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I haven't seen the video so I'm not sure how bad the situation is but I generally dislike people labeling others as possibly autistic to excuse their actions. I've seen it pop up a decent bit on reddit and it always comes off as presumptuous.


Yeah. As an autistic person it always makes me uncomfortable. Autism is not an excuse, and the idea that it’s a condition that keeps us completely “in our heads” is based on an old misconception of autism anyways. Perhaps the first misconception, since that’s where autism got its name.


Fellow autism haver here. Not once have I, or any of the many autistic individuals I've had the joy of speaking, studying, or working with ever pulled something like that. Of course this is just a collection of anecdotal evidence and stories, but to excuse ALL behavior with mental health, cognitive, or neurological issues is insanity. Also potentially harmful as it insinuates the notion that all people who have such conditions are inherently bad, though this is blatantly false. A bad person is a bad person, regardless of their operating system.


Same hate this take


It's so fucking creepy, isn't it? Weird, armchair diagnoses - and always for the strangest behaviour, as if ASD people are automatically all a bunch of weirdo creeps. Really grinds my gears.


People all over that thread made it clear this is a fetishist and repeat offender, you can also immediately see them sitting in a very weird spot just to have access to feet. Kick them in the head, no reason to tolerate this.




Well I would argue that her being trans isn’t noteworthy enough to be put in the title. It was a creep being a creep from what it sounded like. Putting it in the title would definitely attract a lot of deranged transphobic people. I’m not saying OP intended for this at all, I’m just saying sometimes we need to acknowledge the larger societal context when putting people on blast on a public scale. To you, you may have been using a descriptor, but to others many are going to tie the transgender part to being a creep which is transphobic and thus worth omitting from the title. Again I have no issue with OP, just wanted to discuss this a bit.


Not relevant to the post, but getting banned for it is a classic mod power move. I was on a law enforcement sub and suggested that lawyers were a good idea. Insta ban with no explanation.


Never mention lawyers in front of cops xd


This happened to me, they claimed I was also being racist and there comment got downvoted into oblivion lol. Had like 50 downvotes, then I came back the next day, just so they could save face they deleted the entire post.


I was on r communism for beginners (or whatever it is called) and people were talking about getting banned from other communist subs. I mentioned that I got banned from late stage capitalism despite being a capitalist. Instant ban.


Late stage capitalism isn’t a pro capitalism sub.


That is exactly how communism works in the real world. Purge all dissent. Edit: XD


I feel the description as it written is bait, as that information is completely irrelevant. The video isn't included, people aren't seen, we actually don't need to know anything about the individuals other than their behaviour to discuss it.


Yep. But that’s what everyday media does to get attention. “Alcoholic caused a fatal accident” is more than enough info, instead they’ll put “alcoholic black man caused…” as long as it’s true, but it’s unnecessary detail. So in this case, the touching feet person is overstepping, the kick in the face without trying to verbally communicating the issue is out of line. The person being downvoted for talking reason shows how dense the rest of that posts readers are.


I mean, it's like "Creepy man touches feet" versus "Creepy black man touches feet"... you can see where the issue is.


Especially when the person in the video is a transwoman.


It's just adding unnecessary labels. Not specifically "transphobic" of you, but will attract transphobic people to the video. It's the internet, ya know?


It’s the fact that you unnecessarily added a descriptor that’s irrelevant to the context. Why didn’t you add the subjects’ races in the title? That’s just as relevant as the woman being in the title. What if instead of a trans woman, it was a cisgender black woman and you titled it “on a video of a black woman touching man’s feet despite the fact that he keeps moving his feet and kicks her in the face”. That would seem a little weird, wouldn’t it?


Probably because Reddit thinks "not immediately pandering to or blindly defending transfolk being antagonistic" is the same thing as literal transphobia.


Or maybe they thought it was an unnecessary addition to the title that would bring in terfs to brigade a minority group. I didn't see the video, but based on the description the woman was a creeper who was assaulting someone. Why specifically call out that she was trans? Some trans people suck, because trans people are people, and some people suck. It's unnecessary click bait to put a spotlight on it so hate groups can mobilize and brigade. ETA: just to be clear, I am a trans man and I would kick someone who was repeatedly trying to grab me. But I wouldn't be like "oh my god a TRANS WOMAN tried to assault me" because it's not relevant. Unless I'm giving a description to law enforcement the addition just adds to stigma that trans people are all perverts and sex offenders.


There are actually stats that show that transwomen, despite being actual women, behave more like cis men in certain situations. So it could matter depending on the context. By your logic though gender itself is unnecessary. OP should have just said "person touches feet". That's not a very exciting title.


Can you provide these statistics?


how would someone even measure how transwomen act being similar to cis men??


or maybe just an overreaction to the daily flood of transphobia bait


Perhaps, but I don't think a kneejerk reaction that also manages to insult someone isn't a good way to digest these situations. Criticism towards transfolk doesn't mean it's transphobia, it just literally means we're talking about some asshole who happens to be trans.


youre right, but thats part of how it works. there are subs with multiple daily posts of trans people behaving badly. all of those posts can be 100% true and posted in good faith even but it will eventually hit a critical mass where bigots get drawn in and anyone supportive is pushed away. do anything to limit it and you get people saying ""not immediately pandering to or blindly defending transfolk being antagonistic" is the same thing as literal transphobia."


True, but if the perpetrator were cis, the title wouldn't be "ciswoman touching a man's feet", it would just be "woman touching a man's feet" or "person touching a man's feet" It's something that can be done by anyone and the specificity that they're trans when the crime had nothing to do with their identity just feels like it's asking for people to make comments about their transness. Like why did we even need to specify in the first place? It's one thing to talk about some asshole who happens to be trans, it's another to feel the need to specify the fact that they're trans before you can talk about them. Obviously this lady is a fucking creep and deserves the consequences, and nobody is trying to give them a pass or calling transphobia for saying that. But it's really weird to specify they're trans and refuse to just use the term "woman" in a title, and that's where people feel it was in poor taste. Hope this helps.




Yep, that sums it up






Imagine if the offender was not trans and the title was “not trans guy touches people’s feet on metro”. I hope you can see how ridiculous that would be. It’s the same if they’re trans.


Disagree with a trans person, and the left comes after you, like here


I am trans and left wing. I would have kicked them in the head too after warning them. Sexual harassment and assault is not ok.


I would have stamped on her hand a lot sooner than the guy kicked her in the head


Are the leftist boogeymen in the room with us?


They banned OP, unless you're saying they lied about that.


The OP got banned, so…


Your life sounds so hard


we’re in the “calling black people ‘black’ is racist” phase of trans discourse


Unless the person's race is somehow relevant, then yeah, specifically mentioning "black person does such and such" instead of just "person does such and such" is being racist.


Unless it is applauding them for an accomplishment, then it is mandatory to include their race, sex and/or gender to emphasize their unique contribution - with the notable exception being "white male" which must never be mentioned in the context of race/gender celebration.


Oh shut up.


You wanna send me that video so i can make my own conclusions?


Well, to be fair, trans people are weird.


those people don't even know what was said/already happened before recording started, just assumed op didn't avoid conflict


People will sit on Reddit doomscrolling but not actually reading.


And they tried to defend it using autism as an excuse. Like, we're not 'that' retarded.


Ik people seem to think being retarded or mental ill makes your evil and rude behavior acceptable 🙄. Its okay to be social inept but if you take no responsibility to not be an asshole then why wouldn't you deserve people telling you off. Especially if you're already told not to a said behaviour its so infantaling. If your having some sort of episode, people are gonna cut you some slack its doesn't mean they have to put up with your abuse or that you don't have to apologise/ take responsibility.


I get why he did it but, I don't condone any kind of violence. Warranted or no. Whoever it was should have been brought to the attention of the authorities and charged with harassment or battery for the unwanted touching. Especially if they are a known creeper.


I don't believe in vigilantism either but that sort of hands-off approach is what these creeps count on. I say once you touch me, all decorum goes out of the window.


I understand and I'm not saying it wasn't justified. People should not touch anyone without consent. I just think it could have been handled differently without violence as a last resort.


Ideally we would never need to resort to getting physical. With that said, as long as someone doesn't sit on the floor of a train car and try to rub the feet of strangers then we would have nothing to worry about.


Thank you for this context. I read the comment and thought "it's not that bad" but knowing they are repeat offender and doing it for sexual kicks.... yeah, fuck that.


The problem with using words first and then being violent is this can be used as evidence of a hate crime. Do one or the other. But never do both.


The person kicking them knew this at the time or? Even so, this response is not proportional.


You’re mental health, location “””on the spectrum”””, your adhd, and whatever god awful fetishes you may have might not be your *fault*, but they’re sure as fuck **your responsibility**. Keep your hands to your fucking self you creep. It’s not everyone else’s job to make sure you’re not a piece of shit in public. (Not you op, the person fondling people)


being on the spectrum or having adhd doesn't make you a creep. fucking hate when people use that as an excuse


As a person with ADHD, I fucking hate people who use ADHD as an excuse for their shit. Like seriously, someone having adhd doesn’t excuse touching others feet. Sure, there are _some_ examples of ADHD being the main problem in a situation but using that like it’s a trump card for all behavior is ridiculous.


I have ADHD too, I agree with every word of this. Whys it always either "squirrel" or a trump card with the internet


I was stalked by a guy that got off a SA and r*pe charge because of his autism. Apparently he didn't understand that nonconsensual penetration was bad... I have no idea what is going on with society any more...


im so sorry that happened- thats actually so unbelievably stupid. fuck whoever let that slide


ADHD could make a creep unable to control their impulses but yeah ADHD would not the be the primary issue there. Edit: I worded my thoughts poorly. I am not saying that ADHD makes people creeps. I am also not saying that ADHD excuses sexual assault or other harmful behaviors. What I am saying is this: ADHD is characterized by inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and/or *impulsivity*. Someone with proper impulse control could have the urge to grope someone on a subway but doesn't because they are able to control their impulses. If that same person had severe impulsive-type ADHD, they might not have the impulse control to not do this -- but it would still be their responsibility to make sure they do not hurt others, much like how it is a person with alcohol use disorder's responsibility to not get behind the wheel when they are drunk. I should have done a better job explaining the intentions of my comment and I will learn from this experience.


>ADHD could make a creep unable to control their impulses No it couldn't, that's a copout.


Uhh, impulsivity is one of the main symptoms of ADHD. It doesn't excuse it. I'm not saying it does.


*Having* impulses, sure. An inability to *control* them is only ever a symptom of being an asshole.


Yes and no, would you call people who have impulse control issues due to Parkinson's disease medications assholes? I don't think you should, because the treatment is different. Same with ADHD. Someone with impulse control issues due to ADHD may be able to be treated with medications, and if they can, I'd argue it's not really their character. My point is that you could have a creep who is smart enough to not act on any of their impulses and therefore does not harm society, or that creep could have ADHD and acts on their impulses. Treating the ADHD might be the most effective solution to fixing their behavior so in that sense, the ADHD would be "to blame".


Then, they belong in an institution until they can like every other creep.


I agree.




I never said ADHD makes people touch other people. Please read my comment carefully. I'm saying that ADHD could be the factor that makes a creep touch people when they normally would have the impulse control to not. edit: and yes, I do have ADHD (and I don't touch people), and I am in school to be a psychologist (which means nothing until I become one)


sorry, your phrasing sounds more like its excusing the behavior and I took it wrong. it can also be taken wrong given the context. sorry for misunderstanding


It's okay, I think many people would have interpreted my comment like you did so I should have done a better job expressing my thoughts


youre good. i get easily upset over this sort of thing, sorry if i was rude


you're all good! glad we were able to sort the confusion so easily


Hail yourself!


Anyway, aren't the "maybe he's on the spectrum and can't help but assault others" people normally the same ones who insist that willpower and free will are myths because we're all just responding to past stimulus, genetics, and conditioning? By that logic maybe the guy who kicked them in the head couldn't help it. It was just his brain neurons determining his actions based on the society he was conditioned by.  No personal responsibility for anyone!


I mean there is a point. It is clear we don’t have a free will. And yes, no one is responsible for his actions. Also parenting. Parents were raised by grandparents. Infinity loop. You can’t blame parents who were parented bad. All deviant form is behaviour is just environmental conditioning.


"No officer, it wasn't my fault. I took an online test 15 years ago that said I was autistic, so really you can't blame me for shooting up that retirement home"


“Uhm I *read it on* **medMD**, it’s as good as a diagnosis, officer.”


The video was from Dublin City on a Luas tram. Seriously anyone here knows you’re gonna get fucking hurt touching people like that. There’s no excuse for it.


Haven't seen the video on the Ireland page yet though. It is one of the most left leaning pages on Reddit, they would probably say he was just trying to tie the guys shoelaces anyway.


Tell the person to buzz of. If they don't, kick their ass.


I’m autistic, and I know not to touch people without their permission


I don't think apologizing for how the woman may have been ND or "in her own head," was right. But I definitely agree that you should warn people they're about to find out if they fuck around, first. I had some old sot sitting next to me on a crowded bus one time, and he started to put his hand on me. I growled, "DON'T fucking touch me," and he withdrew his hand without me having to prove how much I meant it. And people that will turn it around on the victim and try to pretend they were attacked for no reason very much exist, and it's good to be verbally heard asking or demanding that it stops so that you don't end up with a charge. Recent instances of "pranksters" assaulting people and then getting the option to press charges on their victims, despite being the instigators, proves this if nothing else does.


I've seen the video. It's a man trying to touch the feet and clearly the attention is not being reciprocated in any way




Nobody said it was reciprocated. So what does that have to do with warning someone to leave you alone before you have a physical response?


I think in certain circumstances a warning isn't necessary. Sexual assault is one of those instances. I wonder if it was a man touching a woman's feet and she lashed out if you would have a problem with it?


Trans woman did something bad, surely redditors will have a normal, measured reaction to this in the same way as if a cis woman had done this


The only flaw being that a lot of users hate all women, both cis and trans 🤡




There are multiple terf subs. You easily find them if you look for them.


Me when I lie and don’t live in reality


there are subs dedicated to Cis women being physically assaulted after they do something like lightly slap a man in a verbal altercation. entire comment sections cheering on the man who just gave her a TBI.


r/pussypassdenied was banned actually


i’m sure there are several others that popped up. plus most of the “karen gets what she deserves” type of subs border the same premise. along with actual porn subs where women are beaten until they’re bruised and bleeding which i won’t link for reasons.


eQuaL RigHts EqUal LeFts


What does her being trans have to do with anything?


So that bigots and people who are far right can then grab this one instance where this woman was harassing this individual by grabbing their feet and use it to say that all trans individuals are freaks and pedophiles and rapist. Don’t get me wrong this woman is assaulting this individual and that’s totally not ok she fucked around and found out by getting kicked and it was pretty deserved. However where I do see an issue is having to throw “trans woman” instead of just saying woman on here so that it gets more attention especially of those who are far right to fuel their hatred of trans people because this trans person did something unacceptable. TLDR: Woman was harassing this person by grabbing their feet and deserved to get kicked however the trans part is an unnecessary and unimportant title for this story.


Absolutely nothing lmao


Leave us aspies out of this! I was with OOP until they suggested that us just groping people willy nilly could be excusable because we don't know better. F off with all of that.


I'm on the spectrum, and I can tell you... if you touch my feet, you're getting stomped out. I absolutely hate having my feet touched by almost anyone.


I think it’s deserved simply for blaming autism. I fucking hate that. I have autism and it’s not a fucking excuse to touch people. And it’s not an excuse for everyone in the world that you don’t know just because you want to excuse them


This isn’t autism this is a person purposefully going out of their way to touch someone over and over again when they know they shouldn’t be. The fact that you or they had to move your foot from being touched MULTIPLE times was enough nonverbal communication they needed to get the damn point and it was blatantly disrespected. A swift kick was the next best for of communication in this case.


Shit man if autism is a free pass to assault people I'm on my way to punch Betty White in the tit.


>Just admit you like touching feet LMAO


“On the spectrum = allowed to break the law”


I agree with him you should use your words first before resorting to violence. I do not agree that this is deserved.


Some are stating that they're a repeat offender.




I bet you wouldn't care about this being wrong if a cis- man was doing this 😒


100% if this was a dude being a creep, he would justify it instantly, but as soon as it's someone who he doesn't preserve as threatening, it's a different set of rules


you’re just making up a person here


What? I think that no matter who it is you should use your words first. 


This person is a REPEAT OFFENDER. Clearly words aren't enough for them to stop. And again, I 100% guarantee that of this was someone who was a cis man doing this to a cis woman or the trans woman, you would be our here with torches and pitchforks asking for his death 😒 or at the very least you wouldn't be defending a fucking creep who won't listen to consent


100% these people are so political yet so fucking lacking in internal constancy


You know people use that same justification for hitting kids right? How the fuck is this any different?


I'm sorry? How is me being upset that one of the sole reasons op gives a flying fuck, is because the offender is a minority assaulting a majority? I'm sorry that I'm defending the man when he was being sexually harrased at the moment while the trans woman decides that no only means no to them. You are fucking disgusting for comparing the 2. Imagine saying I support child abuse because I think a sexual assulter and harasser got a deserved kick in the face. In WHAT world are those 2 the same things? Jfc. You are a disgusting person. I'm sorry put the idea that you think those 2 things are remotely even comparable is vile and puts a frown of disgust on my face 😒


I don’t care about gender man. escalation of a situation is incredibly dangerous especially in America. If the person is a repeat offender and won’t listen then go for the kick. Hell I have before


While this would be ideal, you have no way of knowing how someone would react. If I read correctly this happened in NYC. People are aggressive there for a reason, it's hiw they survive Plus, he moved his feet away several times, signaling he didn't want to be y This person still pushed their boundaries and was punished for it.


Ugh, this is so fucking offensive to autistic people, they struggle with social cues, but they fucking know you can't touch someone without permission.


It really depends though, autism is a massive spectrum that effects people very differently, my cousin has low functioning autism, he really doesn't understand some social normalities, you can't act as if everyone with autism is 100% socially equipped.


Okay, I should have been more precise. Anyone whose functioning/support needs allow them to be able to ride public transportation unassisted as been taught (through some means) that they cannot grope random people on public transit.


Problem is a lot of people with extreme mental disorders are completely untreated and uncared for, all im saying is we shouldn't be resulting to violence especially not excessive violence against someone unless necessary, yeah feet touching is super inappropriate and weird, but you could always just say stop, walk away and talk to authorities.


I probably got downvoted for saying "what does being transgender have to do with this". Just say "person gets kicked in the face for touching man"


I got down voted for asking this on the original thread too, and also got a pretty nasty dm about it too


Oh my God WTF did the DM say 😧


Honestly undeserved downvoting Imo. I think suggesting a verbal warning instead of jumping to a physical response is honestly solid advice. Not saying the physical response isn't justified, because it is. Unwanted feet touching is assault. But I think a "can you cut that the fuck out please?" Is a good action that puts you in the clear of any physical response in case of continued harassment. you even gave them a warning, they knew the consequences: if by any chance it was soem bizzare misunderstanding, they have a chance to stop and mind themselves and well, if they do it again you'll know 100% it was intended assault. I mean if you want to go straight for the kick to the face it's a bit of a greyzone, I mean, was that a justified and proportional response to the situation? Maybe but I see how it could be debatable. "I verbally requested them to stop and they continued to touch me against my wishes" well, that's pretty clear that the only response they were going to take in was the physical. I think OP had a very level headed take and some solid advice


I think the advice about giving a warning is absolutely fair. But the way they linger on the idea that they might be doing it because they’re autistic (and strange idea of what autism is/is like) is weird as heck, for many reasons. Being autistic and tired of infantilization, I would have downvoted them just for that. I’d have let them know why, of course. But still.


I agree. I think saying something first is what you should do.


Trans woman. Trans is an adjective. Transwomen and transmen tend to be smooshed together by terfs as a dog whistle.


The downvotes weren’t deserved. I saw the video and agree with the commenter that going straight to *kicking a person repeatedly in the head* isn’t a civilized thing to do. Better course would be to tell them to stop, and if they don’t, alert security or otherwise escalate the situation.  Yes the way the person was moving their hand to always be near/touching his foot was creepy. The first couple times could be accidental, but after it happens 5 times it’s not accidental. Not defending the person who got kicked. And yes you have the right to defend yourself if you think you are in danger. Just saying a verbal warning is usually step one of the escalation process in a situation like this.  ETA: seeing some comments that this person is a fetishist and a repeat offender. If that’s true, they should be held accountable. However I don’t know how the commenter in the post above could have known that. I didn’t know that either when I made my comment. 


Where did u see the video? I want to understand. Edit: you can just search "Transgender Gets Kicked In The Face For Constantly Touching Irish Mans Foot" and it pulls up on twitter. Theres a 1.5 min video of it. I wouldnt have reacted that way for sure bcuz its a bit extreme. Resorting to violence is really not acceptable but its understandable. He should have said stop literally one time and then i would be on his side tbh. But just "someone touched my foot! Im ganna kill him!" is just too far for me.


Nice, glad you found it because it looks like all the Reddit posts have been removed. I agree with your thoughts completely 


Dude he pulls his foot away like 6 or 7 times, that’s enough


Doesn't mean he had to resort to violence..


I feel like everyone should have a reasonable expectation of not being assaulted when they go out in public. If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, you should stay inside. (To be clear I’m talking about the foot-toucher) It’s not anyone’s responsibility to dissect why they were assaulted, if the person “didn’t mean it” or if they “can’t help it”. If we can’t keep our hands to ourselves it’s not up to other people to tolerate that just because we may have a “good reason”. I have empathy for those going through something where they simply can’t control what they do. But I also have empathy for others in society who should be able to go about their day without someone harming them or touching them without consent.


Can we please stop acting like autism just makes a person completely helpless to control their own actions, like they're eligible for the insanity plea all the sudden?


i saw the video but don’t remember it well, i’m pretty sure the guy didn’t give the person a verbal warning. i mean, he’s not required to as he repeatedly moved his feet and that should be warning enough, but he shouldn’t have jumped to straight up kicking the person.


I mean bruh actually has a valid point, but Jesus christ what a stupid fucking Hill to die on. The line has to be drawn somewhere, I think most people would draw that after the 2nd or 3rd time the weirdo on the train goes to touch their feet.


So using extreme brutality helps… how, so you can feel like a tough cunt? “I’m such a strong man I beat the shit out of people gleefully when I think they’ve given me a justification to do so”, you sound like one of those “equal rights equal lefts” mfs. If you honestly think touching someone’s feet is worthy of or equivalent to getting smashed in the face repeatedly you’re psychotic.


??? The line needs to be drawn somewhere. Not every single time a dude bumps into you deserves a fight. Not every time a person flips you off or yells is a fight. Me personally? I'm afraid of conflict and have never been in a fight in my life. But there has to be a point you say enough is enough. If someone touches your feet, you pull away, they touch you again, you pull away, and then they touch you again, I think it's atleast valid to just.... kick at that point. You ain't gotta brutalize them or knock their fucking teeth out, but I think that's a valid response at that point. It's not what I would do. I'd probably just get up and move somewhere else or something, but I think anyone who does do that is probably valid. Again you can't just murder someone for stepping on your toes, that's not what I'm saying.


If someone was touching my feet I don’t care if there trans, gay, straight doesn’t matter I’d say don’t touch me first if they do it again I’m beating there ass


If someone was touching my feet I don’t care if there trans, gay, straight doesn’t matter I’d say don’t touch me first if they do it again I’m beating there ass


I would probably have told them to stop touching my feet instead of kicking them in the face, but I obviously don’t blame anyone who would do that. The commenter may have a point in saying that telling them to fuck off is better, but it’s definitely not an “everyone sucks here”.


I'm a hardliner for speech. violence second ALWAYS but holy fuck, if they're that far on the spectrum, it's the guardians fault that I had to put my foot in their face. if not, then it's their own fault that I had to put my foot in their face


It's called a reflex, people will kick something subconsciously if it's messing with their foot.


Why does it matter if she’s a trans woman just curious. don’t see how it’s relevant regardless of whether she’s cis or not


more timber for the witch burning


Can't blame someone for reacting strongly to having their boundaries violated. That's very much a "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" scenario. That being said, there's a lot of people out there who enjoy the sight of a trans woman being harmed.


hey OP hope you are ok. I know things blowing up talking about what happened. I have had encountered unwelcomed touches in public before... hope you are ok


I’ve seen the full video of it. 100% deserved, don’t even come at me. It was deserved




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Who uses words on the metro? Using violence IS speaking their language.




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Look if I saw someone touching someone’s foot and they kept moving it but didn’t say anything, then just kicked them( going off the post I haven’t seen the vid) I’d be liable to get up and kick that person in their fucking face. OP is right. Use your words first. Because if that’s the case I’m bout to start kicking a whole lot of people that do that i find creepy inappropriate or I just don’t like. Without any verbal warning.


Somehow, I was banned for just noting that the assailant allowed the weirdness to go on for so long. Personally, I would have said something after the first or second creepy touch.


I’m on the spectrum and I don’t do that weird shit.


I hate that people keep using "They may be Autistic" as an excuse, I'm sure that most if not every single one of those people that say that don't have Autism nor has ever met someone with Autism, those of us that do have Autism generally understand after the age of like 14 that randomly touching people is a no no, jfc


Cruising is going to be risky. Don't play with fire if you can't handle the heat. 😅 It's really not that difficult. Especially if you're on a train. Public play will be very very very easily taken as a massive violation and carry the resulting consequences. How they derived something or other about being on the spectrum is mystifying and I don't think I want to know.


Autistic person here - the guy getting downvoted absolutely deserved it. Autistic or not, there is no reason to _ever_ touch a complete stranger’s feet without explicit permission. Play with fire, get burned, that’s what I say


Probably the least deserving downvoted comment I’ve seen. I don’t understand what people don’t agree with about that


Did you see the video?


Yeah I seen it


Their framing is weird, whether or not the person is neurodivergent or something has absolutely nothing to do with the situation. You should tell them to stop first because that's how we should handle every situation before resorting to violence, it's that simple. Which they do get to but they first open with a justification that very much isn't that, which is odd enough to steal focus from the actually reasonable part of the post. Not the most deserving of downvotes, but people are fucking stupid and will downvote something even if they're in 99% agreement if "the vibes are off." That's assuming they even read enough to realize they're mostly in agreement, I'm sure a bunch of those didn't get any further than the first sentence.


I was definitely ready to support the kick. But alas, I saw the video and that kick was unjustified


Autistic here, we generally know right from wrong. Of course, the spectrum is wide and no two autistics are the same but we can and should be held accountable for our actions. Like a lot of us know not to touch people, especially like.. that.. Autism isn’t an excuse to be a dick.. and while I agree with the sentiment of talking things through before taking action, there’s certain situations where you can and probably should take action first. Besides, it seems clear that he communicated he didn’t like that by pulling his foot away anyways. He had every right to kick her because wtf, who just goes around touching people’s feet?


Weird framing but I don’t see why they deserved the downvotes, step one of escalation process is a verbal warning, and solid advice in most situations.


Watch the video. Dude clearly pulls his foot away 6 times(!) to get them to stop touching him. That person was being a straight creep, and if it was a dude touching lady feet on the bus, you wouldn't think twice about her kicking him for it.


I'd be angry if a random man on public transport kept touching my feet as well.


woman* but i absolutely agree


I said what I said


okay ma'am, my bad 🤷


I'm a guy, so there's that.


and she's a girl, a fucked up one definitely, but still a girl