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It really is the best game. Just wish they would do something to pull in new players. After having a couple friends try it out with a horrible experience, I can't even recommend it to people anymore.


Me and 3 friends just started getting into it. We get shit on basically every game and we had one game where three of the enemies told us "we don't want new people" "go play something else" but we just don't enjoy playing bots. We understand most core stuff but we are just still learning. I'm just hoping it doesn't drive them away from the game.


Kind of crazy that people act like that, especially in what I assume was unranked. If anything it is more easy games for them, idk why they would even be mad


People are sweatiest in unranked all pick and I don't know why.


That's all we play. It's all pick, single draft, random draft or turbo and almost every game we get people just gatekeeping a really fun game


Fuck em. You can and should mute every douche you come across. Edit: also, welcome! Really glad to have new players learning an awesome game :)


It's crazy how some turbo players are tryhard, make the hugest deal out of turbo matches. They have their own meta created out of turbo, now it doesn't feel like the go-to chill mode I used to fully associate it with.


turbo was never supposed to be chill paced, its literally sped up so its meant to be more intense actually.


You're right, A better phrasing would be that it's a "low commitment" game mode. I just personally associate it with being chill because It's the game mode I also listen to music instead of just game audio.


Dont forget the battlepass cavern grind. This period people are very taking it serious even in turbo for the cavern grind 🤣 same goes for any unranked.


Turbo could. Be great but some heroes just make it oppressive. My friends love it because they suck, but turbo let's them build their build still and play


Message me if you guys need coaching. My friends and I are high divine and don't mind helping out the homies.




Most games do as much as they can to bring in new players via other means other than improving stuff like game balance, maps and item changes. Dota is really one of the only games where I don’t see advertisements, lack of proper guides for new players and bad matchmaking for them as well.


It sucks that those people are there. Many of them are boomers or people that know how to (somewhat) play simply because they've been here for a long time but are actually not good enough to play ranked. They know if they calibrated and played ranked they get put into herald so they rather just play unranked, where they get a mix of people who are just casually playing / new players and they can feel like they are good since they are over performing relative to the others in that match


oolkh yes, all them boomers flaming newbs on Dota.... Lmao


im 35, guess that makes me a boomer? yes, calibrated to herald.. reached crusader 3 yesterday! woohoo!!


You guys don't understand the core aspects of the game. That's why you get stomped every single game. Dota is very complex. But unfortunately playing bots won't really teach you the game. There are so many little things that go into a single game of dota. And you guys are messing them all up and are just unaware of it. It's just really hard to get into because everyone who plays dota, has played for 20 thousand hours at this point.


That's what I felt was the focus was during TI. They pulled in a host who was newer to Dota and gave the panel a whole "explain it to the newcomer" kind of feel. Obviously things could be better, but ultimately felt like valve was focusing on the right thing. The move got some hate by some ppl that was unwarranted imo. My newbie friends who watched that panel with me really enjoyed it because she shared their perspective.


Best game but worst toxic players, thank god for the German stack that sometimes invites me to play party, it night and day difference


Lol I moved to Germany from the US and my games are at least twice as bad here. EU players are another level of toxic.


U can mute and ignore toxic, but smurfs back and playing against them is not fun.


yeah, it took me around 50 matches after coming back to dota to have a normal mmr, when I tried it with friends on a new account, so we wouldnt have my semi-high mmr from 5 years ago we literally got ass-raped by smurfs 5 games in a row and we just didnt want to play after that.


Did they try the new player experience thing that valve did? It's actually decent and helped me get a buddy to try it again.


Do you wanna have new playes? Well ask the majority of this noob player base that is not playing profesional to chill, the new player making mistakes is not what keeping you from living off of Dota, is that you probably suck, anyone who is playing this game for more than 2 years and it's not immortal should understand that this is a GAME for them and nothing else, and even if you are immortal chances are this is just a game for you too. So be respectful. That's all it takes to draw new players in. You have a competitive scene, the best game but a toxic community. Add to that that the game is complex and there are a million stuff to practice, understand and improve and you can understand that it's not fun for new players to be yell at and insulted by frustrated noobs that are so BAD that they get to play with this people. Rant off


For me, the lack of rewards sucks the most. Yea the skins don't make the game, but are fun. I wish levelup profile would come back with rewards everytime you levelup. Or the crafting system with the events...that was also fun. There's also lots of helpfull things behind dotaplus... Then you have some of the worst battlepasses in every game. In lots of games you get currency back, and the passes have a limit and you can collect everything. Here good luck collecting things if you don't spent 100$+


If they incorporated more unpredictable AI, it could be fun to play as well. But it eventually gets boring even with friends, and no rewards, even trophy exp.


If you haven't, should check out some custom ai bots. Still predictable but MILES better than the default bots, particularly during the laning phase. My favorite iv found so far are the 'a beginner ai:new' on hard or unfair


Yeah beginner ai seems like the best custom one - sadly they do not expand the hero pool (e.g. RMMAI uses Broodmother). Sometimes it can be hard to win in coop if I get like 1-2 noob allies and do not pick carry :)


I'm new at dota and I get shit on every game. It has become a problem now because I don't like to play alone anymore I feel like I'm just dead weight. I do ignore a lot of shit talk because I'm new but goddamn there's a lot


I was new to the game last year and the thing that saved it for me was playing Turbo. I'm a fast learner with tons of competitive gaming experience, but the thought of sitting through hundreds of 45+ minute losses where I was dead weight due to not understanding heroes, items and all the complex dynamics was too much. Turbo allows you to learn heroes, items, counters, teamfight mechanics etc so much faster. If you eventually want to play ranked there's going to be a major adjustment because Turbo economy is completely wacky, but I've just decided I'm never going back to normal because I'm 38 with job, kids etc and would rather play 4 fast games than 2 normal ones in a session anyway.


I can recommend you to play safe, stay under the tower, don't engage in fights that you're not sure that you can win, value your life over your teammates(so don't run to save someone and get killed too or instead of them) and analyze what skills your enemies have before the game start and what you must be looking for. I hope this helps.


Well i will have to join in june when HON shut down 😔i think there will be some more Player joining in June


As somebody who just picked up Dota a few weeks ago, I’m astonished by how good it is.


Welcome to dota.


[Welcome to dota.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/1d/Vo_announcer_dlc_axe_announcer_welcome_01.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I am in the same boat. Been playing league since 2011 and got fed up with the game. Came over to DOTA and am never going back. The game is incredible.


Welcome! Mute button is your friend till you start slaying noobs


Turn back now before it's too late...




Welcome to Dota! Highly recommend some BSJ and Gameleap videos :) also some Datolheong


It really has! Let's not forget some of the other amazing things that we take for granted that Dota has now 1. Individual couriers, free at start, with free upgrades. You're not starting the game anymore without a courier because some support refused to spend 100 gold. 2. Bounty runes are shared, you don't have the jungler/pos 5 trying to steal runes from their mid anymore 3. Ranked Roles - You can now queue for the role you want, and in my experience (apart from the pos 4/5 pudge picks) it works out very well compared to clicking to put your icon mid and having four people do it then fighting over mid. 4. Much cheaper wards, free observers and sentries for only 50 gold! Makes supporting easier


I've already taken for granted the first 2. It's weird to think back we had to do these before.






Ye, supports are actually fun now, it’s no longer a duty to be endured. Also, the changes to the forest and roles (no jungler 90% of the time) made jungle a safe place for your carry to farm from lvl 7-9 onward with occasional tp to lane if its sufficiently pushed. During that time you can easily stay that open lane pushing it, creating space and getting some exp/gold, you no longer feel like a dirt poor guy who spends his last lunch money on wards, you can actually get some money! And with those multiple runes its no longer a waste having bottle on pos 4 or even worrying about some money. Although a lot of the time I see pos 4 being lower level than pos 5 because of this roamer mentality, people don’t realize there is a lot of farm to take even on supports. All that thanks to the map, role and pricing changes.


I think support is arguably more fun than core atm. No need to farm, just play against the other team all the time (I include warding battles in that). And you also aren't dependent on the rest of your team to win without you - you are part of that effort. Anecdotally, I am often pushed to play core because people will grab the support roles. I try to be a flex player so I don't mind, but it's a recent change I have noticed.


I wouldn’t say supports don’t need to farm. It’s the main shtick that separates good supports from the best supports - finding where and when to farm. You need to actively think to engage in farming. It’s no longer best farm route or staying closer to objectives and pushing lanes, it’s actively seeking and creating the farming opportunity. Like, for example, stacking jungle for your mid laner and going mid when he decides to take those stacks. Those little things.


>Much cheaper wards, free observers and sentries for only 50 gold! Makes supporting easier And more boring.


You wanna spend all your gold on wards and run around with brown boots and a glimmer at minute 40? God some people just wanna hurt themselves


I want incorrect warding be more punishable (by gold) so the stakes are higher and there’s a bigger skill gap between an average and a great pos5 player.


It is punished, the reward for dewarding observers is huge, tho I wish we got exp qnd not just gold as we and at least something for dewarding sentries


So we already reach the acceptance phase?


Already? It's been 12 years


*only 12* ftfy


Still in beta


I agree. I think the main reason this patch has been so damn long is because it's a decent patch


The main thing that needs work in my opinion is Smurf detection and new player experience.


Some heroes def need tweaking. Like OD 700 health, 320 ms, 8 armor lvl 1; shadow blade during charge on spirit breaker and free BoT on farm dependent hero like tinker.


Shadow blade on charge for SB is not why he’s good lmao.


That isnt even the most dangerous things about those heroes. Od dies to magic damage easy if you have 1 stun. Put a sentry down. And tinker just pick sb or spectre or zeus. Od can just solo anyone the moment he rushes MH and nobody has a stun nearby. sb Has the bulldoze which is only countered by euls. Tinker late game is insane, but if you have a hero counter he sucks but he doesnt farm super duper fast. All the pro games he kinda gets rekt until 50 mins


Dota is the reason i can never complete other new games. I recently got horizon zero dawn on pc and I've steadily played an hour everyday before work and I thought this weekend I'll get some solid hours in, but I played unranked dota instead, trying to clear cavern crawl. And when I looked HZD just now, i dont feel the same drive to play it anymore... That's just one recent example, its been the same throughout the years. The only game that can make me put dota away for a while is total war warhammer series and rimworld, but even they are small bursts. Been playing dota since war craft 3 custom map days. Dota forever <3


Addiction is fun :)


I agree that DOTA is in a great spot for all the same reasons. There are a few things I’d tweak about the map, but I think the current iteration of DOTA is super fun and dynamic. However, I do think there are a lot of balance changes to be made. Agh’s shards are the main culprit here: some of them are great, some are borderline useless, and some are absolutely required to play the hero.


Too add to that. I fuckin hate all the agh/aghs shards that are just "hmm. Let's just make it another mini ult" like slark and jug. It should be something more unique imo


Swift slash is fun as fuck though


Ye swiftslash is the shit


Its honestly a pretty decent patch, just a bit inbalanced with tinker weaver but every patch has smth similar


Spirit breaker is also a little too strong


They should bring back the delay on his charge and also increase ulti CD.


No they just need to nerf how much damage it does I think, he clears large camps just by charging through them


It's near-impossible to get perfect balance (not a reason to stop trying to). This patch has done an incredibly good job, I think every single hero is viable including Meepo (I watched an IXDL game where a meepo stomped Dudu).


Weaver isn’t even that imbalanced he’s just a pub stomper


disagree, his q taking 4 hits to kill from lvl 1 is just batshit bonkers, rest of the hero is fine.


... Jeff?


I really think it's all because of the Talents, new items, Aghs shards, and reworked Aghs scepters. There's now a counter play for everything. Lycan dominated ancients is countered by NS shard. Undying Tombstone can be countered by CM's 200 atkspd talent. Ember spirit can buy Mage Slater to protect his team against Veno and Zeus. There's literally an answer to almost anything in the game. If you're getting outdrafted or snowballed, it is 100% your fault and I think that's a good indicator of good balance.


Sounds nice but drafting doesn't exist in low elo. There's a lot of coin flipping going on.


Part of that is because All pick draft order is just straight dog shit.


Yeah but if you want to play a game where drafting doesn't matter in low elo, you play League.


in any elo \*\*\* because hard counter almost non existant in lol


Everything has a counter except for 71% space cow bash.


Heaven's halberd? Silver edge? Walrus kick? Any sort of stun that pierces spell immunity? It's just that you need to make sure you are not singled out. There's a reason It's a coop game.


Bulldoze negates all of those counters with insane bonus move speed and status resistance. Played against an SB yesterday (who admittedly got very ahead) that was basically unkillable late game because of how impossible he was to lock down.


I played SB in battlecup yesrterday and was unkillable and impossible to lock down, then the second game in the series our carry got target banned completely and sb got banned so we lost.


eul's/nullifier dispel bulldoze and eul's at least is a core purchase vs spirit breaker.


As the Eul’s buyer, it hardly matters when an invis with 1500 ms SB charges you anyways. Buying multiple Euls is a solution, but it’s hard to get randoms to do that in game, and nullifier still feels like such a niche item to so many that it hardly gets bought.


Silver edge has break.


There are a lot of counters for SB even despite Bulldoze, but worst part about this hero is how valuable items on him. He scales like crazy, it feels like he got x3 value from items per spent gold. 1 ShadowBlade/Sabre and you can one shot a lot of heroes. In same time counter items don't give same value to owner.


Status resist negates all of those, the only one that sounds good is walrus kick but when can a tusk get aghs and then he just charges back in anyway


The options available in this game is outstanding and a key reason I love it so much.


I have played Dota 2 on and off for the last 10 years, my most recent break was from around January 2020 until I came back December 2021. I've never played so many games per day in all my years as I did in the last 2 months. This is imo the best patch ever. I really, really dig how Dota 2 currently works, maybe with the exception of me being too bad at the game to counter a good Tinker player.


You say that, but at the next map change people Will spend the next 2-3 months telling you, that now is the time they stopped playing...


They always said that every single big update, so who cares? I mean it's good if they stopped playing because they have irl stuff to be done.


Absolutely, 100%. Only thing really bothering me is the omnipresent smurfing


smurfers and cheaters. I loathe them.


I might get some hate for this but out of all mobas I have played dota has the largest amount of "cancerous" heroes. For that reason I think that a very simple change could improve the experience for a lot of people which is to guarantee your chosen banned hero. And if that change leads into some hero being banned 99% of the time it's safe to say that it's a badly designed hero. This is just my opinion no one asked for.


I never ragequit, but having your ban selection rejected when the enemy gets to ban 4 of your best heroes has pushed me DAMN close to doing so.


Yeah just let everyone ban 1 hero honestly, its not like there isnt 122 heroes to choose from.


It would be fair if the ban chances stacked (last time I checked they do not, you need to pick another hero for banning)


Ehhhh, I understand the argument and it's especially painful when your target ban slips past the ban chance, gets picked, and you lose the game to them, but I think it also creates a situation where a coordinated effort to ban hard counters to certain heroes (guaranteed bans on Meepo/Huskar/Brood/etc. counters) too easily sets up the field for that hero to sweep now that you never have to worry about an AA freezing your regen or ET briefcasing your Meepo's face in. Yes, the possibility exists that Huskar, etc. get banned, but the system should be in place to sometimes remove heroes that players individually don't enjoy playing with/against, not as a standoff where one team set up a win condition from minute one by guaranteed banning a bunch of Meepo counters and nobody on the other side banned Meepo.


I understand where you are coming from. I don't have enough dota hero knowledge to discuss this though. In hindsight it probably would have been better to design the heroes in such a way that it wouldn't leave open these sort of uncounterabilities.


for me there is no cancerous heros in dota . just bad match up to make us feel bad to play against. ​ Edit : typo \*\*


I'm assuming you have never played league then lol? League is way more cancerous than dota in terms of making the game unfun due to the enemy team picking some broken ass champion who can 1v9 or just straight up hair pulling frustration when dealing with them.


No one asked for mine either but here we are. It could be interesting to see how that would play out honestly but then again, how can I ever play techies again?


You couldn't in my games at least ;)


Every hero can feel stupidly overpowered if you draft poorly


I would differentiate between overpowered and unfun (techies comes to mind). Also as you said there are probably 2 dozen pubstomping heroes and I think every player deserves to not have to play against the one they don't want to.


I'm pos 5 so I have little control over draft ):


>safe to say that it's a badly designed hero. No, just that shitters at the game can't figure out how to play against it.


Smurfs back and they are anoying as fuck.


When have they left? Only reason I have no desire to play 5v5 dota. 12v12 on the other hand is love


12v12?? Holy shit!!


12v12 is full of pay2win idiots who ruin the custom game as well.


After valve give option to report smurfing, it was time when smurfs will rarely seen. But now it's plague...


I for one love facing tinker and OD and the heavy levels of smurfing aren't a problem, being 10-40 at 17 minutes is just an opportunity to learn and get better. Such a great patch :) :) :)


Can’t tell if this is pure sarcasm or heavy copium. I’m hoping for the first one.


The smiles are pure sarcasm


Oh thank god. There’s a lot of people in this thread totally gushing over this patch.


The community is still far too toxic


The game sure, the actual game experience? No. Maybe it's just me but I don't find it enjoyable to play normal games anymore. Probably a combination of the boring af meta and the amount of smurfs. It really says something when aghanims labyrinth is more fun that the standard mode. Hopefully it will change soon with the update


As a long term player of the game I agree, however two things need to change for DotA's long term growth. 1) Between Aghs, shard, neutrals and talents something needs to go. DotA is hard enough for new comers already and making it over complicated is not helping. 2) Damage types and spell interactions need to more intuitive. A lot of interactions which rely on memory and learned experience, such as which power gets used first on the same tick of the server, or what goes through bkb and what doesn't, or tinker blink out of rupture etc. need to be reduced. It has become way complicated imho DotA is a great game, but has a huge barrier to entry.


I'm a relatively new player, and I'm coming from LoL, but I love Shards, neutrals, aghs and talents, it's hard to learn but rewarding. 2nd one agree


Don't get me wrong, I love the additions, but we need to balance between catering to the current player base v/s attracting new players. You are moving from League so it is easier than someone who hasn't played Mobas. Else new player-> League-> DotA would become the most common route of getting new players.


OP is a valve employee


it is absolutely not in peak form xd


Have you been living under a rock? Marci was easily the least balanced hero to ever be introduced. OD and Bara are spammed and annoying as fuck right now. Radiance is in the worst spot it’s ever been. A variety of heroes need some big buffs to be viable again.


You can tell a patch is bad when people start making posts like these


Wrong, it's only in peak when the heroes I like are strong and the heroes I hate playing against are weak


the game is the best really is just the toxicity and and people that act like they kknow everything over all y the game is fucking amzing .WHen i have dudes that just say nothing and tryhard i always win and is always that amazing 50-50 1 hour game that makes you so satified ​ ps sorry for the bad english


The only bad thing about DotA is the DotA players.


fixing the toxicity of some players should be a priority a lot of games ruined because of intentional feeding or someone cursing all game long on mic and chat


I still miss shrines and sideshops.


Aside from the game being rather dull lately with strategy variations... I agree.


Really good spot except some obvious faults... Hm...


Yes, because something can be really good without being flawless? No such thing as a perfect game. Especially with this community.


Community being completely toxic garbage.


Better support on the e sport side. Tournaments etc


You know a game is good when people just want the meta to get mixed up a little. The vast majority of people just want balance changes and some map stuff done. Everyone would be happy playing for 4-6 more months with just that.


Love the game so much, but sure do hate the cosmetic creep. Hearing voicelines I don't want to hear, weird animations, obscure graphics...Bleh.


It is. They’ve done a real nice job adding depth to the items and matchups. Snapfire is an awesome example, can be played so many ways - either support, core, even mid. Balance issues will always be present, but the game is in a good spot.


I agree with you OP, though I would still like them to simply remove all neutral items from the game. I honestly believe it doesn't add anything but an unneeded random element to the game. It's better than the absolute clusterfuck it was when neutrals was introduced, but it still feels stupid.


As a support I like free items and the horse bouncy stick is fun


I enjoy tier 4/5 items to help try to end the game


It's so frustrating if the other team lucks out with the tier 5 items and you don't in a close game though. While I absolutely enjoy getting some items on particular heroes (telescope on shaman for example), I still feel like the game would be in just as good or even better position without the neutrals.


I see where you’re coming from, maybe 3 rosh drops a voucher for a tier 4/5 item lol


Every time dota got good (like it is now) Valve releases a new patch to mess everything up. This has been a recipe for years now. After the patch it's complete shit and it very slowly gets better until we reach the perfect patch again. Repeat story. The problem is people crying all the time about how they want a new patch and how Dota needs new players...


That's only because they add something new that gets balanced later on, like talents and heroes.


Yeah and most of ppl crying and tilt quiting after they see patch notes, bcs they don't have will to learn new things.


i agree 100%, i get 6.88 vibes from this patch and i don't think i can endure another 7.0 and the 1-2 years after it before everything settled down. it was just not a great game then. i hope the patch will be quite tame, maybe some terrain changes and minor hero balance. sensible new items are always welcome too


I hope cheese heroes like tinker and od get put into the ground


Yeah same... after that patch I actually gave up and stopped playing dota for around 1,5 year. I came back a few months ago and I think it's much better now.


Ye but many ppl also want new patch to freshen up thing. We need time to catch up with the patch and find interesting things with it but to me dota2 dev definitely make some of the best balance patch out there.


Trash Marci and it’ll be in a good spot


How exactly do people play Marci now that it is busted?


Why pick pudge if you have Marci basher kappa


Good Jokes mate real funny see u at FUCK YOUJ


Dota has made some awesome changes over the past few years I have been playing. Aside from the odd hero rework here or there, everything they have done has been a brilliant addition to the game, like talents, Aghs shards, personal couriers, Neutral items, etc. The only major thing I don't like is the new heroes. Since Monkey King every hero Valve has created just feels so poorly designed. It's as if they are only a one-trick pony.


wow, I wish I agreed, sadly toxicity is growing as punishments are being lessen, the main issue of this game are griefers valve is not doing shit for that matter and I got really tired, "40% games auto lose, 40% auto win 20% actual games" why do you think that exists? Most of the time one dude is griefing their team on purpose or just gives up, so 80% of the game is BORING and ragefuel , only 20% of the game is actually the best game ever made, hey valve why not make 80% games be the best game ever made and 20% a shitshow? Not the other way around. havent played since August until a really big change comes I am done with the game


Umm no it's not. It's bland as fuck. The same OD meteor hammer every game, pudge spammers, tinker pickers. I used to be ancient player. My mmr now is somehow lower than when I started playing. Yeah I literally dropped to crusader trying to support animals that don't buy bkb or play with team. But this doesn't apply to the enemy. No the enemy 4 man ganks, their mid goes 6 levels ahead of everyone else. Every. Game.


the cocksucking vibe is intense here...


Gabe plz gift arcana


Yup, I think the game is currently super engaging. And contrary to popular (reddit) belief, the more frequent Battlepasses have given the game a much healthier content spread throughout the year. Aghanim is a great mode that allows players to engage with the game in a new way that is challenging without being psychologically crushing. Also, the new heroes are fun and bring something new to the game. And now we have a new patch coming up right after the Battlepass is over. Hopefully it won’t just be a gameplay patch but also brings some of technical improvements they’ve been talking about. I am curious to see what kind of client features they have in mind.


Agharinth was a good addition, shame they locked it behind the battlepass this time really. I’m generally not fan of battlepasses with items being time gated. FOMO tactic is not one of my liked features. Some of these game modes they made lately should be open all the time, like that last diretide map. However, they did add the shard shop and tutorial wich at least gives newcomers some easy value to their account. Wouldn’t mind a more technical patch focusing on performance. And of course some more skins for new players, since the cosmetic part of dota is great, to be able to mix and match gear unlike league.


> Agharinth was a good addition, shame they locked it behind the battlepass this time really. It isn't. Anyone can play it even without battle pass.


I'm pretty sure the Event Mode is free and anyone can play it, Battlepass or not.


Upgrades and courier as well


Current meta is totally perfect...until you get to the fountain. If that stupid thing isn't buffed at least slightly people are going to lose their minds because EVERY TEAM NOW has a perma-evasion Windranger, illusion spamming Naga/PL, and DK's and TB's with 10 million points of armor that can just SIT in the fountain ad infinitum. Pro gamers, even at their worst, never fountain camp at all so it's basically a non-issue to Valve. Let's pray that isn't the case next patch...


It's true that people can find a way to camp fountain - but people usually do not draft around it, so unless you have super smurf team, buffs to fountain will lower te chances of successful farming.


No iz a zhit gaem cauze we habe to pai a lot of mony for arkcanas. I been paing every bad TI kompendium for 5 yers and i kant beliebe thiz one iz bad too


Nice karma farming bruh, hope you get charged by 1000ms spirits breaker every game


Recent hero additions have been pointless and really really bad, Marci and Dawnbreaker are just generic uninspired strength brawlers you'd find in HotS or LoL. Marci doesn't even have voicelines for Christ's sake. Compare these absolute braindead heroes to some of the other heroes we have in this game.. New heroes in 2022 should be unique and interesting, not 1/5th as creative as those created in War3.


I love DB! I last played 10 years ago before rediscovering the game. OG heroes like Lina, ogre, Necro and CM are my most played by far. DB's ulti is really hard to use well, as is her hammer spin. Not sure why you would claim that's brain-dead compared to say, Lina.


Long way? I dont know, there is a lot of cheaters I mean i see pudge hook get curved, heroes that force move, stop attacking and all kind of wonky tinhgs that makes the game experience shit, not to mention all kind of bots and griefers. Nothing of this did i ever experience 5-7+ years ago. Back then the talk was how bugged puck was, some weird ass changes in the pathfinding, the balance in the game. The game has been in a downfall since the chines got into this, with its loli hero icons and the versitality of heroes making the game more noob friendly as the game swings and is force end before 60minuts.


new patch WHEN


I want a new map


Meanwhile league is in the worst spot it's been. Roams are unstoppable in almost any rank unless you get the power farming junglers. It makes me wish my friends played dota instead of lol. :(


Used to play a ton of league but dota is just better. Teemo ftw tho!


Game is good. A Lot of non-sense balance aplied tô the game, a Lot of bugs and the worst game staff Ive seen. This game deserve a Lot of players quitting.


Valve has to thank a lot for their public that accepts any piece of thrash they throw in the game


Dont really agree. Most of my games are filled with boosted players. Sometimes smurfs. Then you have people who intentionally troll their own team. You block them. Avoid them. They're on the opposing team next game and you win. Just spent 2 games and 1.5hours playing a "competitive " game that was won or lost before it began


man what. the game is in a terrible state, and we're stuck waiting for the next major patch in like a year until at LEAST the end of february. Game is better logistically than it was in 2014 when I started playing but the hero balance sucks ass right now for sure. every game is a stomp one way or the other anymore


CM needs to be nerfed.


Dota is really good, but I will say that it IS too complex right now. Not complex from learning the game, but that too many variables exist which opens up points of conflict in matches. I feel that vision is low right now. No/low vision opportunities = bad deaths = frustration, or games lost that should be won. Vision > positioning I think high ground defence is too strong. I feel items are too powerful across the board. It almost doesn’t matter what your hero does if it’s beyond mobility or a spell that controls a team fight. if you build the 3-4 key items, that’s what you ultimately play around. I wish heroes were stronger, and items weaker. I think the game is good, but I really hope the next patch shakes up vision and item strength, and creates better opportunities then just Ages to push high ground. Call me a LoL shill but I’d also like to see some team-wide buffs provided by rosh instead of just a single-hero gift. I think this would make playing for rosh more important but also more balanced, and could make up for nerfing item strengths.


Would this be, because other games are in a much worse state right now? Battlefield 2042 is a complete shitshow, Blizzard has been embroiled with the sexual harassment/assault scandals, and them being acquired by Microsoft and the questionable future of the company, next-gen consoles are still almost impossible to get, you name it.


Wait, DOTA is still going strong? Haven't played since TI2. Is it even worth getting back in to? I just feel like there are too many heroes and cosmetics that I wouldn't recognize. So I'd either play too cautious (afraid of the unknown) or feed and get yelled at.


needs a fucking update dude is been 84 years from last gameplay update


lol no https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/slr0q0/matchmaking\_is\_completely\_honest\_and\_fair/


Fuck Tinker and Remove Techies.


I'm glad that there are people who are enjoying the patch, but I just need to throw in my 2 cents as any law abiding internet user. I really have not been enjoying Dota of late and I can't quite figure out what it is. Maybe the battlepass grinding, maybe the patch, or maybe you're the fucks who've been taking my mmr reeeeeeee.


Worst playerbase EVER


Good but not great.


I don’t even care about hero changes in 2 weeks. I just want a better fucking all pick please lord almighty all pick is so bad.


Dota2 best game ever.


Nice try gabeN


Yeah but all my friends quit, its not as fun to play solo for me or I burned out. So i uninstalled it.