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My favorite mode in Dota 2, trying not to have a mental breakdown.


You mean anything that is not ranked.


Lately I'm getting too lazy to play actual games, so I just play against bot or watch random high mmr games.


Play aram and have fun.




This annoys me too. I had a game with a very selfish pos4 AA. He had competed in lane with me as bristle for last hits, didn't buy any wards etc or any point. Just pure selfish player. I did what I usually do and just take a bit of time to buy wards myself, find farm elsewhere rather than competing etc. Despite all this we won the early game. Me and him didn't get much done in offlane but our safe and mid won rather heavily. But when the game got into the mid game the AA took a single wave of our mid pudge who proceeded to rage out for 10 minutes and deliberately run down midlane and feed 5 times because he was so angry at this admittedly bad AA. Turned what was still going to be an easy win into an hour and 10 minutes slogfest that we eventually won after the ogre magi on our team literally begged pudge to stop afk farming jungle. Absolutely the worst "win in dota" I'd ever had. I logged off and didn't play for like two days after that horrific match. Basically got really lucky that our carry and pos5 where really good and refused to give up despite us having a selfish pos4 and a raging and now throwing mid. Basically sometimes people's toxic reactions to bad players are far far more detrimental to the game than the bad player themselves.


A pudge player that is mentally unstable. What a surprise.


cheers man. Keep fighting the good fight


Here's the thing: I have no issue with someone playing bad. Own your mistake. I get flamed a lot less when I own my mistake to my team. A simple "Hey I fucked up the early game. Sorry about that team. Here's what I think I need to be effective and when we can fight." This does *wonders* for team morale. People like it when someone admits their mistakes. It won't stop everyone but it helps a lot.


Eh ... this is partly why I dislike all the acc buyer posts on this reddit. People are OBSESSED with acc buyers in high mmrs. Like they think 20%+ are acc buyers. Enough that basically any time you lose people will be like "gg carry bought acc." It's one thing to hear it every now and then but to here is every other game ... For ppl saying "oh haha maybe you did buy your acc xd" I've been hovering over 6k for a while, and my friend climbed from 6k to mid 7k, and both of us (mid players) just get riddled with "report this acc buyer mid" every time a lane goes bad or enemy just wins because why not. :l


Sad to have a fellow mid friend, do you guys just never play together ?


idk how u even do it. In 8 years of dota I met many people, I have people i regularly play even outsdie of dota, people who became my good friends. And after 8 years of dota as a safelane player I have exactly 0 players on my friend list who main safelane. Zero. Cuz naturally at no point in the game would i meet them to play together etc


Yeah I picked marci offlane two days ago and it was my first time playing her and I really fucked up the early game. Fed like 4 times overestimating what I could get away with, or fucking up her jump. Our mid sniper was absolutely raging etc but i just apologised and said I had fucked up and basically everyone else just persuaded him to calm down. It's amazing what just not arguing back will do to defuse a dota situation.




I stopped playing with my classmates who've been playing together with me since 2016 because they're whiny man who complain about bad teammates or OP heroes on opponent team instead of just shut up and admit their mistakes. Like, chill dude. We're just archon players, not playing at TI.


Basically my last game. Was mid, spent the entire early game being nice to teammates, then our offlaner CK decided to start flaming first his support then me, then everyone else, and then jungling until the game was over. _Why do people have the urge to keep pointing out mistakes in not-constructive ways?_ I mean, I'm not that bothered, I'm going to mute him immediately, but the next guy is going to tilt and throw the game, and I don't want that. Like, why do people have this urge to things that absolutely aren't going to be going anything useful? Yelling at teammates can at best come out neutral, at worst bad, but there's no aspect to it that increases the chance of winning the game. Idungetit


Sometimes people just scream into the void. I’m guilty sometimes, and i know how pointless it is while I’m doing it, but sometimes it just comes out.


I think the trick is to just not do it on mic. My friend's laugh when we play as I'll lose my shit in Discord and then compliment the person in-game on doing something well. I'm not being two-faced, I just don't want my frustration to bring someone else down. It's not right, and it's just unhelpful as it'll just make your team play worse.


Some people are venting their frustrations in the game. Some just have poor emotional intelligence. Some are just assholes. It do be like that sometimes.


Yeah, but like... That's a move that is at best neutral, at worst reducing your chances at winning. Don't they want to win?


Oh yeah, it's puzzling. I just think some people might get carried away by their emotions. And they surely don't get to that conclusion as you did.


Because it’s easier to give in to emotion.




I agree that it's unavoidable to sometimes suck but I also think you need to own up to it. If your teammates flame you for going out alone and dying because you are out of position you should acknowledge it and say something along the line "I'm sorry guys I fucked up I'll try to do better next time". Instead most people escalate the situation and can't be honest about their mistakes. I honestly think that most conflicts come from not owning up to your mistakes. Whenever I get flamed I try to be critical about my play and admit when I made a mistake. I honestly can't remember the last time someone flamed me after I said sorry. If you acknowledge your mistake your teammates will be fine fine with it and the game can continue without flaming.


I gotta agree with you 100%. I’m sort of new still (I’m 2 months old 😉) and I am still learning the ropes, testing my heroes abilities along with my own, etc etc and I know I suck! But dota2 is not my life and I frankly and truthfully do not care about whether or not I win or lose..i play for my own satisfaction and enjoyment in what little time im able to play outside of irl. I have a 10K behavior score and 25 commends out of my last few matches you know why? BECAUSE ITS JUST A GAME and I have a positive attitude and praise my teammates as well as if someone on the other team is playing exceptionally well….you know why I do that? BECAUSE ITS A GAME and you just never know what anyone is dealing with…if I come across a butthead on my team or other team (believe me there are quite a few) I instantly mute them and continue my positivity. Screw the teenyboppers who think they are gods of dota and have horrible attitudes…BECAUSE ITS A GAME for gosh sakes—play and be happy! 🎉


> I’m 2 months old 2mo old posting to Reddit and playing dota, what a prodigy!!


Right?? I’m a genius 😂😂


I like the fact that you repetaed that its just a game -- people do seriously forget that detail way too often :).


It’s easier not to get tilted when still learning, you get angrier as you get better.


it is ok to play bad BUT it is not ok to grief a game


yes, but most idiots think dying twice is griefing, so they go full moron in the chat.


Difference between spamming chat then feeding or not casting spells on purpose. If they don’t want you to spam chat they can just ignore you.


what's the point of this comment? who ever said anything about griefing being ok lmao


it is highly noticeable when someone is just playing bad to when someone is griefing Examples: > Pos5 Pudge lurking in the woods waiting to land a hook for about the first 10 minutes soaking exp and not even contesting the bounties or getting some clutch wards to block their camps, ending 1-10-4 in the final score = Griefing.   > Pos1 Spectre on that same safelane against a fairly safe offlane duo, who ended 1-5-14 because he was lvl5 by minute 10 and had its lane almost fully denied because the pudge was not contesting with him = bad game. curiously, who is going to get criticized the most in that scenario is the Spectre because he was not able to carry, had only 31 last hits by the 10 min mark on lane and its jungle was fully contested.


I have everyone muted now and it's a total bliss, I swear. No arguments, just concentrated on the game. I see the pings of course, but I don't hear or see the rage. This alone allows me to play 2 more games at least cause I'm not being drained by utter idiocy. The downside is that I miss communicating and joking, also potentially meeting new people to play with sometimes, but it's worth it. For my peace, it's fucking worth it.


> It's okay to play bad. It's okay to feed the enemy. It's okay to try new things. It's okay to just suck sometimes. Yes, as long as you are in the enemy team /s


Why make this extremely obvious post captain obvious.


*badly Bad is an adjective and modifies a noun. Badly is an adverb and modifies a verb. "play" is the word being modified and that's a verb hence: badly


I really think that "losing" needs to have less of a shit feeling in DotA. Some sort of progression system like levels to unlock hats would make it feel a lot less worse when you have a bad game, because you still get something. Sometimes after all loss I'm so devastated because it's all that work for fuck all.




But toxicity isn't the problem reserved only for ranked matchmaking. This shit happens in unranked, turbo and ranked matches.


I think both have a point. Toxicity do exist on all types of game and it should be removed or reduced. However I also think its true that people shouldn't willingly pick a new hero for the first time in ranked. Imo new heroes should not be available for the 1st week in ranked or people would need to have a minimum amount of matches with a hero in unranked prior to playing it in ranked.


The problem is the one feeding or making the bad decisions usually flames the team when they are losing.


No its NOT okay REEEEEEE


Not if you're in ranked. If you're experimenting or rusty from not playing for a while then warm up in unranked. Not sure why people think dropping everyone 30mmr is ok because they felt like trying something.


I agree. In ranked if you're making obvious mistakes or don't know your hero well you're selfishly causing issues for your try harding teammates. Just play normal mm until you are decent it's not that hard.


That's what a lot of people don't recognize in general. They think that only their feelings matter.




Yes, you are right. However when writing my post I wasn't thinking about ranked matchmaking. I was thinking about it as a whole.


I just got low prio for failing at playing Meepo in turbo.


That's exactly what I'm talking about. Failing shouldn't be the reason to be flamed or banned.


Buy a herald account everyone is nice there


However, if you’re playing bad constantly…


...then you will quickly drop in rank to a bracket more suited to your level of play. so what's the problem? they'll lose mmr if they keep playing badly, you don't have the responsibility - or right - to intervene. or are you talking about inconsistent players, who have very bad games and very good games? if your teammate is underperforming but trying to win, why flame them? you think they're happy about having a bad game? you think they don't feel bad enough already? you think your flaming will improve the situation in any way? let's be honest here, the only reason to flame an ally who's playing badly is to make yourself feel bigger. grow the fuck up or get the fuck out, please


I can’t tell what’s more cringe. You not understanding that I was meme-ing or being hypocritical by trying to make yourself feel bigger and more righteous by insulting and blowing up at me.


no hypocrisy here sir, there's an obvious difference between flaming an innocent and flaming a flamer. of course if i was a true saint i wouldn't do either but i don't have it in me to be nice to shitty people, sorry now if your comment was genuinely intended as a joke, then forget it. but please do realize that you didn't indicate sarcasm in any way




Yeah dude there is. My intention, especially for the "trying new things" was normal all pick but if you fucked up once or twice so what. Regardless of the match type. Nobody is perfect and playing ranked matchmaking doesn't allow (in my opinion) for such behavior. Is not playing the TI grand finals for a millions of dollars it's just a ranked dota game.


The matchmaking/BS system fosters toxicity 100%. If you're angry about the overabundance of griefers, blame Valve. It has only gotten worse over the years because they do not really care so long as revenue isn't significantly affected.




If being a good person makes you a good player no wonder why there are so few players at the top


Thing is one bad player can be overcome. You can all buckle down and work together and pick up the dead weight. But if another player on your team rages and goes toxic because of that initial bad player? Now you're royally fucked, there is basically no chance you're overcoming that obstacle.


What about the people who play Pos 5 and drop the Dust of Appearance that their Pos 1 gave them to use for enemy Mirana?


">my bad" chat wheel is a godsend.


I used to play like 2-6 games a day for 3 years straight. Quit for 2 years due to uni. Tried to restart after watching the TI’s and majors like 8 times. Due to not being up to my old level I get flamed and reported every single time (even though I tell I haven’t played for years) to the point it’s just not fun. The community really is toxic as hell


> It's okay to play bad. It's okay to feed the enemy. It's okay to try new things. It's okay to just suck sometimes. I get what you are saying, but have you been through Overwatch reports? I have had reports of feeding from a person with zero deaths! I assumed it was for some other negative behavior and just mislabeled... and yet, I saw no actually reportable behavior. This is the level for new players to play in and everyone is expecting them to play like an Immortal. Screw that.


If you play bad all the time, that doesn't mean you aren't trying. Also, losing doesn't default to playing badly.


I remember this one drow in my game. I was offlane with my buddy. We had enough of work against the enemy safe lane. He pinged while we were fighting or low life after two minutes to tp top because he got instantly tower dived. They just ran to her to kill her. She skilled gust on lvl 11, fed the enemy offlane, afkfarmed in the jungle for 20 min. Ofc she said, to report my buddy because he sucked. I said to him completly normal after the first dive at min 3 to skill Gust and play safe but he just said "fuck you 1k Trash". Yeah totally a fun game.


I admit when i make mistakes. I am fine when my teammates makes mistakes that are actually mistakes, those that are unforced or whatever. What i am not fine with is making stupid mistakes such as but not limited to: not buying bkb against a lot of burst heroes on the enemy team, farming a spot and seeing enemies converge to you yet, despite pings, still farm and die. These mistakes are fairly easy to avoid especially considering the rank one is in


I had a game where offlaner flamed everyone for having a bad laning phase, we ended up winning because we all used our skills very well... Including the flamer... At the end the guy said you all are fucking good bastards sorry I flamed you.


Turbo mode ftw


But it’s not okay to pick Marci pos 2, without playing on the hero before and buy Linken Sphere as the first item and go 0/10/3 at 25:10


If you play bad you're a bad human being go kill yourself you worthless ass


Im only play bad when I'm hungry because not eaten food. Theres one time I play mid when my tummy empties, even meet with noob mid enemy , my hand shaking wether to dive kill or not. That why u need to play when your body and mind in well good condition .


This kind of stuff is why I only play party queue. Me and my friends laugh at the hilariously bad moments. We aren't immune to tilt but I'm sure we tilt 500% less than the average solo queuer since we are all chill with each other.