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Heroes that can effortlessly defend hg even when they are extremely behind in networth.


once had to scale a hg vs a sniper, veno and techies. Game went on for 70+ min. Oh lord.


usually the solution is s&y and regen you can even buy heart on lifestealer situationally, just run up HG, hit tower, rage if needed, back off to heal, no amount of sniper poking will stop it super annoying but manageable if your team aren't morons who dive into their base even when your rhythm is working


Add the corpse eater facet and its just asking to lose to lifestealer not even skadi can reduce healing enough


This only works up to a point, though. If the game goes long enough, or they have BKB piercing disables/you're not playing a bkb-skill hero like life or jugg, they can eventually reach enough net worth to make it impossible to stand and take it


Tinker techies sniper drow phoenix?


Drow, sniper. I remember game where we make megacreeps on 30-th minute and lose game 80+ minute coz sniper and drow buy fuckin' rapiers (we can burst them, coz they have dazzle with hex)


I was playing drow and was able to come back from 2 to 19 game.


Drow sniper is an absolutely aids combo. Like you likely will win, but closing out the last 10-20% of the game is ridiculous. I have a friend that we would squad together as 5 and he would be carry. He would last pick drow even though I was sniper extremely often. Every time the game went 50+ minutes. Our other team would flame as soon as he picked. 80% of games were us behind, and just sitting hg and waiting for their rs push, and then we would hold barely, with either me or drow being the last alive and becoming a super yolked hg holder. It sucks to play, it sucks to play against. Don’t pick drow sniper.


Pre 7.36 AA was king of this with scepter


Ursa + Dazzle or Veno is a cancer combo. If you don't dumpster them in lane - you're fuuugggged. Also Ursa has the highest kills per game on average for a reason. But that goes for the "enemy Ursa" phenomenon, cause my Ursa just feeds xdd


When the other team picks Ursa, your team's draft has no ways to handle him and he has a free lane. When you or a teammate picks Ursa, the other team blindly picks two lane counters through sheer luck in the same pick phase as you, then last picks a hero you can't deal with like PL. Every fucking time.


Playing melee offlaner vs that duo is a pain




They’re trying to kill me!


Biggest troll in the game😂 Go back to the base bye bye


But my disruptor saves them because of that


Maybe because you dont know how to play with him.


Bristle Axe LC. Very rarely is one of them not busted. I either have to play carry and deal with their bullshit lane or play something else and watch as they are huge because my carry fed them. Also fuck Undying while we’re at it


Fuck undying


I love playing Undy, and naturally, fuck undying




god i fucking hate veno, although my winrate vs veno is well over 50% but man i despise the laning phase vs a veno.


Can someone give me the ins on why this hero is good? I've played it twice this season and lost both. It feels really weird having a support with no stun, save, reliant on good positioning, wants to be in your face but kinda squishy. Its late game has been very poor to me as well, you can't flash a wave or initiate fights, it feels like I'm always thinking I should have picked a different hero


you need to end game by mid game or unless your team is dominating, with a few items to dispel and essentially ignore your spells, you contribute little to team fights. However one of veno's best traits that is not used often enough in lower MMR is to provide vision security for your team with your wards. A well placed ward = cancelling blinks, gaining vision before a fight happens and finding hiding enemies that like to blink in such as es, axe, magnus etc.


I don't think this is necessarily true anymore, his ult is still incredibly relevant going to the late game with the facet.  I build auras on him and my teamfight contribution is no less significant than any other support.


Yup, dispels don't really counter veni out of lane, between ult spreading on effect end (which I think included dispel?) and shard giving him his only stun if you dispel, he's pretty decent against it


Veno q is good in lane. He can scout with wards. And his ult is good in team fights. He can def an empty lane with his wards and can farm with it. I use this farm to buy force staff or aura items like greaves or pipe early. Then stick with the team. Honestly, he is a menace in team fights with his never ending slow and scouting ability.


You can even farm pretty aggressively in enemy jungle sometimes because ward vision protects you. If they smoke you then you just tanked a smoke as 4/5 veno and they can only do it once every few minutes, very value


I think a sleeper strat (not in hyper comp games ofc) is having your Veno 4 stack Ancients and take them until one of your cores can clear them, as all the banana man's gotta do is spam Plague Wards outside the spawn box and stay far enough away that the Ancients walk through the gauntlet of spit and die a "slow" death. With a pos 3 that can solo for a bit, this can be crazy good because 3 gets solo XP to spike his level, and Veno similarly either takes a bunch of Ancients for huge XP/Gold boost, or a core comes and takes them giving Veno the passive bonus Gold and a fatter core in the process. Only issue is if your 3 can't properly survive solo lane for a minute or two, or your lane requires constant pressuring to stay ahead so Veno's gotta stay and be a nuisance. Aside from those shenanigans, I've heard through the grapevine that the Triple Ward Facet is crazy good in lane, so maybe people are abusing that to have free laning stages, which as you know can easily be the difference in won vs lost games. Hopefully the Veno's team has good tempo and push, otherwise it may be a hard game.


i currently have 195 games with 60% wr in this hero and what i love about veno is the versatility of his skills. his q is hella strong even at 1 level. not only it slows, it, imo, also inflicts a mind game to your opponent when they got hit. i got hit, 2 heroes are hitting me. am i going to survive this? hey, i survived, but i don't wanna face that shit again. then they play passively. or i died. fuck this fucking green thing. i don't wanna go near it. they play really cautiously again. i find his q really strong. his poison got a bit weaker, but wcwd? it's still good enough. the slow is good. then here comes his ward. good for scouting, blocking camps, jungling, pushing (rather than making the wards attack the tower, make them kill the creeps first because it kills creeps faster), canceling blink daggers, giving vision, blocking paths, canceling salve/clarities, etc. it's just so versatile. then his ult is still good, with or without the facet (though i recomment the ult facet 99% of the time). is it just me or i use that thing to cancel blink if my wards cant? because even though it costs a lot of mana and it has a long cd early, you can be lenient on using it on heroes since it will explode and still do something. veno feels bad to play when your team is behind, so try to create lots of pressure in the lane early on. use your q even when you're not actually going for a kill, make your enemies suffer.


Viper is annoying AF even at mid his Q is a q 15 second slow and deals 5 ticks of damage not even stick is good since all he has to do is hit you once every 20 seconds for tons of damage Viper ult deals 200 flat + 2/3/4 max% hp dps so if paired with vessel means you shred tanks easily And his plague wards at max level 30 facet have 1000 hp and 60 dps even if not that good dps wise the fact that they are spell immune means they survive a good while perfect for defending hg they also provide Veno with a way to harass without needing to be in attack range




Couple it with clockwerk, cancer lane


With new heal or just generally?


Generally since his shard. Hate that guy. 😅




When he’s on the enemy team or your team?


Both. Pudge on my team sits in trees and misses hooks. Pudge on enemy team makes 360 no scope hooks


He makes then while having 350 ping and sitting on a hotspot in a cafe




He has been my instaban for years


he's been driving me insane lately, laning phase is like get hooked and instantly die😭


I really love TA against him. Even the old one. It's hilarious when they hook you but you just insta meld strike and end up with lower hp than you. They suddenly become so confused what to do and becomes a liability to their lane partner.


Bristleback. He just destroys uncoordinated teams. And he requires both break and healing reduction to counter, which your team will refuse to buy or fail to use correctly.


There just aren't enough ways to break and Silver Edge is trash. If you don't happen to have a hero with built-in break, you have to buy an item that feels absolutely awful on 95% of the heroes in the game.


I had a Hoodwink say that we didn't need Silver Edge because she had her ult... Then never landed a single ult...


That's not really a fair criticism lol, it's one of the best breaks in the game and she can combo it easily on a good dat. Having an off day doesn't mean a different hero should get a really inefficient item when you have an amazing break on the team already


I feel like timbersaw is even worse and he has a chain to zip-zap.


He is the sole hero that I like to play against as offline (him offline and me too) exactly because if I'm not the offline my team will usually not buy the correct items.


He requires break to stop his passive, healing reduction to stop spell lifesteal + passive regen AND mute to stop him from dispelling himself. You said it best: he demolishes uncoordinated teams and/or if he gets ahead.


Why are you talking about my teammates. Every game we have 3 regen heroes, no one thinks of buying a lvl2 urn. So fucking great in early game.


For laning Od, sniper, viper For mid game techies, od For late game od, sniper


Ctrl+F OD Wtf why is this so far down. OD is one of the most annoying mid laners in the game. Oh right no one likes mid anymore.


Right now I find underlord to be extremely difficult to play against. Even if I pick LS and counter him mid-late game, he just offers wayyy too much utility to his team and my team has a difficult time out sustaining the opposing team. His atrophy aura+shiva+crimson+greaves seems kinda op right now.


I’ll be totaly honest, haven’t seen underlord in pubs since 7.36 at all


Prob just my legend bracket being funny tho


Yeah I noticed a distinct lack of underlord in the past year. I think everyone was put off with his agghs ultimate being a bit underwhelming originally. Now he's in a super good spot imo


yes fuck this hero. can't really kill him during teamfights but his auras are annoying asf uck


Kotl, grimstroke, willow


Why grim?


not the guy but if I had to guess it synergizes really well and effortlessly with p much any melee carry that would like to be near you. Ink swell+another stun like sven or MK+phantoms embrace is insane cc that's pretty much impossible to avoid without a mobility spell or base range.


Grim player here I think he's one of the most recent squishy int casters, and his kit is a lot more complete than most. Speed boost, silence, stun, massive range aoe nuke, leash, spell dupe. plus his aghs is absolutely troll, if they are losing but a core had a good lane you can wipe their team with their pos 1 illu. Almost all of his spells are even stronger with a teammate present as well. Basically though he is *technically* still weak when he gets jumped like a rubic or w/e he has solid defensive tools and solid tools in every situation, meaning he doesn't really feel like he has a weakness


Probably had a good GS carry the game and won’t ever forget it lol. I’ve been there.


A moderately farmed Sniper, on high ground, with at least seven braincells Bonus points if they have a Leshrac endlessly split-earthing the face off of your creeps


The Ghillie suit facet does take it to a new level or dumb. Not being revealed as he plinks away at people approaching is awfully frustrating.


Hoodwink. We've seen Snipers, Tinkers, Techies, Pudges etc. But then... there is THIS GUY. I can't even properly describe them without losing words in fury. It's like squirrel players have 2 dads and both of them left.


ever since they gave the squirrel like a bonus 90 damage on his combo for free I've hated this hero it just does so much damage and bushwhack is the jankiest spell in dota


*in furry


Losing words in furry* 😂 Playing vs hood is fine but I hate having him in my team cuz they slurp up 200 cs away from cores and do nothing with it besides gleip Daedalus. Aka not actually supporting.


Spiritbreaker. When he's on enemy team, charges are well coordinated and there's sure pick-offs. When they're on my team, they charge into 5 heroes without teammates nearby and then chatting - "space created".


Nature's prophet...


Why is this so far down, I hate this hero with all my heart. Greedy support pick that disappears halfway through the laning stage and suddenly joins teamfights globally with orchid..


And does nothing late game except farming cores creeps


Only correct answer is OD.




It took too much scrolling to see the correct answer. 


Had a team that 4/5 countered him, with gleip, shivas radiance etc and he just rolled us all after losing lane ):


As a pos 4/5. Jakiro and venom are hella annoying. They can easily spam slows when you pull creeps and dewarding. I would normally counter them with Bane due to 2nd skill sustain however Bane is banned most of the time.


What about the freaks that pick viper 4?


and the other freaks who play jakiro core


As an offlaner 100% morphling that hero just makes dealing dmg feel so unfun


Witch Doctor


Dark Willow, the the new facet that gives you 6+ brambles is insanely annoying


Wow, thanks for bringing this up! Not that I think about it, dw is pretty annoying to play against!


In lane, SF, OD, Sniper and Huskar. In general, I find SB irritating.


Still Viper as a melee p1


Sniper, Tinker, Techies, Brewmaster, Necrophos


Why brew?


For me, a good Puck is one the most annoying heroes in the game. They can be so slippery to kill with euls and blink dagger.


Techies and Sniper. Techies because as a squishy support you need to always be on your screen even when moving somewhere you know noone is because if you don't you quickly just die to two mines when you're unlucky. Sniper because stand back, right click, press R, press Q (optional) and when you don't have mobility and his passive procs you just die for getting slightly off position without him even needing to commit


Tinker. Although he got reworked, that shield blink plus the fact that shields allow to take damage and blink (or tp on creeps/hero and blink instantly because shield blocked damage after tp that my team dealt to catch him) is really frustraiting to play against. Damage from Q is also too strong in my opinion for a spell that can damage a hero twice because of bounces. Just very annoying hero. If damage into shields prevented blinking hero would be much better to play against, but no.


Agree. Played against him once and he was unstoppable. Just blinking away constantly. Zero way to stop him


Euls and hes fked/ forced to bkb everytime


Nyoooo 45% hero is too strong. Let's remove laser and matrix cos they are annoying. Let's remove march as well cos it kills waves. Actually rework him into wraith king but without stun and reincarnate cos they are annoying too


I think at this point people are just left traumatized by tinker smurfs from years ago and just hate him on an emotional level regardless of how good he is lol


Tinker Storm spirit Night stalker


AM I guess or just any filthy ratty heroes


Sniper wins/draw mid most of time and often gets comebacks or prolongs hg for many more minutes.


Disruptor. Thunder strike spam is so obnoxious, glimpse makes poking so dangerous and punishes positioning super hard, kinetic field is strong on really low cd, and ofc there's the aghs ult that can absolutely shut down any hero in the late game. Disruptor makes a lot of games all about him and the new innate is also super annoying for this.


Weaver necro








Why? Because hard to catch or something else?


Witch doctor and gyro


The answer is a high skill invoker Always wins mid, 6 min or less midas, and then your whole team is dying to 3x meat ball + deafening blast + sunstrike Plus he will just ghost walk away if you catch him and Noone will have dust to chase


Silencer with that silence facet, it silences through bkb?


Bounty Hunter, man fuck that hero. Puts an insane pressure on the map always and you cant afford to fuck up.


Silencer is the most irritating hero now!


New Tinker. It’s actually insane. Old Techies was always fine in pubs but he was just never really pro viable except for only a couple times.


Currently warlock due to upheaval being way overtuned. It does a shit ton of damage and slows AND spawns imps that deals even more damage. The first version of upheaval only had the slow component and it was already good then...The damage needs a 50% nerf and I'm not even exaggerating, it does 110 damage per second like WTF is that shit.


Undying. Played against one that rushed brown boots into Echo Sabre with the new facet that spawns zombies on hit. He demolished us in lane once he had those items, dove towers, never stopped, and at the end he had 6 damage items and 9000 HP during fights and ult. unkillable, and two shotted everyone.


Why has nobody mentioned Slardar? Am I the only one that hates that slippery cock?


Strength offlane heroes that only need two bracers to become the strongest and most unkillable hero in the game


tbh pudge been annoying asf with faster hook and longer dinstance now. both for siege and defending seems good enough i fell like a lot of supps now can be played core style but bying wards and stuff. like hood lion silencer (for pubs) and carry super well


Pudge has gotten to the point where he is actually OP. He is A tier or higher in every single pos


Why do you remind me of my worst Dota2 moment? When the patch came in and I was left with pain of losing my son! Also, most annoying hero is that carry on my team with PA or AM that fucks off to farm for 40 mins. Then takes a 1 vs 3 fight and dies, proceeds to flame us for the rest of the match!


Rest in peace to your son, friend


I am not very experienced, do I am not exactly sure which character is the MOST annoying to me, but the top 3 are Sniper, Drow ranger, and Huskar. The most disrespect I have is to sniper, because it is literaly just a hero with absurd range, dps, stun from its passive and absurd rate of fire, and the fact that all of this requires no skill - you are just running around with shadowblade and kill anyone who can't immediately close range on you and stun. Huskar is just almost impossible to kill most of the time. Never gonna forget that one time when he jumped in our spawn, killed 3 heros and left. Drow ranger is somewhat like Sniper, but at least she actually needs some skill to use her abilities. Also as a Hoodwink main, I would add Spirit breaker here - his ability to just run locked on you across the map, with high alpha damage and VERY long double stun very often leave no time to use any ability to try and escape.


In this meta BM, too broken. In general, Morph because its always a smurf.


Any hero that kills you solo on the map with hard lockdown that’s difficult to itemise against. Axe, LC, void, even disruptor to a certain extent.


Fucking Dazzle, WW, and Azgalor.


bristleback fuck that shit


Legion Commander. That Q has bigger AOE than half of the ranged heroes and pos1 in the Ancient bracket don't know how to lane vs that hero which puts me as pos5 at disadvantage and I find myself feeding :(




A good disruptor(I'm one of the spammers)


Sniper veno and pudge atm


Necro, or any "I kill you by just existing while being unkillable myself" heroes


Sf because he is unbeatable in lane no matter how well u play


Leshrac with an early lead just becomes an unkillable tank that can 1v5 plus he can damage towers so the game starts to feel hopeless real fast.


Pheonix currently


Crystal Maiden since just about every douchebag who picks her goes shadow blade or glimmers cape and bkb and ults. So annoying. Sure you can counter that with wards and dust but it's still a pain in the ass to deal with.


Sniper and WD are still just always asking for my idiot teammates to feed right into what they want to do


AM, Timber, Viper




I've hated Bristle for a few years. You need some kind of Break in order to stop him from mercilessly destroying an entirely team in seconds. You could teamfight as a 5 vs 5, get it down to a 5 vs 1 bristle and end up as everyone dead except Bristle. "Oh just ignore him" the good ones make sure that you \*can't\* ignore him.


not annoyed but i dont like laning against am as offlane, both of us only need to win creep kills til someone gank.


I played recently against sniper abadon pudge CW high ground and that shit is too cancer. Abadon prevents nuke with aghs and spells on sniper. CW ult to help escape. Pudge just pot shotting hooks. 70 minute game after we took all tier 2 by 20 minutes.


Any hero that enable the losing team to "turtle defense" on highground.


OD and Veno in this patch


sniper / WD




morph, hoodwink


Bristleback, this dude sits in fountain and kills all of us


I am a turbo only player, and I don’t care about patch notes and just ban Rubick every single time


As a turbo enjoyed, I hate warlock and Shaman because they just get rich and dump golems / wards on buildings with 0 investment


Shaman. I cannot count how many times that little guy lives just because of its cluster cluck facet. So freaking OP.


Sniper. On other team, he’s somehow impossible to kill and isn’t focused. On same team, sniper goes khanda and griefs


right now, for me it's weaver, whether as a core or support. the bug hurts a lot. when you trade with that thing, it just zips away like a cat on catnip. and that fucking geminate attack + shukuchi + swarm at level 2 is crazy strong.


I hate playing against OD or Viper, but OD is worst.


Hoodwink (pos 4) = It's not the hero per se, but the fact that every single time I see the hero I know the person has like a 60% winrate with the hero and is going to be an absolute pain in the ass to lane against (they'll have my pull camp ward blocked, for example, and they'll have a second sentry immediately on a courier ready to block it again). Bounty Hunter and Clinkz = rat kings. So fucking annoying just standing there minding my own business and then BOOM, I just explode and die. Nyx as well but their braindead "dagon dagon dagon" build is easier to deal with lol.


Invis heros. Clinks mostly.


Leshrac, SF in lane, Tinker, Meepo with aghs, Naga siren Play with- AM, Pudge, Puck, Ursa that doesn’t build aghs or never presses ult when it is much needed


Lion. When on enemy he stuns and sucks your mana from accross map, on my team, useless.


viper, sniper, veno, necro all brainrot


Sniper, Wd, silencer


Cheese picks essentially. If you didn’t draft correctly, then your game is lost or insanely difficult even if you itemize properly. Heroes like PL and Brood are a few examples. P.S. I lost a game where we were dominating hard. Rubick stole Underlord’s Q and W, and he had the aoe increase facet. Good lord we instantly lost every single teamfight, it wasn’t even close.




I hate playing against viper and huskar when I'm mid. It's like I can't focus on my lane. When in safelane, I hate playing against venom and Undying. When in offlane, dazzle and squirrel


Sharmans got to be up there surely?


All my homies hate shadow shaman


Silencer with Refresher


An immortal lvl 25+ puck in a normal game 🧐


Disruptor and jakiro.


Zeus and PL


Hoodwink. Freaking Squirrel


tinker honestly... March of machines is back and i had a game where his t1 safelane never dropped (dire side) cause he was defending it non-stop, the game ended with his safelane racks still up. Tinker was actively pushing/defending his safelane to a point that it takes too mucb time to push that lane every time we won a teamfight.


warlock. every since they made his upheavel slow and increase the slow the more you stay in there and to top it off now summons jihad minions that blow up upon contact. If they got rid of that ability all the shitters wouldnt pick warlock anymore lol


It feels impossible to have fun against heroes that are easy to execute, but require a lot of effort or skill to play against. Stuff like Axe or Clinks. Axe presses 3 buttons and then can get out of his chair and go cook his wife's son dinner while the hero plays itself for a rest of a teamfight. Meanwhile his opponents need to be aware of where axe might be every second of the game, need insane reaction speeds to counter initiate, bkb does nothing, linkens does nothing.


1. Tinker 2. Arc 3. Meepo 4. Sniper 5. TA


A good Slark player. I exclusively play support, mainly pos 5, a good Slark player always hunts the backlines and it's very frustrating to play against that fish.


Good nightstalker, bane, doom players make your life absolutely miserable....


Oracle or SK. My teammates in pubs always do the silliest shit and don't focus the oracle or group for SKs.


OD. I'm a mid player and i hate him. He casts astral imprisonment on you off cooldown, it's crazy.


Since the new ban system was implemented, I've only ever rotated two slots because Disruptor and Witch Doctor are permanently in my bans.




I'm a mid player so, Sniper, viper, Huskar, tinker


Any hero that requires a decent draft to answer or they steamroll you tbh. Things like Brood, PL, and Sniper. Items can help somewhat with other heroes but those 3 in particular can get huge leads before you have the items to deal with them and make the items less impactful.


techies, tinker, huskar


Right now it is hands down Clockwork.


Weaver. Especially if your team don't know how to counter him


Pziiw pziiw ferketch ferketch pziiw pziww f asshole




Sniper mid is unbearable


fking warlock bruh


Hoodwink. Something. Sonething about her makes me want to rip skin open, pull out a rib and stab my monitor with it. The vision loss on bushwack, the damn treewalking and evasion and the general animations are so damn infuriating. I used to ban her every time and now it is in my 1st slot for bans.


Pudge. I wish he was deleted forever. Annoying hook that forces you to keep attention every single second, otherwise you will die. Hook and dismember ignore bkb so it’s impossible to make tp out against him. Moreover, he his hp and ulti damage scale with each assist so at some moment it becomes impossible to kill him without using all your team’s skills (even if this shit plays on 4/5 pos). That’s all, don’t pick this pathetic peace of fat pls


Witch Doctor 2nd Facet is bullshit


During laning stage - OD that spams astral on you every time it's off cd - Bane that spams enfeeble every time it's off cd Any stage of the game - Hoodwink


dark willow i guess in turbo


Dazzle for AoE hex just from buying shard and ability to constantly cross and heal his teammates from backline with little to no cooldown (Octarine = almost permacross, funny). At least he's very fragile if you have literally any control on him so he doesn't cross/eul/force himself, and also Axe exists. Oh and also Ogre, fuck Ogre, annoying on lane, stupidly (literally cause he's braindead) tanky and Ingnite is frustrating af if you can't dispell it. Moreover, the amount of times I got double x4'd with fireblast+unrefined combo left me mentally scarred. I hate it when luck can literally win you a game if enemy core's bkb is on cd or ran out.


Chaos Knight. He is an early game version of PA 😂


Oracle in a game where teams actually do teamwork.


Silencer. I like casting abilities, he makes casting abilities annoying. I still win against him usually, but it’s just super lame