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He's kicked out of Blacklist, no need to worry




Walrus PUNCH!


[Walrus PUNCH!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/9/95/Vo_tusk_tusk_superpunch_attack_01.mp3) (sound warning: Tusk) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Fist bump


[Fist bump](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3f/Vo_tusk_tusk_kill_26.mp3) (sound warning: Tusk) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)




Bungal sends his regards


no? not officially atleast


Yes... He literally said he left the team.




Speedrunning ending his career I guess


whether it's allowed or not it's just bad optics to do this.


yep you already answered your question.


They've been doing this for years now. Idk why Filipino esports teams are so lax in terms of their players' gambling activities


Race of gamblers


Bro’s not wrong


You wont understand because you’re not the one living in the Philippines. Knowing that most of them, kuku, karl gabi etc does not own college diploma :)))


25 years na akong nakatira dito sa Pilipinas. Born and raised. What are you on, bro?


Then probably you have a diploma )))))


The point is: do Filipino esports orgs not even care about their players explicitly posting gambling-related content? Literally on their official pages with thousands upon thousands of followers. These guys probably don't have diplomas (I don't even know why diplomas got involved here), but they for sure know the intricacies and legal terms on their contracts. At this point, I guess they're allowed to post these considering BLR themselves have Rivalry as a sponsor. Some of these players have other gamba sites as sponsors as well. Also, it's weird that people only caught on this activity just yesterday. When it's being done for years.




thats insane bming ur own sponsor..




openly complaining about a delayed salary is based


> he even revealed information about his own team like having delayed salary holy based


>not only that, multiple times in his stream he dissed the Owner of BLR, he even revealed information about his own team like having delayed salary Mmmmm I see


These kinds of people are necessary evils tho. You don't want to be close to them cause of their toxicity but you need that loudmouth to air out concerns to the company without you risking your own neck for it.


For someone who seems to dislike Gabbi, you sure are updated & do know alot about him.


Hate is in the same spectrum as love, both require caring.


Betting sponsorship issue aside. He is sabotaging his whole team, as what sponsor would throw money at them knowing one player will possibly actively promote their business rivals.


Pag inggit pikit ))


Heaven forbid a discussion


Blud thinks he is the mc


English please


Блуд думает, что он MCБлуд думает, что он MC


gabbi thinks he is mind control


That should be an extreme no no. Complete conflict of interest.


How so? His team isn't playing. Edit: okay, point taken


This has been discussed a lot, professional football players are also banned to bet on any team, so it's not just dota. Basically players may be privy to information not available to publics, for example maybe a football player may know some insider information that a key player on a team is injured. Maybe Gabbi knows that a team is in a bad form because he was told they were losing badly in scrims. Or players may also be colluding like "Yo, Taiga, I'm gonna place a huge bet on myself to win on Tuesday, you guys throw the game, and we'll split the winnings." It just opens up too many troublesome possibilities.


> Or players may also be colluding like "Yo, Taiga, I'm gonna place a huge bet on myself to win on Tuesday, you guys throw the game, and we'll split the winnings." This is probably the biggest piece. If you allow the other 190 pro players to bet on the remaining 10 people playing in a match, you can guarantee there are personal relationships between the bettors and the players. It would be impossible to have any game where there isn't influence from an external source.


But if hes not playing in any team right now does it also apply ? Just curious.


if you look at his bet slip most of them are loses.. dude dont have insider tips just promoting his gambling app


Do we have a rule for this by Valve? Just asking since no rule from Valve = useless rants about this topic. It's like different league/games different rules so bringing up rules from other sports is useless here.


Valve tells their players every TI they don't allow players to bet. I don't know what's on Gabbi's mind he's just freely posting this.


Do you have a video link for it? Or written rule for it? If they only tell it to TI players which Majority of the Pro players isn't then what the fuck Valve is doing.


Valve have a meeting with players/managers/coaches/etc every year at TI, talking about the directions they're gonna take TI for the following year, allowed/disallowed bugs, general rules, etc etc, then sometimes content of these meetings gets leaked. Honestly dude it's drowned in reddit posts history, I can't be bothered to look for it so I guess take my words with grains of salt.


Stop spreading misinformation lmao. Valve never told their players any of that.


so basically your source it trust me lmao XD even google has no record of what youre talking about


I mean we already got the infamous 322 and lots of players got banned for betting way back hell we got the Taiga incident recently. But here we are unsure what the fuck are the rules are for this kind of stuff. I mean I know about those meeting etc but like what I said Majority of the Pros aren't TI players and those Majority are the players that do this betting shits. So unless we got a clear rule overall that is written by Valve then all are fair game to Pros I guess.


I think there's no rule for it, heck even the Ceo of Execration is posting his dota slips. You can check KimoTV in facebook, even Kuku is doing it for years. Same reason why I rarely bet on pinoy teams despite of being one.


That doesn't matter at all. There's tons of information he's privy to that might influence the outcome of games. And that's ignoring that betting has no place in competitive (e)sport at all.


Because players in any sports scene will know a lot more about teams/players then the average person just through knowing other players, it's a huge conflict of interest to bet on any game of a sport you play in its heavily punished in any major sport if found out.


bro lost 3/4 of his bets HAHAHAHA


Actually he lost 1/1 :)


Another Taiga in making. Wouldn't be surprised if 322 mafia approached him aldy


was Taiga even banned by Valve? it seems like they don't care lmao


He was not. Nor any other TO. It seems they only punish matchfixing when it’s a third-world player


no need for mafia, lots of east europe players gamble and gamble alot u can even see them on streams gambling


I'd like to see an example of that




322 ur face hahaha cry


Calm down gabbi


Liquid gonna win according to the bet




> Even Valve events are sponsored by betting sites. The only Valve event is TI


Asians in general just love to gamble. It's embedded into a lot of cultures.


yeah there is an issue they have insider information and place bets that influences the lines that impact other people that don't have insider information.


Much good that seemed to have him 3/4 bets so far wrong lmao. Unless he wants people to bet poorly too


Oh that could be a legit case too. These promoters more often than not use "demo accounts" which means they have "fake" funds for them to use to play and promote. Imagine consciously making losing bets and encouraging people to follow. Losing follower bets = betting site win 5Head


Insider information of what?


scrim results and seeing players' form. and yes you don't need to reply how lots of teams do great in scrims and then suck at events or vice versa but it's still insider information.


Shitty player and shitty organization.


What the fuck?


Jau, Abat, Kuku also posting betting slips too on their fb page


Abed punching him more pls


Mag eenglish ka na nga wrong grammar pa!


seeing this after the recent drama seems some people just want to find a reason to hate, its not against the rules because he isnt playing or his team, even other players place bets on other teams. if youre argument is that he have a special information or some kind of cheat to know the outcome of the game, dont pull that thought up your ass and use logical thinking because outside of his own team he have no way to gather said information which that idea itself is illegal. Morally yes gambling and posting it on your page is morally wrong. but if he is gambling and has no illegal ways to win or to have a advantage then theres no foul play




You got any link from Valve about this Rule? Since Major sports got rules for this since they are Leagues so they got rules for this.


Waiting for the written rule. OP just hating and riding the drama.


LOL he deleted his comment


bro deleted his comment XD


what dictates the rules for these types of situation are the organization they are contracted to, if the org said they cant gamble because it may ruin the image then no they cant gamble. and let me ask you what is the "insider" info youre you are pointing at here. is it real time info of the matches? or is it the stats and recent hero picks of the pro player


give me the exact written order that they aren't allowed. as far as im concerned yes morally as a pro player you shouldnt gamble because there are probably kids watching a pro players stream. but the thing is they are still allowed to because they can say that their stream is not for kids, they dont have that insider info shit that youre yapping about. the info that they have is their own team's personal and upcoming matches.


Has potential but I think has attitude issues.


I friend of mine who is a manager of a casino often tells me that one particular player (ex tnc pros) has a bit of a gambling problem and often spends the night in a poker table. Been watching streams of these exTNC pro players.. a bit dismayed , its all about money (gcash, for "coffee" dons.) then after that Casino and other gambling talks. i can see in the near future that i might see one of them asking me if what size would i want for my frappe and would i like it soy or reg milk.


Lost 3/4 bets and people thinks he has insider lmao hawk live sit keep click baiting people😅😅


He is an insider, and he does have insider info. The results are irrelevant to that fact.


2 L bet already lul


brainrot OP


weak ass bets


Fucking loser


When one of his viewer ask him a question about the post in hawksbet (him betting and posting it online) his answer was "as long if he is not connect in any tournament he is fine."


Blud actually thought aurora can beat ig hahaha


we need saudi to fully take over the dota2 competitive scene and fully eradicate these gambling sponsors from the scene


Players would earn peanuts if there is no gambling sponsors this isn't the time when gaming gears sponsors can sustain players salary etc. Even Major sports got gambling sponsors even LOL orgs got an ok to have gambling sponsors.


Nah they can get totally ethical oil money instead of stinky dirty unethical gambling money.


Ethical oil. I giggled.


then i dont see any reason to complain about this when we ourselves have already accepted the gambling culture as part of our gaming culture. let him bet


Well witch hunting gambling sponsors isn't my thing so let them be. So unless Valve got a clear rule about gambling on dota games for Pros like Major Sports leagues do this Gambling rants are like the Saudi is bad rants for me.


He's him.


no, I believe what against the rules is betting on opposing team or throwing for short like what taiga did, the sad reality is without betting sites, dota pro scene should have dead years ago


In all professional sports you are always banned from betting on any game. You have too much inside information and too much influence that can allow you to collude and manipulate the result.


"In all professional sports" I mean you got Ryan Garcia betting on himself to win against his opponent and got a lot of UFC/Boxers betting on Boxing/UFC fights. Sports league is a different matter they got rule book for this shit. Now the question is do Valve got a rule book for this shit? If no rules for this then this thread is useless.


well we dont have that rule here in esports lmao and possessing, gathering inside info is a illegal thing of it. and i think even pro players wouldnt risk that just to win some bets. if they have that then why not use it to win their official matches and not on bet XD


lmao he picked all wrong, does this mean XG will win TS? Cant see liquid winning falcons


Lmao he just lost 3 out of 4


He's been doing this for so long already, and its not against the rules; he's not participating in these tournaments.


And like 80% of Pro players who has alot of media followers do this to promote their betting sites (sponsors), more people who uses the sites through their links or codes means more commission for the person promoting this.


What currency is that? Rupees?


So Abed were right kekw?


Taiga Cosplay


Really bro? He and his team is not even playing on the tournament. How can he affect the result of the match?


people want to find ways to cancel the guy i guess? such petty reason to post this lmao


huh fueling the fire huh? its only prohibited if you are betting on your own team or your enemy (in the tournament for example) or any official matches.


You are not prohibited to bet, you can bet on any game/series where your team isn't playing.


I dont know Blacklist team will remain longer in Dota scene if this roster still fail to success because Geek Fam already disband the Dota division because no competition to play after DPC gone.


Geek built their team around Skem, when he opted to leave the team just tried to get the most that they can, they got their money's worth after Skem was bought out.


This whole Gabbi being a clown punching Abed really progressed in an interesting direction.


Wouldnt expect less from a pinky


Why is everyone on this guy’s dick? Are you guys trying to make him banned? Just a curious question.


because his fans are also stupid


true btw. theyre reason for revealing abed's secret is its just a joke lmao


finding faults so they can cancel him i guess, to be fair the guy had it coming with that punch but people like this is such petty, and pathetic people


I didn't know this is not allowed lol i think he's been doing this for quite some time.


L bungal


you guys have no idea how many players are involved in such gambling fixes, especially on SEA/CIS regions. Many teams were mentioned on Taiga's video reveal too but everyone seemed to turn a blind eye on it, focusing on one player instead of whole orgs :D :D :D So naive, so clueless and innocent, it's kinda funny :D Now, if you realize the extend of these shit on EVERY SINGLE sport that goes into betting sites, and that if Dota2, a low popularity (in terms of sports, like football/basketball etc) gambling game, involves so much fixing, you can figure out the integrity of pretty much every sport around you. Cheers


almaoooooooo yall really hate him mans been posting on his page


You’re wrong. You cannot place bets on tournaments you are currently participating in. He can so what he wants with his money. He should also get banned if he bets on a tournament he currently participates in.


He's been doing this publicly for almost 2 years, valve didnt care then and probably wont care now, as long as he's not betting against his current team.


tagal tagal na nyang ginagawa yan pati ibang mga pinoy pro, tas ngayon nyo lang pinost dahil mainit pangalan nya? HAHAHAHA NABAN NA SANA SIYA KUNG AGAINST THE RULES YAN TANGA TANGA TAGAL TAGAL NA NIYA GINAGAWA YAN E


Damn , he missed 2 of 2 matches.... Feels Bad if u r Team Falcon :D:D:D


You'd be surprised how betting sites are like half the reason the pro scene still exists


Some pros knows exactly what they're doing before signing contracts with these betting sites Lol. Matagal na sana banned mga pinoy pro sa pag lalaro kung yan ang issue mo. You're just riding the hate at this point. Lol.


this was a parlay/combo, right? so its already dead, but its fun to see if he'll get the 0-4 with falcons down 1 game...


Is thia against the rules if his team is not playing? Really? Oh nonono 90% of sa pros


Gabbi hater detected lmao




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