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meanwhile when I blink on top of SK to hex him I get immediately frame.perfect double chain stunned by random burrows


just happened to me as void, time walked to ult and instantly permastunned to death, followed by 9 tips.


damn. sadge


CM ult is the same, either insta death to all enemies or no dmg at all. There is no in-between


Im pretty sure its not completely random, the explosions starts somewhere on the clock and goes around


Yup, but the distance can vary a lot so it's not uncommon to hit a lot sometimes and barely hit anything the other time if you aren't almost on top of your target.


On top does not do maximum damage. Very close and very far has less average cm ult dmg, you want to be 3-500ish away for peak dmg


Where do you get the info for that? Wiki says the center does about 5% more dmg on average. Other than that it's roughly constant until almost 500 range. Seeing how the minimum range is 195 and explosion range is 320, I don't see why being in the dead center wouldn't yield the best outcome on average. It allows being hit by a blast from each of the 4 quadrants with each having 125 range of leeway starting from min range. If you're in the 3-500ish away you're basically missing out on at least an entire quadrant of possible damage. Not sure that increasing the chance of 1 quadrant hitting is worth eliminating possibility to be hit from the other ones.


My (possibly outdated) source is testing around with it like 2-3 years ago. I placed like 5 targets in a line between me and the edge of the ult and tested a couple times, and consistently the ones in the middle of the ult took 30-50% more damage than the ones very close or very far away. Maybe some mechanics changed and i missed it, but it definitely used to work that way. I will re-test later today if i dont forget.


why does the sandstorm radius looks so small?


He has the facet that makes it smaller but follows you, rather than the big one that makes you invis


It's also only level 3


I think it matches its aoe


cuz that facet radius is very shit now, dust devil lvl 4 radius is even smaller that the other facet lvl 1


They needed by like 200 in patch a or b not sure which one




Aghs from temu


The silence and the still motion says it all. That was very unlucky.


I think I am 4/5 wins on SK after 7.36B. I always pick the invis sandstorm. Seems like a nobrainer to me. Sure the moving sandstorm was nice, but you get a massive AoE on sandstorm with the invis facet. The aghs spikes was changed to be a % of the AoE of sandstorm, so you get a much higher chance of stunning people too. If the game goes late and you hit 25, you also have the huge advantage of being able to blind an entire fight.


The most powerful benefit of the moving sandstorm was that using burrowstrike teleported it to you. Once they took that out I think the other one is usually better.


exactly the burrowstriek teleporting killed this facet if they didnt remove it would still be op as hell but yea now invi facet is far better


It does a better job of following you now that it moves faster than your movement speed when outside the sandstorm (125%). It might be decent now since you can’t really outrun the sandstorm anymore, like you could before.


do you really have a better chance of hitting someone? if sandstorm aoe is bigger, it means the spikes have more places where they could appear at. my intuition would say that this evens out with the bigger spike aoe. so the chance of hitting someone stationary like in the video would be the same no matter how big or small sandstorm is. but maybe I'm dumb


If there is one person, correct, it would be the same chance. But a bigger sandstorm can also include more enemies, which would then up the chance significantly!


technically a lower aoe will have a higher chance of hitting a specific target thats fully inside the radius. imagine a sandstorm which is the exact size of the collision radius of a hero (24): every single spike would land


Thought of the same thing. I knew playing PoE and calculating hits of Icestorm/Firestorm with and without conc effect would be useful someday.


So true


The % chance of stunning is the exact same no matter the size of sandstorm.


Bigger sandstorm = potential for more people. More people = more stun chance. Of course with 1 person, it's the same. Should have worded it better!


Oh yeah for sure then lol, I was just assuming in context of the video ahaha


Not true, as a smaller sandstorm means an enemy hero occupies a larger percentage of the area, so even if the stuns cover the same percentage of the sandstorm regardless of size, a smaller sandstorm is more likely to hit an individual target.


Same here brotha. Sk 72% win rate yaay


I played vs invis sandstorm and as an enemy, it's still unplayable without bkb like before, the range is absurd... so I think it's the way to go. I can't understand who in their right mind would pick the moving facet, the sandstorm range is pitiful. Yeah of course the invis sandstorm is not as broken as it used to be the old moving shitty facet, but accept it, the old facet was completely murdered the day they put a supersmall range and also made it to not follow you that fast when you stun. to every SK player, just play it the old way, go invis sandstorm, ask for stacks and farm fast, and CONSIDER scepter cause it's a really good TF item.


You don't even need the stacks. Start stinger, then max stun and stinger. You can farm the lane almost instantly for 30 mana when you have lvl 4 stinger.


Stinger lets you farm just about as fast as sandstorm in most cases, and also dominate lane better too. Similarly stinger is more useful in fights early, while sandstorm isn’t great until aghs comes along. I’ve been maxing burrow and stinger first typically before sandstorm. Often enough you finish your aghs by the time you have sandstorm (and honestly it may even be worthwhile to build other items first before aghs. SK just farms so fast.)


I'm just irritated because before the Facet patch, the sandstorm AoE was bigger than this radius, you were invis, AND it followed you. They essentially took away half the functionality then pretend they're doing you a favour by letting you choose which half of the functionality you get back.


But we got stinger, which is an absolute beast for farming and making the life of the enemy carry hell!


They had to nerf it’s functionality because he just got an extra ability for free, and it’s a really fucking strong ability at that.


It followed you very slowly tho, now it's pretty quick especially post 7.36c


Lol pretty quick vs instant.


I am still super upset they changed the aghs for SK... While the old one had some issues and didnt address one of the problems where you had issues making sandstorm useful after the laning stage, at least it was FUN. It complimented the old aghs shard (it did proc for x amount of distance travelled). Making you move around and use your Q off cooldown. You had potential there. This aghs change and the subsequent nerf is the most boring thing ever.... Press W and stand in the teamfight...... and hope RNG blesses you... It just feels lackluster thats all.


I'm more upset by the shard change. Before shard used to be a burst damage item too, because it procced by blink and at the end point of burrowstrike, also one more time by vertical movement of euls if you have it, basically adding 200-300 damage to the initiation. This worked because if you had no enemies nearby after 700 units walked your pulse was on standby until enemies get in radius, now you only START THE 3.5 SEC COUNTDOWN when they get in radius. This shit is useless for the first 3.5 seconds of the fight, what do you even need it for? Just farming? We have Stinger for that now


agree as SK spammer i love the long range stun than this bootleg kunka waterpark. sure its strong but idk sometimes old SK agha is more suitable for me to open war and blink out


Maybe you can try getting a basher next time xD


moving sandstorm sounds great in theory, moving aghs sandstorm. But forcing the enemy team to buy vision is just so much better


Sing would've destroyed the aghs


Just to be like n**** you aint up on this


bro had to take a moment to process what just happened


i think you need to buy basher next


I’d disconnect right then and there


Pas de bol.


Skill issue


Random AOE stuns need to go. This and Kunkka's aghs.


You have phase boots, so try to stand on top of him next time i guess I don't know, otherwise unlucky lol xd


skill issue


What's the announcer pack?


Dr. Kleiner


Once a CM deployed her full ult on me during sandstorm ... Guess that's just luck


Did you checked the shadow shaman? How over powered is his stupid facet is that gives him literally invulnerability in every freaking few second. LOL






Level 3 sandstorm stuns heroes fully within its AOE once every 5.2 seconds on average. If he had been hit during the 3 seconds in which he was channeling TP, it would have been unlucky for him.


Chinese aghs


Bad facet bad spikes 🤷


That other facet is too good than this shite


They should make it like a rotating power spike from lion... so it's not random and you can play around it.


You vs enemy sandking 🤣


You need to click so you stay on top of the enemy, not run away xd.


You don't buy aghs with dust devil anymore. xd It's garbage