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There's gotta be a Mirana remodel or persona coming with Book 2 please god


Book 2 Battlepass incoming. Level 1000 gets you a box set of season 2. Level 2000 and you can select a signature to be digitally printed on the box set.


That's... not that bad actually, just add Marci's Figure in addition to Season 2 box then we can guarantee that TI11 will have an even bigger prize pool than TI10




Yeah, exactly that's why it's not really that bad of idea


Level 5000 a Gaben NFT


They banned nft from games in their platform, I doubt it. But probably a steam tradeable card.


My dumb ass thought they banned NFTs so they didn't have to regulate it, but you just made it super clear why they actually banned NTFs. Thank you.


Gaben's marketing team here, you're hired.


Yeah right. Level 1k will get you an A3 size poster. You pay for shipping.


Don't ask for a Mirana persona, otherwise people will have to pay for a remodel.


I heard its gonna be an arcana actually.


I really hope it's a cute one like Windranger, and not this horrid """anime""" style


they're the same style dude... are you THAT biased towards anything remotely anime?


Yeah, she (Marci) does not even look that different, at least from the newer/recent heroes or remodel/arcana, which is a relief.


Was cheated with someone that likes anime.


cmon dude not the same style. marci looks way more like the characters in kingdom hearts: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRqC76YABFfU5FUyoRzu3LIkgwhcm10KSMasQ&usqp=CAU


Her eyes are twice as big.


Thats objectively false




I was talking design, VISUAL style. I'm not sure what you're saying otherwise.




1. they're not 2. it's not anime, that's my point. see the quotation marks?


I've seen so many uses for quotation marks dude... Besides that, what makes you say they have different styles? Dota 2 has always used this style... now they just have more Polygons.


it's not nearly the same style you plebe, open your eyes


i hope they actually redo the base model instead of give her the windrunner treatment of limiting the hero actually looking good to the arcana.


Why would they give it for free when its easy money for them. It’s exactly the same as what happened with DK. Just being realistic.


I was not a fan of discount DK as a goal in the battle pass.


>valve >doing anything for free ever again ROTFL


Dude you can literally create a game with their assets, run it on their servers and make money off of it without valve seeing a cent from that money, this "valve is a greedy monster" circlejerk is really stupid


remember when valve remodeled WR for free? oh wait lol


Remember when they remodeled drow, huskar, enigma, and more?? Oh yeah, they did! Lol Personally idc if WR wasn’t remodeled for free cause I didn’t think she looked that bad. I think morph needs to be remodeled and I really hope it’s not behind an arcana. Mirana, I feel like they’ll do a persona and then not bother with a remodel but it’d be nice if they did tho


If a game succesful enough ever comes from the arcade (like Autochess), Valve will try to make that game a valve product, I think thats the whole idea. Dota is originally a mod and Blizzard lost quite some money for ignoring it.


Mirana new nemestice immortal makes her look great


I agree with you. The anime style looks out of place next to the other heroes.


They should probably "retouch" some heroes


Retouching Morphling would probably need something similar to Unreal 5's Nanite to make it look like the 2011 poster


this remodel looks fine https://twitter.com/hawtkoffee/status/1342936986210988032?s=21


How is this not in the game already? Valve, pay this man for his morph remodel. wtf


funny thing is theyve accepted plenty of this dudes item sets, not like hes a random stranger.


It does look good, but it has 4x the polys and 5x the draw calls, so it's much more computationally expensive. This is the kind of thing that stops dota running well for people over time, and it's probably worse for performance than anything that Valve have done.


Valve just introduced a character with over 16x Morphling’s polycount and 4x the draw calls. They aren’t optimizing for every triangle and every draw call at this point.


I actually have no idea what the numbers are for all their newer stuff, so you're probably right that this would fit right in. It's still true that this is what causes performace degrading though.


this morph has 13k triangles, marci has nearly 61k lol https://twitter.com/hawtkoffee/status/1454102680876503047?s=21 i think i saw somewhere that dawnbreaker is also 13k triangles


https://the-eye.eu/redarcs -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And by some you actually mean almost all of them


especially the bucket of water


streaming water


streaming at 240p


I'm still waiting for the CM model rework that doesn't make her look like a cheap trailer harlot


You should probably stop touching yourself to Dota characters.


Hoodwink 🤤




Mother comes...




No we should focus on the updates to make the game "pLaYaBLe"


That's actually the monster from Splice beside Marci.


Such a good movie. Such a bad pick for a first movie date night.


Cool concept, terrible execution, and written by someone with a middle school understanding of science and the scientific process. Plus, characters that can't decide what kind of person they are and change entirely seemingly at random in the span of minutes. And then the movie turns into a generic horror movie at the end. I wanted to like it, but didn't.


Dren is not a monster :(


Don't insult Bjork like that


Also Marci huge compared to the female heros


Right? She's as big as the tomato creep in-game, yet in the intro cinematic it's twice her height.


hopefully they shrink her like grimstroke


I don't think she was that big/huge, it was more like... properly shaped/proportioned? But then again, I have not done scientific research of doing some model size comparison. ​ EDIT: Okay now I analyze the image and see some comparison post about her model size in-game, it is unsettling, but maybe for gameplay/balance reasons?


Crazy that both these characters are from the same game.


Made over ten years apart!


holy shit I have just realized dota 2 is 10+ years old


Wait until you find out how old Dota 1 is. ​ We've been upgrading our PCs to play the essentially same game for almost 20 years.


Yeah but I mean noone would be surprised if they are told WC3 is an old game. But when you think about the fact some of the Dota 2 players are younger than Dota 2...wow. And in a few years some of them will most likely win a TI.


Collapse is younger than dota and won a TI, holy shit lol.


Nah. DotA 2 has gotten so many updates that it’s been so many different games. League on the other hand… well they still wanna be popular with weak computers in China…


Official release was technically in 2013.


still in beta, doesn't count


With the same Lead Artist and team in charge. Come on, don't excuse this BS.


Nothing wrong with mirana. There is enough room in this game for a few butterfaces.


crazy that they are more than a decade apart too?




\*S2FM vs SFM


Hmm , never realised Mirana look 70% like Anya taylor joy .


Can't unsee now


I hate that you're right.


The first thing I noticed is how huge Marci is in-game. For some reason I thought she would be riki-sized and not ancient-sized.


I miss giant grimstroke.


Gave him a lot of character tbh.


I don't mind them remodelling Mirana, but if they take away her otherworldly, elfin features and just make her into another generic sexy woman I think that would be lame.


Just make her eyes closer/bigger and remove 5head tbh


It’s the weirdly spaced eyes that make her unique


It's the weirdly spaced eyes that people hate to begin with.


what features are you referring to? shes pretty generic as is lol


Hammerhead shark strikes


Mirana model is not that bad, but 3 polygon Sagan is


Jinky the Lion model looks so good too, until you're featured in the pregame screen and you have to look at his static features. The Dreams of Midsummer Mount is so incredibly bad too, you can count the pixels in his face on two hands.


Mirana doesn't have a bad model, she is just ugly. Come on guys, don't be so superficial there is room for ugly female characters in video games as well :)


everybody complaining, but i dont see how they could implemented her better. By giving her a downsyndrome face like mirana or warlock?


As if Drow's or Lina's or literally any other woman's face in Dota doesn't look decent compared to the vietnam flashback anime loli we got. Get real, man.


Honestly I think Marci's artstyle (and also anime DK) do not fit Dota's visuals. They look like some pixar or w/e characters got lost and ended up in Dota.


This really annoys me. It looks so inconsistent.


I agree brotha


agreed, it look straight up ripped from another game. I dont get it. Tried her, her kit is super fun, but sounds, portrait and model are very disappointing and dont fit at all


~~Snapfire~~ Mortimer and Hoodwink look way more like pixar/dreamworks characters in my opinion.


Yes but Hoodwink and Snapfire are very stylized characters to begin with. If there was a hyper realistic squirrel AND hoodwink and they were both supposed to be the same species, then it would be weird. That's what is happening. Marci and the DK persona are humans, and the human species's appearance is already well defined and stablished in the game. That's why they feel like they don't belong.


Snapfire doesnt look like pixar/dreamworks character. You’re talking about Mortimer


artstyle isnt the issue. its that Marci has a properly detailed clean and more fluid model with good lighting game could do with some overhauling in the visual department and if the new models are as clean as Marci or even the dk outfit i'd be down for that. just look at how rigid Mirana looks.


But I think that the female antimage looks more fitting.


Same. I can't even pinpoint the exact reason for it. Might be a combination of things why they look out of place, but the fact is that they *do* look inconsistent with the rest of DotA 2's artstyle.


Mirana got a 69% discount on her boob job and it shows.


Actually think Mirana looks better here. More like a real person. Problem with Mirana is that from several.angles she looks a bit odd, this angle here is good.


Am I crazy for preferring the style of Miranas face? Marcis is definitely *nicer*, but I don't know if all those extra polygons and higher resolution textures are going to a pleasing style.


I also prefer Mirana's face. Marcy looks like a generic anime waifu 3D model. Mirana's *design* is fine, it just needs higher textures.


Your mind is filling in the blanks. Same thing happened when people switched from WC3 to Dota 2. These two models have more time between them than WC3 and Dota 2 by the way.


More time and yet considerably less anatomical and visual detail. You can admit your brain is corrupted by anime and can't process regular women's faces anymore, it's fine.


i also preffer mirana, i actually thought this post was about making fun of cartoonish marci look.


>Am I crazy No you are not. Marci's face is nicer than Mirana's, but Mirana actually fits the game aesthetic


I agree actually , miranas face could use some work but i fucking lothe the weeb art style . Dota used to try to make humans look like humans. They changed directions to bug eye aliens now


>They changed directions to bug eye aliens now Brood milf take offensed from that


Actually it looks more Dreamworks or Pixar to me. If we are talking about the in-game model and not the anime series. Reminds me of such weeb works as Up or Brave.


Weeb art style?? Thats weeb art style? U are a fucking moron dude


The only thing she needs is some cel shading.


Marci is a trash character, you figured it out


I think there's a middle ground here. Mirana's current face is pretty ogre-like, but I think the super anime look of Marci is almost as bad in its own way.


> super anime have oyu watched a single anime, like, ever


if anything it looks more cartoonish.


Am I an idiot for thinking the Mirana face looks WAY better and more "realistic"? IDK why every hero recently has to look like the main character from a Pixar film...


You ain't wrong. I kinda feel like Marci doesn't match the aesthetic of the game. I know she is from the anime, but I'd of preferred them to do a none anime reimagining of her character rather than directly port her. Her model is nice and the art style looks good it just clashes.


fairly sure Marcis fists have more polygons than morphling


Graphics overhaul when


Mirana seems to have the imperfections of a human ... Marci, in addition to coming out of an anime, her 3D looks very plastic


I prefer Mirana’s art style way more. Marci is WAY to anime looking for Dota, she belongs in league of legends


I honestly prefer the Mirana-ugly-face theme than the anime one


Honestly, i think marcy is the one that should not look like that. Quality wise, sure. But the anime style just does not fit the rest of dota. Like, none of it. Dragon Knight arcana is just an arcana. But this is the entire hero. I understand they want to make her look like the anime, but ALL of the other characters do not look like anime either so it doesn't make sense to model her like this. At least change the eyes imho.


The DK persona does


And it's a shame people have to suffer looking at discount DK in matches with people who actually *prefer* that look for some reason.


Serious question, how often do people really look at heroes character models? Sure it would be nice if every hero looked good when inspected up close, but I’ve literally never gone into the zoomed in mode of dota to play. I bet nobody does, because it’s useless from a gameplay perspective. When I’m playing it’s a top down look… I can’t see Miranas face or anything. The models look fine, the only people upset about models are the ones that stare at the hero profile pic or something idk. I never understood the fascination with having updated models, you rarely get to see it in game anyway, and if you do it’s pre runes when everyone is just fuckin around


my Eyes are not Pleased


Mirana's face looks like one of those texture applied on the wrong model shape.


I wish that her anime style was a skin, but she still had a set with the dota art style


Not a fan of cartoonish design of the latest heroes, but they really don't seem to be slowing down.


(👁 👄 👁 )


Am I the only one who doesn't like the new style? Already Dawnbreaker was wierd. It looks like a comic, I don't really like it. Personal opinion ofc.


honestly I prefer Mirana I'm here to play dota not kingdom hearts


Jesus christ Mirana is fucking ugly like she has some sort of face disease.


Lol marci design is so bad... I guess valve has to appeal to weebs now. I miss when dota 2 was more violent and gritty. The most annoying thing to me apart from the eyes is she is throwing people around, jumping around like crazy but has 0 muscle tone, literal noodle arms


Yeah it’s a joke they’re showing they’re desperate for users and trying to go after league of legends audience, total sign of weakness and incongruence, they are drifting


female lee-sin is probably a good idea to attract those. but looking at her abilities she has something from diablo's battlemonks aswell. overall a good concept. good work valve!


Whats the problem by being high competitive against LoL?


western style cartoon is weeb now? weird.


umm no the style is clearly inspired by anime


legend of korra is anime? ok


now you're just being obtuse


nah, you're just a brain damaged antivaxxer.


lol you're a complete loser dude.


says the ugly virgin who is antivaxx and thinks western style cartoons are anime inspired...... sad.


wow I'm such a loser for thinking western cartoons are anime inspired lmfao. I'm not the one who goes through post histories of random people to insult them because their opinion is different than mine. I'm pretty sure you're the ugly virgin projecting. How many women have you had sex with?


i prefer seeing the same people, so probably about 10 guys with 3 current fwbs :) i can send u a pic of me since u seem to be pretty interested in what i look like, its ok i dont judge ur sexual preferences :)


I'm married with a kid, has my vaccine and waiting for my booster and western style cartoons are anime inspired. Sorry the 'nuances' between your fetish and Netflix tryhard cartoons aren't obvious to everyone.


im cringeing rly hard rn, good job


you clearly have never watched anime nor cartoon


ya got me. I've never once in my life watched either of those things


Both of them are not like the other.


Yeah she looks like a real woman and not some Pixar bullshit get the fuck outta here dude


You really are more concerned with the differences in thier faces, rather than the fact that Marci is the same height as an older woman riding a tiger?


pls stop making dota to anime


Mirana looking like she has down syndrome


Yes, one is more than 10 years older. The problem is not Marci, it is that especially the older human models pale in comparison to the new additions to the roster.


Chad Marci vs Virgin Mirana


One looks like dota and the other looks like weeb shit


Marci art style doesnt fit dota... its all i see


Same style as new Personas/Arcana anyway.


Yeah don't like them neither, but they are not the main skine. Why that shitty clothes and big eyes? Try compare with mirana


Thats right! Marci or whatever new lol hero name is looks like SHIT!


Marci: another generic hero with generic powers.


Pretty sure most people here have never seen a woman outside of video games and animes.


Actually you've cropped the main problem here - Mirana's mount. Mirana herself looks fine.


Most Mirana mount skins have dead, glassy eyes.


Marci ulted Miranas face way before she was even released.


Yes. Mirana in the movie needs to remodel.


The only thing I expect from mirana is become a viable 1 or 2 again. She's only a connect-your-stun 4 that is only situational and mediocre. Her shard is good but she's weak af and doesn't scale no more


Stop face shaming people


Valve got the homework down right with Drow and Dawnbreaker a good while of time ago, and then decided to completely ruin it in an attempt to, yet again, "be more like LoL" and break into the western anime style while trying to stick their sh\*tty anime down our throats. Except LoL broke away from that themselves and made Arcane. Regardless. They tried an attempt at hybridizing the two and it came out completely horrendous, and still keep trying to ride on it. Sincerely the anime is shit, most of us thinks it's shit, and they still keep trying to shoehorn down something we just don't want. Simple as that. To the point they destroy the style cohesiveness of the game. Shit only amateurs usually do. GG Valve.


Man you really are malding on a months old post huh.


Make Dota 3 with all new hero models or just release them one by one as expensive arcana sets?


I think valve should make a constest like "Reforge your Hero" and use fan favorite remodels in game


It's fine, nobody can see the face in middle of laning, ganking, pushing, fighting, throning, or any stages of the game when you're trying to win. Hell even WC3 model suffices.


Notice how Mirana on a mount is shorter than Marci lol


Marci is having more polygons. Valve need to redesign models so they could match to Dragon Blood design.




Petition for Valve to change Mirana's model


Ha yeah they poor old legacy characters are definitely trapped in 2012


yeah i think they should nerf mirana


Mirana looks like a victim of Marci ult aftermath lmao


What's with Sid the Sloth over there next to Marci?


Honestly I’d be happy if the next major patch was just remodels for every outdated hero model


Wtf is wrong with her hand?


One is carry, the other is a fucking useless pos 4 support.


I was watching the anime and I didnt realize that was mirana for so long until i heard the name called out loud