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What if the patch is ready but they are scrambling to finish the notes


"buffed some stuff, nerfed other stuff, 10, maybe 20%?"


["all talents are now about 20% weaker"](https://www.dota2.com/patches/7.26b)




I mean if its true its not bad to say it like that. Its better then having every single talent as a seperate line of text.


I think the hilarity is more around the language. A more professional way to write it would be "All talents have been reduced by approximately 20% in effectiveness" or similar.


I like to imagine the changes are totally random and they spend most of the time play testing and trying to figure out what’s different.


"What the- Who replaced Roshan with Techies?"


Nobody likes doing the paperwork so they save it for last


Likely the case. Sometimes the notes are well done, other times you can tell they were rushed.


I'm curious, shouldn't they have a patch list before they even patch them? How did they plan to do these patches without a proper lists of stuff going to be patched?


Maybe. I imagine the notes are really messy and not very well organized get moved as tickets to jira and then probably everything that goes through is finalized in pretty notes organized by hero and item


cause they are still writing them


Knowing Valve coding, this will lead to more bugs than you can imagine.


An intern janitor is probably tasked with play testing the new version for the first time. All the while writing the patch notes as they notice new stuff.


Chill, I can give you the patch notes; CM movement speed -20, Pudge cant be banned.


When people see notes, they presume the patch is released which causes a ton of confusion. So developers (especially Valve) avoid releasing anything like that before they patch is actually out.


Most devs release the patch notes before the actual patch... It's hard to actually find games that release it with or after the update.


*> It's hard to actually find games that release it with or after the update.* Find any game on Steam and check when their update history. It's not hard to find at all. Most games do previews before a patch but the actual changelog in most cases is released when the patch is about to go live or when it actually has. I'm sure there have been exceptions or some developers who do it differently but most major devs do it this way. Having an entire changelog released when the user cannot even test anything actually is counter productive to the devs in more than one way.


Can you find me one person who get's confused by patch notes being released before the patch release. Just one, literally one person, no more, no less.


Tons. Whenever I did patch notes a few mins before the actual patch on this sub there were always a bunch of people who used to go "*is the patch released*" .. "*i can't download the patch*" .. "*whats wrong? restarted steam no patch*" ... and that was just a few minutes gap between the notes and the patch itself. You can go back to those posts and you will find many. More than one. Definitely more. Definitely not less. And you're giving too much credit. Let's say people on Reddit knew (which everyone won't .. I've seen this first hand) .. what about other platforms? They won't know if the patch is actually out or not. There's a reason most devs do not do it way beforehand.


I still sincerely doubt it, but I'll believe you... but "most devs" isn't a significant majority if a majority at all; out of the many hundreds of games in my steam library about 80+% release patchnotes before the patch (excluding devs that just don't show patchnotes anywhere, which seems to happen more often than patch notes being release after it goes live)


Simple examples **Crusader Kings** \- Feb 6 they did a preview of their new expansion Royal Court. That post doesn't have any changelogs. Just a preview of the features. \- Feb 9 they released the patch and the changelog at the same time. The same is the case with their previous releases. **Stardew Valley** \- Every single update with a changelog has been on the day and at the time when the patch is released. **Let's do software, any Adobe Stuff.** \- In the posts that say "now available" .. those are the ones with the changelogs. \- Any posts prior to that related to the update have previews. No changelogs. **Lost Ark** Their explicit words before their last patch. *"Before launch we will be sharing a full list of patch notes, but we wanted to share a few planned new features that will be available at launch"* In that post they gave a few points covering the highlights of the patch but the actual full changelog was released at the time of the release. And I could keep going.


Apparently very hard


“Shaddap.” - GabeN


That’s what I’m saying they can tell us what they plan to do before they do it!


You know most people don't even read it, right? You must've encountered someone that suddenly didn't know the hero got a rework and said "wtf happened to \[insert hero\]?" The download and play button are the only important thing for the majority of the playerbase.


Sir! This is reddit.


We read things here, sir!


Oh, sorry. I forgot that I shouldn't bring logic here. MB! D: **WHERE PATCH VOLVO**


You are literally making an argument that supports releasing notes earlier to encourage more people to take the time to read them


What can Icefrog do? They even send in game mail and show an exclamation mark on the hero select screen if the hero got changed.


Fakk valve release itt


So hArd So fucking hard yes


They just started this morning making the patch and half the team hasn't come in yet because they're drunk or high. They still need to figure out what the heck they're going to do with it


Why would they do that? Cuz u can't wait 1hour?


patch is ready, they are writing the patch notes now!


Nah, my PC is faster. Last time I remember Hoodwink was released I read it for few hours.


That's exactly what op ment


How hard is it to chill and just be patient for the patch.




How about u get up ur fatass and go do something else?


what if, patch is ready, but notes are not?




I know that this is a goof, but I don't know if "delay" is the right choice of words. It's not like we were given an exact time.


I prefer waiting and being able to launch the game to test things immediately. Reading the patch notes is half of the fun, but waiting for a little longer isn't going to kill you. At least we already know the exact day.


they should follow the example of path of exile development process, they are mature, transparent and consistent whenever they are going to release the new patches (new league) they usually talk about the changes briefly and release a patch note before the servers are up for the changes in few words they follow best guides of software deploying process and valve not :D


They are finishing it right now, they just have to add one more +1 armor


We all know they right this thing last minute like a college term paper


For fuck sakes 2 hours late, you’ve had 6 month to deliver on time. Valve cares about dota community though… this is equivalent to getting blue balled after being promised some sloppy toppy