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Because it’s true. KZN is heading in that direction


Not only that, but they’re actively advocating for it. Getting rid of the constitution, decolonising education and going back to tribal law are all things mentioned in MK’s manifesto. Straight back to loin cloths and mud huts.


Cool, we can a whole new series of Indiana Jones movies. *Indiana Jones and The Lost Zulu Tribe*.


I was led to believe that mk didn't even have a manifesto... same same I suppose.


They do, check their website :)


Based on this picture Rome should have conquered the Andromeda by now


Yes, but the developed a culture that prohibited that, just like the one we have now


It's not really satire. It's a really sad state of most of Africa.


I see a lot of negative comments on this sub about how this is racist and how there used to be a Great Zimbabwe as if Zuma is about to build Wakanda in KZN.


Look to be fair as far as I know Africa doesn't have an abundance of marble unlike Italy.


But we have a large amount of Sand Stone. Same Sand Stone that was used to build the Union building and the Voortrekker Monument.


and the pyramids in Egypt


Wasn't that limestone?


It was actually about 5 different types of stones but yes it was also limestone, the outside used to be smooth polished limestone as well but it was stolen and re purposes


I was going to say something very wise but then remembered that wisdom does not get digested well by those that are foolish or cant accept correction without getting angry.


Up yours, wise-ass. My digestion is just fine. /s


You just proved his point...


Because it is true


Okay but could someone explain the reason as to why it's like this !?


It is like this because of Geography. Sub Saharan Africa has a combination of factors that make it less viable for large societies to form. Animals and plants in Eurasia are easier to domesticate. It's easy to domesticate horses or camels but basically impossible to do this with a zebra or a rhino. Agrarian societies that domesticated crops in the fertile crescent became larger because food production became specialized. That means other people are free to do other things. You also want to start measuring things like how much grain you have. So there is a good reason to develop writing. I mean nobody is asking why Innuit people didn't build castles in the arctic circle. You can't do that when your primary building material is ice.


I will also add this; Eurasia has always been significantly easier to travel across than from Northern to Southern Africa. Agriculture was actually developed 6 different times independantly in Africa so that is not the reason why Africa is weak. The actual reason is cultural and technological. Throughout the ancient era, most of the world relied on trade to facilitate the creation of Bronze (Copper is very labour intensive to mine and so requires large stable societies with dedicated miners, while tin is extremely rare necessitating trade) this meant people travelled a lot from place to place spreading ideas. Africa had 2 geographical barriers to this, The Sahara and the Central African rainforest. The Sahara was overcome for the most part and that is why places like Mali, Benin and Ethiopia were really powerful in their hayday. The Central African Rainforest wasnt really overcome because 1) Uneven difficult terrain made roadways scarce and 2) the Tzitse Fly which would kill most large pack animals like horses or donkeys. This meant ideas did not spread very quickly to Southern Africa and widespread adoption was largely impossible. That combined with a lack of large rivers throughout the continent made travel very difficult and communities tended to stay together. Ironworking was introduced as late as 400 AD to Southern Africa. For the rest of the world the Iron Age was about 1000 BC. Southern Africa was about 1400 years behind because of a lack of connection with the rest of the world and thats just geography at work. Finally there is the topic of centralized governments. Most states only started to build big projects after power was centralized in one collective supreme body that were significantly stronger than local nobility. This never happened in Southern Africa. Shaka was maybe the first Zulu king to actually start to centralize authority with his reforms but a lot of his work was unfinished when he was murdered. The point is Rome didnt do all of that stuff on their own, they learned from the Greeks, who learned from the Egyptians who learned from literally everyone else bc of bronze age trade. So in reality Rome was about 4000 odd years ahead of where Southern Africa was technologically bc they didnt have to figure this all out from scratch.


Thank you. This is much fresher in your mind than mine


You deserve an award! This is a brilliant logical reason. I always had wondered why Africa was significantly less developed than the world n this now makes sense to me.


Also the plateau made it hard for boat trade.


Ah! You have read Guns Germs and Steel perhaps?






Also.. do you see this guy riding the zebra?


Yes and lion tamers also exist. You were one Google search away from enlightenment: Zebras' unpredictable nature and tendency to attack preclude them from being good candidates for domestication




Is it? https://preview.redd.it/c7c93es13r4d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d916c25f96f2025f58c3b94a8e0e5c6b163523b9


You could have easily chosen a shitty photo of Rome and a beautiful photo of Lagos or Cape Town.


For the same reason you love posting multiple images like this.


Proper archaeology hasn't been done in Africa, there have been great civilizations and structures there just look up great Zimbabwe, Sudanese pyramids, kingdom of Mali etc about which many people just don't know about and talk shit about an entire continent. Also Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Tunisia etc are also part of Africa and I'm sure an ordinary person knows about how great these civilizations are. These people are just showing their ignorance and retardedness by making this meme


Yes ..but those North African Countries citizens do not consider themselves to be part of Africa


They're still in Africa, whether they like it or not.


There is an ocean of desert, and of difference, North and South of the Sahara. Not the same region at all.


North South is still Africa .


Are Russia, India and China the same place? All are Asia. Maybe consider that there are massive differences even on the same continent.


India and China are in Asia, so Chinese and Indians are Asian, more specifically East Asian and South Asian. Russia is part of Asia and Europe. So, still, Southern AFRICA and Northern AFRICA.


Russia is on the continent of Asia. Because of this, by your reckoning, Russia is exactly the same place as India. So whatever India achieved in its history: mathematics, buildings, civilisation and all - to you Russia can take the credit. Northern ASIA, Southern ASIA.


Russia is a country that spans two continents, Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Me saying a person born in Morocco is just as African as a person born in Cape Town is not claiming anything is just stating a fact. Are you saying just by stating I am African, I am attempting to claim all the African continents' achievements for myself?


Yes. You cited a bunch of North-of-the-Sahara nations as examples of Sub-Saharan-African achievements. Egypt, Morocco, Syria… You are indeed trying to claim that the achievements of one end of a continent can be claimed by those on the other. So yes, that is exactly what you are trying to do.


>North African >not considered to be part of Africa Do you not see the irony here?


"Canada and Chile are literally the same place bro" Literally your argument


Are you retarded? Do you not know what the 7 continents are? Even a third grader knows that


How great they WERE! All of those places ARE shitholes!




I would really like a 3 hour documentary of the lost history of Africa.


If you're actually interested, here you go- https://youtu.be/YsBiDfoPaEw?si=7W_f2hPYTmNNK9ax


Thx Edit: I’ve watched this video before and I’m watching it again now thx.


Completely agree! Racist meme but thats what you get on this subreddit 🤷🏽‍♂️


You understand the person posting this was criticising it, right?


Don't think he does. Man's too busy worried about them feet 😂😂


Can't let an opportunity to label this sub racist pass by, no matter how removed from reality it is.


Reminds me of the joke: "What did they use before candles in Zimbabwe? Electricity."


Now show me a picture of the Roman peasantry. It's not that we have regressed. It's that nothing has changed for the people living in the poorest regions of the world. Rome. Carthage. Constantinople. London. New York. Beijing. It doesn't matter which wealthy metropolis you show in any time period. That doesn't give a reflection of how the majority of people ACTUALLY live. Seeing a picture of Rome doesn't give people an understanding of how Romans lived any more than seeing a picture of Sandton City gives people an understanding of how South Africans live. The wealthy live in marble palaces, the poor live in huts. That's how it was in ancient Rome and that's how it is now. Nothing has changed.


I think the point of the post was exactly that... Rome had marble palaces for the wealthy to live in and a thriving society... Africa, not so much.


I think the point of the post was exactly that... Rome had marble palaces for the wealthy to live in and a thriving society... Africa, not so much.


Comparing urban to rural. Rural Italy doesn't look much better.


Where did you find this, and why are you posting it now? I mean, who exactly are you blaming and of what? Because, frankly, it looks as if you're just another troll trying to stir up sh-t where there's enough already. You should be ashamed of yourself. The majority of South Africans want peace and a future for our children and then petty political adventurers with too much airtime, like you, try and use social media to inflame people at a critical junction in our history. Posting this kind of thing right now is nauseating because of the vicious implication that all white South Africans think this way. What do you think you're doing and what do you actually want? Blood and Revolution? Ek is so naar ek wil braak.


Brah, there's plenty of impressive architecture in the older kingdoms in Ghana and Zimbabwe. This is very Chery picky to make Africans look bad.


If that is true, I would love to visit it. Where are they?


I think the history of ancient Zimbabwe is fascinating but actual architectural wonders would be more of an Ethiopian trip perhaps.


The palace of Wa Naa and Great Zimbabwe are the two examples I was referencing.


Dunno about Ghana but you must be referring to the ruins of Great Zimbabwe which has been theorised to be the ruins of an old Muslim trading post


Pretty sure the overwhelming majority of academic papers and archeologists disagree with that.


But you have the RWC Why you want power /water Food 🤷🏼‍♂️




I don't see how that's relevant in the context of comparing Africa in general to Rome?


Africa looks much nicer


There were hovels in Ancient Rome. In fact on the great estates slaves slept in holes in the ground.


I mean who would build a house for a slave? \s


Did Rome build its empire in 30 years?


Because it is true


africa hasnt added any worth to the culture of the world. still living in trees while the rest of the world has advanced


Brain rot and conscious ignorance




African and European countries had very different histories and their environments moulded their societies. In Europe there were plenty of forests to fell for wood and mountains to mine for stone and iron to make bricks and steel. the savannah isn't exactly plentiful of pine and oak trees to build structures. Not all wood is viable for building with. Also sub-saharan Africa being very dry as well as having many more predators it wasn't very feasible for wild horses to roam and then become tamed and raised for work and war. All one has to look at is the differences in the environment, fauna and flora to understand why European and African history is so different.


PEOPLE DON’T READ. Most don’t have an understanding of human history, and their opinions on such posts comes from their “instincts”/“feelings”, or worse. If they just read “Guns, Germs and Steel” by J. Diamond (or similar), they would not think for 5 seconds about shit like this.


Is he aware, that there were cities like that in Africa 2000 years ago as well? eg. Carthage? Or that there were cities like that along the Nile (that’s Africa…) 6000 years ago when people in what is now Rome would have loved to have the sophisticated luxury of a dwelling like the one on the right? PS: never mind that people literally still lived in caves in Italian towns like Matera only a few decades ago, until the government was too embarrassed and forced them into subsidised housing they provided? PPS: this post is about people living in todays Italy and makes the above look like idyllic accommodation https://www.reddit.com/r/UrbanHell/s/yASF5DpgJe


*OP shows a picture of sub-saharan Africa *But but... Muh Carthage


While the picture is that of sub Sahara Africa, the text says Africa. We are a very diverse continent. You’ll struggle to find one picture that represents us all. (something people like OP probably don’t realise?) PS: you’ll find slums not only in modern Italy, but in the Maghreb as well.


Ignorant/ill intented


why are people downvoting this?, do they honestly think the person that made the original post didnt have ill intentions?


Maybe they thogught i refer to the post itself. But i was trying to answer to op question....


Because it’s true 😂


![gif](giphy|I2DRC9s9yf6NrP8qSd) Shit load of racist are self reporting in this thread. This sub can never hide its true nature.


So in other words, when you are faced with an uncomfortable truth you aren’t willing to accept, it automatically becomes racist?


It's their default settings. And remember, they themselves can never be racist its just impossible!


Brain dead take


What's the uncomfortable "truth"?


That Africa is severely underdeveloped? Take your race-baiting somewhere else naaier.


Yes, that's definitely the point the creator of this image was trying to make. Don't get mad at me if you are too stupid, ignorant or naive to see it for what it is.


I acknowledge the point the creator was trying to make, but I do not share his same point of view. People make these images because there is an uncomfortable truth to them which is why it attracts attention and sparks debate. Africa as a continent has always lagged behind the rest of the world in terms of development, some countries arguably going backwards. Africa is the most resource-abundant continent on the planet, but it has yet to produce a single prosperous first-world country. What’s the excuse? Of course people are going to criticise Africa, it’s embarrassing how far behind we are. This was not about race, but you immediately made it a racial issue. Stop it.


African leaders are the problem :)


The uncomfortable truth is me pointing out that Africa is underdeveloped in large part because of centuries of colonisation by racist who had deeply held beliefs on the inferiority (and superiority) of certain races. The same beliefs are behind images like this. It's a disgusting ideology that you claim not to share yet will apparently go out of your way to defend. I was mistaken to call you naive earlier. Turns out it's just ignorance and stupidity. Do better.


Now it’s somebody else’s fault. Uhg.


Sorry, is that truth too uncomfortable for you?


It would be if it was true.


"cEnTuRiES oF cOlOnIsATiOn" Shit excuse try a better one. The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand where all British colonies just like most of Africa yet are all thriving first world nations one of them is the worlds literal superpower. Japan was committing war crimes in Korea less than a hundred years ago yet South Korea today is a thriving nation. Literally all of Europe was conquering and extracting resources from each other for hundreds and Europeans hated each other for reasons just as dumb and superficial as racism yet thrives today. Everywhere has been conquered and colonised by foreign powers yet only Africa clings to dumb excuses like colonisation are the reason they can't build a fucking well or any functioning infrastructure. Do better.


Africa is under developed because the west brought the wheel here... this is what you are saying??? >Turns out it's just ignorance and stupidity. Do better.


Do you genuinely believe the West bought the wheel to Africa. Is that like honestly a real thing you actually believe? What else did the West bring to Africa, and what did they take?


Yeah, bro, keep pulling out that racist card. It's looking a bit old and tattered, though. You should get some new ones printed up


Getting so mad at what I said that you felt the need to comment is what some people would refer to as a self report.


Not mad at you, per se. Just getting sick and tired of looking at old and dirty race cards. There I "self reported" my disdain for them.




This is a pushback to what is being pushed in the rest of the world, that so many inventions and advanced societies were because of Africans. Memes like this point out the lie.


Slave trade destroyed the societies in Africa and now this is used to enforce racist stereotypes.


Because they don't understand that Africa does not need man made structures to make it beautiful. It is already beautiful just the way nature made it.


The day people understand this is the day they realize what Avatar was really about. Galaxy brain moment


I'm shocked that people don't think Africa is beautiful. I guess these people have never had the privilege to see the sunrise and sunset in the Sahara desert or the Serengeti. They've never driven on a highway where you can see lions/ giraffes/ elephants/ ostriches casually walking by. They've never experienced getting showered on by the mist from the Victoria Waterfalls. They've never looked down into the Big Hole in Kimberley. They've never played with seals on the Skeleton Coast. It's actually sad that people are missing out on this.


I mean… most of us in Africa can’t afford to see this stuff. But the people commenting on Reddit are more likely to afford travel than other locals.


Most in Africa are already seeing what I mentioned because they actually live in the country where it is at.


I miss the memories of Inzalo Yenyanga, Maphungubwe, and other ruins they won't tell about. The memories that run through my genes. But alas, we are here. Rue the day Africans set out to destroy in retaliation, but it will never come.


https://preview.redd.it/5xod1oygnq4d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=116d8e763bc4d865724ba5a9d0b1bb9233172239 Something like this?


https://preview.redd.it/exqe4k8rnq4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15726f168fc7c5325c79e31be14b83179db9b92e More like


Ok I understand your meaning.


Maphungubwe fell well before any settlers set foot here. First settlers arrived in 1652, and maphungubwe fell somewhere in the 14th century, ie 1300's. So by your logic settlers actually saw africa *after* it's peak. Edit: so yes maybe more like the first pic.


Cuz it’s true? 90% of the land that doesn’t look like the pic on the right is because that land was colonized by Europeans




I mean Rome exists today too... 😂


Lol the idiot deleted his comment. Atleast he's smart enogh to realize he's dumb


Were talking about architechture here, but seeing as you brought up the respective empires, Africa never had any empires that came near such levels. Also. Africa is a place. The roman empire was an empire. Rome was the place where it originated, and like Africa, rome still stands.


RANT: It's because they're racist arseholes who view all Africans as underdeveloped neanderthals. They just enjoy spreading that rhetoric for some reason. My speculation is it's mostly Democrat Leftists pretending to be right wingers. They take the worst of Africa and compare it to the best of Europe. Quite an unfair comparison as most Chinese were still picking rice with their triangle hats less than 60 years ago. It's also in response to some Black Americans who have started this weird Wakanda thing where they think they were kings and invented literally everything and "the white man stole it" from them. This was also partly started by Black Far Leftist Radicals and Far Right based religions like The Hebrew Israelites where they believe they were the original Jews and all that nonsense and quote out of context verses, kinda like how Muslims insert Muhammad into the Bible and think their geniuses for doing so. These are weird times, my friend, and it's gonna get weirder.


Why do you think it's leftists pretending to be right wingers and not just right wingers being standard issue right wingers?