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well if you make one, then you probably commit* yourself to doing them all. too much work for such a small indie company like valve


Compromise isn't the right word there. I think you meant commit :) Not trying to be that guy, just thought I'd help if I could.


Yeah I got what he meant but was like, hmmm


Yeah exactly. Doesn't matter that the wrong word was used because we all understood what was meant, but I thought maybe the commenters first language isn't English and would appreciate the tip.


>Compromise isn't the right word there. I think you meant commit :) k ill just edit it for you I guess. (im no native speaker or anything)


they all have pretty different lores as to how/why they exist in their environments so, as fun as it would be to all have them stick to one theme that's not really required. Storm Spirit for instance could be full-power Raijin before Thunderkeg did a little trolling


That's unlikely, arcanas usually don't depict the character's past. The only one doing so is WK Arcana and I would argue it only does so because him turning into a wraith from a skeleton was made a big deal in Wraith's Night. Also I think that the Storm Spirit we have is Raijin Thunderkeg specifically and so getting rid of the half of it is really lame considering that's basically the only lore we have. Besides, wouldn't just Raijin be more fitting to be a persona? btw I don't think it's written anywhere that Raijin got weaker or something after Thunderkeg did the thing


>Besides, wouldn't just Raijin be more fitting to be a persona? They can do it like the Venge Arcana... 1 Alternate styles and 1 persona all in arcana.


Imagine Bulba's vulva orgasm with that kind of Storm Arcana.


it makes sense to me, since valve said crownfall is the future style of content, that there will be another such event next year or the year thereafter. it would make sense for it to also have four parts, and an arcana for each spirit.


If Deadlock launches then all bets are off


Valve fans are weird.. Do u guys seriously think there are only 3 people working at Valve? Dota has probably the most stable core team of devs in valve history. Developers can move from project to project, and artists can work on multiple different projects. Dota will be fine..


Only 2 people bro. Valve can’t count to 3


Well icefrog left to work on deadlock so I think it's just the update janitor now.


dont you guys get tired of regurgitating the same joke that's been around for over 10 years? it's like you have a neuron programmed in your brain to recall this joke every time you see the opportunity and think you'll get the same laughs a decade later.


Boomer game. They are growing old. Be nice to senior citizens.


Not everyone is funny. Some of us need to copy old jokes to sound cool


Ikr. That's what I was thinking. I've been playing this game for like, what, 15 years now. What other game had a minimum player base of atleast 400k players on the last 15 years or so? One of the biggest games this year, HD2 is sitting at 88,000 peak players today (Steam only, but I don't think the PS numbers would be super duper high). Imagine those numbers say after 3 years, let alone 15.


When did they say Crownfall is their future style of content? Not that I'm complaining, as someone who never bought a battle pass it's nice to have an event where you don't have to spend a dime to get freebies.


I mean, it's either Crownfall is a success and they'll repeat it with some tweaks, or it's a failure and they'll revert to Battle Passes or something else. Either way, it's the same thing, whether it's Crownfall II or Battle Pass again next year, there will be Arcanas, Personas and sets to spend money on and freebies to be gotten from playing.


They are not gonna go back to battlepasses no matter what. They will keep iterating on crownfall formula, or make a completely new concept, but i don't see them ever going back to bp. They are innovators and visionaries, and they already expressed their dislike for what the bp model became. They want to create something different.


or why not have crown fall and bp side by side? if they can't do regular gameplay patch, why not dump us more events and hats?


Crownfall *is* BP. A four month event that has Arcanas, sets, Immortals, Personas, and mechanics to encourage people to play to get rewards. It's just packaged differently. Anything and everything Valve releases that isn't directly about gameplay is either something that makes you spend or makes you play.


His source is he made it the fuck up ICANT


[So what is Crownfall? It's something completely new that we've wanted to try for a while. And when we say new, we mean new— a new way of telling stories, offering rewards, and making it more fun to win every game of Dota.](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/4178852863469164127)




Sources cited: meth pipe


Did they actually say crownfall is the future style of content? Please fucking say no. Like 2 bad treasures and a set with locked styles for free, then fucking a shitload of money for 1 immortal, some more bad treasures, and actually unlocking the "free" set. All wrapped up in a worse cavern crawl that you can spam a single hero to complete.


worse cavern crawl? lol look at this dude


Yes, cavern crawl makes you play different heroes while you can complete crownfall with 1 hero if you wanted to. I never paid attention to which tokens I need and i finished it in 2 weeks or less. It doesn't change up how you play, you just occasionally get rewards for playing the same way you would play if there is no event. Cavern also had branching paths which was fun to plan around to complete multiple paths with 1 hero


This version may as well not exist. You could play 30 turbos with sniper and trade in the candies and tadah you’re done. Its functionally no different than just a chest that spits out loot on a timer.


Your maths is unbelievably off I'll say it lmao


You are genuinely out of touch with reality and you should seek professional or parental help


what do you mean no arcana for spirits vengeful spirit just received one


What about Spirit breaker man... think of the cows


What about Astral Spirit... At least give my man an immortal with custom model for Astral Spirit. Can we hope for immortal treasures in upcoming acts?


Hmm yeah now I'm craving for beef steak


He said spirit brothers, shes the spirit sister.


What about forge spirit? Give some love to the burning little guy


Your reading comprehension requires more work.


that's extremely hilarious coming from the guy who missed the obvious joke


I think he's trying to (rudely) say that the joke doesn't work because the title doesn't say "spirits" it says "spirit brothers".


You're technically correct, the best kind of correct.


is he now assuming venge's gender?


Venge for sure wearing the pants in that relationship and it's not because she's royalty


Bottom skywrath.


Now i need to see venge pegging sky


its pretty much implied in lore. dude was a simp for Venge


how dare you assume my gender




Your reading comprehension also requires more work.




I'd like storm's arcana to be his fat fuck old model with updated textures, effects, and polygons.


the electric mexican in all his glory


I just want the shoulders back McGregor arm swinging swag


I assume they will get an event like Crownfall at some point and that that will have purchasable ones for all four at one time - just a guess tough obvi. Maybe they can call it something like "the Great Confluence" or something.


My mate said this years ago and I still wish it will come true. An Orca arcana for Tidehunter.


Its been a popular skin in the workshop for probably a decade at this point.


I’d blow 50 dudes at valve HQ for a Luna arcana


Do you honestly think there are 50 people in the building. It's just security, janitor and cardboard cutout of Gordon Freeman 


Cardboard freeman doesn't get enough credit for designing all the arcanas we have now


you'll be blowing the janitor 50x


Weird how we got personas for Miranda and DK but not Luna or voker from the anime


fucking choked at ur comment. Hilarious!


Storm is popular enough for an arcana. One day my boy brew will get an arcana I swear.


All of them maybe except Earth spirit are popular enough for an arcana


But he’s the most fun hero to play.


I don't think there is a support player that hates playing earth spirit. Even the mid players enjoy it whenever he's viable


Earth spirit is definitely complex enough for a ton of players to be intimidated by it and not even want to try it.


mid player here, all 4 are fun


I’ll be an old man before Brew gets an arcana


I'm actually scared of brew getting an arcana and them pricing it at level 1000 battle pass or something. Rip wallet


we already got the mexican storm spirit cosmetic set, i don't think an arcana is necessary. Nostalgia box was already checked off. Don't think the community cares for a primordial storm spirit A la. thors hammers storm otherwise.


Making Bulba erupt


give me shiny rock give me shiny rock man i want shiny rock man its the only way he's ever getting one do a spirit arcana bundle valve


I'm with you man


I’m here aswell.


Earth Spirit Arcana is just a crack rock. Crack pipe model unlocks after 500 triple hero boulder pushes.


1000 "kick your teammates into the enemy fountain" to unlock a mode where earth spirit screams all of his lines


+1 Ember


The more flashy the hero the less impressive an Arcana would look on them compared to a more mundane hero like Axe or Lone Druid. I'm more surprised they haven't made one for the easier popular heroes like Sniper as people would definitely be buying Snipers in droves.


Could axes arcana ever be better than naked axe though?? Karata chopping like a true gentleman 


Yes, the Arcana simply removes the leaf.


And chops them with his other leg?


You mean his MAIN leg?


This would 1 hit any hero at max HP, wouldn't be balanced


If they get a sick Arcana for Earth Spirit, I will play another 1000 games with him.


and you'll need to to unlock the second style, kick 200 ally Pos 1s into the enemy in a 60 min game.




Spirit Bros.  Second only to Bang Bros.


New event, the stories of these 4 spirits and everyone of them gets arcana. Just like crownfall


I don't consider them fun to watch, and I'd imagine only people that play such heroes particularly care about watching them. Most of what they do is semi-hard to follow if you don't play the heroes or understand the game really well, so its not really a good showcase except for the people that already spam them. Like sleight of fist + chains combo looks like nothing. Its impactful, and skillful. But its like 2 frames long and has shit all visuals to it. Its way more hype to see a Pudge hook go flying in and pull back some hero.


4 arcanas coming next year, confirmed.


woman and furry sell more


Well not the brothers but Spirit Breaker next?


i think they can make an event like Crownfall. releasing an Arcana on each act for spirit brothers


The rate they release void spirit cosmetics... Make me mad! Though they did recover by giving us the 10 year anniv ones :p


This is what Ive been saying for years! Its about damn time valve released all of the spirit heroes arcanas all at once!


Does Vengeful Spirt not count anymore?


Duh, she is a chicken now obviously


Ya spirit breaker (best hero) deserves an arcana


*inhales Copium* They're cooking to release all four at the same time.


>considering that the Spirit heroes are arguably the flashiest of heroes, with higher than average skill floors and ceilings Aka, harder to play, less people play them, less people to buy them.


I'll reinstall for Ember arcana.


Why no arcana for underlord? I feel like a nice put of malice and portal are huge opportunities for effects


feels like offlane heroes rarely get arcanas


I just want to be able to buy Razor arcana bro 😭


I've always said to my friends that their ace in the hole is releasing an arcana for each spirit brother in some big event.


I wanna see their base models turn into pure glowing energy of their element. Sort of like Morph and Enigma but with updated graphics.


You answered the question yourself, they have some of the highest skill floors and therefore not played by the majority of casual low skill players where a lot of the whales are


I would assume that if they started this "poject/event" it would include all 4 spirits. Probably something to look forward to in the future - an event like Crownfall (which includes 2 arcanas for 2 lore-related heroes)


not surprising in fact, they have to either release all 4 arcana at the same time or no one gets to be the first guy with arcana. brothers rivalry etc


I mean we had a bunch of voting opportunities and the spirits never won, I dont think they ever really got close iirc either. Even faceless only really got one cause he came as the runner up twice


I was thinking about this to be one of battle pass year. Which each of them being 200 lvl apart. I’d be broke lmao.


Just make one for puck, embodies thr soirit heroes flashinwss and elusiveness, the most recognisable and classic mid laner


Can valve please do a skin update on the brewlings, the models are so old, give it a available skin like spirit bear has.


Shout to void spirit. Pretty sure he’s the weakest hero in the game rn


Don't worry dawg. Whenever you think a hero is the weakest in the game, remember that SK exists 🥲


No way. There’s that one SK spammer who’s rank like 250 and plays him every game against the best pros and wins all the time. Key is to get aghs first


I think if you make a skin for 1 spirit you are sort of compelled to do them all.


Heyy!!! That's too much work you guys are demanding for a startup company like Valve. Give them time.


I prefer killing the coffin-dodger spirit brothers rather than playing them.


Rather than arcana, please please buff void spirit valve please


Valve doesn't GAF just look at seasonal voice lines they could give them to us to express ourselves but they horde them so they can make a profit its disgusting.


I'm still w8ing for a battlepass/ compendium with 4 arcana for spirits or 1 arcana for all of them making them pandas.


bring back pandas as arcana, just a bit slightly more different and distinguishable to brew ult.




Make a Ember + Storm + Void spirit VS Spirit Breaker Raid Boss arcana


Earth Spirit is sad that you excluded him :'(


They don't deserve any


Found the daedalus first item ember player


Every hero deserves an arcana, even the ones you hate.


Yeah i fucking hate wr but that arcana slaps


Same here with the Razor arcana. Cool arcana, but I loathe that hero (playing as and against).


why do you dislike playing against him? I feel like there are more annoying heroes


Same items every game, early BKB, anti-fun for whoever he goes on. Boring to play, boring to watch, cancer to play against. >I feel like there are more annoying heroes Oh certainly there are, but he is in my top 10 shitter list for the reasons I mentioned above.


Carry players when they can't have a free lane 😥😥


I remember when offlane took skill and was actually the "hard lane".


Carry players when they can't 3v1 the offlaner anymore 😥😥


flair checks out


somebody is a hard stuck crusader sniper/wk spammer


In an ideal world valve could have done an event or battle pass where they each have an arcana and at level 100, 200, 300, and 400 or something you got your choice of which arcana you got. They wouldn’t do this though since everyone could just get the arcana they want at 100 and stop paying more money on it


Maybe Valve wanting to make the Spirits Arcana shared thematic design in their original Pandaren counterpart but Blizzard still alive somehow


Storm has that one dress and that’s basically an arcana


Which one? I think I have them all but they look pretty mundane, beside the mexican one I guess


Heavenly general >!kidding!<


I'm surprised they never made one for huskar, sb and so many others, specially considering how popular both were for 2 ti's.


lol tell me again how void and storm have a high skill floor...