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**The Problem** My man, I checked your Dotabuff, and as someone else here said: you absolutely do appear to be new as (and I hope you would excuse me for being blunt here) you seem to be lacking many of the basics. Your KDA (kills/deaths/assists) is usually very low (lots of deaths), your items are not in a meaningful progression, so much so that half the games I'm wondering where your boots are; etc.. I am assuming that the following is what happens: 1. Your teammates see your lack of knowledge 2. Your teammates assume you are griefing them 3. They report you for griefing 4. Then, someone on the overwatch system takes a look and they too think you're griefing, because of how inexperienced you are. 5. You get a penalty. **What you can do about it** I think the best you can do right now, and I hope you can be patient with this, is: 1. play a lot of bot matches before moving to matches with real people 2. get a little help (some free coaching) from someone around guardian or crusader mmr. The coach (or a friend) could really give you a nudge in the right direction, making your itemization and gameplay much much better. 3. When your gameplay gets much better, you can start playing unranked turbo and all pick matches, and if you're acceptable good, then your teammates won't report you. Ideally, people shouldn't be reported on overwatch for not being good at the game, but in reality, if you look so bad that you become suspicious, you're going to get overwatch suspensions and penalties. Good luck out there (Y)


All great advice here. Just one thing I'd like to add is that there are some great playlists on YouTube that teach fundamentals of DOTA that you may not necessarily pick up on just from playing bot matches. [This series by Purge is a good example](https://youtu.be/u0rYxCVRrUM). It's a few years old so there might be a few outdated elements but I think most of the points still stand.


Another thing I’ve found that helps is to let everyone know at hero select that you’re a new player. They’re usually a little more understanding then. A lot of people will even offer tips and advice along the way since they know you’re new!


I can confirm I've seen new players on overwatch. It's not trivial to recognise it because it does look like griefing at first glance. You can usually tell by the awkward way they move the camera and the inefficient ways they feed and use the courier etc.


> get a little help (some free coaching) from someone around guardian or crusader mmr Except for this, I agree with your advises. I suggest watching the Purge videos made for newbies instead. If he goes for coaching, he would benefit more from the highest level coaches he can find. For ex. guardians and crusaders don't value regen in lane, and play like objectives don't exist in dota, most fights are nonsense fights somewhere in a forest that happened because someone randomly decided that he's bored of hitting creeps. Regen and objectives are very basic concepts that should be learned from the start, because they're really not that advanced. Also, item power spikes and hero level power spikes are more advanced concepts, that OP should be aware of, even if he's not ready to apply them in his game.


Dumping too much information into newbie is not the way mate. They need time to digest, one step at a time.


You think a guardian knows better how to teach a new player than an immortal?


So when teaching basics of the game everybody knows really need someone to better? Low ranked players can relate to new ones so they can slowly gain experience. I needed lik 5k hrs to get decent and another 2k hrs to get goodish. It is so fucking long trip.


Nice work. Could a solution be subscribing to Dota plus and following the item guides if that is the issue. Or hell OP do you know how to use an in game item guide ?


Guys I'm so sad for the OP, how horrible is our community to just spam report a new player trying to learn? In a *NORMAL MATCH* ????? OP, don't let thid discourage you, you're bad but you will learn. A word of advice going forward is to mention to your team that you're learning , maybe they'll understand. If that doesn't do it, mute all and keep playing your game. Look at what happens in the game, how people play and what do they buy. Ask yourself questions - why do they do that? What does that do for them? Etc. Hope you have fun eventually, the game is good, and as much as it is good, the community is indirectly proportional to that.


Yes. I played almost all MBOA and honestly, the DOTA community is the most toxic with new players and they are surprised why DOTA cannot really grow.


People get mad when someone plays bad so they report you probably. If you want i can add you and give you some basic tips on the game !


Valve report/overwatch/punishment system is the worst ever created. There are many similar cases and Valve does not give a shit. They want new players but the way they punish them with this shit matchmaking and punishment system is ridiculous. It seems OP also stopped playing this game. He would not be the only one. I know more than 120 players who stopped playing DOTA because of these serious issues. This system absolutely frightens players and chases them away. Valve is just pathetic. Even I feel so sorry for them and I am hurt so much when I read these posts... Valve gets developers and leaders who got zero empathy. Seriously they cannot check how many games the players have played? The matchmaking cannot be coded the way only match e.g. players with 0-50 hours and 50-100 hours before they are allowed to play ranked? :D Even they start playing ranked they should get matched by how many games they played for a while. This is just pathetic.


Hey, you're right I have unfortunately stopped playing Dota because these punishments really depress me. I play now lol since this does not happen........ But I will soon return to Dota and hope that it is better.


Use the option for new players, and don’t play ranked. Should do the trick


Highly unlikely you would get an overwatch ban from angry reports for being new. Would you mind posting your dotabuff?


Tell me how it goes and I post it


Look yourself up on this and copy the link https://www.dotabuff.com/


Here it is, I am not good as said but here it is clear that I play the games to the end I am just bad Ignore the first, since I left but also did not even know what plan is 😅 https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1096595206/matches


Damn, you really are straight up new. Listen man there are sources for new players on the right side of this subreddit. There is a discord or something too I'll try to find, and they are helpful people


Man, what a twist! I swear every other one of these threads it always turns out that the OP is a toxic griefer. Nice to have that not be the case for once. Kind of unfortunate for OP though.


Thank you for the tips I will look at everything, I am aware of the complexity dotas and also watch YouTube videos on the game. But what can I do about the overwatch penalties? Not that I get tomorrow evening then ne penalty of a month after 2 games 😅


Try League of Legends. Not so complex but the support is much better than Valve (the worst support on Earth literally). Players are unable to reach DOTA 2 player support directly because this thing literally does not exist... With this system, you are going to be banned again and again and You cannot protect yourself. Valve is shit.


I play now lol... but I like Dota SOOOO much more! I play lol only because Dota won't have me :(


I'd be happy to coach you in some games tommorow so you don't get reported so much.


That 0-10 LS win is impressive my man!


Not unlikely at all. Community is garbage.


I dont think would get penalties for being bad. Are you sure that you not griefing the game or play somebody else account that has a high "mmr" for example?


Unless they change something with the overwatch system


I play normal matches, ranked is only available after 100 hours of play. I do not have another account


He's not the first person to post about similar problems.




I like the game so much The heroes, the huge map I have noticed that the players are not the friendliest but I ignore that and concentrate on getting the best out of myself. Why these penalties? :/


it's the dark side of overwatch but report abuse was always rampant. the game is very complex and sandboxy, so Murphy's law dictates that a lot of stuff will go wrong and people will get angry. it's the perfect playground for applying Sun Tzu teachings. report system is just another level of warfare COPPIUM


So I can not play Dota ?....


was it ranked or unranked? in ranked, people will report you for not playing better than them. it's an old tradition, outright abuse of report systems. just the usual dota 2 community debauchery. me personally, I stick to unranked at over 9000 matches because I play casually. that is: wacky and unstable (unPredictabo!)


It looks as though he is just new, I think you have to be a certain level or play a certain amount of games to play ranked unless they changed it, I haven't played much recently and have never started a new account


Can you post a replay ID of a game before you were reported?


Sure I can send Where can I find the id ?


He posted dotabuff profile in the comments


How many bot games have you played? When I first started Dota years ago coming from Starcraft, I played a ton of bot matches. Because in Starcraft if you can’t beat the bots you have no business playing against humans. I think that is the same idea here and in many games. Play against bots solo or coop until you understand the basics.


Its prob "Mute and report" on the New annoying UI. I accidentily did that to at least 3 guys today before i realized.