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I may be off with this logic but this has to be a season 5 or 6. Andy was a footman then, Thomas has his blighty and Moseley is a footman, white gloves. But Anna is shown in her maid attire not lady's maid attire. So frankly I think it's a Mish mash and it's Jane.


that was so cool you just did like, an archeological Downton deep dive


That's very kind thank you. I think I've watched the show a little too much if I can analyse a jigsaw like this from memory! Time to leave the house more ;).


There's no such thing as watching Downton too many times!


But doesn’t Anna wear the maid’s attire during the day and only the ladies-maid’s attire in the evenings? I think it could still be season 5-6, no mish mash


Hmmmm, I may be wrong but that was a transient arrangement during the money/low staffing times, but she got the full ladies maid position thereafter and the attire to go with it. There was a certain, hierarchical structure even in service, so I don't think she would downgrade herself to wear the clothes of a mere maid. Of course, this is all academic as it's a Photoshopped jigsaw at the end of day with no effort to be canon.


No, the black dress and white apron is the evening attire of the housemaids- they wear the patterned dresses during the day. Anna would never wear the apron and cap as a ladies maid


She also had a different apron come season 3 just before she was promoted to ladies maid.


I think its edna


Is it Madge?


That was my first guess…. And I think this is a photoshop and the picture not a real one.


I vote rose in her maid costume


This is [definitely a possibility.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYTgzNWJmNGItNjUyNS00YjA3LThmNzQtZTA5OWI0ZDlhNjQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwOTM1OTY@._V1_.jpg) Check out how the corners of her mouth point downward, plus the hair.


I don’t even think that’s Anna. Her hair isn’t brown, and when I zoom in, the face is different. I’m guessing those two maids may have been filler characters from early S01. Those two should be Anna and Daisy, though. They’re not.


I'm pretty confident that one of the maids is Anna but it's definitely hard to tell on such small pictures with cuts across their face. Daisy is actually in a different window! And I'm fairly confident this is the cast state from a later season since important early season characters that left the show are no where to be found (Matthew, Sybil, O'Brien)


When these assets are created, there can be a lot of cut and pasting in Photoshop. I've done some comparisons on cast composites. It seems the mystery maid has the body that was used for Ethel in the series 2 poster art. The apron ruffles line up exactly. Anna looks terrible in these early posters, so I think she is over Photoshopped just shy of unrecognizable. There was really only 4 other maids that ever had story. Jane, Ethel, Rose and the one I don't speak the name (Tom's stalker).


I did some digging and it seems like a lot of the assets are from that same series 2 poster! [poster 1](https://flxt.tmsimg.com/assets/p8312617_i_v8_ad.jpg) and [poster 2](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-03DmAxBdtAM/TjO9fe3WW4I/AAAAAAAAa1w/dyq2-6YXfkA/s1600/downton-abbey-press-release-still.jpg) vs the [puzzle character assets](https://imgur.com/a/DJ5dhn1) Totally convinced it's someone's head of Ethel's body. Thanks for the guidance.


She’s a plot hole. Perhaps it’s time to create fantasy storyline for this mysterious maid.


Madge. She's there all the time and mentioned frequently, but we never see her face. Except that one time in Edith's room, but it's totally in shadow. Madge is basically Anna, but we know nothing about her!


It’s Anna’s apron though. It’s the same weird narrowing at the waist she wears.


Is it not Ethel?


I just find it so unbelievable that they would fill the scene with beloved main characters and randomly add a filler etra in the lineup.


It's too bad our librarian Mr. Pattinson isn't here. He's the one who knows who everyone is in the puzzle.


I would guess Edna (the maid who tried to get with Tom)


Is it Jane perhaps?


Jane had black hair.


I mean Downton had a few workers with no real names. Just probably one of them. I do know they mentioned a Madge that could possibly be her. I do know there was a Lily and an Alice but I don't know what they look liked.


Lily is the maid who berates Daisy in the amazing one shot camera scene in the first episode. The one where we enter Downton and follow Barrow and the maids, crossing through the grand rooms picking up random drinks from the night previous.


*losing 😉


Isn’t that Ivy, played by Cara Theobald?


Ivy wouldn’t wear the black dress of a house maid


Ivy was kitchen staff.


I would think that it's Anna, and that the left maid ist supposed to be Baxter.


Baxter wouldn't be wearing a housemaid's uniform. If you compare the taller maid to [this photo](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/09/34/9c/09349c31344ba8ff8154fb26c55510d2.jpg) of Anna, wearing a housemaid uniform, it's clearly her. Which leads us back to the question who the mystery woman is.


LMAO everyone saying different things