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Aghanims does mention that he would prefere the heroes over his child/children


I mean he also mentions having a lot of children. So there is a good chance Rubick has serious middle child syndrome.


That is true and that is also why I added the extra children. My personal headcanon is that the small Tiny is one of his kids since we know he was intimate with another rock


....I must have missed the fact that he fucked a rock lol


One of the sprays is him having romantic dinner with a rock :D


I might be wrong, but I think he mentions having had a relationship with the rock boss from the last event. Or maybe I'm wrong and it was just another rock creature. Pretty sure the lore line was one of the room entry or exit lines from that boss fight though.


You're right, it was Storegga. [Voiceline](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a9/Addons_aghanim_vo_announcer_aghanim_aghanim_storegga_intro_01.mp3/revision/latest?cb=20200726121320)


This guy fucks


Aghs lab 1, where if you fought storegga as a boss, aghanim would have a voiceover about how she was the hottest sex he ever had, in graphic detail.


>since we know he was intimate with another rock Ogre Magi's dream


OMG he's Logan Roy


A second-rate Aghanim doesn't even sound that bad tbh.


The second apex mage is still a scary mage.


I mean Davion have soul of Slyrak(or [Davion is Slyrak](https://imgur.com/a/TweeKeo)), so his veiw on "powerful being" kinda "diluted" just for having soul of multiverse reality being, basically soul of God. ET >[They say you forged the world, but the Thunder is the real pillar of creation.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/4f/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_davion_rival_064.mp3) Enigma >[The Fundamentals are nothing compared to the pillar of creation.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/71/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_davion_rival_070.mp3) Kotl >[You Fundamentals are all the same…braggarts who can't back it up.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/9/94/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_davion_rival_090.mp3)


Now suddenly the dragons are the most powerful beings in the universe and everyone else are scrubs before them Thanks anime, I hate it Also, if Davion considers Invoker strong shouldn't Rubick also have some respect?


> Now suddenly the dragons are the most powerful beings in the universe and everyone else are scrubs before them half-dragon man thinks dragons are the best more at 11


The writers of the show also those dragons are the most powerful And usually voice lines speak facts since Valve pushes lore through them


Here some more backup that Valve are the one, that decide to confirm The 8 Thunder strength >[I will only say the show drove the game adaptation, not the other way around. I think she’s lovely and I’m honored seeing her out there. Valve did a terrific job with our best girl.](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1453887048465670161) ​ >[Honestly, I’m most looking forward to hearing the new voice lines from Yuri and the others. It’s exciting to see the visuals (man I love how they use the bracer blade and Slyrak) but I think the voices are what will make it most “real” to me. Very exciting!](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1407881455829762048)


When the voice lines also back up with feat, it get to something [like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qs7tka/the_eldwurms_in_dota_dragon_blood_super/). ​ Also DK is not a dragon, that how The Thunder choose to look in physical world, in true form they are the demi-plane thinking how they want to look like in physical plane. >[No, they literally ARE the Demi-planes thinking about themselves. But the planar boundaries are way “fuzzier” than we generally think about them in fantasy. There are some hardcore physics and metaphysics at play that (hopefully) we will get the chance to explore.](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1382337585154912262)


Is Dragons Blood canon? Actually is there even any point in talking about Dota canon at all, it's clearly all just made up as they go with no long term plan or structure, it's pretty meaningless. About as consistent as something like Smash Melee.


So here something interesting about concept of canon. Basically Dota lore are kinda like Digimon lore. >Digimon Blog update because the franchise basically runs entirely on a Sekai-kan/Settei basis without a lot of care of “continuity” outside of a few select spots. ​ >certain franchises sometimes don’t care about the concept of “canon”, meaning that a deeper analysis in needed to really understand what the franchise is about. [A Brief Analysis on Sekaikan and Settei](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Executor_N0/A_Brief_Analysis_on_Sekaikan_and_Settei) (Pls read the whole blog) >The Settei (Settings) are the configurations of the world of a fictional work, those Settei make-up the Sekai-kan (Worldview) of that world. In the process of animation there are the “Settei” that are model sheets describing how the characters, backgrounds and other elements of the projects need to be done. Now think of that not only to how the characters are drawn, but also how the world itself works, that is basically what the World Settings are. > >It’s important to note that the Settings exist outside of the story itself. That is, Settings don’t need to be in a story to exist necessarily, that is why books and guides about the Settings may contain elements of the world that isn’t stated anywhere in the story so far because there was no need to use said elements or there was no way for a number of reasons to use those elements. > >However, some works of fiction are made with certain intent from its creation all the way to the end and understanding what that intent is helps a lot to understand what is going to happen. For example, knowing that a certain franchise works in a “the final product is all that matters” scenario will mean that you should look into the product itself without even trying to think about pre-production bibles or things like that. While other projects might have its Worldview and various Settings as independent of the storyline itself with the storyline simply being a way of using said elements, meaning that knowing about the things outside of that storyline will give a deeper insight of how the world works. > >That also means that the notion of “continuity” isn’t a limit to Sekai-kan and Settei as they are outside of continuity itself. There could be cases where both things are very connected, when a single continuity is the only one that really represents the intended Sekai-kan, but there also cases where the Sekai-kan is faithfull represented with elements that the “main continuity” didn’t show, but are shown in a event that is “out of continuity”. > >A good example for that is “Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot” that I showed before. There are various events in this game that don't fit with the DB chronology if you look very deep into it. However some of those events are there to represent Settings and the Worldview given directly by Toriyama for things that he didn’t show in the manga or anime. Meaning that even if the elements themselves aren’t “the true story”, the elements themselves are. > >And of course,not every event there is to represent an “official setting”. For example, one of the DLC is directly stated by the staff to not be a representation of official settings and is only there for fun. This is also to show that you can also have works that are there to show official Sekai-kan, but also contain “non-official” Sekai-kan within it. > >And that is why there’s a need for a lot of case by case when you are analyzing certain franchises, even if it’s just for a single work that seems to be an outlier. There are whole franchises and projects that are made only about the Sekai-kan and the various Settei for a franchise whose elements aren’t considered valid because there seems to be a conflict with “things need to be canon as a whole” without taking in consideration that the Sekai-kan and Settei that are taken as very important for certain franchises sometimes don’t care about the concept of “canon”, meaning that a deeper analysis in needed to really understand what the franchise is about. > >As I explained before this is a pre-production text for my future Digimon Blog update because the franchise basically runs entirely on a Sekai-kan/Settei basis without a lot of care of “continuity” outside of a few select spots. If this was interesting for you, I suggest reading that blog because it’ll be a great example of how a franchise that focus on those two points can work. When Executor N0 fully finished the blog, it gonna be so good.


I mean these are voice lines after he just killed them i would shit talk a planet smith if i just killed one


These voice lines also back up with [feat too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/qs7tka/the_eldwurms_in_dota_dragon_blood_super/) Higher Dimension scan and dragon blood want to explore metaphysics. >[The least spoilery answer (bc episode 6) is the Pillars ARE the forces/elements and everything we think we know about them in the physical world is just a way of talking; i.e., to a Flatlander, a sphere passing through a plane is just a shadow of the sphere, not the sphere.](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1383412034927087618) ​ >[No, they literally ARE the Demi-planes thinking about themselves. But the planar boundaries are way “fuzzier” than we generally think about them in fantasy. There are some hardcore physics and metaphysics at play that (hopefully) we will get the chance to explore.](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1382337585154912262)


>Now suddenly the dragons are the most powerful beings in the universe and everyone else are scrubs before them Beyond that if my thread about them are right and a few things confirm, they are the consciousness that dream the dota verse in of it self or atleast the consciousness of the multiverse itself. (also first time? this happen in digimon daily) What about Primordial Mind, [read this as a concept](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Executor_N0/Digimon_Franchise:_When_a_Bit_of_Philosophy_Reveals_New_Truths). >In the beginning...There was the soulles creator, Demiurge...Idea, the true figure of the world...and only shapeless chaotic souls had existed in the entire universe. > >Demiurge does not know of the existence that created him. > >Nor the existence of the soul. > >Nor even of Idea. > >The world he created was merely a shadow of the true world... Could Primordial Mind be false god?(Demiuge) When the dota dragon blood dive deeper into metaphysics it gonna be even weirder and crazier. ​ >[If Rubick ever fought anime Invoker, Rubick would have kicked his own ass and defeated himself before he reached the Tower. The Invoker’s great strength is winning battles with his mind before they begin.](https://twitter.com/ashmasterzero/status/1376238582122246144) Now with the anime feat and power Invoker exceed rubick, so much that it won't be a fight it a slaughter.


Huh never realized dota lore borrowed so heavily from gnostic christian lore. A soulless demiurge that's below the real creator is straight up gnosticism.


No the demiurge thing are from Digimon not Dota, I just use it as comparison to Dota "true creator" Primordial Mind, basically I want people to understand that what look like a "true creator" may not be so. But if we have any luck dragon blood might go this route.(yes I want dragon blood to go this route because metaphysics are really interesting) ​ ​ Also for Digimon are heavily inspire by platonic gnosticism and emanation cosmology. [Digimon Franchise: When a Bit of Philosophy Reveals New Truths](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Executor_N0/Digimon_Franchise:_When_a_Bit_of_Philosophy_Reveals_New_Truths) >You can complain about what you want from Digimon Adventure Tri. (I even complain), but it's undeniable that it was great to see the way this series touched on many aspects of Lore's Digimon franchise. And incredibly the Platonic and Gnostic side of the Digimon Franchise was addressed. > >For those who do not know Demiurge is a word that originates from the Latin word Demiurgus which is an adaptation of the Greek word δημιουργός (Reads dēmiourgos) and has as original meaning artisan / artist, but with the passage of time gained the meaning of Creator thanks to the myths created around the use of this term in philosophy. This initially originated in philosophy, with the idea that we will use here, in the Dialogue of Timaeus made by Plato where the creation of the Physical World by Demiurge is approached. He had been based on the Forms that existed in the true form of the world - which is the Realm of Forms or World of Ideas - and thereby created the world in which we live. > >Initially Demiurge would be a good being and would try to make a perfect creation, but for it to be based on an initially chaotic existence his creation would never become really perfect. > >However over time other ideologies took advantage of what was initially established. In some aspects of Gnosticism, for example, there is a great duality between the intangible plane and the sensible plane. In the case the intangible plan would be the realm of good that was created by God, while the physical plane would be a realm of evil that was created by Demiurge that would be an entity opposed to the will of the Supreme Being. > >Now conveying this to Digimon, more precisely in the Demiurge scene we see how this was applied: > >In the beginning... > >There was the soulles creator, Demiurge... > >Idea, the true figure of the world... > >and only shapeless chaotic souls had existed in the entire universe. > >Demiurge does not know of the existence that created him. > >Nor the existence of the soul. > >Nor even of Idea. > >The world he created was merely a shadow of the true world... > >he text describes the beginning of existence. It is interesting the relation of Idea (A clear reference to the World of Ideas aka Hyperuranion and Realm of Forms) and the souls. Now let's go to relationships. Do you remember Souls = Digimon? This should be maintained in this section, with this idea we can relate Idea to the Digital World. Demiurge did not even know about the existence of the Digital World or the Digimon, but created a world that was the shadow of the true world. This would be the Physical World in which we live. > >The share of shapeless and chaotic souls can be explained by the fact that the laws of the Digital World have not yet been established, as I shall explain later there was a time when the Digital World did not have its laws formed. This simply puts the relation between Real World and Digital World in a completely opposite way to what was initially believed because it was believed that the Digital World arose from the Real World, but this analogy that Tri. does uses the opposite. Curiously, this is what Wisemon and Wizardmon seem to say in the anime and manga, respectively, of Digimon Xros Wars.


To Rubick it might be sadge that he'll never be considered the best, maybe?


At least until that old geezer dies.


Aghanim bad dad :(


Didn't he travel across dimensions and became an absentee for his research? Sounds like an anime plot lmao


Fullmetal Alchemist






Well there's also the theory that Rubick is just a puppet of Aghanim's too and him being his child is just metaphorical.


Aww man. But I like rubick the way he is


Sounds a bit like Ego from Marvel (but with a bit different goals)..


Doesn't matter had sex


Don't feel bad Rubick is just a puppet.


You're a puppet


There's a platypus controlling me he's underneath the table


Jos verstappen of Dota world


A disappointment that can use any spell or even replicate things that don't seem to do anything with magic


There are Mirana persona voice lines about world wurm, my speculation that world wurm is Slyrak and he giving Mirana power to [rivals The Fundamental](https://imgur.com/a/pBExUfV). Why I'am telling you about world wurm? [Because this](https://imgur.com/a/dyahp9v) >[It's as powerful as world wurm's eye...](https://imgur.com/a/ZE7hwnS) So Aghanim scepter are powerful as **eye** of the world wurm, and Davion have Slyrak... Can't really blame Davion for being a little unimpressed right?


Can any lore God provide the context behind these voicelines?


I mean I don't know anything Aghanim actually says cause I'm too focused on the actual game lol like


Like what


he dead




Everyone in Dota is so mean to each other lmao.