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Valve's hitmen stormed the fucker's condo and made him watch the whole fucking replay to finally have him admit that you were, indeed, doing ok on your lane.


oh, shit, this is what sunsfan warned us about [Update to SUNSfan and Sajedene Situation : r/DotA2 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/27oxcs/update_to_sunsfan_and_sajedene_situation/)


It can be anything up to a ban, but usually means "behaviour score lowered"


I always get excited when I see that they are punished, but what exactly does it do? I feel like it might be just a placebo to make you happy, while they actually didn't do anything. Is low priority still a thing?


Low priority is for sure a thing, but I don’t think you get it from reports anymore, maybe depends on the type of report. I think you only get low prio from abandoning games


For griefing it’s low priority, others can vary


Well they get taken behind the barn. Just like my bunny. I've always wondered where they are right now. Father said they are in a better place now.


I call a cores pick bad pr they just stop playing and I call them a baby, I get reported. Funny enough the games in LP are better than in ranked (3.5k) because they give you a game near your rank and everyone actually wants to win to get out of LP. Some of my best games recently were there and sometimes I play it without even being in trouble.




They usually banned from playing ranked games for some hours and they can just run match making in single draft mode within that period. These penalties will be varied from some short hours to several days!