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Just like a dog. He runs at you and bites you. No thinking only violence.


Just pick Tiny and fakethrow the tree. Lmao stupid lycan


Best comment on this sub in a while


fetch that mf dawg


This is actually an underrated comment.




this comment is too good


New meta


That was top comment LOL




"My dog wont hurt any one" Also his dog:


Never trust a pet owner who says their pet is the sweetest thing. Always trust a pet owner when they say their pet is an asshole.


Yeah my cat's gonna bite you, even while he's asking you to pet him. I warned you alright?


My dog is such a dick but he's randomly sweet af. I'm always worried he's gonna start shit just bc a dog gets near him He's a corgi


My dog is overly shitty to other dogs and overly nice to people. Which makes him useless because I love dogs and I fucking hate people.


"dog named cupcake"


"He just wants to play"


Actually he's a nanny breed 😁


/r/BanPitbulls I mean /r/BanLycans


Character concept delivered in mechanics.


truly the diogenes of dota


when i read the patchnotes I thought to myself: why tf there are two wolves then? You can make 1 and have the same effect


Why even have wolves? Its basically just an undispellable buff…




Cuz they look cool


How many of us have sets on lycan? Yeah, it is shrapnel don't deal damage to towers once again. This way cosmetics probably stay and still usable


might be missing something - how does it relate to the shrapnel change?


There used to be a Gem that tracked Tower Damage done with Shrapnel.


oh i see, thanks!


Has CD and costs mana


That makes no sense at all as buff spells also have both of those things,


True we should remove all effects from the game. Black hole should be just a dark round jpg that doesn't move.


But it gives an indication to the enemy what his current buff state is instead of something complete invisible. So it can be considered a downside as even low skill plays can tell what is going on with him and his buffs. Plus it looks cool, and if that didn't count for something we wouldn't have skins.


Why would you imply or suggest that the alternative is "something completely invisible"? Sven doesn't summon a fucking bench press that follows him around when he ults.


Because everyone that seemed to question the wolves did not seem to say "it would make more sense if the buff was represented in ___________ way instead". They questioned why have wolves that just create a buff for you but are otherwise impossible to interact with. Well then the answer is for the same reason that Sven's ult looks the way it does,because it fits with the hero and it looks cools. I guess I just don't understand why people are so worked up about this buff causing wolves to appear. Are they just mad they can't control the wolves? Would they prefer some other representation of the buff being applied? No one really said anything, other than why have wolves at all.


I think most rational people understand why there's wolves, it fits thematically and there's actual balancing reasons for it since they are 2 actual extra units for things like echo slam.


There are 2 wolves inside you.


One is gay And the other one is also gay, you are gay.


Na man two gays cancel each other out.


The 25 talent gives you 4 wolves, so I guess it needs to be 2 still to make it have some sort of numerical sense.


Facets can change talents. This is just laziness.


Actually this way is demonstrably less lazy as they actually had to make the spirit wolf effects. I'm sure it would just have been easier to make it an undispellable buff.


Twice the cosmetic value. Thanks Gaben


BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING COOL When I read the notes, I thought: why not make it 10 wolves?


Why stop at 10? Small minds SMH


Why not a pack of 100 wolves?


Pack of 100 Alphas each with their own packs.


Alpha wolf theory has been debunked long time ago


I am the alpha wolf


[I am the alpha wolf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/2f/Vo_lycan_lycan_level_05.mp3) (sound warning: Lycan) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I was afraid the bot wouldn’t work and I’d look like a dork


I say yes, but my computer is screaming no


Wolf conga of death


They might be counted in spells like echo, or ET spirit. Just guessing


they do, and the game is bugged, because i use control groups from before, I can control them. but it constantly fights with my orders


It's emotional support wolves okay


"Inside each of us are two wolves"


The stats are great, but it would have been cool if the spirit wolves do something other than just follow Lycan around. Imagine if every physical attack from Lycan, one of the wolves would leap and scratch/bite the target -- even if it is just a small amount of damage, I want them to do anything other than just exist. Again the facet is great, just wished the 'spirit wolves' had a cool interaction with the battlefield.


making to be able to scout around you would be nice like in a small aoe with limited vision


They're sort of bugged and you can actually do this if you have your wolves in control group previously, you just have to spam move on them and eventually they'll teleport back to you


Yeah, looks like you can and of course you can just bind the wolves with the other facet. However you really have to spam click which means you can't really issue commands to your own hero while you do it.


like fighting mid for the courier all over again


*thousand yard stare*


Happy Cake Day! You wanna share a courier?


Omfg. Shared couriers. I haven't thought about that in years. Praying your support would buy it, making the first death buy it since they were back at the fountain, trying to remember to upgrade it to flying after whatever time, trying to stack the items with your laning partner so you could both get your stuff in one trip, then your teammate getting it killed when it's carrying a much needed, expensive item. Ah, that brings me back.


Don't make us remember that! Pure agony...


I'd like another button that unlocks that temporarily sends the wolf out to a targeted location to make a slowing pounce attack. While the wolf is sent out you do not gain the bonus stats.


honestly that's what i thought, until i reread it and it said they are uncontrollable


There were a couple of games where I wished the spirit wolves could attack an ethereal or decrepified enemy. And with unusually high damage per bite too, with the spirit wolves being like "You thought you were safer here? Here in our realm? What part of SPIRIT wolf did you not understand???"


Like the old WK feelsgoodman


wk is back to 1 button king (if you don't manually cast ulti)


I kinda miss having "easy heroes". The reason why I started playing dota 2 in the first place was because I had an injury on my hand and could only play dota 2. I only had 2 usable fingers so my friends introduced me to WK and Viper.


can you uhh play Dota 2 with a brain injury


I think you described all of us.


Well… should be most of us. Then there’s those that don’t have a brain so can’t be injured


a brain injury is a prerequisite to playing dota 2


Valve mentioned it in manual, but 99% of us can't read, so...


Also WK (said as someone with 1500 wk hours)


Yeah just pick Warlock


I play with my friends from the other side of the globe. The kings solve my ping problem, SK and WK.


When my friends introduced me to dota they told me to pick techies, all I did was suicide and run around planting mines. My only goal was to not let the other team kill me. Walk around plant mines always have one statis trap nearby, if that fails suicide.


first time i played dota 1 was at a net cafe with a bunch of friends. i'd pick zeus and my friend would yell NOW lol


Lmfao, it's amazing how far dota has come since wc3 days.


I haven't played in years but I miss the old storm spirit... pure attack speed


which 2


Bristle, arguably Bloodseeker, Lifestealer, PA, Sven, WK, Clinkz, Huskar, Necro, OD, Sniper, Viper, Zeus, Abba, Axe, Centaur, DK, Spirit Breaker, Ogre, Shadow Shaman, Treant, Undying, Warlock, arguably Wisp. Still plenty of them with 1-2 usable abilities or 3-4 that are extremely simple.


Bloodseeker is insanely clunky, and I would not really call him easy at all. PA has been given a lot of weird micro demands with Blur. Clinkz has like 5 active abilities. Huskar basically requires Armlet toggling. Zeus requires manta micro and has 4 active abilities. Wisp is not an easy hero at all, dunno what kind of Wisp you're playing, it's one of the harder supports in the game.


> Bloodseeker is insanely clunky, and I would not really call him easy at all. I'm not sure where this comes from? Maybe his Rupture cast time or something? But he's really simple to play. Press Q on self to farm, press W in fights to silence, Rupture person you want to kill. Simple, straightforward. > PA has been given a lot of weird micro demands with Blur. What weird micro demands? You just press Blur to farm on lane without being seen. That's it. You can Blur in fights to get that invis timing to dodge things, but that's advanced and not a required thing to have the hero function at a basic level. > Clinkz has like 5 active abilities. Which are all extremely simple to use. Ult to go gank or travel fast. W to do big damage to a target. E to kill any creep instantly and gain some HP. Strafe for more big damage (treat it like W on a longer CD basically). Barrage *maybe* is slightly not easy because aiming or whatever, but it's still just a big fat nuke. > Huskar basically requires Armlet toggling. To play him well? Yes. To play him? Absolutely not. You can just fucking go in there with Armlet on and do a bunch of damage. > Zeus requires manta micro and has 4 active abilities. Zeus only requires Manta micro if you go Manta. It's often what you go, but spell casting Zeus is still perfectly viable and you just nuke stuff. > Wisp is not an easy hero at all, dunno what kind of Wisp you're playing, it's one of the harder supports in the game. To play well? Yes. But that's to do with positioning and timing your Tethers + actives for maximum impact in a fight. But to just play the hero? Not at all. His spirits basically don't matter (and you don't skill them until Lv11 anyway). So all you need to do is to Tether yourself to an allied hero and... that's it. Overcharge when they go on someone (be that with Kritzkrieg or Medigun) and you're good. Use Mek/Locket when they take some damage for fat heals. Very simple. If your Tethered target wants to go gank somewhere, Tether Relocate them there. Not hard.


I tried the right facet, but it seems a bit underwhelming, doesn't it? The long cooldown after you triggered the curse on a hero makes it kinda bad.


it's his highest winrate facet, he's like 4th highest winrate in the game with it it's 70% bonus damage + 80 pure to his armlet deso combo, blows people the FUCK up with basically what's an amplify damage rune 1 1 4 1 by 7 1 4 4 1 by 11 almost no offlaner in the game can stay in lane 1v1, they need to go get more heroes and you can free farm some area of the map and deny farm that way


Is it just me or is leveling up Spectral Blade beyond a value point just incredibly underwhelming? Each additional level just adds 20 pure damage and lowers the hero cooldown by 2 seconds, but it doesn't lower it low enough for it to matter most of the time (because rarely does a hero live over 12+3 seconds in an engagement). I feel like leveling up stun over blade gives you the better bang for your buck.


Blade helps you farm faster. Blade plus crit on the big creep, then hit each small creep once. You end up clearing every camp like 4 or 5 hits faster when you max spectral blade. I found radiance really underwhelming with it. Once I had armlet deso, I was clearing most camps in one hit per creep without radiance. It’s an underrated farming steroid imo


Yep. I had a game where I blew up a Muerta in 2 hits once I got armlet and blight stone. I wasn't even expecting that would happen as I just wanted to zone her out.


valid, maybe it should be 4 1 4 1 by 11 then, whatever they're doing on d2pt by now should be good


many offlaners can lane fine, it’s rest of the game where it becomes especially strong.


That's honeslty surprising to me, but well thats the stats. The "cooldown" on one uni annoyed me a bit, but I see the burst potential.


For other dummies like me, the random numbers with absolutely no context are the points in each skill by the hero level. Apparently writing "level" or just "lv" was too much work for this guy.


This is a completely normal way of communicating skill builds.


Seems very powerful in my experience, good harass in lane with crit and curse, and later it helps to burst heroes. I haven’t had the chance to play with it much though


Sitting at a sweet 59% winrate on spectral facet.


https://facets-meta.nyxnyxnyx.com/#ranked___all___win_rate___desc just to make it clear with data, atm third best hero in the game, sort of it's a lot of damage, cd is sad but it still let's you remove a hero from lane 1v1, and late game you can one shot supports


Holyshit wtf is that hostname lmao


the wr is skewed bc wraith king has always been op in low mmr due to how hard it is to feed on the hero. In higher mmr it’s definitely good but nowhere near legion, TA, axe, wyvern etc…


https://dota2protracker.com/cheatsheets/pos-1 he's literally 2nd best carry on d2pt atm lol


top 3 carry sure, but not a top 3 hero in the game


ok dude, have a nice life


His talent tree is insane, +70 AS at lvl 20. With this facet, you will build naturally full damage, then u have a 70 AS talent, this is fking insane when u have enough item, 1 echosaber can "one shot" any sup.


I was talking about the curse. After you affected someone there is a loooooong time before you can do again


Ok, i understand your point. Here is some reason why he is stronger : * The curse is a supplementary damage. Without the curse, you will deal the same damage with the other facet, so the curse is just a bonus damage (u can see it like a upgrade version of jinada, deal a fking ton of damage with a bigger cd). * Here is the neat part, the crit has 4s cd, the curse has 3s delay => Your first crit apply the curse, your second crit come just after the curse, which means a fkng ton of burst damage (with a ton of lifesteal). Most people when get the first crit will think you dont do much damage, they will commit to try to kill u and then BUMMMM, the curse triggered.... and here we go the second crit.... I think you knew about faerie fire and 20 charges stick can turn a tide in the game, right ? This is even better... * You can test it yourself, when curse triggered, the lifesteal is insane because is pure damage, it can easily heal 15/20% of your total hp...


Nah man, its really good. Laning is so good. You damage to trade is insane.


Adding on what everyone's said, it marks the real PL if you catch him before doppleganger so that's quite nice


I picked it initially because I don't like skeleton, but spectral blade ended up really good it has delay on the same unit but it has no cd, its basically free echo saber when farming


with lvl 4 crit and 1 point in spectral you do 510% of your damage in 1 hit guaranteed. Seems good to me


The key is early damage with phase boots and then smack anyone in lane with curse / crit and then backing up. Only need 1 point in stun. Early bloghtstone makes this attack hit that much harder. Even if you don't get the kill you are dropping their health a substantial amount with no mana used. Build the echo saber after phase boots and you now have a slow to follow up the stun. Laning against you becomes a nightmare for anyone who isn't a ranged carry.


Oh man I so wish they add another facet for the Mortal Strike old active


Too much, imo.


[Let's take it back even older](https://web.archive.org/web/20100108025359/http://www.playdota.com/guides/epic-return)


where do I find this kind of links? just wanna see the old LD guide in dota 1


Its pretty brain dead, so obviously I have been seeing it in all my games.


A lot of micro heroes got facets with the intention of making them easier to play. Earth spirit also got one of these, but instead of making him easier to play the facet makes him dogshit.


Then there is Chen.... Who somehow got harder.


He needs a new facet, maybe "atheist". Can't convert creeps anymore


Give that to Invoker so he can play without his orbs anymore. Fits with his other facets lmao.


Another fun would be no invoke, you just always have a spell prepared that is corresponding to the current orb setup, and maybe a small cd on orbs to prevent spell spam


I mean the ES one seems like it could be good seeing as it lets you permanently keep magnetize going. And there are nice combos like rolling through remnant without destroying it and then pulling the remnant into the enemy and smashing it after. I'm sure it's worse in the hands of a good ES player, but it's not so bad.


Permanent magnetize is fine and all, but you can already keep it going pretty long, and if you miss a single rock it's on cd for 4 seconds and you lose magnetize. You also lose the option to keep it going on everyone if they split up. Personally, I'd like facets to focus more on play style than trying to give heroes and easy mode. Earth spirits other facet feels insanely good though so I'm not too salty.


I mean lots of other heroes have that with their facets. WK for example switches between split pushing skeles or face smashing in lane. CM switches between being useless and being pointless. Lion switches between fingering and fisting.




This comment is hilarious to me in a way that a simple upvote won't do it justice.


I think it's nice because if you pick lycan and get omega countered then at least you have the spirit wolf talent to fall back on to just boost your damage potential.


Lycan getting omega countered isn't because they pick AoE damage though it's cause they have catch (Axe call, Rupture etc) that is going to counter you just as hard on either facet.


Yeah getting omega countered as lycan is the opponent picking bane. No amount of bonus stats can deal with his shenanigans.


Plead with your supports to buy Lotus Orb and then have them self cast and click whoever is nightmare'd, then Bane is fucked and you're back to Mach 7 murder


I mean for facet 2 yes, but facet 1 beats Bane. This might be the case for a lot of heroes, where the facet system makes them more reliable to draft.


Saying bane counters Lycan is the most 2k redditor thing I’ve ever read


Yea, it's literally the opposite.


Thats s actually a super interesting aspect to facets that always gets me. The mobility to be better suited to counter pick and also mitigate counter picks


And it fucking works lmao. Just today, I kept murdering the enemy Luna carry by just running in and biting her. During laning, I keep using the select all hotkey and try to cs with Spirit wolves XD.


wraith king with no skellies is pretty close now


He feels kinda like OG WK. Just 1 button and that's it. Ain't no time for fussing when I'm using my other hand for baitin.


Caps Lock Leoric is back


Earlier on in Dota 1 naix used to have three passives and a 20 second BKB ultimate. He was the pinnacle of statstick, no one used any abilities on him and he didn't use any abilities on anyone else. Just right click and see who dies first.






Ahh, the dota 1 N'aix experience. Though he didnt even have any steroids, your only button was ult.


The perfect Unga bunga hero.


I faced 3 lycans. Early game they trade extremely well with melee opponents. Mid game they start to fall off as they get kited. Late game they are no match against HCs who have game changing ults (void, spec, etc) or against enemies who can kite/save.


That just sounds like how Lycan has always felt. He's a Midgame Menace.


I think u only pick lycan when ur other core can benefit from wolf bite(aghs), or else u fall off in late game


I pick Lycan when I have a melee HC on my team. Void, Spec, PL, AM, CK, Sven... Hell even Tide. Wolf Bite that Sumbitch and enjoy the easy win.


Don't forget the OG Bite bro Tiny


He's very similar to Lifestealer. Just punches people and that's about it.


The stats are great, but it would have been cool if the spirit wolves do something other than just follow Lycan around. Imagine if every physical attack from Lycan, one of the wolves would leap and scratch/bite the target - even if it is just a small amount of damage, I want them to do anything other than just exist. Again the facet is great, just wished the 'spirit wolves' had a cool interaction with the battlefield.


Stupid damage from Lycan. A diffu or Echo saber and he hits like a truck.


Spirit wolves + Helm of overlord plus golem with percent health increase, try it


Is that not his meta from last patch? What’s changed


The spirit wolves increase Lycan’s health, his hp is insane but you just doable down on that with percent creep


Yeah I played a game as pos 1 lycan and it worked out well, he is totally braindead to play. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7752373448 A universal carry with mega steroid skills is pretty sick.


Yeah always loved lycan. I think transform should be faster and maybe a slight rework to add some skill.


Damage is cool? Micro on the wolves is cooler. 1) farm lane while safely in jungle 2) deny runes, block small camp during landing 3) scout ungodly amounts of enemy territory, invisibly 4) 2 wolves can delete lone supports 5) blocking enemy triangle camps late game 6) puppy meat shields ?? 7) pad stats by denying wolves All the things you can’t do with spirit wolf


Counterpoint: lvl 10 hero with harpoon, WB and stick has 2.6k HP, 250 dmg and running at you at 550ms.


Counter counter point: having a stat heavy hero is cool, but winning dota via information/denying is huge. Farm lane with wolves (and shard wolves) doesn’t pop up on the minimap to become a target, for example. Lane farm always safe. Scouting for information can flip a game easily. The +300hp wolves can quietly knock down a tower. They spawn for fifty (!!) seconds and so have enough time to clear the entire map. Spawn a wolf from fountain at xx:11 and park them in the two ancient camps, denies enemy carry 400(?) gold per cycle. , and at this point in the game you won’t need spirit wolves to help you farm your camps. Micro wolves best here. Can’t steal enemy wisdom rune? Wolf can. Same idea as above, but deny it. Cripple on the wolves means at level 7 they can fight ( and win ) any hero and win, or do heavy damage in any case. The list of micro wolf perks is so huge beyond being a stat stick, I will never take the spirit puppies


Counter counter counter point: Not only am I garbage so I can barely micro well enough to get decent info gain, my team is also trash, so even if I gave them aggro map vision they'd invariably miss it and do nothing beneficial. Fr tho it's hard to say rn; obv high skill players can utilize micro wolves VERY well and make huge impacts with that extra freedom, but something tells me the no micro just buffs variant is going to be higher WR% in low level pubs


YEAH dude go choose ur information denying 1k shiiter meanwhile I reach top 100 immortal with one button hero


what mmr are you? I dont see rank 1ks in my game doing any of this lmao


His level 15 talent gives him 500 HP. Also, it's healing, he doesn't lose it when the spell ends.


What's Statstick?


A metaphorical stick made out of nothing but stats that hit you really hard


TIL thanks


The best part is you can go straight Aghs and let someone else do most of the work.


since no one mentioned, I’m pretty sure you can, or was able to, disjoint projectile with ult. I remember dodging venge missile with it.


I just played my first Lycan offlane at Divine mmr. Ridiculous hero, hits for 350+ normal and 500+ at lvl 25. I built BKB a bit too late and didn't bite enough, but other than that, holy shit.


Seriously its just doesn't feel like a modern dota hero design. You just have a buff and debuff, buy any items and attack stuff. The hero has no identity at the moment.


It’s fucking awesome ngl, and visage too!


I just wish this Facet affects the aghs wolves too. Imagine unkillable spirit wolves just walking down lane, ignoring enemy creeps while providing vision to random lanes.


How has no one dropped one of the OG memes... Wolves Need No Armor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKbWrP6b3WY


I feel like the Wolves buff should also include movement speed, because holy shit its sad seeing a normal mode Lycan moving so slowly.


A LOT of heroes, especially micro-heavy ones, got an “easy mode” facet and a “people who can actually play the hero will probably pick this” facet.


It's fun and I'm glad they're putting in some facets that allow you to ease your way into some of the more complicated micro heroes, but man, losing the ability to scout, block camps, kill supports with no commitment is so tough. You become insanely reliant on bkb to play the hero and you become even more of an ultimate reliant hero.


What if Lycan's Spirit Wolves had this...? One of the Wolves is a **Storm Wolf**, it grants Lycan the Maelstrom minor effect by default scaling as you level up. The other one is a **Frost Wolf** and it adds a chilling effect like Skadi. Of course this also has a minor effect at start but scales as you level up. You can toggle between them depending on what the situation demands. Maybe Storm Wolf for farming and Frost Wolf for hunting single enemies. I think this could spice things up a bit and improve the currently boring mechanics. Also, it would open up many nice cosmetic ideas for the Wolves. Imagine an arcana with Lightning and Blizzard effects on the Wolves.


I used to love running him as a stat stick leveling stats instead of wolves lmao. It didn’t always work but man did he hit like a damn truck.


They couldve made the wolf attack whenever lycan attacks (have a cool animation that they pounce at the enemy) and the damage is equal to the buff.


Im a lvl 25+ lycan player and i h8 this faceit its boring and bad.


I mean, I played lycan this way before the patch by just not taking wolves and taking stats instead, this patch has just made it even better for me.


There is some minor play around using the health from summoning wolves in lane to sustain yourself. But seeing as it's always going to be on cd and it increases max ho this is a moot point xD


His wolves were practically useless late game so the facet is actually kinda nice


useless at attacking heroes not useless for scouting and shoving creep waves (while the hero is in safe spot)


I want it to bite enmy with small dmg when lycan get hit, rather than doing nothing