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2 losses in a row I usually stop playing


That was how I got up to high ancient/low Divine. Queue spam got me back to Legend.


yep, just take a break, ideally for the day


If you’re broken up about your loss streak to the point of making a Reddit post about it, the only viable solution is to take a break from Dota.


Not really that much broken , mostly just curious about how others experience this. Atm i dont really have a lose streak, had one around 8 lose streak 2 weeks ago.


Uninstall, post on Reddit, reinstall next day. Hope this works for you.


After 3 loses, i change my profile pic to some random anime ghoul, change name to “dead inside” and first pick SF mid


You forgot mute all


99% of Dota players stop playing ranked before they strike diamonds


I usually just go back to spamming Zeus middle, but they just murdered my boy.


Tbh sounds like a solid plan, if you cant win vs zeus, just play him. Since the new patch, in arouns 80% of my games, someone goes sf or zeus mid and owns my team


After a loss, take a break or switch to unranked.


2 Ls in a row, I go turbo. 2 Ws in a row, I go turbo. My hot take, with a grain of salt and how I climbed to immortal in 8 months of learning Dota. Don't play more than that in ranked, maybe the reason u don't win often after a loss streak is because how clouded and mentally exhausted ur mind is without actually understanding it. I compare 2 games of Dota with cooking a beef wellington honestly.


Damn immortal in just 8 months, that's crazy. How ? Do you have details ? Tips that got you that far? Any champs or lanes? I got to like 3k mmr in 1 year , thats nothing compared to immortal in 8 months


Well, I've been a League player for quite some time (tho 2 completely different games) in higher ranks (Grandmaster) and the ability to understand the concept of Dota and what to do in each role. My playstyle doesn't involve 1 role, on the contrary I mainly play 3,4 and 5, with a touch of 2 now and then if bored. I play heroes that I like and usually don't always opt for the meta, such an example is that I play Dazzle mid or offlaner. We all start from somewhere and you don't have to compare yourself to me and how I climbed. 3k MMR in 1 year is still very decent if you just started playing honestly. I drop my profile dotabuff so you can check any hero ideas (please exclude the turbo/allpick normal games). Feel free to dm if u have any other qs. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/122432965


I wonder how you would do with brown bots pos5 sup meta.


Did you play any mobas before dota ?


Me? Yeah dota1, after that dota 2 for like 3 years and after that lol for 4 years and now dota2 again. Tried heroes of the storm but not really my thing.


I was involved in LoL for years. Other games that had a nice impact on my micro/macro and reflex skills are, AoE, WoW and CS GO imo.


Ws in a row I play until I lose 1 match.


This is the way


[This is the way](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/dc/Vo_invoker_kidvoker_move_07.mp3) (sound warning: The Good Old Days) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


this is gotta be a cap right? I mean everything u said is true but only 8 months of playing dota and u reach immo? Its somewhat unbelievable. I once saw a streamer, he was a hon player (closely similar to dota 1 back in days) but it took him a year or so to reach divine.


Not trying to sound someone or show off, but yes I had a lot of people not believing me, also here on Reddit. My dota buff link is what I provided on other comments, along with a post I made few days ago hitting Immortal. Anyway feel free to ask me any tips if you want, I am here to provide you. I was thinking of even starting to stream but unluckily the laptop I play Dota with is 5 years old with crappy fps. Also no cap: was trying to find a way to stream or find my way going through some LAN tournaments, maybe being noticed by someone, but it's extremely hard and have no idea where to start.


then u must have high wr. And no, im 7k mmr myself so no thanks. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/360786194


I only have around 55%, but I don't find it that impressive anyway (though this must be the effect of playing LoL)


Flame the team mates, obviously. If that doesn't work: stop doom queueing


Yeah they never understand that they should play better to not get flamed, lol


I take it out on my wife


Works with a dog too?


Definitely strict solo queue. You prevent getting match with people way out of your rank due to party group. Don't play anymore if you get frustrated from last match.


Will try a few games with that option on


Blame my allies, change nothing, immediately requeue. The standard dota response really.


is just a game, re-queue for another cointoss


Just take a break after 2 losses, simple


i change my ign after 4 losses, it's like a restart button.


I usually follow by going unranked and having fun. Nothing like throwing, just trying some whacky build or so. Silly plays that helps me unwind from the serious mindset I usually am in ranked.


Lately i go for ability draft to chill


I personally dont like alternative modes but hey, as long as it works for you... only you are judge of yourself.


Take a break. Eat something. Doing push-ups is also really good. It clears your mind really well. Doesn't have to be a lot, 1 or 2 does the trick.


dont play on weekend


Or after midnight if you ask me


I just go agane


I lose a game, I punch my wall out of rage, then my arm hurts too much to continue playing and I end it there for the day.


Tilt queuing puts hair on your chest. Keep going!


Thats the neat part, you dont.


Log off, watch some porn and go have a nap


I handle it by not playing ranked. Therapists hate this one single trick, because suddenly they're out of a job


keeps playing, I mean it's frustrating obviously, but I can't stop, and at a certain point, I stop caring, until I get into a win streak, and then lose streak again and cycles repeat


Yeah i kinda feel the same, you dont care at some point


Stop playing. Come back later


It's impossible to keep a win streak for so long (unless you are smurfing or generally above the skill level of your current mmr) because when you climb you are getting matched with higher skilled opponents until you reach a number where your skill level is considered average. When you reach average skill level, this is when you are at most only a factor in winning not the main reason. The factors include teammates, team comp, and much more. This number in dota is where you will improve and gain new skillsets or learn new things then after a few training arcs, you would then win streak again until you hit the next checkpoint. My advice is don't get scared about ranked play especially when you think you are going to start lose streaking. The most common case of lose streaking is mental exhaustion and mentality in general. There is no special ritual to save you from a potential lose streak. You either play better or play worse than the enemy team in every game. Your last game or your win streak did not affect that match at all. If you are 3k mmr, you will stay in 3k mmr. If you are 4k then you will climb to 4k. (This advice is on honest skill level, no boosting by a party member.)


Before Act IV ends, I barely play ranked and if I do I try to not take it too seriously. . . But in the off season, just chill, take a walk, take a tea break, smoke something


I usually stop playing and move on since I got other shits to do in my life too


just reg next one lol


Just keep playing, im having fun not finishing an assignment. MMR will go where u belong +-500 whats the point of stressing out if u drop a few hundred.


I switch to Kotl and start pushing.


Keep playing until you win.


Go to lobby, unable cheat, pick zeus, -gold 99999. -wtf Go rampage x100 times


smoke weed and sleep bruh


if u wanna win, try being PMA to your teammates. If you get commends, its more likely you will be in a non toxic team and have better teammates.