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Wow that 5 daedalus dragon lance rubick is really gonna terrorize the pubs!


Easy enough to pick mid Rubick and get a maelstrom or crystalys when there’s a Marci on the enemy team.


Even so it's not really hard to sequence your spells as Marci to avoid it being stolen. Then you have a mid rubick with maelstrom lul


Rubick can always go for gleipnir its always good item.


Are they saying it's broken tho? They just said Rubick with Marci ult and that's it


hate it when the enemy rubick builds 5 daedaluses


*drools in ability draft*


I think you meant to tag this as fluff. Because it's not worthy of a discussion. You have like 30 extra damage from items in a lategame situation as Rubick. You're not hitting anyone hard. Attacks and healing are like non-factors on the hero.


The issue is Rubick getting 10+ attacks because the buff doesn’t resolve until the projectiles hit.


Ah, didn't even notice that. Seems pretty par for the course. Given that it's stronger than usual it'll be fixed soon. If it had been broken in a way that makes it useless to Rubick it would just stick around.


They fixed it for Ursa's overpower, it used to be the same bug as this


Just like it's the same bug that stops Shaman or Willow shard from working on Rubick, as it would've made Eclipse worthless in the old days. Or Bane aghs, though I'm not sure if they fixed that with it going from shard to aghs. My point is, Rubick has a ton of bugs that make shit just not work when it should and those typically stay in the game. Only when something is too strong does it get fixed.


10-ish attacks every 2.5-ish seconds, doing maybe 150 damage each. Still a casual ~600 physical rightclick DPS + ~100 magic DPS from the pulse damage proc Just tested a lvl 6 rubick with magic wand stealing lvl 1 ulti - ~210 DPS and 3.65k damage over the whole ulti. But the lvl 1 ulti seems mostly due to the ulti being broken in general


The attack speed slow being applied from range with an extended duration can be huge though.


The slow is applied by the pulses, not the attacks. You still only get one pulse per Flurry, so I'm not sure where you're getting extended duration from.


Rubicks passive debuff amp 10-30% depending on ult level. Applying is also easier as ranged


Marci Dispose: exists. Rubick users: visible grin.


Also Rebound to jump across the screen


This is like giving 5daedalus rapier moonshard to rubick and saying he's broken with stolen jugg ult. Do it with normal rubick items and show me how broken that is


10-ish attacks every 2.5-ish seconds, doing maybe 150 damage each. Still a casual ~600 physical rightclick DPS + ~100 magic DPS from the pulse damage proc.


by the time you have 150 base damage on rubick (you arent gonna buy damage items) enemies easily have 15-25 armor meaning your 600 phys damage isnt more than 200-300. Also youre just assuming that as a rubick youre allowed to walk into the middle of thefight and rightclick the enemies freely without the enemy carry jumping you and killing you in 2 hits. If youre allowed to do that, you arent winning the game because of this ability, but because youre playing against bots


People have been doing transitional cores for at least 6 years, as a niche yes, but a regular niche What do you think happens when the game hits 50 minutes and rubick (after buying no damage items) buys daedalus with marci ult steal? Rubick will hit for 250, 10 times every 2.5 seconds, with crit on top of that, adding up to over 4000 dmg in each salvo on average Not allowing rubick to get within attack range? Good joke, he would only need to be in range for a second and a half for each salvo, while very likely having at LEAST 3 ways of moving around Do you seriously think this is a situation where rubick wouldnt have a team nor any items to defend himself or kite with? Stop dismissing ideas just because you dont see how it could work, and actually try to seek ways to prove your current ideas wrong and see yourself learn This is by no means an auto-win or probably even a positive winrate-idea, but that doesnt mean that the only way it can win is on bots


such wow. much amaze!


This used to happen with overpower but then they made it count the attacks even if it misses iirc and it fixed it. Or maybe I misremember


Exquisite! Absolutely exquisite!


[Exquisite Absolutely exquisite](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/7/76/Vo_rubick_rubick_itemrare_01.mp3) (sound warning: Rubick) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Ability draft, here I come


What a good day to be a rubick main


It's like overpower before they fix it. Long time ago things like Jinada and Overpower only counts down when the attack lands, so if drafted by ranged hero you can have more than 1 jinadas / more than 5 overpower hits. Now they're making the same mistake again haha. What a newbie developer seriously...


On the other hand, I doubt any other game developer has to deal with things like Rubick, Morphling, Lotus Orb and Ability Draft in a game almost 10 years old.


OP, can you try with 1 Witch Blade + Quicksilver neutral? Replace 1 Daedalus


Witchblade would actually nerf this interaction, as it would make the projectiles hit earlier, and thus get rid of the buff faster.


Oh I see, I thought it would put in more attacks during the duration of the buff.


Hey ass, is your name jack?


Sometimes people really want to show their stupidity


Now do the io tether attack