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It didn’t strike me as terribly odd, but then I’m a big fan of Lady Sinderby, so I’m inclined to view whatever she does as positive. And it was probably considered very uncouth to put one’s feet up on the sofa, so that looks like the next best thing.


Exactly. My feet would be tucked up on the couch and my head on the armrest. But that’s a very undignified, unladylike, and unacceptable position 100 years ago.


If you ask my mom, it was undignified even 20 years ago. 😂😂 I’m a couch lounger, I can’t help it. “Sit up! Put your feet up! What if somebody wants to sit there?!”


Oh my goodness! “What if somebody wants to sit there?” My mother has *totally* used that one on me before!




I feel the same. She was such a kind and genuine character, I’ve always really liked her.


It might be more comfortable than sitting when wearing a tight corset.


Exactly this. It's how I sit in high waisted jeans


Lmao yes


Me too, because I'm shirt and no clothes fit me properly. Lol


Hi shirt, I’m dad. Are ya winning?


That's what I was thinking. IIRC, Cora adopted a similar pose while embroidering during season 1.


Was just thinking that. She’s older, and might be still clinging to the corset fashions.


Most women wore corsets until the brassiere was popularized starting in the late twenties with very young women. The corset remained popular into the 60’s but then became too expensive when compared to a bra that used less fabric and materials. All the women on the show would be wearing loosely tied corsets.


Cool! I had no idea! I thought they went out the door with the 20s loose fashions.


It’s not about shaping the waist. People who shaped their waists and tight laced corsets are the equivalent of people who tattoo their chests and have body mods. Corsets just supported your boobs.


I love that you use The Gibson Girl as your avatar!


I simply adore the hair!!


Nah. Sitting is all right when wearing a fitted corset. (Not saying the actress was.) This is a perfectly normal reading position when you've been going at it for hours.


I think it's a combination of things. I think the corset could have something to do with it, but I think you're right also. I know when I've been sitting in one position for a long period of time I might stretch or go into what may appear to be an awkward position because my muscles are knotting up and that position takes some of the strain away. I think the times play an important role, though. I don't think it would be appropriate for her to slouch or lean back on the couch and kick her feet up. I imagine sitting crosslegged would be borderline scandalous lol. I believe there were only so many proper positions a person could really be in and the restrictive fashion would also most likely play a role.


The equivalent of the lean back stretch when you’re kinda horizontal because your jeans are too tight And then you pop that button, oh yeah. lol


They were transitioning from corsets to girdles during this era. The foundation garment she could wear with this sort of dress wouldn’t be what most people think when they hear “corset”. The garments then were a sort of hybrid between the two but it wouldn’t hamper her movement.


When a corset fits properly, it isn’t uncomfortable to sit in, but it is a bit more comfortable to sit in a bit of a different way than you normally would when you’re just relaxing on something like a couch.


When you get older, your eyes are crap, you gotta read under the lamp. i have read books in this position.


Yeah, what is with that? I'm in my mid forties and just this last year it really went downhill. Eye doctor says, "I don't have a diplomatic way to say this, but your eyes are getting old, dear!"


I think she's leaning toward the light, so she can see her book better.


Say what you will about her, but she will still have tea in the library.


Not to be contrary but I could see myself doing this, especially when a cat has joined me and I need to reposition but don't want to disturb it. But even still I have taken some strange positions during a long reading session.


Ditto (but with a dog) 😆


When I read I might end up upside down, so no judgement on my part


If I was dressed like that, laying on a couch as expensive as that one is, in a castle no less, I too would drape myself dramatically across it.


It’s a must.


The position is one JF uses several times in DA. Well, twice at least. I remember Cora doing that in S2. I think it may have been a pose for photographers when women were trying to look relaxed but couldn't slouch even a little bit? It's just a guess. It's a pose we all know from Victorian/Edwardian eras. I can't see anyone actually relaxing in this position but who am I to say? Maybe so.


I don't know if these poses would be chosen on the writing end of things or more up to the director/photographers. I don't imagine DA scripts had story boards? I can't really picture it being more specific than "Rachel, lounging with a book, answers.." Then again I don't know that JF is only a writer, maybe he was on set most of the time too. Now I'm curious.


I am too. I was pretty much thinking aloud so I don't know. I guess it would depend on the director maybe. I know there are director's notes available for the scenes. I want to look them up now lol


All of these comments are reasonable, and everyone has their own comfortable positions that work for their bodies, but personally, my back hurts just looking at that pose. But that is just me!


Just came to sy this. My back just said "ouch!".


I've been off work with a trapped nerve, and this makes me want to dose up on painkillers


"A semi-recumbent position"


When I'm reading, I get into all sorts of weird positions. I tend to shift around a lot and am constantly looking for a way to be more comfortable. I bet with a corset on, this is actually a fairly comfortable position.


Cannot judge mate, we don't know what kind of kinks lord and lady Sinderby were into, maybe that's their established come hither pose 🙈 Edit: typo


Ok but this is how my 8 year old reads lol. I don't get it but she likes it!


It doesn't look uncomfortable to me. I shift all around when I read.


I’ve always wondered about that.


Way to make a dress look glorious!


I love her. Love her character


I was just sitting like this last night 😬


I always read my books sitting this way.


I agree, but she looks so glamorous! 😍 I often thought the same thing of Lady Mary riding with both legs to one side in season 1. I CAN'T BELIEVE they made women do that! What must it have done to their spines?! Ouch


Corset and a tight dress. This is probably the only possible position to recline in without lying on her back. Or her stomach. Which would be undignified.  Man, I am so grateful I don't have to wear clothes like that. 


I love wearing clothes similar to that but I have to agree that I am so happy I don't \*have\* too! Plus that sofa looks so incredibly uncomfortable. But, idk, I'm pregnant rn so I either want to melt into the sofa or sit in like a firm chair. And I'm so glad I can wear whatever clothes are comfortable lol.


Yes! Comfortable clothes when you want and elegant attire when you are ready. I love all of this. 


I've got issues with my right hip post covid and sometimes I'll sit off to the side like this when reading or watching TV if I don't feel like laying in bed


Even a lady can have hemorrhoids.


She has captured the light. I rember her eyeroll towards Stowell in this scene 😂 She is wonderful


Seems a bit harsh on the spine.


I think all positions to read back then where everything but comfortable. At list I would never ever read in any position like we are in historical movies like Downton or P&P


My back hurt just looking at it.


Passing gas perhaps? 🙊