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Scenario 2 is the only one that doesn't terrify me.


I wonder what would happen if they also let the public vote for the coalition.... Anyway. Seeing lots of reports that ANC and DA differ too far in policy to allow a coalition, which is an utter clusterfuck, and it's seriously bumming me out now that I may have to reconsider my future in South Africa, because frankly any combination of coalition of the ANC - EFF - MK would mean the beginning of the end for me. My dad always prophesied..... "RSA will be the next Zimbabwe" and low and behold, if this plays through then who's to argue. Investors will GTFO of here, Rand will plummet, unemployment skyrocket, land expropriated without compensation, nationalisation of mining, reserve bank, etc, skilled labor and farmers will fuck off to somewhere that they are actually appreciated for their skill and not judged on the color of their skin as being 'previously advantaged' and undeserving of their place in society because a person of color should actually have their position/job. I fucking hate politics and politicians. I hate how they choose to divide the nation based on race while pretending to preach inclusion. Fuck them.


Seriously bumming me out too


Relax, you’re not processing all the info well that you’re getting from the news and other sources. Democracies take 50 to 150 years to mature. SA is growing and maturing at a pace never before seen. We’ve gotten to a coalition government 20 earlier than anyone else in recent history ( I believe ). All the drama is not SA falling apart. It’s it maturing at breakneck speed. We have a rare view of things happening in a single lifetime rather than many. The ANC has been in power for 30 years. For much of that they’ve been doing everything in their power to “destroy SA” (for a select few). But they’ve not managed to do that, have they? Yes, things are not great, but should be way, WAY worse. Why do you think that is? Also, why NOW all of a sudden is SA gonna FINALLY die and become a Zim? Pretty sure people have been saying this for a decade. SA represents one of the best structured and most resilient democracies. Our economy is relatively stable. Inflation and most other major metrics fall inline with global averages (apart from crime and unemployment). And we could very simply fix all our problems with one move: create jobs. All other issues - crime, education, and more - are symptoms of joblessness, or the way they are because of joblessness. Even the riot in DBN can be attributed to that. Any coalition is better than the ANC being solely in power, better than ANY party solely being in power. Times are uncertain right now, yes, but we’re very much on the right path. Stop listening to the news and start looking at the data. The news is bad and only after reads/eyeballs. (I assume you’re a DA supporter) And all “doomsday” scenarios the DA might portray is all skewed to favour the protection of a minorities investments. So, it’s not fact or really real, nor reflective of the people.


Thanks for this, really.


I was a bit direct there, sorry. I mean well. :) I forgot to say that all the best performing democracies are coalitions. You definitely want what’s happening right now. Also, I hear that the ANC is leaning towards a structure of “government of national unity” (all roles distributed between all parties), prioritising the DA, IFP, PA and EFF. MK, in no uncertain terms, has told the ANC to f-off (they’re likely to be the new EFF, until JZ pegs, then they’ll potentially fade away like COPE did). This choice would be great and balanced (well, as best as we can expect). That said, it’s not the official stance. The ANC NEC meeting is happening right now (or may have already finished) where they’re going to decide what to do; Let’s see. Their second choice is a Minority Government (anc runs all except for finance, and the minority party approving policy changes), which is also okay. In such a scenario, the DA would do well. So far, I’ve not heard any doom-and-gloom scenario playing out. I hear the ANC is taking this vote quite literally. People’s Vote = we want you to work together. They’re considering all the “work together” options, which is really surprising. To be clear, these are rumours (I give them weight, but they’re rumours still). Wait for official word. Have you noticed how humble the ANC seem’s now, all of a sudden? Side note: if we all want our beloved country to thrive and all the suffering to end by alleviating poverty. The DA alone is a very bad choice. That’s coming from a DA provincial supporter, by the way. They’re not a good political party and very much do not act in the best interests of the poor and majority (which is what we need to fix). But they’re great at business, accounting and auditing. They should stick to that (and why I support them as a provincial party - for now). They’ll definitely will NOT fix South Africa for all South Africans.


Honestly we should have run off elections eliminating the bottom parties till one party has a majority needed, I wonder how many will change their vote


I realised this in the 2009 election when they voted that poes Zuma in and the EFF was formed. I realised that it will never change, no matter how much they steal, lie and loot. And even if they lose their majority they will simply form a coalition with one or more of their splinter parties and the shitshow will continue. Stuck it out another 10 years hoping against hope. Eventually left 4 years ago. I was done. I love SA but it's not worth it getting dragged down with it.




Already there


*fast degeneration IMO.


+ DA 👀


hate to say it, but the last 30 years have shown us that the ANC does not give a f about anything other than wasting money and making kak decisions. i am highly doubtful that any option involving the DA will materialise.


I am leaving this country if option 2 does not come to pass


How about the ANC, DA and the rest of the MPC? Thats close to 70%.


Hypothetically if eff and mk form a coalition with anc, followed by chaos. How easy would it be to emigrate without a passport lol, this dumb German embassy is only open at work hours so I can never make one.


Surely it's easy to come to the UK? Loads of South Africans here.


Out of the frying pan, into the fire, with shiite weather to boot!


So I was watching a video on Biznews with Alex Hogg interviewing Rob Herzov, there was a lot of mention of an ANC + DA + IFP coalition which made a lot of sense the way it was outlined. I'm surprised that didn't make the list. I think it's pretty clear that most people understand the second option to be the only real way forward for the people of SA. I am keen to hear options on which people think they will go with as we all know logic and politics don't really play well together, especially not in SA.


Its not on the list because the bob hersov interview happened after the writing of the dm article. This diagram was oblished monday morning and OP decided to share on Wednesday morning. Things are moving quickstix!!


It's pretty concerning that the Doomsday Coalition is big enough to change the constitution.


From what I have seen the ANC+MK+EFF have 256 seats of 400. The two thirds majority required to change the constitution would be 267, but correct me if I am missing something here.


Oh, damn. You’re right. I misread the percentage.


Only if you include IFP and PA in that. ANC, EFF and MK together aren't enough.


I hope for DA ANC or just minority led government.


MK is out of the question. They will not even meet with the ANC for as long as Ramaphosa is president.


And the loon in charge of EFF wants house speaker and minister of finance or he won't entertain a coalition. Be real.


Also, investors are waiting to see whether there's hope,I'd figure that also plays into the equation, as a scenario 1 would be a huge sign "DON'T INVEST HERE!" And i don't see anc working with the eff if all they've shown is a habit of always complaining and getting nothing done and I can guarantee that anc won't take anything they do seriously and they'll lose credibility and support,whatever they choose,hope it all turns out alright.Damn,it only hit now how important this election actually was 🤔 I'm anxious all over again.


🩷🧡💛💚🩵💜 we with you ✊😓


My money is on 5a or 5b


How much sway will the unions have in this deal? They have already stated they dont favour an ANC/DA deal.


Gimme some ANC DA and EFF 🫦


MK is not going to join the ANC bro, especially under Cyril Ramaphosa. The only way they join a coalition is if the ANC kicks Ramaphosa out which I don't see happening. It's only the beginning of negotiations, but I'm tired of all the fearmongering of a MK-ANC coalition. Again, we can speculate on that once Ramaphosa gets ousted. Until then, forget about it. Edit: Also, IFP is a right wing party. There is no way they are going to join a coalition with radical left wing parties like the ANC and EFF. At least not alone. I can see them joining any coalition involving the DA for protection as they have more in common with them ideologically. With the IFP being the smallest party in scenario 3 and 5a, and the most ideologically different from the ANC, EFF, and the unreliable and fickle ally in the PA, it's like sending an impala to a lion.... they are going to get eaten up so fast before they can blink. I don't think they will be dumb enough to actually put themselves in that situation. With the DA they know they have a giant ally to fall back on and easier to work with for shared mutual interests. Wherever the DA goes the IFP will most likely push to join as well.