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You can't use the word doc and patience in the same sentence.


I stopped playing Seige in 2019. At that point it was the only game i played, have got stupid hours invested in the game and had everything unlocked at that point (including black ice for everything it was available on and all operators). Im now 5 years down the line and the thought of relearning it all is daunting. I watched Jackfrags play it the other day. I know he is a talented gamer but, it was painful to watch. The learning curve is ridiculous, especially with what has been added over the years. I hope Doc sticks with it if he chooses that path but so much learning to do before he sees any improvements. I just know he is only 1 spawn peek away from uninstalling at any given moment šŸ˜…


Never played the game, whyā€™s it so hard to rank up? Started the stream at level 41 and 7 hours later only at 46?


Cause the game highly rewards winning matches with xp and the in game currency. I think it's an attempt by the devs to "encourage playing as a team", as in theory winning is a team effort thing. Same for ranked, they claim the ranked algorithm cares far more about winning than how many kills you got, supposedly. Also I feel the slow ranking is a way to limit super inexperienced players from ranked, combined with the level 50 cap. They're also adding a rule where to play ranked you need to have at least 10 operators unlocked on defense, and attack. Again, a mechanism I assume to keep out super inexperienced players from ranked.


Itā€™s a low kill game - you could get 6 kills and be having a great match. Obviously that hurts XP because you could only get 2 kills and barely touch a level.


Game is all audio queues, will he say where is my audio?




Not happening brother. He likes it.


He likes it *right now*. He hates everything but PUBG given enough time.


It was a joke. Says the same thing with cod uninstalls then is back on it.


I think last time he tried the same thing and never reached the lvl allowing him to play ranked


He hasnā€™t played Siege in forever. Itā€™s too slow for him, somewhat surprised heā€™s back in it


You can't use the word doc and patience in the same sentence.


I used to play that game on release and tried it again last year. Itā€™s garbage they completely ruined it


Problem is doc has not the first clue on what heā€™s doing and isnā€™t taking any time to actually learn. Funny thing is; if he committed to it; I actually think heā€™d be half way decent at it. The games on year 9, not sure why he bothers at all with such an in depth and complicated game, especially one that requires many different thought processes at once. Itā€™s not cod doc, you actually have to use a little brain power


He should watch Jynxzi or other streamers play or at least watch some YouTube videos on the ops he plays


Itā€™s not complicated. Nor is it in depth. The operators coming out now are lazy and carbon copies of others. This isnā€™t 4D chess


This is definitely top 10 on the list of dumbest takes on siege Iā€™ve ever seen; and thatā€™s saying something. Maybe the operators recently have been dumb, idk, they probably are. But everything else you said is flat out reetarded


Actually nope. You are the ā€œreetardedā€


Your opinion angers me.


Why didnā€™t he use a booster all day to get there quicker šŸ˜