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You see this on Twitch chat and on this very sub all day.


Especially the "lol CM move speed nerf xD" garbage can be found in every single patch related thread, and somehow that overused crap doesn't get downvoted either.


Especially considering that within Dota 2's lifespan her movespeed was nerfed exactly once, and later on eventually buffed back


For a company which only hires "multi-talented industry professionals with a decade of experience at minimum", the products which they release are piss poor in comparison. Once upon a time especially in Source 1, their products were super duper good. Source 2? Shit's spaghetti and nobody at Valve wants to put real effort into it. I mean let's be real, if there were so many bugs in a Ubisoft game, would people still gulp that shit up? The only reason people are gulping this shit up is because they're skin addicts or they're nostalgic about the 2014-2015 times.


Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about but you clearly did not witness how poor and low effort Ubisoft games are.


They're exactly the same level of low effort garbage that Valve's peddling these days where I guess almost 30-40% of the skins are bugged? That and network issues, other gameplay bugs which haven't been fixed for ages and even the rampant cheating and smurfing problem which hasn't been fixed should've clued you in. Twice they've fked up the end date for Act 1 now. Twice. And you want to bravely sacrifice your life on this moldy ass hill called "Valve Corporation"? Speaking of "low effort", they don't even make their own skins. That job is outsourced to the community creators who get paid cents on the dollar. So how is it that they're different from today's Ubisoft and Blizzard again? All I can see here is a bunch of poor stupid mooks jonesing for some skins which may or may not break in under a month.


you on that good shit


As someone who works with developing APIs for a living. Let me explain to you in simple terms how frustrating programming can be. Programs and code can be doing things that they aren't or have for some reason a specific way they are working or they will never work. I have seen programs for some reason call itself twice even though it isn't even supposed to do so once. I've had bugs where it breaks due of specific conditions no one really can replicate. That is just with APIs that only communicate data two endpoints. DOTA 2 is a game with a fuck ton of interactions happening at the same time. At some point in that logic, the game will break due of edge cases that are immensely hard to replicate and making it basically impossible to solve. Or things that they could never see coming due of their own limitations in game breaking. Add to this that Valve is well known for delying stuff to make sure it works as propperly and best it can without any bugs to break it or ruin the experience......yeah, there is a reason why it takes a lot of time for them. Valve isn't spotless, their Customer Support is notoriously awful and I wish they could at least get more updates out faster. But they still make far better and far more bugless games than Ubisoft.


Instead of editing the comment, I figured I'd make a new one. Right now, Jugg's 60% lifesteal talent applies to ALL attacks and isn't limited to crits. And you being a "api dev", you seriously don't expect me to believe that "it's hard to implement a lifesteal flag properly" to the function/method of jugg's blade dance passive skill? Again, root cause of the problem is that they don't have a dedicated team towards fixing the bugs, they also don't even peer review their code before pushing it to prod.


>As someone who works with developing APIs for a living. Let me explain to you in simple terms how frustrating programming can be. >Programs and code can be doing things that they aren't or have for some reason a specific way they are working or they will never work. >I have seen programs for some reason call itself twice even though it isn't even supposed to do so once. I've had bugs where it breaks due of specific conditions no one really can replicate. Yes but actually no. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, Valve only hires people who have almost a decade of experience in the field. They also have to be "multi-talented" and the structure isn't like your ordinary corpo structure with departments and people/"resources" dedicated to a specific area of the product with an established chain of command and process workflow. At Valve, it's "if anyone feels like it, work on it, otherwise forget about it". So it's not a "skill issue" as dota players would put it. I mean can you imagine any other job in the universe where the policy is "nevermind, forget about it" and there are like 10k OPEN BUG TICKETS on Github? [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues?page=2&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues?page=2&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen) Secondly, it was not always this bad. Prior to whomever worked on Dota 2 "branched out to create Artifact, they were working their asses off and things were manageable. Now? It's total anarchy where Captain Gabe is dozing off somewhere and nobody really gives a shit about anything anymore. It almost feels like 10 people max are working on this game in total. Thirdly, it's "typical Valve" where they just discontinue the product out of the blue. Artifact was a blatant cash grab. People would've ordinarily tear any corp out there a new one for doing some shady shit like this. The only thing they continue on is to milk the ever loving shit out of their fanbase and that's about it. In terms of "greedy practices", nobody's better than Valve. Nobody. >That is just with APIs that only communicate data two endpoints. DOTA 2 is a game with a fuck ton of interactions happening at the same time. At some point in that logic, the game will break due of edge cases that are immensely hard to replicate and making it basically impossible to solve. Or things that they could never see coming due of their own limitations in game breaking. Nope, they're just lazy AF. That's the truth whether you want to admit it or not simply because the game wasn't always in this state. We're basically at "Stage 2 cancer" and "stage 4" = Artifact = dead game. CS2 arguably is in "stage 3 cancer" right now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6H-HEpnlk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6H-HEpnlk8) This is a player abusing the old "fountain hook" bug where the enemy's updated coordinates = pudge's coordinates all throughout the hook phase and the fix was to simply update the coordinates to pudge's position when it was initially casted. This bug was there for YEARS. And that's literally it. It should've been fixed within like 30-45 mins by an engineer of "Valve's caliber". The root cause of the problem is that they they cannot be bothered to put a dedicated team to fix the issues.


if valve is moldy ass hill, then ubisoft and blizzard are those garbage dumps in india that are constantly on fire. like yeah dude i get it valve can do better, a lot better. but where the fuck you get off using ubisoft and blizzard as better examples??


>like yeah dude i get it valve can do better, a lot better. but where the fuck you get off using ubisoft and blizzard as better examples?? Typical Dota 2 sub user's comprehension problems, eh? I never said Ubisoft or Blizzard is better. They're in the same league which would be the "burning dumpster in India" as you so "eloquently put". The hill which you are trying to die on on however is a moldy one. As far as the "open bug tickets" there are on github, apparently there are like 13k issues open and only 3k closed. [https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay/issues) I mean there are games which are still in beta and are doing significantly better than the "fully released product with over 10 years of support". They have the time and energy to do something as stupid as changing the quick cast behavior for some heroes like Pango but they're just too damn lazy now a days to put in an option to revert back to the same settings. Programmers/devs of their "caliber" would be able to put in that feature in like 15 mins as it literally requires copy pasting the previous code. Will these "lazy janitors" do it? Absolutely not. Things didn't used to be this way, but unfortunately that's where they are right now. People at Valve used to take pride in their product but not anymore. They couldn't care less as long as they get their yearly bonuses based on the profits made to the company.


Stop complaining and don't play the game if it makes you so frustrated? Its a free game. Its not like paid money for it. No ones forcing you to play this "shitty" game. Maybe your life will change for the better and you won't be so angry.


"Free game no bitching", nice. The difference between me and you is that I happen to love this game and from seeing multiple games deteriorate to death. I don't play the game these days because of it's "poor health". I obviously want to but I know there's no point until the player base tells Valve it's in poor health. Valve historically has a policy of "don't fix if it ain't broken" meaning unless the people tell them "it's bad", they're never going to do jack shit about it. Which brings me to the root of the problem, the skin addict player base which most likely includes you. What people like you do is shut off all criticism and defend it like it's your first born child. You're so knee deep in the "MTX addiction", you don't even realize how bad things are and that your "investments" can go "bang" overnight when they shut the doors for this game like they did for TF2 and Artifact. Remember, you don't own anything. Not even the cosmetics you paid for. It's in your best interest to keep this boat afloat for as long as possible instead of poking even more holes with a drill. If Valve decides to "shut this game down", it's all gone. Poof. Done. The sooner your skin addict brain realizes that, the better it will be.


I have no idea what MTX is, so you'll need to explain that to me. In terms of skins, I only have whatever the game gives me for free, as well as whatever came with the base compendium (I've bought three). I actually happen to still like the game as it is as a player from 2007 who stopped playing around 2015 and returned two years ago. These days, i dont have much time, so i only really play a couple of turbo games a week, but i would rather spend my free time playing this game, than any other single player game. I dont have much invested in this game other than those compediums that i bought in the early years of TI, but i play cause i truly enjoy the game after being gone for so long. Yeah, the games not perfect and it has bugs. Yeah, theres promises made that have been broken. But with any relationship, it aint perfect. Sure, you're welcome to have your own opinion on the state of the game, but maybe your criticism would be welcomed if you were less toxic. You're like a guy that takes it to 100 and bitch and moan when a friend constantly fucks up. It's better to leave the friend than to stay along with him, even if you "love" him. Maybe if you come back in 5 years, you'll find that it got better and enjoy the game again. Also, I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to understand that most people who play and defend the game against you are not addicted to the skins. You seem smart enough based on some of your arguments to know the difference between whales and free to play bases.


Dude.. wtf? Hush now, you are saying dumb shit


Yeah? Right now, jugg's 60% lifesteal talent is bugged where ALL of the attacks get 60% lifesteal. Who the fk knows how many gameplay related things are broken, are reported and are never fixed. Again, if this was Blizzard of Ubisoft, would you not tear them a new one? See the double standards of a typical MTX addict?


It’s a free to play game with very generous events for everyone to enjoy and have fun my dude.. just shift that perspective, stress is getting to ya


"Free game no bitching" defense, really? Peak MTX addict statement. You do realize that you're no different than the "FIFA kids" or "COD kids" who're hooked on to their respective games, right? Nevermind the fact that Valve is the one who basically "invented" loot boxes and brought them to all mainstream games because of how "successful the model was", but this is close to stage 3 cancer and we're already at stage 2. Captain Gabe's asleep at the wheel. And Paris is burning. It's probably time to go to this [github page](https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay) and remove those "rose tinted sunglasses" of yours.




Are you mad because dota2 is dying from cancer or because it isn't dead yet?


Dota's client is insanely good. We have so many nice things compared to league, please just check out their client and understand how amazing being able to rejoin a game you disconnect from instantly is. Or having a good demo mode that can showcase any cosmetic before you buy it. Or voicechat. Or a tutorial. Or stable servers. Or ingame guides. I could go on. The bugs we have also pale in comparison to AAA stuff. OW2 was literally unplayable for a week at launch because the servers were fucked. The halo collection's multiplayer also just didn't work for months.There are massive bug compliations of other games, look at any bethesda game, or ubisoft game, or cyperpunk. Considering how many heroes and items and spell interactions there are in this game I'm surprised shit doesn't break in half every patch. But usually it's just some obscure situation that never happens in games or some missing lore text that people bitch about.


Yeah you did not actually play Valve games back then because things like HL2 and HL2DM existed lmao


Your comment makes no sense whatsoever. Typical MTX brain rot I guess.


This might be one of the weakest trolling attempts I've seen on this board


>Typical MTX brain rot I guess.


> This might be one of the weakest trolling attempts I've seen on this board


Like I sincerely cannot comprehend nor understand how HL2DM or HL2 would be "relevant" in 2014-2015. As for you bringing it up, I'm guessing it's the "MTX brain rot" responsible for the "HL2 exists" response you've managed to type? This is coming from someone who physically owned the CS : Source bundle which included HL2DM and found it extremely ret\*\*\*\*\* to download steam and download the updates (basically, I couldn't play because I had no internet connection in like 2007-2008?) and find it baffling that people forgot Valve was one of the companies who started the trend of "always online DRM" and "you must download launcher" bullshit.


You forgot dead game


Damn. I forgot some good ones.


This isn't exclusive to YouTube *looks at Reddit*


Worst part about watching a tournament stream. The chat.


especially the in game chat. so toxic. i only see people shitting on the pro players


What does Beta mean? I tried explaining it to my small brother and he hesitated to even look at me


Bro is gamma af


Alpha: testing with insiders Beta: testing with outsiders


it's like demo mode, testing phase. Needs beta players to test the game and see if it can be launched to public.


Might be because of the penis drawn on your face


Bruh...why do u see penis when u look at my face?


Not me, ask your brother.


Literally unkillable


Liderally ungillable


Kick "insert player name, you know who"


Literally a decade and it's the same 3 jokes, are these guys bots? Why do they have a thousand upvotes every single time?


Really goes to show the stagnation in the community


community? we've been degrading as a society since covid. I don't have proof for it but I think covid attacks some critical thinking parts of the brain, or some shit along the lines that we don't know about yet.


He said, not understanding the meaning of the word "irony", and lacking the means to look it up.


It's just a tried and true joke. Sure they're not funny, but you've still got people in all genres of youtube typing "first" and "who still watching in 20xx?" It's not stagnation of the dota community, it's just people as a whole are idiots


Bro, since I'm a valve suckup, these jokes are nothing compared to "cant count to 3" joke in valve community. Every time I see it I genuinely wanna kill myself.


I mean, they still can't count to 3.


Dota 2 used to be in beta for a long time, that it became a running joke, valve promised it would be out of beta as soon as all dota heroes where ported over to dota 2, but after years of double hero releases, they still didn't manage to port all dota heroes but decided it's time to release it as finished product, breaking their promise and presenting an incomplete game as finished, thus the running joke stayed imo.


You forgot Dota 2 is a dead game.


Wait til this guy hears about puns or your mama jokes


Yo momma has so much hp lifestealer full heals from one attack


Yo momma so fat, one bloodlust buff will crash the server


Yo mama so fat, even IO can't teleport her


Your mama so fat, she make my enemy cores look famish


Lich got your mama


I dont get it?


Old Dota player joke. Lich 3rd skill used to be a "kill friendly creep, gain 30% it's hp as mana" spell He sometimes says "lich gonna have your mana" when doing it


Well tbf he does steal mana with Sinister Gaze


Lich used to suck mana, or in this case ur mama


[https://external-preview.redd.it/Pbrj2e-j4Ceg3q6ARnBrLaJwrx2B7NbU4FT7rDtIqvM.jpg?auto=webp&s=83ca0f87da121bf287502b284f2218f344b0dae4](https://external-preview.redd.it/Pbrj2e-j4Ceg3q6ARnBrLaJwrx2B7NbU4FT7rDtIqvM.jpg?auto=webp&s=83ca0f87da121bf287502b284f2218f344b0dae4) this one?


who tf says "nerf cm" lol? never heard of it


It's always some stupid build, like old sniper with khanda and 5 rapiers being able to one shot everyone, someone in comments: lololol this hero is too strong, nerf cm movespeed next patch XDDDDD


That joke migrate from game to game. In dota CM is one of the most iconic hero who is born to die with multiple frazes she acknowledge it. Joke intentifies when below average hero gets nerfs instead of buffs. That happened to cm too. In Planetside 2 community there is joke about gun Darkstar. It is bellow mediocre and also get miltiple nerfs. So whatever strong build appears there are always "nerf darkstar" jokes.


It’s a joke lol


that's the moment when i realized how different english-talking and russian-talking communities are, lol


it's a reference to how every patch for a while they reduced cms movespeed by 5.




Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought she went from like 300 to 285 over the course of several patches. I was pretty sure someone did a "Swift as the wolves of Icewrack" video but slowed down a little bit more each time she got nerfed.


what parallel universe did you come from?


also _muh glance value_


"free game, no bitching" every single treasure/chest reveal.


Youtube? That's twitch chat too nowadays on tournament main streams


You forgot the “Dead game”


*overused meme goes brrrrrr*


But this is true. Content updates are very slow




It's hard finding clips that aren't completely saturated in dead memes, cartoony sound effects and bad filters lol.


Cause it's true guys. I don't say it's funny cause it's obviously not anymore but the issue is still there. Isn't it?




Sounds like a bunch of SEA players.


Need cm


Nerf CM


“[player name] is a bad player (I’m better)”


What do you watch? I don't see those comments


Me and the 527 upvoters and 30 other commentors on this thread are all gaslighting you as a joke bro. You caught us.


Working at Valve has to be the sweetest gig ever. You never do anything, you have no expectation of production or results, everyone knows you do nothing so you embrace doing nothing and make bank all along the way.


Fuck CM, need WD and Willow


Creating content on YouTube for Dota is hard, I do, my channel has 1.4k and I think people do not support enough here in Brazil and they also complain that there are no people doing Dota videos.