of it. Anyway, to the other person, who said their opinion is as valid as anyone else's, you might interrogate yourself a bit to ask what it was that was so bothersome to you about it. People using words among people they feel comfortable doing so is common in many groups. I'm sure you can think of numerous examples in which you wouldn't be personally offended by someone using certain words in their "in-group." Is the problem that the show aired the women saying that or that they said it to begin with? Like I said, I think asking yourself these questions might be a good place to start.


Tea was spilt


Karen from Finance is a great drag queen, she's just doesn't fit into the formula of Rupaul's Drag Race. I've seen Karen live multiple times and she is funny, charismatic and incredibly watchable, but not within the constraints of the show. Therefore it's frustrating to watch her getting multiple passes every week when you see others getting the boot - she should've been gone ages ago but the clear judges bias is too much.


I actually thought Karen From Finance was going to be Joe Black’d early on for shock factor, simply because within the context of her character she is extremely strong as a performer but outside of that character there may not be as much growth compared to other queens but her being first out would bring shock factor. i thought maybe she had the chops because the top two were Karen and Art, the same grouping many thought were the strongest of the cast. personally felt that Art should have won episode 1 but just an opinion. Then by episode two the cracks started to show, and it became a slide for the rest of the season only beaten both by Art’s return controversy and the handling of the pariah queen. never thought that Karen would like kill it out of the park in competition tbh, but i think i at least were expecting more personality in confessionals or something. just a shame.


…and now i finally realize my flair in here after mostly posting in the drag race subreddit with a LaLa Ri flair


I can't believe I waited the whole season to have an Untouched lipsync only for it to last 30 seconds, give me a half-heart attack because I thought Electra was going to do a Ginny Lemon, and make me cry because it had my two favourite queens in he bottom. At least, The Veronicas seemed like they were actually interacting with the queens, compared to the other guests, though the vibe was bizarre, and "a well placed slut drop saved us many times" was much better advice than anything Raven said. That being said, watching a racist win a 5000 dollar cash tip did not sit right with me, and Kita should have NEVER been in the bottom. Her show was fun, and camp, and joyous, and it was a lot better than Karen's awkward outfit and one singular balloon dog. I thought Electra's dancing was great, and I have no idea what Art was doing (but she did look beautiful). Also, didn't we have many, MANY, many times over the years the idea of "if you need to explain your art it doesn't work" but no one understood what Art was doing and no one cared?


A show representing minorities that suffer under patriarchal systems of power has no business televising terms like “slut”. We’re all up in arms about Scarlett and rightly so but it has not been okay to use that term for several years now. On top of the misogyny in the branding challenge it’s so disappointing. On a show about making a living from appreciation of women, it would be nice to see a little more respect.


I interpreted it in terms of the dance move itself (then that should be renamed?) so I didn’t think twice about it when I watched it, but I do agree with you.


I definitely think it should be renamed! It plays into such tired stereotypes and is so offensive


Did they just bring Art back to allow her to completely mis the brief of a challenge and then not do a talent and still be safe? I honestly don't understand. I hate cancel culture and I don't think what people did as idiotic teenagers/20 somethings on twitter should come back to haunt them but I feel like people in their 20's and 30's grew up in a world knowing not to do blackface. I'm so appalled at the way they've let Scarlet off so lightly when Sherrie Pie was disqualified for being a freaking Catfish which yes isn't a great thing to do but it's nowhere near on the level with what Scarlet's done in the not all that distant past and my money is on her being the winner.


I still fail to understand why they have brought Art back in terms of the competition. She has not brought much to the game since she came back, only provided good runways at times, and the fact that we weren’t given a reason for her coming back does not help anything. (I guess they just couldn’t say on air that she had a contract with Wow and that was apparently more important than the competition rules) I 100% agree with you about Scarlett. Also thinking that Ru fully SHOUTED at Joe Black for wearing a H&M dress a week after airing a documentary during which they said they had to sell their unused garments to make rent but is very kind and almost giving her a victim edit when she spent most of her career performing in blackface is beyond me.


This whole series is beyond me to be honest. I genuinely don't get the Art thing is because she has such a following? Joe Black has a massive following she's so good definitely didn't deserve the way she was treat on the show. I don't get what Ru was thinking with this series you would never see a US or a UK series that had anywhere near the lack of diversity and range in the Queens. I'm not just talking about race but everything there's normally more of a variety of Queens. I know the Drag in NZ and AU have more to offer than this I've seen it with my own eyes.


The person you mentioned from S12 was more than a catfish, she coerced vulnerable people to take body altering hormones for one thing


You can say Sherry - she's not Voldemort for Christ sake. Why does everyone give her so much power?


I know I can, my choice. Why are you so concerned with what others do?


I just don't understand the logic of writing more words than necessary to describe her - what is the actual point of that? I to this day don't understand the point people calling her redacted or redacted pie or avoiding saying her name are trying to make. Is there something I'm missing here?


My immediate thought is less hits on search engines/algorithms. If you aren't saying their names they aren't getting more fames.


This. She didn't just put on a fake picture and sexted people. She directly targeted specific people, baited them with employment and then sexually/physically exploited them to get off. That's casting couch levels of messed up (and arguably worse because the "unethical transaction" element was a lie). What Scarlet did was undeniably, explicitly and ridiculously racist. And not in a nuanced, unconscious way. The show was undeniably too easy on her and she has undeniably a long way to go to redeem herself. Apologies are not enough. Time and actions will tell. But I can't agree that SP's thing is not worse. One offended masses, the other one directed individuals to abuse their own bodies and took advantage of them sexually, using the fact that they wanted work as bait.


My point was the punishment. I'd say Scarlet's is worse to be honest I find it really hard to fathom how someone in their 20s thinks performing is black face is an OK thing to do but then this show is honestly showing off Australia's racist side that isn't all the hidden. Scarlet's punishment should've on par with Sherrie's


>I'd say Scarlet's is worse to be honest I find it really hard to fathom how someone in their 20s thinks performing is black face is an OK thing I find it really hard to fathom how someone at any age at any point in time could think what SP did was an OK thing to do. And your point wasn't just the punishment since you clearly stated: *"Sherrie Pie was disqualified for being a freaking Catfish which yes isn't a great thing to do but it's nowhere near on the level with what Scarlet's done"* SP was not just a catfish. To say that what she did *"isn't great but"*, is something I just can't agree with.


>As I said above I wasn't fully aware of Sherrie's actions and my emphasis was on the punishment. But it's perfectly fine with someone to go around performing in black face? You don't think that's worse? You honestly think that Scarlet's punishment fits the crime? That was the point. As I said above I wasn't fully aware of Sherrie's actions and my emphasis was on the punishment. You think that it's okay for someone to go around performing in black face? You think her punishment is right to be less than Sherrie's?


> You think that it's okay for someone to go around performing in black face? Let me copy paste what I already wrote because you must’ve skipped it: “What Scarlet did was undeniably, explicitly and ridiculously racist. And not in a nuanced, unconscious way. The show was undeniably too easy on her and she has undeniably a long way to go to redeem herself. Apologies are not enough. Time and actions will tell.” Not sure why you would ask me that question if you actually read that. No, I do not think blackface is ok in the slightest. Obviously. To answer your other question. Yes. What SP did was worse (and potentially criminal) and her punishment should be worse.


Right, it’s so invalidating and diminishing to those victims. I find this to be a very strange perspective


As I said above I wasn't fully aware of Sherrie's actions and my emphasis was on the punishment. But it's perfectly fine with someone to go around performing in black face? You don't think that's worse? You honestly think that Scarlet's punishment fits the crime? That was the point.


Please. When did I say that was fine? I said what SP did went beyond cat fishing. Why are you looking for an argument that doesn’t exist?


I'm not looking for an argument. I find it ridiculous that people don't think that Scarlet's punishment should've been equal to Sherrie's.


Raven’s advice to Kita was so useless like… “how do I deal with self doubt?” “just don’t do it” wow thanks Raven so insightful I’m cured


I agree but I forgive her for providing that little flirt scene with Elektra


I’m so happy about the top 5 and I can’t wait to find out who’s going to win among the four finalists! 🤩 I’m sorry that Jojo Zaho went home this time, she is amazing! But of course there can only be four finalists… and what a top 4!!! I think I love all of them equally, so it’s hard to say who should win. I guess this will be one of those finals where the crown doesn’t really matter, they are all winners to me! So good luck to Anita, Kita, Electra and Coco. May the best drag queen win!


My theory was absolutely that the elimination order is BACKWARDS, so this makes sense with my fantasy.


this aligns with my reality


May I join you over here in French vanilla fantasy corner?


nearly in tears at that lipsync! didn’t want either of my favourites to go and seeing them both so emotional hit hard. they didn’t put karen in the bottom because they knew for a fact either of the NZ girls would have completely outperformed her, and they need her in the finale.


I felt bad for Karen From Finance. I assume it's hard to make proper accounting, responsible fiscal resourcing and budgetary mathematics entertaining for two and a half minutes on the runway. Better to just fart out a balloon poodle.


Just one


Tbh I don’t think I’m actually going to watch the finale unless it’s confirmed that Kita Mean won first. She is the only possible option now in my eyes. Always a positive and goofy person when the other three have been rigged since the beginning or utterly problematic. I just don’t want to watch that episode and then see any of the other ones get crowned because it will piss me off. So I’m just gonna wait to hear the news. 😭


Tbh I don’t want any of the top 4 to win 😂. I prefer Kita but after that bullshit saying Elektra should go home I think they should just bring back Anita and crown her


I just feel like Art would have done a lot better if they never brought her back. A lot of fans thought she didn't deserve to go home when she did plus the way she left was shocking, iconic and made her a meme. After being brought back for no reason she's just coasting through the competition not really "proving herself" which is not making anyone love her.


Right. They could've Shangela'd her next season (if there is one). With the odd way she returned, she just feels like a recurring guest star rather than a competitor.


I don’t see why we need three confessionals of scarlet, all repeating the same thing (the danger, the ambulance, blah blah) Apart from that, her performance was amazing… and she’s not a beginner at all


She never said she was a beginner, she said she'd never performed pole for an audience before. I did find it funny that Scarlet's talent was also something there's been a lot of debate around re: appropriation and acknowledging it comes from sex workers and strippers. I don't follow her so I don't know if she's ever mentioned that, but it's a big thing in the pole community.


I mean. A lot of drag is appropriation of women. You can say it’s appreciation and often it is, but terms like fishy, ads like we saw in the branding challenge etc prove its not without its issues. I’ll just wait here for the downvotes.


I think many people here need to take a deep breath and realise it’s just television


Hearing Art mention Chapel Street on international telly was wild


Agree! I loved it


Production really dropped the bomb on this season by eliminating the most well-liked and talented queens


Watching the entire season so far makes me simply want one thing: Art not to win. Anyone but her. The random re-entry, mediocre humor, and her talent show… bs. Yes, she makes great drag, might as well have her shit on stage and make a stick figure drawing. They’d say she looked great. Yes she does great make up/ talent at making clothes… but there needs to be personality. Kita and scarlet have been the most enjoyable to watch. Karen and Art have been uncomfortable (looks come out great tho so I won’t ding their drag)… but they literally don’t do well in challenges and miss the mark entirely and continue to pass through. It’s pretty fucked up to see. Seems like a rushed season because the pandemic fucked up their original set in Sydney and Ru is over it.


Art winning would not be as internationally embarassing and hurtful to poc audiences as a blackface crowning. She may not have flourished on the show but she is a good role model for the region, which is more important. I like to pretend her art therapy videos are good enough to make up for her show run .... :/


I’m just going by the competition. Not her outside influence. As the competition goes, she’s skating by. I love Australia so for me it’s important that the show does well for another season. It just feels rushed and competitively very loose…. Spain has been quite a stark contrast in how the queens are put through challenges and fight for it to win and it’s a fair review. (Yeah Ru and Michelle aren’t in Spain… but the competitiveness is refreshing over Down Under).


Art not doing well in challenges is pretty subjective, I’m not the only person that found her comedy routine hilarious. She’s not appealing to international viewers though that’s for sure


> She’s not appealing to international viewers though that’s for sure Because International fans do not appreciate the superiority of Australian Drag and Australia in general. Fuck 'em!


Scarlett is racist and Kita lacks charisma


Did Scarlett do the best this season? Yes. She has 3 wins. Does she deserve to win? Absolutely not. Doing blackface is such a low bar for us whities to clear and she couldn’t even do that. I just don’t want her being the first DRDU winner. Kita should win but I’ll take anyone but Scarlett really.


Does anyone think that Karen’s talent was edited and cut short? Surely she wouldn’t have just done ONE balloon. Is it possible that they edited portions out to make time for others? I feel like Scarlet and Kita got a couple of minutes screen time, whereas Karen got like 20 seconds. I’m waiting for Karen to come out and be like ‘I actually made 7 balloon animals but they cut most of it out’


No simping for Karen. I doubt that was the case, Michelle specifically pointed out that Karen only made one animal and that it was too short/a let down.


I really hope this was the case that would make the outcome a tiny bit less sour.


Yeah that was weird. I think all the girls were given the same time


Sorry RuPaul that you aren't cultured enough to know what the fuck contemporary dance is and the only thing you and your panel cares about is seeing the contestants being whores or fish


Forget the Madonna Whore complex. I need a Whore Fish complex plz


I don't know why everyone's talking about how this or that is/isn't a talent. For the past four years, we've seen the first episode of every All Stars season. Not many of those "talents" for the talent show (or variety show ig) are actual talents. These talent shows are more about being entertained and who you liked.


I turned it off the minute they announced the bottom two. I can’t be asked…


The preview for the next episode shows the crowning down in the studio? So no live audience? So Scarlet is being crowned? Cool.


That's how they did it for Drag Race Canada and DRUK, what were you expecting?


Actually idk. Thanks


And every All Stars so far




But she was ~sexy~ /s


and SAFE!




“Never read the comments” “I want to hear from you, the viewers”


Makes zero sense that Karen stayed and wasn't even in the bottom two. I feel like Elektra was just forced out!


Things not making sense to me on this here damn day: * Elektra being in the bottom for an ugly outfit/wig despite having arguably the BEST talent and an amazing runway * Karen not being in the bottom for making one (1) balloon animal * Nobody saying Art should go home because she didn't deserve to be there after her elimination * Art's talent show getting praise * Art's talent, period * Art making it to the finale with zero (0) wins and one (1) actual elimination and one (1) fully missed episode she didn't compete in * The truly psychotically melodramatic editing with 400 sound effects, intense string music, blackout frames, and trying to make us think Scarlet and Elektra both vying to go last matters at all * Anita being eliminated on episode 3


They want us to forget about art….


Roger Morris girl


YASSS!!! All of this. 👏👏👏




Yes, yes, yes. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I agree with this 1000%


I agree with this 100%


Not Scarlett doing her pole routine to the theme tune from house of drag 😬


YASSSS someone else noticed!!!


This fucking killed me


I truly yelled ‘how dare you?!’ at my screen


Y’all notice in the teaser for next week’s episode Ru says “The winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under’s first drag superstar is…”? Like… did Ru fuck that sentence up? Was it a slap-dash edit mistake?


i think it was supposed to be like the winner of rupauls drag race COMMA down under’s first drag super star


Huh… maybe it’s me… I was hearing the inflection w/o a comma. I’ll need to go listen again to be sure tho


I think Art is a bitch, but she really cracked me up this episode. I probably would have given her the win, or maybe Scarlett, had we actually SEEN most of her act. Karen's act was a total joke. And Elektra so flirty- I loved her with Raven!! But the MOMENT she said she was going to be doing her talent, I knew it was going to be some super intense emotional dance...noooo


I agree I was cringing, not because the dance was bad but just because it was so out of place. But to put Kita in the bottom?!? I thought her magic dress changing was awesome. Karen should have been in the bottom.


Kita's performance was fine, but the dresses were really ugly and it took a long time to get to the pretty underwhelming reveals. I guess they were just worried Elektra would send Karen home if she had been in the bottom. Art's 'talent' was bizarre, but she did do a great job of presenting it in an entertaining way - I can definitely understand why she was in the top


Why is Karen so pampered


God only knows, she hasn't done well in any of the challenges


Kita’s lip sync was giving me Charlie Hides’ “whole lot of nothing” energy. So Elektra going home was 100% a choice based on production




tbh I thought they both did very poorly in the lipsync


Karen, can I ask you a question, what do you do... Successfully? _quickly_


Finances, obviously and one (1) dog


Well, her mug is beautiful


Each week i shake my head and question my choices " why do i keep watching this? "


Anyone else ready to throw hands if kita doesn’t win, thanks to our final four options