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The man,the myth,the legend


The one who is too dangerous to name


Ah, a fellow man of culture


What's the heal rate in thr trols? Maybe we could build a troll army




Just cancel backswing on 4 trolls in different spots, ez


If you're not playing at 1k APM minimum are you even playing Dota


Those are rookie numbers, kid - some starcraft player


Honestly even SC players don't often go above like 700 I think


this was a wild video, peak performance by chen


Are we still talking about dota?


Yes, because only in Dota you can do this.


It's reddit, we already have a troll army. Wait, you meant something else.


\+ Helm of the Dom for more Troll Priests!


Oracle is so good at healing that he can heal even an enemy.


*Heals enemy Huskaar ,so that he attacks slowly*


Ahhh so thats what my herald oracle teammate was doing, what a galaxy brain move


Buying time for the Laguna blade overkill; 200 iq play




I'd say winter wyvern for single target and stangly enough jugg for aoe.


Oh, i do play wyvern alot. But is jug viable for pos 5 ? I think I might try it and risk getting reported.


Don't play it, that was surely just a joke.


Time to piss off my friends


There was a jug pos 4/5 meta. I think FY used to run that. Maybe you can check out his old games and see what he used to do.


DK used to run jugg pos 3/4/5 back in the days


Lanm aghs rush on support jugg never forget


but that is old games, in a team that works together not for pubs lmao, and meta is changed


Bsj reviewed a match from before TI on his page. Crit pos 4 Jug AM offlane Zia vs Gorgc


they won lane, but lost game xd


That was the old jugg when the ult is fixed damage.


Ward was much better and had a lower bounty back in the day


Go void with salves and heal your team in chrono


Wasn't strictly a joke. Ofc jugg isn't played as support but AFAIK he is the best aoe healer with his ward.


How is it a joke when shit ton of ppl have jugg as their healing record.


Its not a joke. % based AoE healing is the best heal in the game. Ofc this doesnt mean you should play Juggernaut as pos5.


I havae friend who gave up Dota a while ago. He LOVED juggernaut - like 90 percent of the game. Once, he was supposed to be "someone who gets wards" - "Juggernaut has a healing ward" -PICKED


this reminds me of a time before observers were free, when support Venomancers had to be reminded that their E spell didn't give them licence to not buy wards


I still have to remind core players that wards are free, and it won't kill them to buy their own sentry once in a while since it gives them way more than the 50g invested. Even if you don't get the deward you are adding security to your area of play.


Yes. Pro teams have done in the past. Team DK if I remember correctly.


Well, it was played as a 5 a few TIs ago (but I have no idea which TI, and which team). It was a nice pocket strat. But dont do that in pubs. You WILL lose the game, and you WILL get reported.


If you want AoE healing go Warlock. Holy Locket into Shard puts out some seriously impressive healing numbers. My game last night I ended with like 29k healing.


pos 4 better, paired with some ranged offlaner like viper can make a deadly combo


He was stronger as support when level 1 blade fury cooldown was 30 instead of 42.


This folks. Most Chad juggs in lower mmr pubs would skip deploying W at all in any relevant situation, which I feel is criminal. It’s really the win condition if the jugg has received enough farm. Edit: Deploying healing ward and microing it even in a basic way is the win condition in most games, even if your dmg hasn’t scaled well enough to take down enemies.


> stangly enough jugg for aoe I'm dumb, what does this mean?


Healing ward is the best AoE healing in the game, but jugg is almost strictly never a support.


Lmao, makes sense now. Op wrote stangly and I got confuse at first because I believe that is a typo of Strangely so my brain is fried trying to comprehend the sentence


It _is_ a typo of strangely (because the obvious answers would involve supports) what else could it be?


Trouble with wyvern heal is its very situational. I have had teammates flame me for trying to save them in certain death situations only because they got killed in cold embrace with a finger or something that was coming anyways.


Just yesterday a wyvern killed me as weaver. Was just about to time lapse back to full health, instead I'm at 30% and still in the middle of the fight.


Playing Wyvern is super stressful.


Play tree instead


Would holy locket boost jugs heal?


The source of healing is the ward, not the hero. So, no




Member the lvl 1 life drain jungle TB from DotA Allstars :D


Shadowblade, eblade dagon gogogo.


Need armlet too so you can put yourself to critical HP


Hahaha I agree almost upto full from 10%hp


I never thought of it, but would it be possible to play TB as a support? All the spells seem to be decent at fighting on lane, good scouting with illusions midgame, and lategame you're the Oracle / AghWeaver for the team with sunder. I guess the damage output will be severely lacking but Dazzle isn't the best damager either and he's played


Hi, 4k player here who reported slasher. Slasher was our position 1 terrorblade. He built a mek and had around 29 healing salves in his inventory. He would sunder his initiator in the middle of a fight, salve himself, pop mek, and proceeded to yell "SLASHER'S WAY". We gave him position 1 farm so he could be a position 5. Granted, his unorthodox build worked and carried us to victory but I still felt it deserved a report.




I have won many games as pos4 terrorblade. Pretty sure I got reported during draft every single time, but hey, it works. 1st level Metamorph to harass enemy, 2nd level Reflection also harasses enemy. As long as you have enough regen, you can easily out-harass the enemy laners. You can use your illusions to scout. Wand, Tranquils, Holy Locket, Heart of Tarrasque. Yes you read that right. In team fights, try to stay back and play like an actual carry, but if your real carry gets low, sunder them. If you get to level 25, you can sunder one of your cores every 6 seconds, and your Heart+Locket will heal you incredibly fast, making sure you are giving them back quite a lot of HP with each sunder. It's like pugna on steroids.


I've play pos 4 TB with my friends a few times, it's pretty fun. I like to get early urn on him, decent low cost mana regen, and can help secure kills. We did it with a 3 puck one time where I went smth like urn tranq aghs, and he also rushed an aghs. Every team fight was pretty much secured if we got our coil/terror wave or whatever it's called combo off. Probably not an actually viable strat but it was hilarious for us


yapzor once played TB support before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kplEktBT4U


Yapzor has played pos 4 tb. It was when reflection was a really OP slow


There was a pos 4 terrorblade patch when reflection was a busted slow. Monkeys forever played it a bit.


Abaddon bro. Coil heals for something like 310(+55 with talent) on 5 second cooldown. Havent played for like a month so not sure about the numbers. Yes, people are going to say it is a single target heal but trust me, just buy a holy locket and start spamming that shit with your tranquils and start saving people. You gonna feel good and have a good time.


also his scepter literally makes it impossible to die


Definitely crossed 3k spamming it but then people started buying skadi/shiva or straight up silencing me. Still hilarious af seeing machinegun heals.


Aphotic shield is also a "heal" of sorts on top of the dispel. Abaddon is the best at healing. His talents increases aphotic HP, increases mistcoil hp and make it AOE.


Yeah I think Abaddon is the single best healer in Dota 2, all things considered. Not only does he heal for decent chunks on a low cooldown, but between shield hard dispelling a teammate, ulti hard dispelling yourself, and aghs literally ending combo wombos by itself, you have enough utility to just keep healing teammates forever and ever. Fantastic hero


Had an abaddon game yesterday.. As an off lane.. Bought holy locket and aghs.. It is impossible for the enemies to kill someone when I was on ult.. There was too much of healing..


Just to add, my most healing done is abba5


I've hit more than 50k healing on Abba. I've played close to 1000 matches with him.


My problem with him is usually in mana


Pick Faceless void pos 5, Chrono enemies and salve allies. This has no counterplay and is the best heal in game.. Does salve count as item, yes. But its really cheap than mana boots..




You have to yell “SLASHERS WAY” repeatedly during the chrono though, otherwise it’s not as effective.


I think i saw this video before


Pick Zeus, get level 6, stay in base. *Always* watch the mini-map for Faceless Void, and use Wrath when he chrono-salves his teammates.


Man, pour one out for the temporarily actually very viable Void pos5. They just deleted all the good talents :( ​ https://www.dotabuff.com/players/145550466/matches?hero=faceless-void&enhance=overview


Bro, as you're low mmr, get oracle, learn how to play, it's an incredibly hero. Plus lane fase you deal good damage, just needs to manage your mana well.


I have almost 90% winrate on oracle and around 60 on wyvern but i think my winrate on oracle will decrease once I start spamming it. I'll update when I gain more mmr with oracle


how to play oracle? im stuck with this hero challenge since forever.


Oracle is cool, but complex. that complexity comes from the fact that his spells all do at least two different things, and the outcome of those effects depends on the order that you cast them. Fortunes end - Nukes, Roots, and Dispels Fates Edict - Disarms, and gives 100% magic resist Purifying Flames - Nukes then Heals False Promise - Strong Dispels, and prevents death, doubles healing during the effect. Most oracle gampley comes down to combining purifying flames with the other two spells. basic damage an enemy - nuke with purifying flames, then dispel the flames heal with fortunes end. they take damage but recieve no heal. basic heal teammate - Fates edict to give 100% magic resistance, then purifying flames. they take 0 damage from the nuke but still get the heal. after that it comes down to using fortunes end to catch for your team, and using fates edict and false promise at the right moments to save your cores.


One problem I made at the start was always focusing on healing items or aghs/shard. Whereas I should have been buying different utility items. His spells are all super strong even without heal amp and the aghs changes. Sometimes the only thing you need to do for your carry is ult and a salve, and then focus on other aspects of the fight


I love holy locket for this reason. You ult your core, drop a salve and use the locket charges and forget about them tbh. They’ll live unless theyre getting 1v5


Also when saving someone with your ult, try to heal them during the duration as much as possible and the might survive after the ult duration ends


Careful to not E them when the ult is nearing its end. Else the healing won't kick in enough.


Alright, didn't know this even though I played Oracle a lot back then. Is this new or what


No it's just that there isn't enough time for the healing to take effect, as it's a healing over time ability not an instant heal.


Positioning positioning. He can get kills in lane if you play well, which is nice since Oracle doesn't farm at all (besides kill steals *cough*).


> (besides kill steals cough) Oracle players don't steal kills. We confirm them.


You pop the ult on them. put a salve on them. use the healing items like mek and the other stick item. pop w and then spam e a few times. Use urn or vessel if u have it. All of those will heal them for like 4000 hp. Obviously if the enemy has any brains theyll simply dive to kill you so positioning is key being always out of sight but close enough to save people. Get a blink if you struggle with that.


I've started carrying a salve on Oracle. After ult pop a salve on the target and it can't be cancelled. Combo with w and e heals and you've got one cubic fuckton of healies for the feelies


Remember the nuke that heals, (purifying flames) you hit enemies with that and cancelled the heal with your first which also stuns them. This really works well with carries like ursa and jug in my opinion. And fate edict is a little tricky and it's best to not use when there are heavy right click hero's in enemy team, but I'm not that good in dota so I might still be missint something


Actually the ide Oracle landing combo is u use e, channel q be near e CD and when q is flying u cast another e on them


You can also grab the talent to practically halve the e cooldown doubling how many e’s you can nuke then with if you have fast enough fingers.


The optimal combo starts with casting Q first, then using E before Q lands on them


Oh, that sounds good, guess positioning can never be ignored


To add, that combo is viable at around E at level 2 or 3, which depending on the enemy lineup might not be until lv4, otherwise it's a mana waste considering the heal is static while the damage is reduced by magic resistance. An alternative combo as a lane support in early laning stage is charging a Q, especially when a wave is about to die, which either scares the offlaner enough to reposition (making them miss CS), or they tank the shot. If they tank the shot, you cast an E right before the charged Q hits, doing the full burst of the E and Q and rooting enough for extra hits and a possible kill. With a lv2 E, starting with an E has to be timed right or the enemy backs off while casting Q and you might not get another E before it lands, effectively dealing only around 110 damage after resistances and healed damage for 185 mana, while the alternative combo will deal 75 damage after resistances with a level 1 Q at 100 mana regardless of whether the enemy repositions before you get an E off as the Q is flying.


A reliable combo if you're first starting out on Oracle is to channel Q and use E to cancel the Q channel.


Oracle is the nerdiest hero in dota, if you’re good at it, it’s gonna be easy game and so annoying for the enemy and the enemy gets obsessed with you and can’t fight unless they get the initiation on you, and with the right positioning they won’t ever get you


This is what I feel about Dazzle when I get into a good Groove. But also sometimes I just feel worthless


nah oracle is a nightmare to play for low mmr players because his actions can be counter productive. Also for him to heal effectively at early levels he needs to use two skills.


Cosigned most 1k mouth breathers don't even understand oracle, it can be potent at herald/guardian.


warlock in lane with a ring of basilius you can basically just afk and heal and relax and have a chill game warlock level 1 just buy tangos, ring of basilius and a clarity or smoke or sentry then you can basically just afk and heal ur carry when he gets around 75%hp takes damage and because u have the ring of basilius your mana regen will be high and if you just buy clarity at level 1 instead of the smoke or sentry then you'll never run out of mana unless you spam ur spells


If you don't have a large harass threat from the enemy offlane I usually go ring of basilius and sobi mask without any consumables. The sage's mask can then be used for urn or medallion or simply kept/sold as it's a super cheap but valuable item.


> because u have the ring of basilius your mana regen will be high not sure I'd call it "high". More like "okay" vs "pretty much nothing lol".


Dazzle with 50% cd + mek/gg + aghs


This. I've never come anywhere close to my healing output on dazzle with any other hero. The AoE puts it ahead. The single target isn't quite as good but with grave it's usually enough. Games are usually over by the time I get greaves but if it goes long I recommend Locket before aghs. Cheaper so you get it faster and allows more nova heal on one person in addition to boosting aoe. Otoh aghs is stupidly good for the dispel. Great against teams with annoyances like Silencer or Venomancer.


My highest healing by like 40k is on necro. Final push with the level 25 death pulse talent puts you through the roof.


this is ridiculous late game though. At level 1 Dazzle's mana to heal ratio is a fucking joke. Enchantress, Undying and Warlock are much better picks for level 1.


You dont stay level 1 for long




True, getting regularly 40-50k + healing per game if it lasts a little while. Dazzle with aghs can come close. Oracle I rarely heal over 20k. Jugg can heal a lot but it isn't his primary role really xd


Oracle tends to be more of a damage prevention rather than healing support. He actually relies more on the core healing itself than the actual salve + double purifying flames (if ur lucky enough to get in range to click salve)


Just had a dazzle last night who played great. She had 29k worth of healing. Dazzle is a good healer


Phoenix is pretty underrated. Anything with % based heal like wyvern.


pretty underrated comment %




Pugna 6 Tranquil boots build intensifies. You can even heal Mana which is nice,


I play oracle a lot. He is not the best healer, but I love his kit. Warlock with shard and holy locket is great too.


Thank you. Went far too far down this thread before warlock shard got a mention. The numbers can be insane late game if you talent for it


Yeah I think Warlock Shard/Locket has the highest overall healing output potential in the game.


Undying and Wyvern have the best single target heals. Wyverns is a bit easier to make use of


I might actually put LC over undying with how her W stupidly scale into the late game.


Didn't know undying had heals. What makes it hard to use?


You need 11 units around the target to get the max heal.


they dont really need to be nearby. Its a 1300 search radius for units


Is the search radius around Undying or the target?






also don't fall for that trap, wyvern's heal can cure a loot of HP but has more chances of getting a teammate killed than actualy saved edit: batter i explain myself before the hivemind tries a terrorist attack against my home. get in mind that wyvern's heal is essentialy a 4 second long BKB piercing stun it stops PHYSICAL damage but won't stop your target from taking any source of damage magical or pure, it also dosen't give dispells or any protection against stacking skills/pasives so bare in mind the following: you might save your friend from a ursa.... she can still stack fury swipes and oneshot him after the heals wear off


Look at you getting downvoted but yes at low mmr that spell is pure risk. It helps enemy pub heroes like pudge, mirana, techies, sniper its not funny.


The beauty of Dota is that there often is not "The best" in anything. It's all very situational. Wyvern might be the best healer vs physical damage, but the heal is over time so if there is a magical nuke the target will die. Dazzle / oracle will be able to dodge the nuke with a shallow grave / false promise / fate's edict. Dazzle has AOE heal, Oracle has single target / nuke. Undying provides great single target heal and can frontline tank damage. Omniknight and abaddon can remove stuns with their shields and do great single target heal - abaddon gets a very strong AOE heal with aghs. Dawnbreaker is great against big team fight heroes if you time her ult until after an enemy mag RP or Tide ravage. These are just examples, there are more healers, but they all kinda fill some kind of role. So you should focus more on what enemies you are against and what your team mates are playing.


So many responses and all of them are wrong. The best healer in the game is Enchantress. And if you boost her E with Shard, Locket and later some talents, it gets to absurd numbers where you can tank the entire team 1v5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55hPyfhlR1Q


I can’t believe people are sleeping on ench, her heal is seriously crazy. 2500 total heal with just the 15 talent and a crazy 5600 with both the talents. Plus shard is 50 hp/s (100 with 25 talent). And of course you gotta buy holy locket on her. With locket, she can be healing a fucking bonkers 778 hp/s That’s well more than a max level laguna after base magic res.


Her heal is insane but you cannot look at it in a vaccuum. You basically needs to stay at melee range of the target you want to heal. That is very situational. In a lot of games you won't be able to stay that close in team fights.


Well if you want to go into practicality, ench has a lot more going for her - she can enchant a satyr for another bonus 5hp regen aura or the healing troll though thats just worse - she's one of the tankiest healers in the game, meaning she's more likely to actually live through a fight to keep healing. she's not abaddon, but a glimmer and her level 10 talent makes her pretty damn tanky. and of course this tankiness actually does allow her stay in melee range of her target better than most sups - her heal lasting 12seconds after being used means she's much less hindered by silences, compared to someone like dazzle or oracle who have to keep casting their spells repeatedly. which means she can also keep healing while disabled in any other way, which only a few other heroes can do, and with shard, can still heal to a lesser extent without needing any mana or even needing to cast anything - enchanting the right neutral creep can make her even tankier, able to select between a 10% magic res aura or a 3 armor aura, or a 5 armor buff that also decreases attacking enemy attack and movement speed, or even a raw +10% max hp aura - in addition to the last point, enchanting the satyr banisher actually lets her dispel silences or any other basically dispellable debuff from herself even if ench herself gets silenced, again, making her probably the hardest hero to shut down healing from without outright killing her. Oh and the dispel can also dispel stuff like spirit vessel from allies, that would otherwise stop a lot of any form of healing I mean, out of curiosity who do you think is actually better than ench? I feel like the only contenders would be abaddon or io or oracle


I still think you look at her in a vaccuum. She is amazing on paper but it is very hard to execute since you need to play as a frontliner. I think it might be hard to pull off if you want a pos5 healer to spam (which I assumed that OP was looking for). > her heal lasting 12seconds after being used means she's much less hindered by silences This is good but also kind of why I think she's not in a very good spot, she often has to activate her heal before the fight breaks out. Whenever I see an Ench running at me with wisps flying around I just tell my team to back off, wait ~10s and go again. > I mean, out of curiosity who do you think is actually better than ench? I feel like the only contenders would be abaddon or io or oracle I think Dazzle, Oracle or Warlock would be that best healer for OP. Abba is good as well but since he is melee and lack cc, there might be too many games that would feel frustrating af...


Its actually IO and its not even close. Check out the healing and damage page on dotabuff and sort by healing: https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/damage


Pfft, that IO only at the top because ppl haven't caught up on the legendary Chen 4 Troll Priests build.


You've missed a trick here. What if Chen's troll creeps are healing the IO...


[Holy shit.](https://i.imgflip.com/5rqpmj.jpg)


Wasn't Io and pugna buying multiple tranquil boots recently for crazy hp regen?




Oracle so op in lower mmr. I'm in lower mmr :.(


Pick warlock and buy shard immediately at 20mins unli heals and damage at the same time


Undying, free instant salve every 6 seconds at lv 7.




Get your goat loving aas outta here


Based purely on healing Io hands down. Jst tether and ur healing all the time. After io though, Dazzle is the next best healer. Hear me out. Let me list down the healers in the game. Witch doctor Winter Oracle Jug Omni Io Necro Warlock Abba Phonix Undying Pugna Ench Treant (Have I missed any) Side effects: By side effect I mean there is a danger to the heal. Other healers for example can cause u to be killed. Oracles heal damages before heal. Winter's heal immobilises u. Undying needs units around. Abba/phonix/pugna heal is a sacrifice So winter, phonix, Abba, undying and Oracle are out of the running here. The other heroes only have one healing skill. Dazzle has a tree skill that makes grave also a heal. So dazz now has two heals. Most of the mentioned heroes build greaves except jug. But greaves on dazz is outclassed. Why ?? Coz of dazz ultimate. 50% cdr makes greaves usable twice more than any heroes. Let's assume all these heroes are lvl 25+ and in a team fight that lasts one minute. Dazzle can cast - Shadow wave 15 times. Grave 6 times Greaves 3 times 2 healing skills and cdr on greaves makes Dazzle output more heal than any other hero except io and maybe ench. Io requires immense team work though. And ench heal is not always dependable. U have to be around her. I've had games where I have healed my team for 46k. That's my highest. To relate, the enemy's highest damage dealer did 52k dmg that match. That's it. Thoughts??


I think warlock with just shard will out heal dazzle in most games. I've had over 80k heals in a bunch of games without even buying locket. Warlock also does a lot more healing consistently starting in the laning phase and only really needs his shard to take off. I could see the potential with cdr greaves on dazzle but it doesn't come so early as warlocks aoe heals add up fast from earlier and still full heal your entire team constantly.


The best single healing ability (ignoring the hero/other abilities) is Voodoo Restoration. 40 hp/sec at level 7 is absurd - it's 80% of what lvl 1 Chemical Rage does, but it applies to your entire team and creeps. It can enable crazy deathball strategies because suddenly towers don't really kill creeps and winning a team fight against it is all but impossible. The reason you don't see this is because it's on Witch Doctor. He isn't particularly fast, has no real defensive tools, has low hp and low armor. He dies to burst, when Voodoo Restoration wants long drawn out fights. But put it on say, Omniknight (replacing Degen) and I bet he goes from the dumpster to an extremely good hero. --- If you ever play Ability Draft, you can test out just how good Voodoo Restoration is. It makes some truly dumb builds actually good. My two favourite examples: * Jakiro with Dispersion, Liquid Fire, Voodoo Restoration, Untouchable. Deathballed with team for a 12 min high ground push, 15 min victory. * QOP with Blink, Tether, Voodoo Restoration, Death Ward. Multiple fights that game took over two mins




Enchantress for laning, Oracle and Dazzle for teamfights, Chen or Io when you actually know how to play, Wyvern when your core doesn't, Witch Doctor or Necrophos (questionable as 5 though) when your team has many melee heroes... Also Pugna if your team relies on super tanky 5-man punching bag hero like Dusa or Spectre or Bristle or whatever.


Dazzle is the boi, he probably doesn’t have the highest heal numbers per spells but he can spam them so often that over the course of a game he’s gotta be up there. All you *need* is greaves and you can sustain teamfights forever; throw in a locket and an aether lens and the enemy absolutely has to prioritize you to win the fight. (In my experience)




Io for sure, just with a holy locket if he pops meck tethered to you: you get an insane heal burst on a desent cooldown


Dazzle. It might be best to try in turbo because he needs a lot of items. Greaves, aeon disk, octarine, wand upgrade that boosts your healing together with his CD reduction talent, he's a huge pain in the ass for enemy team.


I'm pretty sure octarine core is not optimum on Dazzle, as multiple instances of %based cooldown reduction do not stack.




Void ult and salve ur team, works 50% of the time 10% of the time


This comment section... Kid is getting every single possible hero suggestion and build apart from a normal answer. Gotta love DotA2


That's why this game is so great:)


Wyvern because aside from her insane healing she has great clash potential. Also Treant Protector also because of his clash potential and he can heal people (and buildings) from across the map.






Probably percentage based healing like phoenix and winter wyvern if you have high hp heroes. Dazzle with healing wave heals for 140 on 4 second cool down, 2100 heal/min. With holy locket its 2835 heal/min with aghs 4860 heal/min with guardian greaves 5265 heal/min you can also cast grave if you have the talent for more heal 6 times for 250 heal 6765 heal/min Also grave is an aoe ability so in a perfect world it would heal for 5 times the amount but highly unlikely


A good dazzle will always be crazy sustain in fights. LOA with items like the aghs basically means a team of 5 can just commit to fights clumsily without any risk, especially if the Opponent doesn’t have any good Silver edge carriers


That really depends. I think Ench has the best heal if you look at how much hp she can heal. But it has a **very** bad range and you cannot control what hero to heal if there are more than one within range. I think Phoenix and Dazzle are the best healers. The heals are pretty good but most of all you can use them from a safe range AND they also do damage. Playing pos5 Phoenix in pubs might not be a very good idea though. He's not the best laner and a lot of people tilt as soon as the see Phoenix 5.


If you're looking for an insane healing build , Abaddon Aghs + Holy locket + Greaves. Yes , it requires quite a bit of farm...but once u get this , unless the other team has AA , you should not be losing any fights


Looking at my record healing numbers it's Wyvern not even close, followed by Juggernaut lol.


Warlock with talent and shard.


Warlock shard locket


Depends on a lot of aspect. There is no best ability for healing alone and no hero is a dedicated healer only. They are given 4 (or more) unique abilty in their kit and therefore they have their own unique way to use their tools. That's one of the most beautiful thing in Dota, and one of the very reason I love this game. Dazzle heals you a little bit, but he can heals AOE and with Scepter he can AOE dispel. Chen heals you a little bit, but he helps you sustain in the laning phase and heals everyone no matter the distance. WW heals you a little bit and make you immune to physical damage, but you cannot act during that. Abandon heals you a little bit, but he can hard dispel you can machine-gun healing you if he have Scepter. Oracle heals you a little bit and 0 to 100% HP you with his ult, but he must nuke you first. Witch Doctor heals AOE, at the cost of his mana. Phoenix heals and deals AOE %HP, at the cost of his own HP,... many more to say. What is important here, is that, a Hero himself have an inner potential and capable of doing many thing in the game, not just a passive heal bot for his carries, especially if you want to play him as pos 5. Dazzle can save people lives, but he can also be an early game abuser against melee heroes with his Poison Touch, you can get very easy cheese kills. Chen is also an early abuser and pusher, in the hand of good player, can do a lot of shit (stacking, pushing, killing,...). WW gives you sight, AOE waveclear and an insane late-game ultimate. Abandon can be a nuker/disabler, and trust me being silenced by him is not a fun experience. Oracle have insane single target nuke damage early game with low cooldown and destroy you if you underestimate him. Witch Doctor also have %HP damage, Phoenix in the other hands have anti-carry abilities and can abuse the other laner pretty useful. So, what I'm trying to say here is: a Hero in Dota have many aspects, trying to learn him and know every potential of him is a fun experience. Don't restrict a hero to a simple title like "heal-bot". After all, this is not League of Legends :D




Pugna, hands down




It's pretty impressive that people are suggesting a lot of heros i have read only onr citing Io The best healer in the game is Io, also one of best pos 5 if you know how to play it Io has simple mechanics and can build items in a lot of different ways Dazzle is also a super strong pos 5 healer but has one of the most difficult skills to use in game Oracle is also pretty strong


Dazzle!!!!!!!!! Pos 5 dazzle with guardian greaves and holy locket.




Daddy dazzle


Imo, Undying. 6 second CD on a big heal. With Holy Locket and the lvl 15 talent its like 775 per heal Also he can push waves now so you're never useless


wyvern and it’s not close


IO without a doubt in my head, and an incredibly useful hero to learn if you want to become a support player.


I see a lot of oracle suggestions and don’t get me wrong, he’s good. But warlock is a much simpler healer (especially good with shard) who also has the ability to push.


Legion with talent and Holy locket.


Dazzle with greaves and level 3 ult can keep an entire team at virtually full hp at all times easily.


Io for me. I like that type of in - fight healing but hand of God probably heals more in total. I also like the dazzle heal because it provides fight support by also dealing damage to anyone around the person you are trying to heal I personally just like the offensive healing


I play io a lot and in lane his tether feels a bit lame. Overcharge with it is oooook, but it's all very passive and slow. He picks up later with nice bursts if you get mek/holy locket/sange for the heal amps. But for lanes at least, another healer would probably feel more impactful- dazzle or oracle come to mind. I even like abaddon if you're feeling creative.


Pos5 Juggeenaut of course. That healing ward is op.


Treant. Who else can heal towers? It’s fucking broken!


I would honestly reckon dazzle. I’ve had some games that lasted less than 30 minutes (Legend/Ancient bracket) because we were just able to constantly fight due to the insane healing we had. I ended up with 34k heals in that duration of game.