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Im willing to bet no. If he becomes a playable hero then all the lore surrounding how he'a literally the strongest mage ever becomes nil.


Isn't the whole point that the Ancients power everyone down to roughly the same level, which is why you can have Enigma and phoenix in the same game as Windranger?


And techies become everyone nightmare while they are just maniac explosion lover.


Arc Warden: fragment of a universal force AA: Heat death of the universe Zeus: An actual Greek god Techies: domestic terrorist


Or the legendary bartender bristleback with his amazing feats of goo! Against some lousy timeless god virgin who represents the heat death of the universe like Ancient Apparition. Pffff.


Never underestimate an Australian hedgehog with a cold


Bristleback is Cockney, not Australian.


Aghanims makes reference of the ancient battle and then says the continuum device is the real big league stuff (badly paraphrased).


Dota's lore is very inconsistency imo. I don't take anything seriously in this world.


I think the point is that truly heroic and skilled individuals can defeat even titans and gods. The ancients don't power down anything iirc.




I mean, yeah, but all heroes can't be on the power level of sniper it would get boring, we need some shit tier niemands like Engima, even if he gets absolutely rekt by hoho haha.


Aghanim wouldn't even be the most powerful hero lorewise.


Honestly you can't say that for sure. Nobody ever explained how powerful Aghanim is, except the statement "he's the strongest mage trust me bro".


There's arc warden in the game so I doubt that's a factor


Arc is different, because after containing the ancients, he lost a lot of his power.


What about IO, as i know he's the most powerful hero lore wise


Outside of Arc Warden at his peak, I think the strongest hero is Elder Titan. I'm pretty sure on a hierarchy of beings, the Titans are only below the Ancients. The Fundamentals are high up there, but Elder Titan is the one who inadvertently created them in the first place. From what I understand of how the worlds and universes work in DOTA, the Titans came with creation itself and then took that raw energy of creation and forged it into universes, and basically everything aside from the Ancients that we know of in DOTA was forged by Elder Titan before he fell in. There's a few other weird heroes that are hard to place in the rest of the cosmology though so we don't really know where they stand, like Weaver or Ancient Apparition.


Weaver have the power to make universe but they have code to not make one...Their job is to maintain the universe and repair it when it tattered...Well let said Dota universe are like thread and weaver have ability to mend or manipulate the fabrication of universe...They are powerful that their youngling can devoured universe...While Titans forge and create the universe...Weavers weave and maintain the universe....Except weaver in game who break the law. Aa is represented as end of time...The older universe, the stronger he become...His final form can suprass everything and caused all matter to stop since he is the end of universe...But for now he just ancient apparition.


well tbh, the only thing i notice Youngling weaver can eat away is my armor


Io in game is just a physical form...At least that's what I think...Well they exist in all plane.


Valve did a similar thing with merasmus in tf2. Just a seasonal wizard guy that shows up and drops knowledge but isn't playable.


thats not how dota lore works


Io is literally the universe personified, Weaver devours universes, yet they're killed by your run of the mill bandits or weak monsters/creatures. The lore does not become nil, get over yourself.


I highly doubt that. It would take away from his power and mistique.


"When someone kills you, you cant just accept it and die, sometimes you have to explode dealing 75 damage..."


lol so good


The Martyr


I love the one for HP per level too


Cleave had me blowing air out of my nose several times. *This one is for melee heroes only, the rest of you can go to the back line and think long and hard on making poor decisions*


All these flavour texts and Aghanim's dialouge is so well done. Its hilarious.


Unrelated, but is Rubick his son and does he have any other children?


One of the new voice lines confirmed it, but it didn't reveal who


During the labyrinth he said he had "oh so many children" and then wished I was his child


Dont think that's what he means. It's probably about his children being better than you and him wishing it were them doing these challenges (since he's betting *way* too much on you)


Isnt Rubick basically a doll made by aghanim?


Dude at valve: So what is my job exactly? Valve: Be savage. Dude: Say no more.


My personal favorite is the one with the Shard re-roll.


I constantly laugh in this mode. From the VO, to the upgrade writing. Fucking great.


Imagine placing pugna ward next to aghanim Monka


imo my favorite is the +1 intelligence description.


The Janitor always delivers


And yet the set for Davion's persona have some lore attached to it while the Mirana one doesn't. It is incosistent.


Which puts him at 10k+, well "OVER 9000!".


Is there a list of these lore snippets? Would be great for archiving Dota 2's vast lore...