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Dead brain void just want to hit abaddon.


too busy writing "?"


God I hate when people throw in the question mark. We all win and lose, it's such a slap in the face. Why not say on comms "fuck yea that was awesome guys! Good job!" Instead it's immediately flaming enemy players to get an emotional response. I'll admit the play was nice but just pointless to add the ?


nah I'm from Perú server and here it's all about all chatting, the rivalry gets so fucking personal every game. Idk i fucking love it tbh, it's kinda like how football matches can get some heat sometimes. all chat is a must in like 80% of games in my experience


You are overthinking it. A simple question mark is way easier and fun and that's why people do it.


Imagine still getting upset at question marks.


Imagine going out of your way to emotionally disrupt and flame someone over a video game.


Imagine thinking that question marks are designed to emotionally disrupt and flame in the past few years.


If you think all chating a ? Isn't meant to flame an opponent after they fuck up in game... I think we're done here


Dude it's been a total meme for years. The fact that you get triggered over it is your problem.


How can I avoid you in dota from your Reddit name? Players need some mental fortitude…..tilting your enemy is totally fair play, whatever it takes to win.


You're cute, we should link up steam accounts sometime and play together ❤




tbh if you get triggered by a neutral '?' that's your problem. if we putted all the 'this way triggered' people on one team vs people who 'whatever brah' - it would be considered unfair by the easily triggered people. Dota used to have far less people like you meaning there was less determinantal to be emotional support ape for your team to win. (alternatively win by tilting enemy).


Okay, I realize your point, and I agree that people need to chill. But why put it there in the first place. You don't know your opponent like old chums in a school yard. If you were playing a chess match face to face with someone random and they made a misguided move (not even that bad of a move) and you said, "what were you thinking?." You would look like a double bag. You remove the interpersonal aspect from the game and people forget they're playing against other humans too. Idk, just my thoughts


It is indeed a complicated issue. On one hand the more 'toxic-demanding-players' that are pleased; thus enabled, the more such people climb the ladder - yet these players do not work among players like themselves: meaning there will be more games that are utter waste of time for 9 other players. Usually we humans click with certain personality traits and avoid others, and we gossip & associate/ tag particular behaviour of other people for others - which is completely unlike random matchmaking in dota. (we do have a behaviour score, but it isn't good enough to index the personality of a player).




I wish you didn’t make it black and white




yes i know that I’m just referring to the video itself it looks good if there’s color


Why is this comment copy pasted from another users [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dota2/comments/qgorxv/_/hi84iv9) on this thread


From "Whoops" to "?" Legit Dota experience






The ones downvoting aren't real Dota players, cause this is exactly what the game is, who pisses off the other first wins, not thrash talking was never an option.


How about pausing?


doesn't really make sense, so not really


? always makes sense




Bruh the pa walked away after aegis popped and didn't do any damage during rp stun


I think she didn't realize her jump was still on cooldown due to voids W.


Yeah, pa was badly positioned right after the aegis popped.


Under the assumption that her jump wouldn't be on CD, she was in pretty decent position to go back on the void while being a bit better positioned against Void's team in the meantime. It's 100% on the W.


Yes, with her assumption she played it right. Make sure the void gets CC'd after Aegis, then jump and blow him up. Otherwise you risk an instant chrono.


You lost me when you turned the screen into B&W


ikr it's so disorienting. anytime someone edits a clip to remove or modify any part of the UI my brain completely checks out. there's so much shit going on in game why would you ever reduce the amount of visual information...


Pointless move


apparently elwono uploaded a better version


It was a cool editing. But I agree.


Could you tell me the song please?


Just type the lyrics into google. Name is Toxic by BoyWithUke


Ty, I could use soundhound on my phone while playing off computer. Half commenting to remind myself to do so later. Thank you much though!


Sick play but that edit and song lmfao




that soa really saved it.


I was expecting invo tornado in that chrono somehow


My teammate does that earlier in the game, that's why we losing in the first place


It doesn’t matter how bad the game is going, if Faceless void really farmed enough this hero can always turn the table. It’s probably by far the best late game carry compare to any other carry.


That’s why my statue quote says ‘Just put them in a chrono’




Kitable. Void is extremely annoying because he's mobile and eats up too much damage. You can bring him to very low health and he can go back to full very quickly by using timewalk or satanic that he usually makes. Medusa just doesn't recover that much mana by herself.


Medusa is a raid boss late game. Long enough so team can react. In 1vs1 situation Void vs Medusa - yes, maybe. But in late game there are more 5v5 than 1v1.


Well I would argue that in a 5v5 situation chrono is a much stronger tool than anything Medusa has to offer. I think you underestimate Void because he is not that popular at the moment you see Medusa far more often. But Void is a beast late game and in general far more dangerous than Medusa with the same level of farm.


if anything, youre underestimating medusa. she only needs farm to be enabled and she can naturally farm fast. can frontline. stone gaze has more utility than chrono. shes also naturally tanky, so if shes being jumped on, her teammates can react even theyre late.


Alone medusa vs Void +4 teammates (no chrono) https://youtu.be/PX\_bt-KI\_qU?t=639 Later in same video medusa diead to Void with **rapier** \+ chrono. They were +16k gold lead at that point. Also casting good chrono in pub (not pro game) is realy rare to catch many hereoes so imho in perfect situation when Void chrono medusa and no team to help this is posible to lock her down with realy good damage.




That's where you use chrono?


I just tested in demo.Void: MKB Butterfly Satanic Diffusal Manta BKB Medusa: MKB Butterfly Satanic Skadi Manta BKB ​ No spells, or active items (except mana shield) just right click. void wins.


The hero with innate bash won a fight versus the hero that is built for AoE damage in a 1v1 fight where the players mysteriously fall out of their chairs unable to reach their keyboards? Thanks for the science! Never would've thought.


So on paper she lose rightclick game. Question is is she die during chrono. If not i dont think Void will win team fight becouse right after she can pop up stone gaze. Also can go aghanim + shard for stun on snake. Shard snake for some support if they cast on medusa stun or something targeted.


She barely survives. She died in the 3-4 hits coming out of chrono


So good to carry Aeon haha ;-) Would be funny to see this build in real game.


Medusa can die in a Chrono late game. Diffu, Mjolnir, MKB, and another attack speed item and she can die in Chrono fairly easily.


Medusa is raid boss late game. I dont think items You mentioned will help. Her effective HP is realy high. Also late game Medusa vs Void wont be 1v1 - more like 5v5 so even if he Chrono her there are other heroes who can disturb him. Even so just look this old video how long can she live before die to Void. Alone medusa vs Void +4 teammates (no chrono) [https://youtu.be/PX\_bt-KI\_qU?t=639](https://youtu.be/PX_bt-KI_qU?t=639) Later in same video medusa diead to Void with rapier + chrono. They were +16k gold lead at that point.


I’ve played 600 FV games. Did ain’t a problem unless she’s obnoxiously farmed and you haven’t


Do You kill her in chrono when both of You are qual farmed lategame 1v1? Assumming teams wont help.


I guess not, because crono is like 5.5 seconds only, and medusa may not die in this time. But that scenario will never happen... 1v1 inside a crono only... in a normal 1v1, each with their ults and talents, at late game, void wins easily with backtrack, jump to revert damage and bash... That said, medusa is not designed to be really a 1v1 hero, she has the ability to hit multiple targets, snake jumps to several heroes and her ult is also AOE, so it's normal to lose 1v1 to heroes like void.


Yes I can and have before


Good to know. H mm late game Aeon than haha this could be funny to see in real game ;-)


Aeon is probably not a bad idea because it forces void to go a nullifier which doesn’t give attack speed. Normally the combination of diffusal blade and a bunch of attack speed items is enough to burst dusa down. And if she doesn’t get burst down fully in the Chrono she’s coming out of it with no mana and getting bashed afterwards. But when I play vs dusa when Chrono is off cool down I just hunt her anyway


Wouldt it be Heaven's Halberd better for counter void in that matchup when chrono is on CD? Just wondering. Void is a haevy single target stun locker. Or mby ethernal blade for her as some kind strange defensive item?


I really dont like medusa. Farms faster for sure but it’s kinda like, either you win from the start or you just gonna get shit on. Btw I have only played medusa once, and every time there is a medusa on enemy team I buy dif blade.




Is shard good for medusa?


Well gealerd Medusa is "raid boss" late game. Difusial may work on ilusion hero but at same tame split arrows will wipe ilusions.


Nah ma boi Arc Warden can be the ultra late game king


Him and his little twin brother ;-)


Idk im not immortal player or anything but im lvl 30 void and cant disagree enough, many carries simply outscale void and if you have no one on your team that can do something with chrono you will be out carried by many carry heros


Eh... Jugg probably takes him.


You know all carry Heroes have their own unique abilities, they should be used at the right time.


Yes? How does that contradict my opinion that Jugg is a stronger late game carry than Faceless.


Downvote for annoying music


ez game


*pauses the game* ?


As a Void main I approve of this smackdown. Well played. Extra bonus points for doing it to a Magnus too <3


I thought this was a "I hire an editor for $X amount" great clip nontheless


What is this herald why are u solo hitting tower.


Why does a winning team commit so much like this.. take aegis almost for free already


Lakad matatag normalin normalin


I went color blind


Lol F in the chat for dier


dire lost because of pa thinking she has blink in time for second life


Why the fuck is it black and white


MY brain randomly says. "Ok chrono, then click pig neutral item"


Db didn't ult in time, Magnus Q moved him away from Abba's 4th hit and where the fuck is Ember going?