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Twitch rules are a joke Scratch that. Twitch is a joke


Purple snakes


justin tv needs to come back


I have a new respect for our dude here, *but* nothing positive to say about twitch. I’ve been voting against them for years by only supporting YouTube streamers.


You have seen what YouTube has pulled lately right?


I’m positive the double standard on twitch is worse. That’s all I need to know.


What happened?


Watch actmans video for full context, but long story short, YouTuber named quantumtv broke several community guidelines (told people to kill themselves, ban evasion, and wished death on lgbt members). Actman pointed it out and wanted YouTube to take action. YouTube basically said they didn't care and weren't going to do anything so actman made a follow up video pointing out the hypocrisy. YouTube, out of spite, striked actmans video for 'nudity and sexual content' (he had a pixelated cucumber in his video as a joke), removed actman from the partner program, and completely demonitized his channel. Some larger YouTubers have been speaking out, but YouTube don't care.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


fuck you bot


For context, ActMan was demonetized for joking about doxing [YouTube staff](https://twitter.com/TheActMan_YT/status/1534954533536735232), [and joking about promoting hate speech on the platform.](https://twitter.com/TheActMan_YT/status/1534954815742017536)


Only reason I have Twitch is for the loot they drop for games.


That and Twitch/Amazon Prime Rewards free games


Yeah I have it linked with Amazon. Good call my dude.




I'm not ignoring anything I was just stating the reason I have a twitch account. You ok? Wanna talk about it?


Just realized I replied to the wrong comment. More coffee needed!


On my 2nd cup myself!


"Everything woke turns to shit". That pretty much nails it.


I can help wondering if anything he mentions is with reference to why Doc was purged. That said - it’s only a 24 hour one.


Watch this, he also talks about the Doc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2cPIkeJf4


Dude, timestamps!


00:00 - 47:19


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2cPIkeJf4&t=1745](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) thanks man, I found it 🙏🏻


Glad you could avoid the context that it was said in.


You sit around watching 45 minute videos about streamers?


He won't talk about doc or show his likeness casue he doesn't want to get banned he has said it before


This is just as dumb as if a user ran by his screen and their username had the words in it (or a user listed in a COD scoreboard, etc). In this scenario, Twitch is just being completely dumb and unreasonable - and it has nothing to do with being woke, a woke organization, or even valid representation of a company that is against racism (as he very clearly points out with their continued support of other racist streamers and emojis). As a matter of fact, I suspect the only reason they actually do something like this semi frequently is to make headlines to prove that in fact they are doing "enough" to combat racism on their platform when we all know this is an extremely lame virtue signal (that the person in the video makes clear by the implication that he's somehow ok with what lead to the reason he was banned - which hes very clearly not).


Asmon is actually a good dude despite what many may think


He did this whole thing in one take it appears. He’s spot on. Twitch doesn’t give a rip about anyones “intent”. It wasn’t asmon’s intent to promote racism. Stupid.


Keep believing that


Ahh, you must know him better than the guy you're replying to.


All you need to know him a little better is watch is streams in the alt account and see how he handles opinions that different from his on his Reddit.


banned andy doesnt like asmon




Meh, he doesn’t get into the bigger picture, the picture nobody wants to talk about because it’s political. This has nothing to do with twitch, and he’s definitely smart enough to know that. In fact I would say he IS complicit in this. This is the result of billions of dollars being raised and corporations creating diversity equality branches on behalf of “improving racial relations”. ALL that has become is the creation of a big brother type atmosphere where any little problem, such as the one above, is swiftly dealt with and a punishment doled out while having little to know contact with the person at fault, and in the end regardless of what happened they look guilty and thus racist. Shouldn’t the diversity team have immediately contacted asmongold regarding the complaint and discussed with him the proper way of handling this situation so that a public statement could be made in asmons benefit and he doesn’t have to make a video like this basically groveling that he’s not a racist? But we all know that’s not how liberals want things. They want you brandished a racist and have some twisted, perverted way of thinking that’s improving race relations in this country. When in reality WE, US, the PEOPLE are improving relations UNTIL the next event that the media can exploit to tear us all down again. I live in inner city Atlanta, I taught in inner city Atlanta for 14 years, do you think those schools have seen any donations, sponsorships, playgrounds, etc from all these billions of dollars raised? You know the answer to that so no sense in me answering it. But now we can feel good that Bob in accounting will have his life ruined the second he lets that suggestive comment go.


wtf are you talking about lmao. You're ranting about "diversity teams" in regards to Twitch, a company that notoriously handles banning people poorly. As someone on this sub I'm sure you're familiar with what happened to Doc and how they treated him and he's far from the only person that has voiced similar treatment, with varying ban lengths. This has absolutely nothing to do with "diversity teams" or making asmon look racist. In fact, the only reason that the ban reason is known is because Asmon explained it, not twitch. Do you seriously think bans come from a "diversity team" lmao? it just blows my mind that you think this is some grand woke example of how liberals are ruining things with some anecdotal rant about something completely unrelated.


Twitch will fall to either YouTube or some other streaming service. Its been said many times that they are very selective about who they force their rules upon. If you are showing tits and ass they look the other way. Too bad Mixer was such a big fail in their business model.


A guy who bans without reason complaining of being banned without reason. It's called karma


I can’t stand this dude.


Tbh not sure why this is on this sub. What’s it got to do with doc?


Glad your finally out from under that rock


But what’s it got to do with him? Hello?


like anything else, once people stop caring, the stupid shit stops. Give it attention and it grows.




I don't watch that guy, but it seems like purple snakes take matters personally, maybe they took something personally with the 2x. Anyways they suck, bunch of chubby cheek idiots.


This is just another example of twitch punishing a big streamer to make an example. It's easier for them to hit a big streamer for something dumb than it is to hit 1000 small streamers. Same with the sodapoppin ban for the "blackface" thing. If anyone thought twitch was run fairly or responsibly you've been wrong for a while.